Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 70 Stockholm

"The Twilight Zone," Vic Morrow's posthumous film, was released and grossed $6 million at the box office in its first weekend.

Vic Morrow's ex-wife and two daughters had no comment on John Landis' attendance at the premiere.

The Los Angeles prosecutor stated that the film director should also be held responsible for his actions and would prosecute Landis for second-degree murder and manslaughter in accordance with the law.

The newspapers were full of reports about this movie that had a fatal accident.

Ronald’s friend, Jennifer Jason Leigh’s father’s legacy, “The Twilight Zone Movie,” is finally being released nationwide. John Landis, the director of Braving the Criminal Case, also attended the film's premiere.

Landis may have been forced to attend the premiere out of helplessness, knowing that reporters at the scene would ask many difficult questions to answer, just to build publicity for his movie.

Defending a criminal case requires spending a lot of money to hire a famous lawyer. In subsequent civil compensation cases, sky-high compensation will need to be prepared. . Landis bit the bullet and hoped that The Twilight Zone would be a hit, so that someone could ask him to make a movie, earn money to pay off debts, and avoid bankruptcy.

In the first weekend, more than 1,200 theaters received a box office of 6.6 million. The unsatisfactory figures may have disappointed Landis.

And "Night of the Comet" is still No. 12 on the box office list, and is still taking in about $1 million in Atlantic box office every week.

A few places higher is "Flash Dance", which is even more popular than his own movie. This movie returned to the top ten at the box office this week, ranking ninth, with a total box office of more than 5,110 yuan. million.

The reason for the rebound in box office is that "Flashdance" has also been involved in a lawsuit.

Tom Hedley, the creator of the original story of the film, gave the film's prototype character Maureen Mulder, a female welder/stripper in Toronto, Canada, a $2,300 buyout fee for the adaptation before selling the script to Paramount. .

Now the North American box office of the film has exceeded 50 million, and the audience has been very supportive. It seems that it will continue to be screened for more than ten weeks. Maureen Mulder, the prototype of the story, was instigated by her lawyer and sued Paramount, hoping to get more adaptation fees.

"Flashdance," which looked like a bad movie at the time, is now one of the year's biggest cash cows.

Paramount has very strong evidence to refute the plaintiff's claims.

The contract under which Maureen Mulder sold the adaptation rights was very strict.

When the contract was signed, Maureen Mulder also had a lawyer present, and their chances of winning were very high.

However, the cunning CEO Eisner still allowed the other party to sue, signaled his own lawyers to show weakness, and let the media report the lawsuit extensively. It actually had a miraculous effect, and the box office rebounded again.

Ronald put down the newspaper. Movies have been off the throne of entertainment in American people's lives for many years. Today's movies must rely heavily on the help of marketing to persuade groups of viewers who did not originally go to the theater to go to the theater for your movie.

"Give me a cup of coffee, please," Ronald said to the stewardess.

The business class service was satisfactory. Saab paid for it, and Ronald took a United flight to New York. The plane stayed here and was about to fly to Arlanda Airport in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

"First time going abroad?" Ronald asked Richard next door.

"Yeah, thank you for helping me upgrade my cabin." Logically, Richard could only sit in the economy class at the back, so Ronald upgraded him. Otherwise, after a long flight to Sweden, Richard was not in good spirits, so he couldn't help. Take care of daily chores by yourself.

"Little things", Ronald put on his blindfold and began to fall asleep.

The plane arrived at Stockholm's Arlanda Airport, and the two of them waited in the arrival hall of Terminal 4 for the lady who came to the United States for negotiation last time.

"Here, Ronald." She took Ronald's small bag diligently, got into the Saab 9000 luxury car used by the VIPs, and the group went to the Stockholm Grand Hotel to check in.

In the summer in Northern Europe, the days are very long, lasting more than sixteen hours. The Grand Hotel is located in the city center. It is a very impressive ancient monument. Saab booked Ronald a room facing the Nord Stream in the center of Stockholm. When you open the window, you will see the two bridges on the Nord Stream and various old-fashioned buildings. Come into view.

"You take a rest first, and after you get over the jet lag, we will go to the air force base to see Saab's fighter jets and the beautiful scenery." Saab's female marketing manager made very thoughtful arrangements.

"If it's convenient, I can go now." Ronald has a very good advantage. He can sleep soundly on the plane. Regardless of the noise and turbulence, he often closes his eyes as soon as he gets on the plane. When he opens his eyes, it's already time.

"Is that so? Well, I'll contact the base." Of course, the female manager couldn't ask for Ronald's dedication.

Leaving Richard to stay in the hotel to catch up on his sleep, Ronald drove through the Old City of Stockholm to Balkaby Airport in the northern suburbs.

This is the earliest airport in Stockholm. It has been used by the Air Force until it was opened to civil aviation ten years ago. However, on the other side of the airport, the Swedish Air Force training base is still maintained.

The car passed several guards, Ronald got a pass, hung it around his neck, and drove into the air force base.

When Ronald got out of the car, the first thing he saw were two huge hangars. On the door of the hangar, there are big letters saab written on it.

This is where the Saab 37 Viggen jet fighter is parked.

"viggen means thunderbolt in Swedish. In Norse mythology, it is the thunderbolt struck by Thor with his war hammer." The female manager introduced to Ronald.

"When can I see him training in the sky?"

The female manager found the senior manager of Saab who was also here. After he sought confirmation from the Air Force and Saab personnel, there was a routine training half an hour later.

The iron door of the hangar was slowly opened a crack, and a fully armed Swedish Air Force pilot, wearing sunglasses and a white scarf around his neck, nodded hello to them and walked into the hangar. He climbed up the cockpit carefully via a steel escalator.

Ronald was allowed to stand next to the hangar and watch the fighter jets coming out of the hangar.

As the hangar door opened wider and wider, sunlight shone in from the door, hitting the cockpit of the fighter jet.

A ray of sunlight shines through the cockpit glass and onto the pilot's mask.

Ronald thought, this is a very good scene design. He quickly used shorthand symbols that no one present could understand to outline the scene in his mind.

The fighter pilot closed the canopy, some ground crew members unblocked the plane, and the plane slowly moved forward. The pitot tube in front of the fighter jet poked out of the hangar door like a needle.

The huge machine glowed with gray light, making Ronald feel in great awe of this modern killing weapon. Looking at the pylon under the belly of the aircraft, it is obvious that missiles can be mounted to attack local targets.

Modern warfare has evolved to the point where you can shoot down enemy planes with the press of a button. Instead of using machine guns to fight each other like in the old movies.

When the fighter jet drove out of the hangar, it was very slow. But this very slow progress left a deep impression on Ronald. This killing machine, before it soared into the sky, was still lying on the ground, moving forward slowly like a turtle.

The plane slowly moved onto the runway. Ronald and Saab's manager came to the side of the runway to watch the takeoff.

A single turbojet engine with a nozzle at the tail of the aircraft was opened. A ball of orange-red flame spurted out from the nozzle of the engine.

Today the pilots will perform short take-off and landing training. The flame suddenly increased in size, and the length of the spray also suddenly lengthened. The pilot pulled the brakes, and the nose of the plane suddenly paused forward, and then slowly moved forward.

The noise of the engine suddenly amplified several times, and a huge roar came. Ronald found that his eardrums were beginning to be oppressed, and he had to speak in a loud voice to barely hear.

The female manager brought two earmuffs and gave one to Ronald.

After putting it on, the noise was immediately reduced a lot. Ronald stopped talking, took out his notebook and ballpoint pen, and began to write down some of his feelings in the notebook.

With a sound of "Boom...", the fighter jet suddenly seemed to be pushed by someone and began to accelerate sharply. The subject of short take-off was thrilling to Ronald who watched it at close range.

The aircraft first raised its head, and then the nose landing gear slowly raised, and it just kept its head raised. After a second, the fighter struggled again, completely getting rid of the shackles of gravity, and slowly lifted off.

Then the pilot jerked the nose of the plane again, performed a maneuver, flew high into the sky at high speed, and quickly disappeared.

Ronald felt the aftertaste of a sound wave. The echo of the engine and the hot air blown up by the nozzle seemed to be bounced back by the outer wall.

This very slow movement from the front, the look of being in place and ready, and the rapid soaring into the sky after takeoff gave Ronald a very strong sense of contrast.

"I... have... intention," Ronald said to Saab's manager.

"What did you say?" the manager took off his earmuffs and asked him.

Ronald also hurriedly took off his earmuffs, "I said, I have a new idea. I know how to express the surging power of Saab."

"What is it?"

"I think the most powerful moment for ordinary people to feel a jet fighter is not when it launches missiles in the sky. It is the moment when it takes off or lands. In this way, I can express the surging power of Saab fighter jets and Saab cars in parallel, and then Let them meet on the track."

Ronald gestured and said to the female manager.

"Sounds very good." The female manager felt that Ronald's new idea seemed even more exciting.

The two walked back to the hangar and prepared to get in the car and go back to the hotel.

"What's in that hangar?" Ronald looked at another hangar not far away, separated from it by a barbed wire fence.

"That's a confidential project," the female manager replied with a smile, "I don't know what it is."

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