Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 86 Difficult Helen

"I think when choosing Ali, we must first look at the actor's popularity. An actress with average acting skills but high reputation is our best choice." Weintraub chatted with Ronald again in the office When it came to choosing the heroine, he seemed to have changed his mind again.

"Actually, I agree with you. Ali doesn't have too many roles. Of course, it would be best if she is well-known and has certain acting skills." Ronald took out his notebook and turned to the page where he recorded that day. Under the "Yes" Who?" Another heavy circle was drawn next to the writing.

"So, do you have any candidates?" Ronald asked.

"What do you think of Brooke Shields? She's the dream girl of every boy in America."

"This?" Ronald hesitated. Brooke's appearance is certainly very suitable for the dream lover, but it doesn't fit well with the overall story of the movie. It is unlikely that a girl of her level of beauty would fall in love with Johnny, a man from a middle-class family who loves to ride motorcycles and practice karate.

And if he wants to fall in love with an underdeveloped skinny monkey like Ralph Mazio... it's unlikely. The people of America will not accept it. If he is similar to a handsome handsome guy like himself... Hey, where did you think of it?

"It's a good choice," Ronald replied while thinking of reasons, "but Brooke has already been admitted to Princeton. I know this is her wish. She had just entered college when we were filming, and it was unlikely that she would ask for leave."

"Is that so? I will formally contact her mother Terry through her agent. You and Brooke know each other. How about asking her privately on the phone?"

"Okay, I will..." Ronald's doubts deepened, why every time Weintraub went back to rest, he would have some new ideas the next day that were whimsical but not unreasonable.

"In addition, we can't just bet on Brooke Shields. Now among the teenage audience, the heroine of 'The Kid', Diane Lane, is also very well-known. She is currently filming 'Streets of Fire', you can Can't you please take some time to chat? I know you worked with her on a Coppola film."

"This? I'll ask her agent how the filming went." Ronald added two more question marks next to the question marks, and then folded the page of the notebook.

Ronald was a little conflicted about Diane Lane. Ever since I accidentally said the wrong line last time, I have been avoiding her and have not contacted this little girl who I watched grow up.

I wonder what will happen if we meet each other? Ronald was a little worried again,

A little bit more looking forward to it.

It happened that Donna was going to Los Angeles to investigate universities during the summer vacation. She will graduate from high school next year and is choosing the university she wants to go to. Ivy has visited several places on the East Coast, and this time I’m visiting the West Coast. It just so happened that I could go to visit the class with her.

The person who arrived in Los Angeles before Donna was Helen Slater.

Warner Bros. pressed hard, and the director of "Supergirl" quickly edited the 138-minute preliminary version, which was to be previewed for the audience. Helen also came to support it. This was her first time on the big screen. See your own show on.

Ronald took a break from his busy work on the set and took an evening to accompany Helen to the preview.

Warner Bros. has high hopes for "Supergirl". The unfavorable box office performance of "Superman 3" has caused Warner to doubt this series of movies. This test screening is the key to whether the entire "Superman" series can continue.

Although Ronald had only been separated from Helen Slater for less than two weeks, he found that Helen had lost weight. He was a little worried, but he didn't say it in person. Instead, he decided to call Gerrard later to find out about the situation.

Helen was a little nervous. She entered the screening room, sat on the creator's seat, and held Ronald's hand so hard that her fingers turned white.

The name of producer Alexander Salkind appears directly at the beginning of the film. The subtitles are made into three-dimensional characters, surrounded by clouds. Salkind's name also emits a burst of blue light, full of mystery.

Then there is the separate name of the actor. This separate listing indicates that the actor is the main creator and will also have a position above the film title on the movie poster.

The first thing that flew over was Faye Dunaway's name, which was also emitting a mysterious blue light. Generally speaking, the first actor's name is usually the lead, but in this movie, Dunaway's salary is much higher than Helen.

Helen muttered something, and Ronald quickly comforted her.

Then Helen Slater's name flew up. The blue light on the name flew halfway and turned red. When it faded, it was the official title of "Supergirl".

"The actor's name closest to the title of the film is the most important. Congratulations, Helen." Ronald said softly in Helen's ear.

"Giggle", Helen's nervous expression finally turned into a smile, "You don't know, this subtitle cost more than one million US dollars to produce."

"Oh," Ronald thought it was too expensive. This subtitle was very shocking when the first "Superman" came out in 1978. But five years have passed and three Superman movies have been filmed. Supergirl still has the same subtitles, and the audience does not find it very interesting.

Ronald looked around. Sure enough, there was no excited reaction from the audience. Instead, some people yawned, hoping that the boring subtitles would pass quickly.

The slow credits finally end, with Supergirl played by Helen Slater discussing some Kryptonian technology in a spaceship with a scientist played by Peter O'Toole.

Helen is still cute and wearing a dress. Soon Supergirl destroyed the spaceship. She took a small escape cabin and went to Earth to find her cousin Superman to find out what the solution was.

"I feel so strange, it doesn't look like me." Helen said quietly to Ronald.

"The left and right sides of people in movies are reversed, which is different from what you see in the mirror. But it's the same as what other people see. I think you are beautiful."

"Really?" Helen temporarily let go of her worries.

Ronald watched intently, especially those shots of Helen. The director made Helen very beautiful. Compared to Superwoman, Ronald even liked the scenes where she disguised herself as Linda Lee, an ordinary high school student. Helen put on a wig and restored her original brown hair, looking very demure.

But the audience didn't buy it. They didn't come to see his girlfriend like Ronald. Some viewers even booed when Supergirl took to the sky to save the forklift driver.

No one wants to come to the cinema to watch Supergirl fight a forklift, at least in the movie Superman is stopping an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Helen heard the boos and her palms began to sweat. Being strongly dissatisfied by the audience in this way was a blow to Helen, who had just made her debut film.

Ronald put his arm around Helen and gently soothed her with one hand. I have also experienced this nervous feeling. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to make two movies that were both successful.

After returning home from the preview, Helen was in a bad mood. Ronald gave her a few words of advice, saying that the reaction to the test screening was not necessarily the reaction to the final film.

"Really? Is it that Brooke Shields movie?"

"Yes, I worked for director Zeffirelli back then. The response to "Endless Love" during the test screening was not good, but in the end it sold well at the box office." Ronald said.

"Oh." Helen's mood did not improve with a few words from Ronald. Instead, she sat there feeling a little sentimental. Ronald went over to say a few words of comfort.


"I want to be alone," Helen said.

At this time, the phone rang, it was Helen's agent calling. "Your agent is calling," Ronald handed over the phone.

"Yeah, okay, I understand." After hearing the call, Helen lowered her head and looked even more uncomfortable.

"What's wrong? What did you say on the phone?" Ronald felt that when Helen came back this time, she was not as optimistic as before, but rather depressed.

"Warner is not satisfied with the movie and wants to cut it from 138 minutes to 120 minutes. Many of my scenes will be cut."

"It's okay, this is all normal, now the tape..." Ronald tried to comfort.

"No, you don't know the struggles of an actor. I spent so much time trying to get into the role of Supergirl, and I did the stunt scenes with the wires under the big crane. I... I didn't want those scenes to be cut like this. "Helen interrupted Ronald and turned around to feel sad.

Helen, who was in a bad mood, went to bed first. Ronald secretly called Helen's father Gerald.

It was already midnight in New York where Gerard was, and he was a little relieved when he was woken up by Ronald's call. Ronald still cared about his daughter.

Speaking of Helen's weight loss, Gerald admitted that Helen had started dieting again to lose weight.

"Did she have a relapse of anorexia? I'm worried. Do I need to see a doctor?"

"No, there are two types of anorexia. One is not eating, and this type of anorexia is dangerous, potentially life-threatening, and you probably know Karen Carpenter had it.

Helen had the other kind, where she would overeat and then deal with it by inducing vomiting or taking laxatives. I made two appointments with a psychiatrist for her in New York. When she comes back, she will slowly get better. "

"Oh, okay." Ronald felt relieved a little.

"Who are you talking to on the phone?" Helen dug out a lot of Ronald's snacks from the room, ate them all, and then went to the bathroom to throw them up. When she walked out of the room, she found Ronald talking on the phone.

"Oh, it's Gerald."

"Oh, my God", Helen covered her face, ran into the bathroom, dug her throat with her hands, and vomited out everything she had eaten.

Ronald knew that the problem was not serious, so he waited outside for her to come out and handed her a glass of warm water.

Helen took the water glass, lowered her head, then sat cross-legged on the sofa, lowered her head and said nothing.

Her psychological problems broke out again, and she seemed to think that her performance and body shape were the main reasons for the failure of the film's test screening. Then Helen thought from the failure of the movie that her relationship with Ronald might also fail.

"The movie will definitely fail. Do you think my performance is too childish?" Helen finally raised her head and asked.

"It doesn't matter, it won't necessarily fail, and even if it fails, your career will not necessarily be affected. I think your performance is good." Ronald knew that Helen's performance was a bit childish, and this was probably due to the actor. Influenced by Peter O'Toole, Helen's lines have a bit of a Shakespearean accent, which is not very suitable in this kind of movie.

"I'm definitely finished. No one will ask me to act in movies anymore."

"Don't say that. I will ask you to play the heroine. How about you play my 'Longwei Boy'? I'll go talk to Weintraub."

"If you see how stupid I am in acting, you will definitely not cast me again."

"It's okay. I think you did a pretty good job. The main reason is that the script is not good."

"You are comforting me. If you use me as the heroine, the movie will definitely lose money."

"You don't believe me that much?"

"I believe you are a very good director, but I am not a very good actor. I will make your movies disgusted by the audience. Then you will like me and you will feel bored when you watch me. When you see me, you will be reminded of me." I caused you to fail at the box office, alas." Helen cried softly.

"Where did all this go? Haven't I asked you to play the role yet? Why don't you take a break this time as 'Long Wei Boy'? I'll be looking for you to play the leading role in the next part." Ronald opened the door for Helen The hair in the front was combed behind her ears.

"You really dislike me..." Helen turned her head and ignored him.

"Nothing, this matter is completely up to you. I have always felt that you are a good choice to play Ali."

"Actually, I don't have to act in your movie. I'm afraid that if I don't perform well, you will dislike me." Helen turned around again.

"No, Helen, it's you I like, not the character you play."

"Hmm... um... um..." Helen twisted around and talked to Ronald for a long time.

The two of them said these words back and forth many times. An hour had passed and it was late at night.

"I'm fine. I'm like this sometimes. Did it scare you?" Helen's mood finally improved.

"It's okay. Do you want to eat something? I'm already hungry. There is a Japanese restaurant here, open late."

"Hehe..." Helen was very happy. She and Ronald had been arguing for so long, and Ronald was not bored. Instead, he cared about her.

"Okay, don't eat too much this time."


The two went to the Japanese restaurant downstairs to eat some sushi, and finally everything calmed down.

"Helen is really hard to coax sometimes..." Ronald wiped his sweat.


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