Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 72 On-site voting


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Watching commercials and voting live in one of bbdo's largest conference rooms, a full 35 female employees poured into the conference room, standing or sitting in the back row.

Everyone has a questionnaire and a ballpoint pen in hand, waiting to score on the questionnaire after the advertisement is placed.

On the surface, Hudson Hudson, the ad director of the other party, seemed to be a man who obeyed the rules of the game. He took the initiative to say hello to Ronald and Darcy, "No matter who wins or loses today, they should be respected. I actually I really like the way you shoot. Miss Maguire is right, if you had the same resources, you probably wouldn't have done worse than me."

Come and sympathize with the losers now? It may be too early. Ronald had experience dealing with Britons and knew that they were not necessarily as polite as they seemed.

"It's not necessarily worse than you now, Mr. Hudson." Ronald replied.

Hugh Hudson showed a helpless smile, as if he had nothing to do with the blind courage of the young children and nephews, "Okay, let's wait and see the results of the judges' votes."

The trial rating was hosted by a less senior female manager who announced the following ad for two versions of hewels chewing gum, which would loop twice. After reading it, please mark your own score on the questionnaire, and the staff will collect their questionnaire later.

The video recorder marked the advertisement on the large-screen color TV set at the end of the conference table, and the female judges watched it intently.

Very two advertisements, played twice in a loop. Ronald's uneven bars version is called Ad No. 1, and Hudson's version is called No. 2.

Thirty-five female employees rated the two advertisements separately on the questionnaire.

The host began to ask the judges to hand over the questionnaires to their own hands, and a special person began to calculate the average score, and announced that their work had been completed and they could leave.

"Wait a minute, I hope these 35 female judges will stay and leave until the results are calculated." Darcy Maguire asked them to stay for a while.

Darcy Maguire got a box of hewels chewing gum and sent one to each of the staff who rated it, to give them a taste of the product.

Seeing this, Dan immediately ordered his men to bring a few boxes of Coca-Cola and distributed a bottle to the female employees. Ronald smiled at him, this guy thought he was bribing the judges and didn't know the situation very well.

The judges began to hand in the questionnaires they had completed, and then they all started eating chewing gum, each with a surprised look. The center of the hewels chewing gum was fruit-flavored. It was the first time for the female employees to eat it, and the taste was not bad.

Some people open cans of Coke on the spot,

After drinking, the sound of opening the can came, which made the gray-haired old partner very dissatisfied and gave Dan a sideways glance. This time Dan asked his men to dissuade the ladies from drinking for now, making the meeting room a mess.

The host got the score result, Ronald's No. 1, got an average score of 3.6. Hugh Hudson's No. 2, with a 4.2 average.

Because the judges didn't know who made the first shot and who made the second shot, the grading process was fairly fair, and neither Dan nor Darcy objected.

The white-haired partner motioned for the host to quiet everyone down and announce the results. All senior executives present, as well as the 35 judges, heard the results. The judges didn't know who shot which, and looked at everyone's faces to deduce the outcome.

Ronald was a little surprised. Although the questions in the questionnaire were obviously biased towards each other, the final score did not widen a big gap.

This is better.

Darcy Maguire was the first to attack, "The score difference is not big, we still go back to the original plan and let the test results decide which idea to use in the end."

Dan sneered, but seeing that there were still many female judges present, there was no malicious talk, "The score of the version is 3.6, the second version is 4.2, there are different numbers in single digits, the gap is 12%, there is no need to waste resources. On the /b test."

The grey-haired old partner stood up and said, "The questionnaire is scientific, it is a scientific method to use statistics to reflect public opinion. You all cast your votes. This is the tradition of America for 200 years. We This tradition should be respected. There is no need for time-consuming, labor-intensive real-world sales testing.”

"No wonder you have never been able to win David Ogilvy, you don't even know who voted for b." The old man went off in person. Darcy Maguire was an employee of bbdo and it was inconvenient to refute. According to the plan, Ronald scolded .

The old man's eyes widened, as if he didn't believe that anyone would dare to refute him in person.

Ronald quickly distributed the 35 ballots in his hand to all the judges, "Each ballot has two columns, 1 and 2, representing the uneven bars and the artist's two advertisements. Please write down what you remember. Two advertising selling points, I will wait and receive."

Ronald actually had more than 35 tickets in his hand, all of which were prepared by Darcy Maguire before. On the left is written 1 - uneven bars, on the right is 2 - painter. Below is a blank, without a single question, for the judges to write down the ad selling points they remember.

Ronald also sent one of the old hair, and the rest to the two partners, and Dan's people. "There are only two options on the ballot, the Donkey Party candidate or the Elephant Party candidate, remember? Voting is a civic duty, remember to vote."

Then he turned to the 35 female judges and said, "This is not a promotion test, there is no need for correct answers, just write what you remember, and leave blank if you don't remember. Anonymous voting, we will not use it to check. your memory."

They were amused and laughed, picked up the pen and wrote the advertising selling points that they remembered in the blank space.

After the judges finished writing the selling points they remembered, Ronald read the votes to the host on the spot and counted the votes on the mobile whiteboard.

The results were very one-sided, with all 35 judges remembering that Ronald's advertising selling point was "hewels taste better."

And remember Hudson's advertising selling point is "because hewels tastes so good, I forgot he's sugar-free" only 16. The rest is either blank or written as the selling point of Ronald's edition.

The old man didn't want to admit defeat, "The questionnaire is a more scientific design. Your vote is just the tyranny of the majority. The opinions of the people can't explain much. The business world still depends on the elites to run."

"Why, you accuse the election of the chief commander of being unscientific? Is it the tyranny of the majority?" Ronald said.

"Humph!" The old man didn't say anything, just lined up the ballots in his hand heavily on the table.

Dan seemed to have found an excuse by then, "Yes, this is not a scientific design, we should adopt the scores of the first questionnaire, that is the result of science."

"Instead of doing your 'science,' why not ask the consumers?" Ronald turned to 35 junior employees.

"Can you tell Director Dan how you guys felt about the hewels gum?"

It was the chubby secretary who spoke first, "I think this chewing gum is like candy. It's delicious. Sugar-free chewing gum is really tasteless. After chewing it twice, I feel like vomiting."

"But this hewels chewing gum is also sugar-free? A delicious chewing gum makes people forget that it is sugar-free. This is our core idea." Dan was still out of the situation, and he didn't know why his version lost.

The blond secretary also said, "Director Dan, we just want to eat something delicious, this sugar-free gum tastes better, we'll remember that."

"Yeah, there are so many brands of chewing gum, we can't remember them. When we get to the supermarket, we just remember that hewels tastes better."

"Yes, I remember that the gymnast in the advertisement turned out that the hewels chewing gum is thick, not the same as ordinary thin chewing gum."

Everyone, you expressed your opinion.

"How? Did we win this review?" Darcy Maguire asked the three partners.

The old man recovered from Ronald's offense, "You may have 35 secretaries to back you up, but what we have is the result of science."

Seeing the old man still refuses to admit defeat, Darcy Maguire's supporters in the partner are a little tired of this stubborn guy who has no advantages at all except his seniority, "Then let's 1:1, we still follow the original plan, let Sales results in Cincinnati and Cleveland."

Ronald and Darcy Maguire confirmed their glances, and the original plan was very beneficial to them, so they nodded in agreement.

Dan's patron in the partner sees that something is wrong, and agrees with the 1:1 statement, at least he saves face. Seeing that everyone agreed, the old man snorted and walked out the door. He plans to go back to semi-retirement and resume his globetrotting as well.


Ronald stood in the doorway and said goodbye to the 35 female judges, each of whom was given a few pieces of hewels chewing gum to express their gratitude.

In the end, the partners agreed to restore the original arrangement. The two advertisements are now being launched in two cities. After a month, the sales will determine the outcome, and then they will be launched on national TV.

Dan did not achieve the goal of killing Darcy's creative advertisement before the test, and spent a lot of resources to get the old man back to the company, which cost a lot of money. He took his men and left first. It is estimated that in the tests of the two cities, he still has to think of some ways to try to influence the results.

Hugh Hudson was so thoughtful that he didn't leave with Dan. He waited for Ronald to finish sending the female judges, and came up to congratulate them, "Congratulations, Ronald, Darcy."

"Thank you, we have another test to do."

"No, the next thing has nothing to do with me. After the filming is completed, it is handed over to bbdo. As for whether to use it and put it in the country, that is Dan's work." Hugh Hudson still prefers Rhone to the judges collectively. Germany's version is somewhat confusing.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me why these female secretaries and the front desk remember the selling point of your ad, but not mine? I know you can't cheat."

Ronald smiled. These artists were bent on making the film aesthetically pleasing, being a "writer-director" and forgetting common sense.

"They all work as secretaries, front desks, and artists. They are busy every day. There are so many things waiting for them to deal with. How can they have the brains to remember such complex ideas? Mr. Hudson?"

"Only things that can be said clearly in one sentence will be remembered by them."

"Things that can be said clearly in one sentence?" Hugh Hudson remembered this sentence and thought to himself, "Last year's midnight car was the story of an American escaped from a prison in Turkey, and this year Allen's film became famous all over the world. It's the story of an art school student. It seems that I still have to take David Putnam's story of the British sprinter winning gold at the Olympics as my first directorial work..." [ ]

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