Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 95 Shooting Rehearsal

Diane Lane asked her agent to talk to David Letterman about being on the show. She went to dinner by herself, Ronald and Donna.

At the dinner table, Diane talked about some of her recent experiences.

The filming of "Streets of Rage" was finished, and the two charming costumes designed by Armani personally belonged to Diane herself, which made her very happy.

While the crew was moving around, Diane had to study high school courses on her own, barely passed the high school exam, and received a diploma and graduation ring in the mail while on the crew.

"Look, this is my graduation ring." Diane stretched out her hand to show Donna. She was envious of Donna, who had good grades and could go to college. As an actress, she has a bit of natural inferiority here and feels that she is not smart enough academically.

"You and I are the only ones with high school diplomas now," Ronald said with a smile.

"Huh..." Diane glanced sideways at Ronald.

"By the way, Karen asked me to tell you that after filming the movie, you must remember to go to New York University to complete your studies..." Donna remembered her mother's instructions and quickly hit Ronald.

"Uh..." This time it was Ronald's turn to be embarrassed.

Then Diane talked about Coppola's new film. Coppola had already privately agreed with Diane that she would be the heroine.

In order to play the role of a singer at the Cotton Club in the 1920s, Diane had to cut her shoulder-length hair into ear-length hair, work hard to practice jazz songs and dances, and eat a little fat to fit in with her 20s. The aesthetics of the era.

"Why? The audience didn't care much about the aesthetics of that time. What they care about is the aesthetics of today." Ronald found it a bit strange. Coppola always liked to shoot niche subjects.

"I think you don't know much about acting. When you play a period drama, of course you have to keep your image close to the image of the time?" Diane repeated what Coppola taught her, but then she thought of today's Luo Nader is his own hero, so let’s stop talking about it.

Ronald didn't respond. He was thinking about the relationship between the actor's acting skills and the movie as a whole. A movie that highlights the acting skills of one actor throughout the film is not necessarily a good movie. Movies should use acting skills to reveal the characters at the most critical points.

"Thank you, Ronald. My agent said that David Letterman's show is watched by more teenagers, and that I can appear as a guest for ten minutes, which will be good for the film and my own exposure. "After dinner, Diane was going to leave with her agent first.

At the door of the restaurant, she sincerely thanked Ronald.

"It doesn't matter. Letterman and I are old acquaintances. It's a good thing that he can invite you."

"Thank you", Diane hugged Ronald and kissed him.

Ronald thought it was a kiss on the cheek as a farewell gesture, but he didn't expect Diane to find his lips and kiss them hard.

"The lipstick got on your lips," Diane smiled happily and carefully wiped it off with Ronald's hand.

"Goodbye, Donna." Diane and Donna also hugged each other goodbye, and left first with their agent.

Ronald took Donna back home.

Open the door and turn on the light. Donna suddenly asked Ronald, "I haven't asked about you and life, but you and Helen..."

"Helen went back to New York to recuperate. She said she wanted to... pause for a while. I didn't have any more energy to deal with this matter, so I just made two phone calls to ask."

"How is she?"

"Gerald sent her to Long Island to recuperate, and she should recover well." Ronald knew that Helen's parents were also divorced, so she would not stay in the two reorganized families for long.

"I've always wanted to ask you something, Ronnie." Donna adjusted her posture and said seriously, "I always feel that every time you have a girlfriend, you are eager to establish a stable relationship with her, and even want to marry."

"What's the problem?" Ronald didn't expect that Donna, who would only go to college next year, would actually discuss love and marriage with him.

"But now many young people in America are not rushing to get married. Many people have a phobia about marriage. The divorce rate is so high now, not to mention you are in the entertainment industry now. I see that many celebrities have many paragraphs. Marriage and children.”

"Isn't this inconsistent with my pursuit? There are also couples in the entertainment industry who have been together for a lifetime, such as...well, Paul Newman, and Joanna Woodward." Ronald thought for a long time and thought of this pair of actor and actress. couple.

"No, Paul Newman was married twice, too."

"How do you know? Really?" Ronald had previously seen Paul Newman being interviewed on TV. The reporter asked him if he was attracted to beauties in the entertainment industry. Newman replied that since he had a good steak at home, there was no need to go out for a burger. "

"Paul Newman and Joanna used to live in Staten Island, my mom said. She even went there to get an autograph. Joanna was also his second wife..." Donna said some gossip, "I just think , if you want to get married and date girls every time, you will scare away many girls. Sometimes girls don’t think so far.”

"You seem to know more about love and marriage than I do. Donna, what kind of husband do you want in the future?"

"I don't want to be a housewife, but I also want to have a career. I hope my future husband can understand me and support my career." Donna stated her thoughts categorically.

After completing the campus tour, Donna returned to New York, and Ronald also returned to the crew. The preliminary karate training has been completed, and he has started rehearsing with the main actors of the crew.

In the dance studio, several tables and chairs were set up. The main actors began to use their imagination to imagine those tables and chairs into various scenes, and began to rehearse each scene according to the order of the script.

Randy Heller, only fifteen years older than Ralph Marzio, plays Daniel's single mother Lucille.

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The two sat on the left and right sides of the stool as if it were Lucille's second-hand Chevrolet SUV.

"Daniel, push, push harder!" Randy called Ralph Mazzio's character's name, "Okay, okay, come up here."

This is the scene at the beginning of the movie when Daniel and his mother drove from New Jersey to Los Angeles. Lucille had little money and the car broke down halfway. Daniel had to push from behind to start the car.

Ronald stood nearby, keeping his eyes on the viewfinder of the Sony camera, with several large spare batteries hanging on his body. He acted as a cameraman and captured all the rehearsal footage. Watch it again in the evening, write down the performance and coordination problems you find, and then think of ways to solve them.

"Very good. The next scene was at an apartment with palm trees. Lucille was very happy and asked her son to sing together. Daniel was still thinking about his friends in New Jersey and was a little sad." Ronald felt that these two casting choices It was nice, Ralph and Randy had great chemistry.

Daniel is a somewhat sad child. Only this mother, who is full of optimism and coaxes her son, can educate Daniel to make progress with her meager income.

"What follows is the romantic encounter between Daniel and Ari." It's a scene at the beach. Daniel goes to the beach to play beach soccer with his new Latino friend from the apartment and sees Aly, who is also there swimming in a bathing suit.

The two fell in love at first sight and had a good impression of each other. Daniel also taught Ali to play football.


Ronald turned the camera on Ralph Mazzio and zoomed in to a close-up. Ralph was worthy of being a disciple taught by Coppola. He looked at Elizabeth Sue without blinking, as if he was under a holding spell.

Ronald turned the camera lens to Elizabeth Sue again.

"Um...pause for a moment." Elizabeth, come with me.

Ronald discovered a big problem. Elisabeth Shue could not play Ralph Mazio with that affectionate feeling.

"What's wrong with you and Ralph?" Ronald asked Sue.

"Is there no problem?" Elizabeth Su looked at her feet.

"Then why is there no love in the way you look at him? This is the scene where the two protagonists meet for the first time. A romantic encounter (meet cute) determines the audience's first impression of the two."

Ronald knows that this first impression is very important. Only if the audience can accept that they fell in love at first sight will they think from the perspective of Daniel and Ally and regard Johnny as the villain. Instead of feeling that Daniel was trying to steal love.

When Ralph Mazzio and Elisabeth Sue auditioned together before, there was clearly a spark in their eyes, but why was it completely missing during rehearsal?

"I...I don't have any feelings for him." Elizabeth Su hesitated for a moment, but still told Ronald what was in her heart.

It turns out that Elizabeth Su also participated in karate training in the past two weeks. With her football and gymnastics skills, she got started very quickly. With good strength and flexibility, Elizabeth Su quickly surpassed Ralph Mazio in training.

The idea of ​​an athlete is very simple. If you can't beat me, you are not as good as me. Elizabeth Sue soon developed a subconscious contempt for Ralph Mazio. A boy who is like a dick cannot attract an athletic girl like Su.

This problem was serious, and Ronald scratched his head. If there is such a thing as a chemical reaction, it exists, and if it doesn't exist, it doesn't exist. It is impossible for two actors without chemistry to perform an effect that convinces the audience on the screen.

"What should we do now? I don't think they will fall in love." Susan Akins stayed after rehearsal every day and watched the day's rehearsal video with Ronald and others. She also learned the concepts of romantic encounters, chemical reactions, etc. from Ronald, and she felt a little anxious.

"Don't worry, we still have time. This is what I think. Su is an athlete. The main problem is that Ralph's strength is not good. He can't beat Ali in karate fighting.

But he is Latino and was born to play football. I will let him re-practice some football dribbling movements during this period. Then, he will have a common language with Elizabeth Su, who has played football since childhood. It's not a problem to cope with movie shooting this way. "

Ronald watched today's rehearsal video, wrote down all the problems he found in his notebook, and went home to think of solutions. He pressed the exit button and handed the tape to Susan.

Susan Aikins is not a flower girl. She works very hard to learn everything about film shooting.

Now that Susan is on the set, she is not only the eyes and ears of Weintraub, but also the housekeeper of Ronald and the set. She can find a solution to any problem.

Susan took the videotape and carefully wrote the date and venue of the rehearsal on the label next to it. She put the tape into her large bag and drove home alone.

"Honey, surprise!"

When Susan returned home, she was surprised to see Weintraub setting up a candlelight dinner at home.

Under Susan's persuasion, Weintraub did not have a showdown with his wife Jane Morgan. He truly loved Susan and his wife. So I could only come to Susan's apartment every once in a while to have a warm relationship with her.

Susan took out Ronald's video tape, put it on the VCR, pressed the button, and copied one tape while watching it. This is what she keeps for archiving.

"Is this a rehearsal video from today?" Weintraub asked, looking at the video. "It seems like they have no chemistry." He saw Elizabeth Sue's loveless eyes.

"Ronald said he had an idea," Susan told Weintraub about Ronald's idea.

"Well, you can make another copy and I'll take it home and have a look."

"Then take this tape and go." Susan put the tape into Weintraub's briefcase.

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