Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 100 Hexagram 8 Scandal

Ronald couldn't bear to see the girl cry, so he walked forward and picked up a disposable cup, took a cup of coffee, walked over and gently patted Susan Aikins on the shoulder and handed it over.

Susan was petrified. Even in Los Angeles, one of the most open cities in America, a woman who deliberately destroys celebrity families will arouse criticism from society and public opinion. Moreover, her father and Weintraub were friends of the same generation, which made it even more controversial.

Jane Morgan was a famous singer, and if the gossip newspapers reported it (and they certainly would), she would have been known as a bad woman ever since.

She took the coffee and wiped away her tears, "I, I...Ronald, I have no intention of destroying Jerry and Jane's family. I just like Jerry and I want to be with him."

Ronald comforted her gently, "It's okay, I know you are a good girl."

"Alas..." Susan hugged Ronald's shoulders and cried out.

Ronald took her to the nearby lounge and asked his assistant to help take care of her.

Susan looked up at Ronald, "Can you help me go see Jerry? If he... I can quit..."

"Poor woman..." Ronald thought to himself, nodded and walked out to find Weintraub.

Associate producer Charles Okun was sitting in his seat, watching all this with cold eyes. After seeing Ronald go out, he also got up and followed slowly to watch the excitement.

Jane Morgan walked out of the screening room quickly, her pace gradually slowing down. .

Weintraub turned out to be her agent, and he called Jane Morgan early one morning at the hotel and asked her to come down to discuss a life-or-death matter. After Jane Morgan went down, Weintraub made love to her on the spot, and half an hour later the two were lying on the same bed.

So Jane Morgan knew very well what kind of eager pervert her husband was, and this time she hooked up with secretary Susan again.

She walked deliberately slowly to give Weintraub a chance to catch up.

"Jane, I'm sorry." Weintraub caught up and grabbed Jane Morgan's shoulders with both hands.

Jane Morgan stretched out her hand to him and said, "Bring it here!"

"What?" Weintraub asked, confused.

"A million dollars, we said, you're out there messing around, pay me a million dollar check."

Weintraub was very embarrassed. He didn't expect to be forced into such embarrassment by Jane Morgan at his age. Jane Morgan is most likely not joking, but if she says it, others will think she is joking. The more this happens, the more embarrassed he becomes.

"Don't do that, Jane."

"I said, if you play with these young and beautiful girls outside, I will make you bear the price. I just didn't expect that your taste has deteriorated."

Jane Morgan thought of the blond child who swam at home last time, the so-called Ronald's girlfriend, who was much better than Susan Akins in terms of figure and face. And Susan was just a chubby, ordinary red-haired girl.

"I don't allow you to say this about her, you can punish me, Jane! But Susan is innocent." Weintraub heard this, his anger surged, and he refuted Jane Morgan face to face.

"What?" Jane Morgan looked shocked.

"Don't say that about Susan, I love her. Let's get a divorce." Weintraub said the word divorce painfully. When he snatched Jane Morgan away from her ex-husband, he never expected that he would reach this point.

"You!" Jane Morgan didn't expect Weintraub to be serious. Suddenly her blood surged and she felt dizzy. She slowly walked towards the wall and stretched out her hand to support him.

Weintraub didn't see all this. He had already turned around and walked back to the screening room, looking for Susan.

Ronald walked out just in time to see Weintraub blurt out the divorce sentence. He saw Jane Morgan holding on to the wall, and hurriedly stepped forward and gently supported the other person.

"Jane? Ms. Morgan? Are you okay?"

"No, I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy, thank you." Jane Morgan is a big singer, and she quickly regained her composure. She patted Ronald's arm and motioned for him to help her sit down on the bench at the door. .

"I think Mr. Weintraub is just impatient for a while. When he calms down, he will..." Ronald saw that Jane Morgan seemed to have been hit hard, and her whole temperament was much depressed, so he quickly offered words of comfort.

"No, I know Jerry. He is a man who acts according to his instincts." Jane Morgan looked at Ronald, suddenly feeling the desire to talk.

"He is a Jew from a lower-class background. When he was my agent, he acted on intuition. I fell in love with him at first sight, so I divorced my ex-husband and ended up with him."

Ronald had no choice but to sit down and listen to Jane Morgan. This famous singer was indescribably pitiful. She lost her marriage and love at this age, and then had all the old stories brought out and hyped by gossip newspapers. It was not a joke. For play.

"I will promise him. When I married him, I said that one day when he has a new lover, he must tell me. I just didn't expect that day to come."

"Ms. Morgan," Ronald saw her plight and felt as if she was even more pitiable than Susan inside. "I remember the last time I met you, I talked about the past events of Debbie Reynolds and Elizabeth Taylor. , you told me, if it were you, you would never be as weak as Reynolds and give up your husband to another woman."

"Huh?" When Jane Morgan heard this, she seemed to come to life again, "I said it, and you are right."

She thought for a moment and said to Ronald, "I will wait for him here. Please go back and tell Jerry that when I die, I want to keep the title of Mrs. Weintraub on the tombstone."

"Okay", Ronald thought to himself, he had become a microphone between the three of them.

"As for Susan, I can pretend that she is invisible, and he is not allowed to bring her to my house. And Christmas, Thanksgiving, my birthday, our wedding anniversary..."

When she said this, Jane Morgan's voice trembled, "On anniversaries, these days, he must go home and be with the children."

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Ronald walked back again, and when he opened the door, he saw associate producer Charles Okun standing by the door, "Where did Weintraub go?"

Charles Okun pointed in the direction of the lounge where Susan was. Seeing him walking that way, I began to think about how I could benefit from this matter.

"Dangdang" Ronald knocked on the door of the lounge and pushed it open.

Weintraub was sitting on the sofa, holding Susan in his arms and talking, "Honey, I have made a showdown with Jane, and I will divorce her."

"No, don't do this. It's my fault. I shouldn't have fallen in love with you, Jerry." Susan comforted Weintraub in turn.

"Uh-huh..." Ronald cleared his throat, "Mr. Weintraub, Jane asked me to bring you a few words..."

Weintraub patted Susan's hand, stood up and came to Ronald's side, "What did Jane say?"

"She said that after her death, she would like to have Mrs. Weintraub's title engraved on her tombstone."

Is this because he doesn’t agree to divorce and is going to fight with himself? Weintraub clenched his fists. He is a person who is willing to face challenges, whether it is his music career, film career, or his personal life.

"This is not good for either of us..." Weintraub managed to say something.

"No, I think it will be a good thing for the three of you." Ronald still had a few words to convey, and he wanted to reassure Weintraub first.

"Whose side are you on? Don't forget that I hired you, and Susan has always said good things about you." Weintraub did not understand the implication of Ronald's words. He thought that Ronald was a young man who was still Teach him a lesson about his private life.

Associate producer Charles Okun, who was standing outside the door, heard Weintraub's raised voice and walked out contentedly. You can contact your partner immediately.

Since Weintraub was already dissatisfied with Ronald, he only had to collect Ronald's "crime" as planned, and tell Weintraub about it together with the samples at the weekend. Saturday and Sunday were enough for Weintraub to fire Ronald and replace him with his partner.

He found a phone and dialed a number. "Hey, Michael, you can prepare for action. That kid had a falling out with Weintraub and is overestimating his capabilities."

Michael Cimino's voice came over the phone, "You have done a good job, I will not treat you badly. When the time comes, I will allocate a special budget for you to use as a prop vehicle, and then I will also set aside enough Money to buy..." As he spoke, Cimino blew his nose repeatedly on the other side of the phone.

"Very good, please remember to stay awake these two days. We are also preparing to find faults with his samples."

"Don't worry, that guy is directing the filming of an exploitation film. He's messing with the art of cinema."

"I still have something to say." Ronald heard Weintraub's question and couldn't laugh or cry. He pulled Wentraub aside, "Jane said that as long as you don't take Susan home, then you have to spend several reunion holidays with her..."

"Oh? What did you say to her?" Weintraub was surprised when he heard Ronald's message. This is a huge concession, and I don’t know why Jane Morgan would make such a concession.

"I just repeated what she said." Ronald repeated what he had said to Jane Morgan.

"I owe you once." Weintraub patted Ronald's shoulder heavily, "I have a lot of things to do next, so I won't be coming to the set for the next few days. You can take charge of all the filming yourself, probably I can free time on the weekends and we can watch the samples together.”

Weintraub returned to his tycoon character, called his assistant, and sent Susan home first. Then he went out to find Jane Morgan and went home to negotiate with her.

As he walked out of the door, associate producer Charles Okun ran over to him and said, "Jerry, when will we see our dailies? You asked me to pay attention to the quality of the dailies. I think there are still many problems. When Let’s talk with Cimino?”

"On the weekend, I guess I won't be free until then." Weintraub had no intention of thinking about this at all. After a while, he quickly walked out of the screening room and found Jane Morgan. Then he chatted with her, then stood up, supported Jane Morgan, and the two found the driver and went home together.

Ronald stared at the assistants, put away the samples, picked up tomorrow's notice, and drove the Saab 900 home.

The next day, several students at the Cobra Dojo saw Daniel playing football intimately with Johnny's ex-girlfriend. Then he went off the field and smashed Ali's loudspeaker record player, and then beat up Daniel who came to fight against injustice. play.

As he was thinking about the shooting of these shots, Ronald's phone rang.

"Hey, it's me, Ronald."

"Ronnie, it's me, Brooke. I finally got through to you. I'm going to send a clarification on that gossip."

"What gossip?" Ronald hadn't reacted yet.

"Ronald, it's me, Terry." Brooke's mother answered the phone, "When you sent Brooke back to Princeton that day, you were photographed by the paparazzi and it was published in today's National Enquirer. Up. Don’t you see?

Oh, you're filming a movie? I plan to ask Brooke to be interviewed by reporters outside Princeton tomorrow, and then deny that you two are a couple.

Every time Brooke makes a movie, there are actors who want to join in and capitalize on Brooke's popularity. ‘Endless Love’, ‘Blue Coral Reef’, every time the male lead is like this, I have to take the initiative to ask reporters for clarification every time. Now that Brooke is a little girl, she's not fit to be associated with these scandals, you know? "

"Okay, how about you handle it? Do you need me to do anything?" Ronald heard Terry's words, implying that he was also enjoying the heat, and a feeling of tiredness came to his heart.

"There may also be reporters looking for you, as long as you follow our unified statement."

After Terry finished explaining, Brooke answered the phone again, "Ronnie, I'm sorry, this was an accident. It was dark that day and I didn't pay attention. From the photo, they used a telephoto lens and were very far away. Taken somewhere.”

"It doesn't matter, you are America's sweetheart. Your mother has arranged everything." Ronald wanted to hang up the phone.

"Wait, Ronnie. I...I want you to come to New York again during spring break so we can have a chance to meet again."

Brooke Shields put an accent on the word "spring break."

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