Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 82 Helen returns to the United States

Pat Morita followed Ronald's advice and went back to grow a beard and practice his English, trying to speak better like an immigrant.

Ronald promised him that he would at least try to get him another audition in front of Weintraub.

After that, Ronald focused on getting familiar with the preparations left by Avelson and getting familiar with his team.

Avilson picked the old team members who have worked with him for many years. Including director of photography James Crabe (James Crabe), and art director William Cassidy (William Cassidy). They are all the team that has been working with Avelson since "Rocky".

Since "Rocky 4" and "First Blood 2" that Avelson is preparing for are both in the very early stages of preparation and the scripts have not yet been completed, it will take a long time until the crew is established. Therefore, the two most important characters in the team did not leave with him.

Ronald chatted with them alone and said that he admired the style of their previous works, and that he would direct "The Dragon King" with the same realistic photography style as "Rocky". If the two of them don't have a better choice, I hope they will stay and continue working on the crew.

Art director Cassidy quickly agreed and agreed to continue Kanjing's work.

Director of photography Karabu was a little hesitant. He asked Ronald, "What do you think of the Rainbow Parade in San Francisco?"

"Rainbow Parade?" Ronald remembered that when he went to San Francisco, people with different orientations from all over the country sang and danced on the streets of San Francisco. He immediately understood the other party's worries.

In the film industry, there are some people who are more tolerant, but there are also die-hard conservatives. Ronald's attitude towards this kind of thing is very indifferent. As long as he can do a good job, he doesn't mind.

"I feel that American laws protect individual freedom, and personal private matters do not have any impact on me."

"Then I'm willing to stay. I really like the photography style of your last movie. Let's talk about 'The Dragon King'. What kind of style do you want? Use those colors as the main color tone?"

The crew quickly returned to normal, and Ronald continued to visit scenes and auditions, returning to the rhythm of the filming season. Work more than ten hours a day and don't take a break on weekends.

However, at noon today, Ronald still took half a day to arrive at Los Angeles International Airport.

Because today it's Helen Slater,

and the rest of the "Supergirl" cast return to Los Angeles.

Helen and Maureen Tiffey, who played Supergirl's best friend Lucy in the movie, both walked out of the cabin at the same time. Outside the passage were two men who had been waiting for a long time.

Ronald carried Helen around a few times, playing Superwoman for fitness. Helen was now close to 120 pounds, and Ronald felt a lot heavier when he picked her up.

"Hi, Maureen," Ronald greeted Maureen Tiffey after setting Helen down, knowing that he had a special relationship with the actress. While filming "Famous," Ronald was dating Antonia, who was part of the cast and a classmate of Antonia's character.

Later, she dated Michelle Pfeiffer, who starred in "Grease 2," and Maureen Tiffey played Pfeiffer's best friend in the movie.

Now on "Supergirl," Maureen plays Helen's character's best friend.

Ronald did not dare to neglect this kind of best friend who had been girlfriends before, "Who is this?"

"This is my husband Alexander Cassini, he is also a screenwriter and director." Maureen Tiffey quickly introduced her husband to Ronald. Maureen has been dating her current husband since she became "famous" and they just got married not long ago.

Ronald is in hot demand right now, and Helen said he has recently directed a medium-sized Hollywood production. It’s good to deepen the relationship.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Ronald said hello to Maureen's husband, chatted with him for a few words, and left first with Helen.

The two returned to the apartment, and Ronald asked Helen to take a hot bath and then sleep, waiting for the evening's activities.

"Supergirl" is a huge production. After the filming is completed, a formal party will be held for friends from the media to take the opportunity to report on the film.

Helen put on her pajamas and lay down in bed. The new quilt and sheets gave off a good smell.

"Will you stay with me for a while?" Helen hid under the quilt, her cheeks red again, and said to Ronald.

"Okay, I have to tell you something. I told producer Weintraub that you should directly participate in the second round of auditions for the heroine Ali of 'The Dragon King'."

"Huh?" Helen was a little surprised when she suddenly heard the news, "Why do you want me to play this role? Isn't it just a girl-next-door vase?"

"What, you don't want to act?" Ronald felt a little disappointed when he saw Helen's face. He wanted to spend as much time with Helen as possible, so this time he asked Weintraub for a favor without telling her in advance.

The film and television industry often shoots for several months, so the two have to rely on international long distances and international flights to get together. Ronald really wants to make a movie with Helen so that they can live together on the set.

"No, I want to play some roles that are challenging for my acting skills. In the story you told me last time, Ali was relatively flat. She didn't have much character development and transformation. She was just a part of Danny's life journey. Important stop."

"This?" Ronald was a little unhappy. Ali was not a character with no room for her acting skills. Although she doesn't have many roles, she is the starting and ending point of the conflict in the entire movie.

The conflict between Danny and Johnny, Danny wanted to learn karate, and finally participated in the karate competition and won the championship, all for Ali. The audience's eyes will stay on her for a long time.

"But Helen is now a starring role in a big production, and her agent may have made other arrangements for her." Ronald thought about it and felt relieved.

Helen noticed Ronald's displeasure, "Even if I want to make a movie with you, I have a three-movie contract with Alexander and Ilya Salkind, the producers of the Superman series. If they don't If you agree to let me film, I can't sign the contract. And we will start preparations for the second part of Supergirl soon."

"Well, I made the decision on my own." Ronald agreed to find someone else to play Ali.

"Damn Salkind, why did you have to go to the Pinewood Studio in Britain to shoot Supergirl?" Ronald felt that he might be separated from Helen again.

Helen slept for a few hours and woke up towards evening. The two attended a press dinner together for the completion of filming of "Supergirl."

Helen answered several reporters' questions, with Ronald standing nearby as a foil. The Hollywood Reporter seemed to have discovered their close relationship and took many photos of the two. They also asked Ronald what he thought of "Superwoman".

Ronald said that he had not seen the movie yet, but he thought it must be another masterpiece in the "Superman" series.

This flattery made the Salkinds and his son at the scene laugh out loud, and they quickly came up to chat with Ronald for a while. Knowing of Ronald's relationship with Helen, they invited him to attend an internal screening of the rough cut, and they also invited Ronald to attend marketing for future releases.

Ronald agreed to watch the rough cut and then release it, saying that he had a directing project recently and wanted to see the timetable for it.

During the interview, Helen was still wearing a second-hand evening dress she bought from a second-hand store, a white dress and a red top. She looked very cute. She also likes this outfit very much.

Ronald felt that although she looked beautiful no matter what she wore, the color, cut and texture of the second-hand evening dress did not match her azure eyes and milk-white complexion.

Fortunately, Giorgio Armani has promised to contract the dresses for himself and Helen during next year's awards season. When Helen and he stand together, it will definitely be very charming and will kill a lot of reporters' film.

After imagining Helen wearing a backless and low-cut dress in his mind, Ronald couldn't help but laugh, and Helen turned to look at him. The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling very warm.

"Why did your eyes turn green?" Ronald always liked to be fascinated by Helen's big eyes.

"The color of my eyes will change according to the environment," Helen smiled.

"Oh," Ronald nodded. He didn't know much about the eye and hair colors of Caucasian people. His own eyes were amber, and he hadn't noticed whether they showed different colors during the day and night.

Ronald continued to watch Helen chatting with her crew colleagues and reporters. He found that Helen hardly ate and rarely drank the champagne in her hand. However, she was full of energy and dealt with several groups of reporters one after another.

Ronald, who returned home, waited for Helen to take a shower and change clothes. He opened a bottle of Coppola brand red wine bought from Coppola's winery, poured two glasses, and then grabbed some salami recommended by Coppola.

After not eating all afternoon and night, Ronald prepared some snacks for Helen to cushion.

"No, I've eaten enough." Helen refused the sausage and only took a sip of red wine.

"I see you haven't eaten at night?" Ronald said.

"I need to stay in shape and lose weight." Helen pinched her belly again, but luckily there was no fat there. But there is obviously more muscle and fat on the thighs and face.

"Don't you want to continue playing Supergirl? This figure is just right." Ronald knew that actresses were most afraid of gaining weight, and the same was true for his two ex-girlfriends, who always dared not eat delicious food.

"When I watch the dailies every day, Faye Dunaway always says I'm too fat. I don't care, I want to lose weight."

What I didn’t expect was the hatred between the actresses on the set. Ronald knew exactly what gave Faye Dunaway her skeleton-like figure. He quickly comforted Helen.

"It doesn't matter, your body shape is very standard. I used to be on the wrestling team in school. If you really want to lose weight, you only need to burn more calories through exercise than you consume."

"Really?" Helen looked at Ronald and obediently ate a few slices of salami.

"It tastes pretty good. Let's switch to exercise next." Helen pounced, holding Ronald's neck with both hands, and hanging her legs on his body.

Ronald kissed Helen affectionately, held Helen in his arms, kicked open the bedroom door, and prepared for a good exercise.

"Don't tell me, I'm really a little fat when I hold her like this." Ronald didn't dare to express his feelings, so he quickly took action to help Helen lose weight.

The two of them were lying on the bed sweating profusely. Ronald got up to reach for the remote control. He wanted to lie on the bed and watch TV with his girlfriend. It was rare to enjoy such a moment with his girlfriend. Helen would fly back to New York in a few days. Reunited with parents.

"I'm going to take a shower. I'm sticky." Helen got out of bed and walked out the door.

Ronald watched TV for a while and remembered that he forgot to prepare a bath towel for Helen. He also jumped out of bed and took out the new bath towels he had prepared from the closet, and walked over to give them to Helen.

"Ugh... ugh..."

Outside the bathroom, Ronald seemed to hear the sound of Helen vomiting.

Ronald's heart moved, this was not a good sign. The female singer Karen Carpenter, whom he and Helen both liked, was called a fat girl because others made fun of her chubby figure. In the end, he contracted anorexia and died of health problems.

Ronald began to suspect that Helen was also afraid of getting fat from eating meat, so she vomited all the meat she ate.

"Helen, are you okay? I'll bring you a bath towel." Ronald knocked on the door outside the bathroom and said loudly.

"It's okay. I'm just not used to red wine with this kind of raw salami. My stomach feels a little uncomfortable. Just spit it out and it'll be fine."

"It's okay, I'm a little worried about you."

"It's okay. Maybe I took a long flight and drank some champagne and red wine, so I was a little dizzy." Helen opened the door, took Ronald's bath towel, then quickly dried it, changed into pajamas and got into bed.

She hugged Ronald and soon fell asleep sweetly.

Ronald looked at her beautiful face and felt a little worried, maybe Helen also had anorexia.

After Helen got on the plane back to New York, Ronald immediately called Helen's father Gerald.

"Gerald, this is Ronald. Helen has already boarded the plane. I'm calling you because I recently encountered something that I should be worried about." Ronald said that he saw Helen vomiting. Things were said to Gerrard.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, "I know, Helen had a serious case of anorexia when she was thirteen years old. I thought she was fine after so many years."

"Could it be because of Supergirl? I heard her say that some people said she was fatter in the movie."

"Hey, this is all a problem between her mother and me."

Gerrard confirmed Ronald's concerns over the phone. When they were getting divorced, Helen once had anorexia symptoms of artificial vomiting after eating. After many attempts at medical treatment, there was no cure, until the family doctor recommended a famous psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist finally found the source of Helen's repeated vomiting. Whenever she encounters something she can't handle (such as her parents' divorce), she blames herself and thinks it's because she gained weight and didn't please her parents. And her solution was to lose weight.

Originally, as Helen got older, she was able to understand that her parents' divorce was not her fault, and she became less taboo about eating to gain weight. Unexpectedly, signs of recurrence appeared again this time.

"I'm worried, Gerald. I want to get on the next plane to New York to find her."

"No need for the time being, I will contact the famous psychiatrist for her, so you don't have to worry. We will keep in touch. If the situation is not good and you need to come, I will inform you."

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