"It's my turn, go away."

"It's your turn, I still have coins, be careful I'll beat you up."

Ronald vaguely saw two boys fighting over an arcade game machine.

The older boy threatened the first boy with his fists.

A copper coin was stuffed into the coin-swallowing slot of the arcade machine. "Du Luo", a crisp sound indicated that the boy had started another round.

A big logo appeared on the arcade screen, Capcom (). The following is the name of the game Final Fight. A bad guy called and the subtitle said he had kidnapped a singer. .

"It's doubles." The smaller boy said, and also threw in a copper coin.

There was another "Du Luo" sound, and the arcade screen jumped to the avatars of three people, which was the selection process.

"Then you choose the one in red clothes, and I choose the one in white clothes."

"All right."

It seems that the character wearing white clothes is easier to play, and the two even divided the roles.

A character wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, with Cody written on the left side of a health bar. The other character is dressed in red, with the word "guy" written on the left side of the health bar.

The arcade screen dimmed, and when it lit up again, two protagonists, one white and one red, appeared on the left.

"Hey, what kind of game is this? It seems very fun." On the arcade in Ronald's dream, a street scene appeared, with many gasoline barrels in the middle separating the two sides, and the two protagonists on the left.

A very big bad guy is on the right side of the screen, holding a beautiful woman in red and laughing proudly.

"Ha, hahahahaha" a rough laugh came from the arcade speaker.

"Hey, there's also dubbing?" Although it's not perfect, Ronald feels that this kind of dubbing is so advanced in an arcade game.

"Yahoo, uncle!" the two protagonists shouted in unison, and each used a unique move, a whirlwind kick, which exploded the gasoline barrel in the middle. Then the two chased the bad guy holding the beautiful woman and headed towards him. Chase forward.

"Ahh..." A few minions,

After being beaten to a standstill by the protagonist, the boy didn't know what trick he used to throw the bad guy from behind, causing him to fall to the ground and die.

"This game is so fun." Ronald was very excited. Isn't this Cody the protagonist of "Streets of Rage"? The guy in red clothes seems to be the Chinese character I mentioned casually.

The last big guy that no one picked. Ronald guessed that this was probably the original image of McCoy in the script, which was replaced by a woman by the director.

Several bad guys were taken care of, and the two protagonists walked into the subway and chased them to the final warehouse. The bad guy who snatched the beauty in red came out and broke the door of the warehouse.

"Wait a minute, I'll take this dagger." The Cody boy in white clothes was operating, asking him to keep a dagger for himself.


"You don't understand. Those in white clothes can hold daggers in their hands, but those in red clothes can throw knives."


Ronald's mind moved. Isn't this the butterfly knife that the leading actor Michael Pare always plays with? It seems that this game must be adapted from "Streets of Rage", and it has been restored so well.

The two boys worked together and beat the bad guy to death. But the girl in red did not appear. After a few lines of subtitles, the two walked to the right side of the screen and entered the next level.

"Ha, there are still levels?" Ronald felt that this dream was worth it. He didn't expect that future arcade games would be so interesting.

The two protagonists walked out of the subway and came directly to an arena. There was a villain in the ring wearing Japanese armor, holding two Japanese swords, and his attack power was amazing. He killed the two boy protagonists with three blows.

"Oh, this game is really difficult." Ronald sighed in his dream.

After a blur, it seemed like Ronald had come to another arcade. The two boys had grown up a lot.

"Here is a new game called Dinosaurs and Dinosaurs." Let me teach you how to play it.

The two boys seemed to have become friends and collaborated on this level-clearing game.

"Okay." Another boy threw in two copper coins.

"Huh?" Ronald discovered that this game console has three positions, which can be used by three people to play together. It's becoming more and more advanced.

The two boys began to choose people. This time, in addition to the man in white clothes and a big man who practiced wrestling, there was also a black man in green clothes and a yellow baseball cap, and a woman.

It seems that this game is also based on "Streets of Rage"? Ronald thought.

It was another old-fashioned confrontation with the enemy. This time the boy chose two men in green clothes and white clothes. Another trick was to smash the gasoline barrel.

"Press the joystick forward twice to start running." A boy was teaching.

"Huh?" Ronald saw them running and kicked the bad guys to death and broke a gasoline barrel. A shotgun appeared on the ground.

"You can pick it up and hit it."

At the prompt, the boy walked over, picked up the shotgun, and shot a bad guy who came on a motorcycle.

"Boom" the model car was smashed into pieces.

"There really is a similar plot." Ronald recalled what producer Joel Silver told him about the scene where Cody shot up the motorcycle with a shotgun.

The two kept moving forward, and at the end of the first level, a dinosaur was chained to the ground. A bad guy comes and punches the dinosaur twice, causing the dinosaur to turn from green to furious yellow and start biting the protagonist.

"Shoot," one boy yelled.

"Okay", the other boy fired a few shots at the dinosaur, turning it green again.

"This dinosaur is very interesting, but it's not like the plot of 'Streets of Rage'." Ronald thought.

The two boys progressed through many scenes, and at the end of the second level they were hacked to death by a butcher with two machetes.

The two of them had no extra copper coins, so they had no choice but to leave in frustration.

Ronald saw the Capcom logo again on the arcade screen.

"The games produced by this company are so fun. I want to buy their stocks." Ronald felt anxious and woke up from his dream.

"Huh", Ronald wiped his sweat. It was still a long time before dawn. He quickly turned on the desk lamp, took out a notebook, wrote down the name of Capcom (), and asked the accountant Lawrence later.

"I checked all the lists of listed companies, but there is no name of this company. Are you sure it's Capcom? Is the spelling correct?" After Lawrence received Ronald's call, he consulted with the stock economics for a long time. Call and report the results to Ronald.

"Well, maybe it's not American Enterprise? I think there are many companies in Japan that are producing arcade games?"

"A Japanese company? There is a game console company called Nintendo. Their home game console has just entered the American market. I heard it is much more fun than Atari."

"Is that so? Please help me see if I can buy their stocks." Ronald thought that Capcom had not found it, but there were Japanese game companies that he could also look at.

"Richard, I heard that a Japanese game console is on the market, what do you think? Can you buy two for me?" Ronald called his agent again.

"Are you talking about Nintendo? Let me put it down for you. CAA is preparing to purchase a batch of them to give to customers as gifts for children."

"What, is that game console fun?"

"It's just those arcade games like Donkey Kong and Little Bee. There aren't any new games. You know, Atari's 'et Aliens' was so bad that it caused America's home console market to shrink. . Fortunately, on this Nintendo, you can play the original arcade games, so the children still like it."

"Huh? No way?" Ronald didn't expect that the game adapted from Spielberg's movie was so bad that it had already affected the sales of the game console.

"It's very bad. I heard that they spent a lot of money to buy the license, but the results were shoddy. They also produced more game cartridges than the number of Atari game consoles on the market. I heard that they were thrown into the desert for destruction."

"Okay," Ronald quickly called Lawrence, the accountant.

"Lawrence, don't buy Nintendo stock yet. I heard that the game console market has collapsed."

"I was about to call you when the stockbroker found out that Nintendo is a company listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, but he also tried his best to dissuade me from buying it. The current game console market is in a state of collapse."

The two talked about the investment arrangements for a while, and Ronald was about to hang up the phone.

"By the way, Ronald. Last time you donated money to Chen Guoren, the victim of racial discrimination. Do you remember?"

Ronald remembered the Chinese-American youth in Detroit who was beaten to death by two white men with baseball bats because he was thought to be Japanese. "Remember, his case is going to trial?"

"Yes, we, the American Citizens League for Justice, composed of Chinese-American lawyers, are prepared to promote racially motivated and malicious violence to prosecute the two defendants. Because the District Attorney in Detroit is still only willing to prosecute for second-degree murder. So we need more donations, Put pressure on prosecutors at the federal level and in the media."

"Okay, in my name, please donate another thousand dollars to the American League for Justice." Ronald felt that this Chinese-American tragedy did not receive a fair trial. If a Chinese-American beat a white man to death, it would definitely be a first-degree crime. It started with murder.

Just think of it as doing your best for your Chinese identity in your previous life.

"Okay, thank you, Ronald." Lawrence kept thanking him on the phone. Born in Chinatown, New York, he still works hard to help the injustice faced by Chinese Americans.


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