Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 68 Bon voyage

It is a pity that when shooting such a big scene with long shots, an accident occurred due to a small problem and the shot was interrupted.

Fortunately, the long shot has just begun, and the previously filmed part is not unusable. Just cut to a shot of the audience shouting "I love you, Ellen".

Ronald's heart was still pounding. The intensive drumbeats and enthusiastic audience may really stir up people's emotions.

Ronald looked at Diane. She appeared in front of him in a new attitude today. The little girl who played with Donna in her New York apartment and sat next to him at the Oscars has faded into a dancing butterfly, full of charm.

Diane, who was holding the microphone on the stage, seemed to be still immersed in the role. Her expression was a little angry, her brows were tightened, and her abdomen was strong. With Giorgio Armani's costume, she looked like a rock star.

"Shoot!" Diane waved her hand, "I was in just the right state." She was also a little upset by Ronald's words. . I had already made up my mind to change the girlish complex of dating my friend’s brother, but who knew...

"My question, sorry. I suddenly forgot the name of the character." Ronald took the initiative to apologize to director Walter Hill.

"Hmph, I'm going to take a rest." Upon hearing this, Diane glared at Ronald and turned to leave.

"Diane", Ronald stopped Diane, then looked at her, not knowing what to say for a moment, "Sorry, it's my problem."

"Your acting skills are so bad!" Diane blurted out, and then returned to the lounge with Marlene Jahan.

Seeing that Diane had no reaction, Ronald let out a sigh of relief and felt a little regretful. He turned to director Walter Hill and said, "How about someone else? I really don't know how to act."

"Find another one" Director Walter Hill turned to the assistant director and assigned the task. This kind of guest role was a piece of cake for him.

Ronald took Richard behind the camera, facing the door of the auditorium. So as not to hinder the shooting.

"Maybe in the past, but probably not now." Ronald calmed down and thought for a while, feeling that Diane might have had a good impression of him before, and he had helped her a few times, such as helping her at a party at Jane Fonda's house. Escape from a lying scumbag, help her escape from her mother, and later avoid embarrassment at the Oscars night.

This is probably what American girls have, wanting to date their friend’s brother.

When you have a chance, talk to her privately and then you can tell the story of this episode. Ronald thought to himself, But Diane has really changed a lot. When she was in Club 54, she was still a little chubby girl, but now she seems to have grown into a big beauty.

White girls in America grow very quickly, and they will grow like dough within a few months. For example, Brooke Shields was a little fat when I last saw her in the Israeli desert.

"Hey, hey", why are you thinking of Po Ji again? Ronald pulled his thoughts back.

"There is another invitation today. A car manufacturer invites you to shoot an advertisement for their latest car." Richard was standing next to him and said to Ronald.

"I remember that my advertising agency contract was not signed with CAA, right?"

"No way, they are a Swedish car manufacturer, so they found your contact information through our office in London."

"Why would they find me to do a commercial?"

"I heard that it was your chewing gum advertisement that was broadcast in Sweden and caught their attention. That's why I found your name in the search."

“Why does chewing gum have anything to do with cars?”

"They think your photos are clean and neat, which is very suitable for the quality of their brand of cars."

"What brand is it?"

"Saab," Richard responded.

"never heard of that."

"Anyway, if you are interested, I can ask them to come and talk to you, but this time it will be considered my business." Richard still only has his own client, and he is the most self-centered among the brokers.

"No problem." Ronald patted Richard on the shoulder.

"Quiet, please stay quiet." The assistant director began to use the microphone loudly to ask everyone to be quiet. The next shooting was about to begin.

Ronald closed his mouth and looked at the filming on the stage. Several cameras were pointed at the scene in their design. The director gave an order and the band started the prelude again.

"Ouch..." The audience started cheering again, and Diane ran onto the stage with great expectations.

"Lying in your bed on a Saturday night

You're sweaty and not even hot.

But your brain already got the message

it's sending it out

to every nerve and muscle in you”

The lyrics of this opening song "Nowhere Fast" are very interesting. It tells the story between a girl and the object of her admiration with some vague feelings.

On a hot summer afternoon, although the temperature is not high, people feel as if they are being exposed to high temperatures. Hormones kick into everyone's body, driving the body to sweat crazily involuntarily.

The two of them didn't know what dreams they could realize or what things they had to do, but the passion of the boy and girl prompted them to do something.

So the two got into the boy's father's car and stepped on the accelerator. They wandered around the city aimlessly, as if they were going somewhere, but in fact, they just wanted to escape from their boring past and find a certain meaning for their lives.




speed us away”

Diane's lip-synching reached the climax of the chorus. From a distance, Ronald could still feel the anger that Diane wanted to vent, filling his entire body, as if it turned into light radiation, radiating towards the audience in all directions, transferring heat to them. .

"Diane is indeed a little genius in acting." Ronald was far away and could still feel the heat radiation. The audience in the front row, who no longer needed the guidance of an assistant, really started to go crazy.

"Oh, I'm starting to really believe that there is a female rock star named Ellen Ann in this world." Richard said in Ronald's ear. The audience's shouts were so loud that he couldn't hear what he said. clear.

"godspeed, godspeed..."

Diane was repeating this lyric over and over again, and Ronald knew it was a very old-fashioned way of saying it, which meant wishing you a safe journey. Ronald only heard Aunt Karen say it a few times.


speed us away (let us leave quickly)”

Diane began to dance on the stage, shaking her head, and the crane camera focused on her and began to take close-ups.

"godspeed" Ronald also said silently in his heart, wishing Diane good luck in her acting career.

"Bang!" The door at the back of the auditorium was pushed open, and the villain played by Willem Dafoe, wearing only a leather jacket and no shirt on his upper body, walked in with a few of his men.

"Cut!" Director Walter Hill called to stop. This time he was very satisfied. The cameras in several directions captured good pictures.

Walter Hill looked at the director of photography, hoping he would give him the answer to a successful shot of a camera on a crane.

"Most of Diane's face was blocked by the microphone. We have to do it again." The photographer shook his head knowingly. No one on the crew knew how to shoot a classic musical. Everyone was groping and shooting.

"Hey..." Everyone sighed and had to do it all over again.

Ronald went to the lounge to say goodbye to Diane and knocked gently on the door.

"Who is it?" Diane's voice sounded impatiently.

"It's me, Ronald."

"Oh", Diane asked her assistant to open the door. She was touching up her makeup and using a straw to replenish water. The headlights and the temperature made it very difficult for her to perform lip-syncing on stage while fully equipped.

"I'm here to say goodbye. My acting skills are really not good enough. The director has replaced the actor. I have to leave first."

"It's okay, you can go. Say hello to Aunt Karen for me, and Donna. She has time to come to Los Angeles during the holidays."

"I will," Ronald wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start. Should he directly ask Diane if she has admiration for him?

Now that Diane has passed this stage, it's better not to reveal anything...right?

"Then shall I leave first?" Ronald asked.

"Okay," Diane waved to Ronald, "What about godspeed?"

"Yeah, thank you." Ronald turned to leave.

"I will be filming here for a long time. Will you come to visit me again?" Diane suddenly asked again.

"Of course, if Donna comes, I will come with her to see you."

Diane asked the makeup artist to stop for a moment, then opened her arms and hugged Ronald.

Ronald held Diane in his arms, and Giorgio Armani's costumes fully revealed the advantages of Diane's figure.

Ronald couldn't help but kiss Diane... on the cheek.

Diane kissed Ronald on the cheek as well.

"Goodbye, I'm still waiting to see your new movie."


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