Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 75 Cut, cut, cut

The new 900 turbo car presented by Saab has been delivered to Ronald by the dealer. He drove his new bright red car for a ride on the beach in Los Angeles.

"Night of the Comet" continued to be released steadily, and Ronald felt that his share would exceed the director's salary. So he spent all his director's salary and commercials on Coca-Cola stock.

After all, Coca-Cola is drunk by all Americans. Compared with Pepsi, Coca-Cola has higher profits, so it should be a good investment target... right?

Ronald himself had little investment knowledge, and none of his family members knew how to invest. I asked Douglas, the high school hair boy, and he just said that at least he wouldn't lose money and he would get bonuses every quarter.

The promise of "no loss of money" made Ronald buy with confidence. . From now on, there is no need to earn living expenses by modifying scripts for others. For daily expenses, you can live well by using stock dividends.

"Hey, handsome guy, what kind of car is yours?" On the edge of the beach, a beautiful woman wearing a bright red bikini took off her sunglasses and asked Ronald who was sitting in the driver's seat. The red body, the front of the car looks like a sports car, and the driver is a handsome guy, which makes the beauty interested.

"Saab 900, a great Swedish car."

"Tsk..." The beauty put on her sunglasses and walked away. It looks like a very powerful car, but why is it a five-door hatchback SUV at the rear? What about Sweden? Can Sweden also produce good cars?

"Hey, you'll know when the commercial airs on the TV station." Ronald retracted his head back to the car window. I started the car and cruised slowly, "They are all red cars, but Ferrari can attract people."

A Ferrari drove up from the opposite side. After chatting with the beauty for a few words, she got into the passenger seat of the sports car.

"Didi..." Ronald honked the horn twice. On the beach in Los Angeles, surfboards and sports cars attracted the attention of beauties more.

The car arrived at Venice Beach, and Ronald saw the disabled breakdancing master again, nicknamed "handyman". He also teaches break-dancing moves at a public roller-skating rink not far from the beach.

Ronald thought he was very miraculous. The "hand man" who suffered from the sequelae of polio and had difficulty walking could break dance much better than an able-bodied person.

After parking the car, Ronald stood next to the roller skating rink, watching the "Hand Man" give demonstrations to the enthusiasts. He wore a sportswear with a hood, threw away his crutches, and then walked to the terrazzo with difficulty center of the venue.

The "Hand Man" puts on his hat to protect his hair, stands on his head, and holds his hands on both sides of his head to maintain balance. After waiting for a second, he twirled his hands, and then his legs began to spin like a helicopter.

"Oh..." Ronald was surprised. Is this a new move?

"Oh oh oh..." Amidst the applause and cheers of the people next to him, the "hand man" stopped dancing. He became the disabled man again, standing on the ground with two legs with difficulty.

Ronald quickly stepped forward, picked up two stainless steel crutches, handed them to the "Hand Man", then supported him and asked him to put his arms through the steel rings on the crutches and secure them.

"Thank you." "Hand Man" is a very shy person in life. He thanked Ronald, and then walked to the wall step by step, looking at the blacks and Latins in the venue who imitated his movements. His eyes are full of pride.

"My name is Ronald, have you been break dancing here?" Ronald wanted to get to know this strange man.

"Yeah, my name is Eddie Rodriguez." The hand man shook his hand with difficulty, "I like this dance very much, so come when you have time."

"It seems like there are more and more people dancing now?"

"Yes, in March, a documentary was released called 'Wild Style', which was specifically about hip-hop style music. There were scenes of break dancing in it, so I came to learn this kind of dance. There are more and more people..."

"Eddie, can you show us again?" Several Latino children came over.

"Of course", "Hand Man" Eddie went over and introduced them in detail some of the essentials of break dancing moves.

This shy man is usually very quiet, but when asked for advice, he uncharacteristically talks a lot.

It seems that he really likes break dancing. There are many people here who like it. He performs here. If anyone is willing to learn the moves, he will teach them.

Black and Latino children are very poor and cannot afford tuition fees. It seems that the "hand man" teaches these young people who like to dance for free.

Ronald liked this kind of pure person very much. After spending a long time with him at Venice Beach, he went to the CAA office.

"Ronald, you came just in time. Your friend Minahan has been looking for you for a long time." As soon as Richard saw him, he gave him a note with his phone number.

"Oh?" Ronald took it and saw that it was the office number of Minahan, an Israeli.

I called and asked, and it turned out that Minahan had finished filming the scene in the Israeli desert for the movie "Sahara". When he came back, I invited him to come over to the office to talk.

"Quack..." Minahan let out a hoarse laugh as soon as he saw Ronald walking into the office. When he was in Israel, whether because of eating too well or being too stressed, he gained a lot of weight and the belt on his stomach could no longer stretch.

"You came just in time, Ronald. All the shots of 'Sahara' have been filmed. I think we are going to succeed. We will definitely win the Oscar next year."

Ronald was already immune to an optimist like Minahan, "Really? Did you come to me?"

"I heard that you have done commercials for cars and burgers, and you edited two movies yourself. Do you want to win an Oscar? Come and see my rough cut of the film, make some suggestions, and I will give you an edit. Sign your name, and then you can go on stage to receive the award."

"Let's take a look first." Ronald suddenly had the idea of ​​taking a look at the samples and agreed.

"Quack..." Minahan led him into an editing room, "Bring the film that has been synchronized with audio and video."

The assistant wrapped the film around the densely packed guide pillars, pressed the switch, and a close-up of Brooke Shields appeared on the monitor.

Ronald reached out and touched his lips. The number one girl in America is still so beautiful.

"Broody has gone back to New York. She is going to Princeton to go to school soon. The time for us to shoot and pack is just right." Minahan pointed to Brooke on the screen and said, "We are in luck, it is the last movie before Brooke goes to college. , she will also be a strong contender for the Oscar for Best Actress. It is a hit at the box office and praised by critics... Hahaha, my dream is finally coming true."

"Bring it here." Minahan grabbed the control knob from the assistant's hand and began to play the film forward. Gu Yao

Brooke Shields was sitting in the driver's seat of an antique car, wearing big windshields like a racing driver, and her white scarf was rustling in the wind.

"What a beautiful thing." Ronald thought to himself. Beautiful women also look heroic when they dress up as men.

On the screen, Porky drove out of the starting point and raced on the dirt track. Then she took off her goggles, threw the leather hat on her head to cover her hair, then grabbed it hard and put the goggle on her head. The wig on her head was thrown behind the car, and her real long dark golden hair shone golden in the desert sun.

Brooke shook her head from side to side and rubbed her hair vigorously. The oncoming wind blew her long hair away and spread further and further away from the camera.

"Cut...cut...cut..." Minahan started howling at the editing assistant like a bull in heat.

"Here, here, and here." Minahan swung the knob back and forth. "Cut it all. It's all rubbish, rubbish, rubbish. Keep this."

"Oh," Ronald stood up in shock, "No, Minahan, is this how you edit movies?"

"Intuition, intuition is the most important thing in editing. You won't be wrong if you listen to me." Minahan continued, "Cut here, cut to a close-up here. Have you written it all down?"

The poor editing assistant kept writing down the editing points that Minahan had written down in his notebook.

"That's not how intuition works." Ronald covered his face.

Instead of watching all the shots first, then understanding the rhythm of the movie, and then using intuition to repeatedly determine the editing point of the audience's thoughts, you just went straight to the scissors just because of the feeling of the first time?

"Ronald, what do you think?" Minahan had quickly determined the editing point of the first roll of film, and then stopped to ask Ronald.

"I think our working methods are completely different. I'd better not give any opinions casually."

"Whatever you want, Ronald. How about you go out and talk to Yoram first? He still has something to talk to you about. I'll work for a while and then go find you. I want to ask you to direct a movie for Cannon."

"Okay, you go ahead." Ronald nodded and left the editing room, finding Minahan's cousin Yoram.

"Ronald", Yoram was also a little fatter, "Your 'Night of the Comet' did very well at the box office. Has the Atlantic Ocean settled the share of remuneration with you?"

"Not yet. My agreement has to wait until after the movie is released, and I will share it based on the total box office. I only received the director's remuneration."

"That's not okay, Ronald, you have to rush them for this kind of thing." Yoram said, picking up the phone and dialing Atlantic's distribution department.

"Hey, I'm Yoram from Cannon. When will the money for 'Night of the Comet' be available?"

"What? No, no, don't give me this set. We are also publishers...Okay, okay, let's settle it like this. Your credibility with me is still in a good range, don't let me down."

Yoram put down the phone and said to Ronald, "If you don't push this publisher, he won't take the initiative to pay the bill."

"Oh," Ronald thought to himself that he would have to ask his agent to urge him.

"This time I raised another amount of money from Belgium. I have agreed with Minahan that I would like you to shoot a movie for Cannon. As long as Minahan has no objection to the subject matter and the outline of the story, we can invest in it.

Of course, it is best to use stars from our company, so that we can go to Cannes to pre-sell your film and increase some investment. If it really doesn't work, we can only make a movie with a small investment. "

"Who is your male star?" Ronald did not expect that the Israeli brothers were so big that they already had their own male star.

"Chuck Bronson, and Chuck Norris," Yoram said, pointing to two posters on the wall.

Ronald looked up and saw that their faces were very familiar. Chuck Bronson is the star of "Death Wish 2", a mustachioed action star who once starred as the Mysterio in "Once Upon a Time in the West".

The other Chuck is even more familiar. He is the villain of the Colosseum battle in Bruce Lee's play "Way of the Dragon." Also a black belt in karate.

"So you still make exploitation films?" Ronald saw that it was these two people and knew it. Chuck Norris has no expressions in "Walk of the Dragon", only action scenes. To say he is a star is obviously too flattering to him. Chuck Bronson is also out of date, and he hasn't had any blockbuster movies in years.

"Yeah, you're an expert on exploitation movies, erotica, action, explosions, youth, everything. Do you have any ideas?"

"Okay, let me think about it." Ronald thought for a while and thought of the "hand man" just now.

"Have you ever seen the documentary 'Wild Style'? The dance in that documentary, which is called break dancing, is very popular. Even the most popular MJ is commemorating the music in Motown Will jump, have you watched the TV broadcast?"

"Break dance," Yoram wrote down the name of the dance. "I haven't seen it. I'll borrow a copy or a video tape. Minahan and I will watch it tonight. We'll discuss it tomorrow."

Ronald came to Cannon again the next day, and he went straight into the editing room and met with Minahan.

"Sniff, snip, snip... this is rubbish, this is good, keep this section, this section... where is the section in the middle of this section? Find it quickly, the footage I shot was very good, why is it gone?"

"Yesterday you said it was garbage and cut it off. I will go find it in the recycling bin." The assistant was sweating profusely.

"Yesterday was yesterday, today he is not trash...Aha, Ronald, you are here."

Minahan saw Ronald, "I watched the documentary last night with Yoram and the dance of the kid named Jackson, and I have to say that there is something wrong with your interpretation of popular trends.

This kind of dance danced by blacks and Latinos is unlikely to be popular in mainstream society in America. Haven't you seen that their original soul music has not become mainstream? It is white rock music that is in line with white mainstream aesthetics. "

"Is that so? Then I have no inspiration recently. If you have any scripts, you can show me."

"No problem. I'm collecting scripts from all over Hollywood right now. When there is a suitable one, we will definitely collaborate on one. I will produce and you will direct. Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director are our goals, quack quack …”


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