Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 120 Chinese-speaking Exploitation Film

In the afternoon, Ronald finally met Diane at home, who had slept very late, and the two of them went out for a drive together.

After all, the Honda Accord car is not an original BMW, nor is it a good-looking Italian convertible sports car, so the silk white headscarf that Diane carefully prepared has no use.

Looking at Diane who was a little disappointed, Ronald turned a corner and went to Fifth Avenue.

"Ha, will you take me shopping?" Diane happily got out of the car and looked at the pedestrians on the road at the entrance of the Tiffany store. This is where Audrey Hepburn shot the opening scene of "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

"No, let's go over there." Ronald took Diane's hand, crossed the street, and walked along Fifth Avenue. In front is a very old building, the gray stone looks very elegant, and the windows facing the street are equipped with dark red awnings.

"Cartier!" Diane was even more happy, pulling Ronald in to see his beloved jewelry.

"Mr. Ronald Lee," the waiter in a suit greeted Ronald and took him and Diane to the counter on one side, "This is what you booked yesterday."

Ronald smiled and nodded. Everything arranged by his agent Eddie yesterday was indeed good.

Diane had never enjoyed this kind of dedicated service before, so she looked very reserved and said, "Well, thank you."

As soon as the royal blue velvet box was opened, an 18k gold bracelet lay quietly inside. If you look closely, you will see that this is actually a bracelet-shaped watch, panthère de cartier.

Diane gently picked it up and put it on her hand. The slender strap was wrapped around her wrist three times. From a distance, it looked like a perfect match for an evening dress.

"Very suitable for you, Miss Lane." The waiter recognized the child star-turned-Hollywood actress.

"Thank you", Diane reluctantly put the bracelet watch into the box, and then kissed Ronald on the face.

The two went to the Japanese restaurant in Zhongcheng East Village and had a meal of sushi.

"Uh..." Diane burped, "Hehehe."

"It doesn't matter, are you enough? Japanese people will take this as a compliment to their food.


"Okay." Diane still covered her mouth. She felt that hiccups were always unpleasant.

"Do you stay up so late? Did you stay up late last night?"

"I slept very late, so I could do my beauty work." Diane took a sip of hot barley tea and pressed it down.

"I'd rather go to bed early."

"Okay, brother Ronnie!" Diane hit Ronald's hand again. Why does Ronnie sound like his father?

"I was shopping on Fifth Avenue today, and no fans recognized me," Diane was a little unhappy. She was afraid that her popularity was declining.

The movie "Betta," in which she stars opposite Matt Dillon, was released at the end of October and didn't make any waves. Now we have to wait for "Streets of Rage" to be released next year, and now Coppola's "The Cotton Club".

"Orion" Pictures. Another $15 million was invested in Coppola. Their founders were the senior management team who left United Artists that year. United Artists is known for pampering artist directors and not interfering with filming. Coppola's successful history makes them willing to bet on him.

"Maybe your current appearance is a little different from your original appearance, so fans didn't recognize it."

"Hmph! You just dislike me for being fat." Diane turned her head dissatisfied.

"I don't dislike it, I think The Cotton Club shouldn't just be retro. Even if it's a period drama, it should also take into account modern aesthetics."

Ronald pushed Diane's bangs away with his hands, "Your eyebrows will return to their original shape in the future, right?"

"Yes, it just takes a while. Don't worry, brother Ronnie!"

The two next went to see a movie, "Mother and Daughter" starring Debra Winger and Shirley MacLaine.

"Do you think Deborah Winger did a good job?" The two entered the room at the Hilton Hotel that Minahan helped book, and Diane asked Ronald who was hanging up his clothes.

"Ah, he did a good job. I think he and MacLean will hopefully be nominated for Oscars."

"Why, do you like her temperament?"

"I like you like this." Ronald picked up Diane and walked to the bedroom.

"Then you still dislike my look in movies." Diane clamped her legs tightly around Ronald's waist and beat him on the shoulders with both hands.

"I fell head over heels for your look in Streets of Rage." Ronald began to kiss Diane slowly.

"Okay, Brother Ronnie. I just know you like to dress in coquettish characters. Well..."

Hearing Diane lying on his shoulder say this into his ear, Ronald suddenly felt a fire bursting out of his chest.

He carried her inside and took off his clothes.

Entering the dark bedroom, Ronald pressed Diane against the wall, and then kept groping for the light switch with his other hand.

"Hold me tight, use your hands!" Diane was so fascinated by the kiss that she pulled Ronald's hand over and pressed it on her buttocks.

"Well..." Diane let out a coquettish cry.

"Hmm..." Ronald felt his fingers sinking in, "It's really a bit fat."

The two were passionate for a while, and Ronald finally found the lamp switch out of breath.

Diane lay on the bed with a flushed face, so tired that she seemed about to fall asleep.

Ronald pulled the quilt over her.

Diane hugged Ronald and said, "Brother Ronnie, I screamed so loudly. Now the guests next to me know that you are brave. Eat..."

Gu Hua

Then she put her arms around Ronald's neck and fell asleep sweetly. After a while, there was a soft breathing sound.

Ronald rubbed Diane's ivory-like skin with his hands. He was also a little sleepy, so he simply pulled the quilt towards him, and the two of them fell asleep hugging each other.

A wave of sleepiness came over me. The amount of exercise today was obviously a bit heavy, so I worked hard for a long time holding the heavy Diane.

Holding each other in his arms, Diane's body temperature quickly made Ronald fall asleep comfortably. He hadn't slept so soundly for a long time.

"Kelly, this is it. Come here quickly. It'll be a pity if you miss it." A man's voice sounded.

Ronald heard a vague sound.

Is this a dream again?

"Hmm", Ronald wanted to open his sleepy eyes, but what he heard just now was not English, but a long-lost Chinese sentence.

"Is this it? Do I want to wear a coat?" A female voice came out.

A burst of very rhythmic music sounded, and Ronald felt it seemed a bit like the break dance music that blacks and Latinos like.

"Hi, Brother Tornado!" the first male voice greeted loudly.

When Ronald heard the word "old brother", he finally opened his eyes and saw a very large screen showing a movie.

The auditorium is very old-fashioned, with seats divided into front and back sections, and a wide podium in front of the screen on the stage.

"How's it going? Is it good enough? I finally asked the old man about the internal ticket he got." Ronald turned around and saw a teenage boy sitting next to him speaking to him.

"Ah... right." Ronald said perfunctorily.

"I heard that this movie is also very popular in America. Let's take a look at the colorful world of capitalism and how capitalists exploit workers." The young man next to him was still talking.

"Shhh..." The old man in front turned around and gestured, "Don't make any noise, please calm down for the internal screening."

Ronald turned his attention back to the big screen, where two men were breakdancing.

"Eton, what are you doing here, little guy?" The man called "Tornado" was talking to the man from the beginning.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Kelly." Eton introduced Kelly, who was coming in the same car, to "Tornado" and "Motor", and then he went off to dance.

Ronald looked at the dancing venue and it looked familiar. Isn't this Venice Beach in Los Angeles?

The character named "Kelly" also looked very familiar. Wasn't she Lucinda Dickey, the heroine of Minahan's ninja movie, whom I just met yesterday?

"No, why are all these Americans speaking Chinese!" Ronald exclaimed. He suddenly discovered that Lucinda was speaking fluent Chinese on the screen.

"The translator produced the voiceover. Kelly was voiced by Ding Jianhua, and there was Tong Zirong in the back." said the young man next to him who came with him.

Ronald was a little afraid to speak. He couldn't tell whether this was a dream or reality.

Soon there was a blur, and the camera cut to a buffet scene. The black young man nicknamed "Motor" picked up a piece of food and asked the waiter, "What is this?"

"Pig's Head Cheese"

"Eh...that's disgusting," "Motor" put down the cheese with a disgusted expression.

"Here you go, have fun, don't be restrained." A guy with blond curly hair came over to say hello to the two break dancers.

"You can have fun here, don't be restrained."

"How about Tong Zirong, who has such a hoarse voice? Let me tell you, he has rhinitis all year round, so he can speak in such a distinctive way."

"Ah..." Ronald turned his head and looked at the person who was speaking. He had obtained some "internal ticket" to share with him. Could it be that he was a friend in his previous life? Ronald distinguished himself carefully in the darkness, and the outline of this man seemed familiar.

There was another blur, and the camera on the screen came to a large room with simple decoration. A person in the back was turning the record left and right, making a squeaking sound, and then he began to speak with lyrics on the spot.

It was Motor and Tornado. Ronald recognized the two actors, who were clashing with two other Latino and black dancers. The two sides began to dance, and to the rhythm of the "squeaking" sound of the record spinning, the two sides began to dance and provoke each other.

However, the other party had a female dancer to help out, and the three of them were able to perform some special rhythms and movements. Ma Da and Xuan Feng suffer from the lack of female partners.

"Let go, they are my friends, I'm going to dance with them." It was Kelly, played by Lucinda Dickey, who pushed aside the blockage of the man with curly blond hair and danced with them.

"Don't forget that I am your agent and I will support you." The man with curly blond hair, wearing a suit and ties, said to Kelly. Or maybe it was said by Tong Zirong, the voice actor.

After Kelly came off the stage, she suddenly changed her dance style. It can be seen that Kelly dances in a jazz style, but after adding some break dance moves, it makes the other girl unable to imitate this kind of dance.

"Oh yeah..." Motor, Tornado, and Kelly finally won.

Fast forward again, and Ronald dreams that he and his friend are walking out of a movie theater. Looking back, I saw "Da Guangming Cinema" written on it.

"Let's go, let's go play the latest game console..."

"It's you!" Ronald exclaimed. He finally remembered. Isn't this the kid who was with him when he had a dream last time and played the arcade game "Quick Tornado"? Are you so big all of a sudden?

"Why did you change your look like this?" In the sunshine outside the cinema, Ronald discovered that the other party was wearing a cultural shirt with the words "China-US Cultural Exchange Year, American Film Exhibition" written on it.

"You just dislike my look." Diane was woken up by Ronald's exclamation, and she heard Ronald talking in his sleep about how he changed his look, "I was talking in my sleep, huh!"

Diane kicked Ronald hard.

"Ah!" Ronald was kicked. In his dream, he felt that he had lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground, so he quickly rolled on the spot.

"Hey, am I dreaming? Why did you roll under the bed?"

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