Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 75 Brotherhood


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"These are the most popular characters in the freshmen, we have to invite them to the kpp sigm fraternity to do a water test party, find a few more blonde hot girls, and the sisters we go to the fraternity will borrow people. When they hear that there are blondes Handsome guy, he will run over by himself."

The suitor of the red-haired female classmate Ronald had mentored in his shooting assignments, and the second-generation Hollywood star was also on the list. He can be a senior member of the kpp sigm fraternity, all because his father knows some actors, and the people of the fraternity have the opportunity to participate in star parties and sign autographs.

"Why is Ronald Lee there?" Xing Erdai asked, pointing to Ronald's photo. According to the tradition of Diese College, freshmen will take portrait photos when they enter the university. During the four years of the university, the portraits of each freshman are hung in the teaching building.

Ronald's photo is a one-off photo taken by someone with a Polaroid camera. In low light, it looks dark brown, but it's actually blond hair. With the same facial features as ancient Greek sculptures, it still looks very similar.

"He is a famous first-year emperor, and has participated in the filming of the new MGM movie. He is one of the screenwriters." The deacons of the kpp sigm fraternity have already done background checks for freshmen. Anything that can increase the appeal of the fraternity Candidates, that is one can not let go.


When Ronald returned to the Imperial College, the image and sound editing courses were rather boring for him. After all, he had already been trained intensively in the crew. In addition, the knowledge taught by the professor was relatively old, so Ronald could escape if he could.

Apart from his favorite Martin Scorsese classic film appreciation class, Ronald didn't go back to college much during the commercials.

The letterbox was stuffed with a bunch of party invitations, which Ronald put aside, ready to throw in the trash.

"Oh, how many frat party invitations did you get, bro?" Spike Lee asked, walking over and seeing the stack of invitations.

"Six or seven," Ronald picked it up and counted, "I'm not interested in these."

"Actually, some professional fraternities can join, or like me, joining a black fraternity lph phi lph, there are still many benefits. The film funds I got from affirmative action organizations were introduced to me by people from fraternities. Opportunity."

"That's good,

I thought frat was all about drinking, partying, picking girls..."

"The kind you're talking about are social fraternities, but there are also fraternities that communicate for professional purposes, or ethnic ties." Spike Lee knows more about black fraternities, "Unfortunately you're not African-American. , otherwise you can also add lph phi phi lph"

"But it's a waste of time to attend such parties one by one." Ronald threw the invitations aside, "I'll just pick two to participate."


Uniformly dyed blond hair, uniformly made fraternity logo jackets, leather shoes, and trousers made Ronald feel that this socially oriented kpp sigm fraternity is a bit pretentious.

In addition, the girls from the sorority who were invited were also dyed blond hair and wore pink T-shirts, which gave people the illusion that Barbie and her boyfriend were willing to become living beings.

The "Hot Stuff" disco music on Rotten Street gave Ronald the urge to spit out his lunch. Since the night of disco destruction at the Chicago Stadium, after months of fermentation, the top 100 disco hits have been eliminated one by one.

"Traditional" music styles such as pop, rock, etc., began to dominate the charts and record sales charts. But these live Barbies and Ken still have a soft spot for the rhythm of the bouncing and rubbing, and the sound is turned on to the maximum, and the floor of the room starts to jump.

The kpp sigm fraternity owns a two-story house that is used as a party venue. The room was filled with the smell of this whisky, and there was some stinky smell in the upstairs bathroom, which was suspicious.

Ronald regrets coming to the party here a little. These fraternities named after Greek letters may have been created, and some of them were in a Puritan conservative social atmosphere.

But now they've been reduced to brainless wealthy white kids, flaunting their wealth, picking up girls, and the stage for rave parties.

Shaking his head, Ronald opened them up and went to the balcony to get some fresh air.

"Hey, we're here first." A pair of blond mandarin ducks hid in the shadows of the curtains on the edge of the balcony, nibbling together.

"Sorry," Ronald didn't expect that there were still people here, and hurriedly exited the balcony.

"You've got to fit in with this group, Ronald. Find a sorority blond, talk to each other, drink whiskey, you'll love it here." The speaker was a deacon of the New York branch of the kpp sigm fraternity

"I don't like this kind of noisy parties, and would rather have a quiet discussion with a thoughtful person." Ronald stabbed him.

"You can't do this, you have to practice your communication skills, we have meetings twice a week to discuss all matters of the fraternity, Ronald, you don't want to study those nerdy lph sigm tu in engineering school, there are people in Fraternities exchange academic issues."

The deacon of the kpp sigm fraternity is the son of a New York City Councilman. He wears a pink T-shirt, light blue pants, fluffy white socks, and boat shoes. It is the most popular preppy college style in the Northeastern New England area of ​​the United States ( preppy).

Unlike the special emphasis high school where Ronald tried to get his cousin Donna in, which focused on the IQ of the students, prep school was a college lane for the children of the rich and powerful.

Preparatory schools are all private, with high tuition fees, and many have the qualifications to be recommended to Ivy League schools. In addition, their parents are mostly Ivy League alumni. Harvard and Yale are not difficult for these children.

Ronald is a little tired of them, and plays the simulation game in the frat as a real game. It seems that he has a meeting with a group of people to discuss what snacks and cocktails to eat at the party tomorrow, and then he can join his father's company when he graduates in a few years. business meeting discussion.

This kind of idea, like those small United Nations simulations who desperately joined the middle school, seems as absurd and ridiculous as they can represent the five permanent members to attend the closed-door meeting of the United Nations Security Council in the future.

"They're a professional fraternity, and if I hadn't studied film and television, I'd really like to make friends with them."

"Hey, I told you that Ronald and we are not the same kind of people. He doesn't understand the importance of connections in American society." The second generation of Hollywood stars appeared again, complaining to the deacon, it shouldn't be Invite someone like Ronald to the party.

"Our membership fee is quite high. If you want to join, do you need me to introduce you to a bank loan manager?" After the second generation of Xing finished speaking, he laughed firstly, expressing his satisfaction with his joke.

"Seriously, Ronald, I don't mind your family background, fraternity resources, isn't it your ideal lane? Look, our sorority girls like you."

Ronald looked back at a few blond girls with puffy faces from drinking, already gaining weight as alcohol, food, and binge ravaged their bodies. This deacon just wanted to use himself as a guise to attract some good-looking people for himself and his members to have fun.

"But I mind." Nodding to the sorority blonds, Ronald walked toward the gate, wanting to leave the big, time-wasting party.

"You'll regret it, NYU doesn't have a better fraternity than our kpp sigm fraternity. If you step out of this gate now, we won't send you a bid for membership.

Think about it, you can't even get an invitation to a fraternity in college, or just go to one of those rubbish fraternities and hang out with poor and nerds. Don't stay with us the winners and you'll be a habitual loser"

Many terms in the fraternity are very secondary. Invitations are not called invitations, they are called bids, as if new students are pieces of goods, waiting for the big brothers of the fraternity to bid.

The old members who help new people are not called schoolmates, but senior fathers.

"Really? Which is the least popular fraternity at NYU?"

The deacon and the second generation of stars looked at each other, and then said, "You still want to join the most unpopular fraternity? Is there something wrong with your brain? The worst fraternity in the New York area is of course the delt eg epsilon fraternity founded on Staten Island. It's just right for you, they don't even have a house to hold a party, they have to rent a school classroom, hahaha..."

Founded at Staten Island University? That really suits him, Ronald smiled and waved to Barbie and Ken, "Let's see."


"Welcome, which college are you a student from? Disi Art College? Oh, I didn't expect that we could also attract art college students. You can fill in the form here, we delt eg epsilon was established at Staten Island Community College, Well, it's called the fraternity of Stanton University now."

Poor delt eg epsilon brotherhood, only two or three kittens. In addition to the Chinese students who came to say hello, the other two were Latinos, and an international student from the country. It has mixed tastes, unlike the all-white blonds of the predominantly white frat.

"Our membership here is very simple, there are no bullying initiation ceremonies like other fraternities, and there are no high membership fees. We are really set up for minorities, international students, and non-Christians to be a social arena. Although. We also use Greek letters for our names, but we don't follow the Christian tradition, any faith can join, even atheists..."

"How many members do you have now?" Ronald interrupted the introduction.

"Well, the NYU chapters are all here."

"Look, my name is Ronald Lee, and if you make me president, I'll make delt eg epsilon the most popular fraternity in New York."

The kittens looked at Ronald, suspecting that they had heard him wrong.

"I'm serious, your fraternity isn't going well anyway, so why don't you let me try it? I'm a full-fledged film director and screenwriter, trust me, I can do it, just throw a party..."

With the idea that a few members would not lose anything anyway, and they could have a party, Ronald became the temporary president.

After signing the membership procedures, Ronald went to make a call to the agent Eddie:

"Eddie, it's me, Ronald. What are the cover girls of your adult magazines doing lately?" [ ]

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