Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 131 Find a big star to guest star

Early the next morning, Ronald, who had received the work samples, began to watch the dance clips repeatedly in the editing car.

So far, the most exciting part is the three scenes.

The first segment is Falcon's dance-fighting rival. The fusion of robot dance and noodle dance he dances is a brand new form of break dance. Falcon said to Ronald that this is called "pop robot dance pop" locking".

In the second section, the Boogaloo prawn plays Ma Da, who performs a broom dance that is so natural that there is no trace of sluggishness. Moreover, his skill in moonwalking is very good, which will be of great benefit to the ending he wants to shoot.

The last section is the floor dance performed by the hand man. If you are not told in advance that he is a polio patient, many people may not be able to tell.

After cutting the three dances together, Ronald asked Minahan to send them to be transferred to videotape.

"It's urgent today, I need it tonight."

"Okay, I'll send someone to your house."

Ronald returned to the apartment, first called CAA's agent, then took a shower, shaved his beard, and had a good sleep. Full of energy, he got up just in time to receive two videotapes from Minahan's assistant.

"Thank you." Ronald looked at the video tapes in his hands, one in Sony beta format and one in VHS format, and put them in his wallet. After putting on his handmade suit, Ronald drove out and drove directly to CAA's office.

"Are you here?" Niceta was already waiting for him in a suit. "MJ signed a national promotion tour with Pepsi-Cola and became their product spokesperson. He arrived in Los Angeles yesterday and spent the night at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel today.

But he is very busy, and his album sales have broken many records. He is no longer the first-line singer he used to be, but is now a top-notch singer. I can only arrange a chance for you to talk for a few minutes. "

"No problem, I have something here that interests him." Ronald shook the leather bag in his hand.

"Okay, let's go." Niceta drove the car herself, and the two of them drove to the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel.

Michael Jackson's ostentation is indeed getting bigger and bigger, and there are bodyguards guarding the door of his bedroom.

After confirming with the inside,

Ronald walked into the room.

"Hi, Ronald, it's nice to meet you. I heard that you have something to do with me?" MJ spoke softly, like a teenager who has not grown up, but his overall aura has been compared with the last time we saw him. Big difference.

It seems that Pepsi-Cola's record-breaking celebrity endorsement fee of five million US dollars has really made the pop star realize his own value.

"Sorry to disturb you, I always remember what you said, you are looking for a moonwalking dance instructor."

Ronald took out two video tapes and handed them to the assistant next to MJ.

There was footage of Boogaloo prawns doing the "motor broom dance" on TV.

"What's his name?" MJ saw the light and rhythmic moonwalk and immediately stood up, "I want to know his name."

"His name is Boogaloo Shrimp, and his real name is Michael Chambers," Ronald said the name to his assistant, "There is a paragraph later that you can also read."

Falcon's popular mechanical dance during the dance battle appeared on TV again. Different from ordinary mechanical dance, his version is elegant and unrestrained, not completely dull like a robot.

Seeing MJ turn his head again, Ronald quickly said, "This is Bruno Falcon. He named this dance himself, called pop locking style."

"Have my agent call them." MJ told his assistant.

"Hey, they are filming a new movie on my set now." Ronald interrupted from the side. "It is a movie specifically about break dancing. Those are all scenes from the movie."

"A movie?" MJ became interested. He made a black version of "The Wizard of Oz" in 1978, but the box office and reviews were average. This time I saw that Ronald was filming a dance film, and I became a little interested. "

"Do you want to go and have a look? You can make a guest appearance then." Ronald said his true purpose with a smile.

"I'm afraid this won't work. My current schedule is all arranged by my agent." Michael Jackson is now the darling of all American little girls, and he knows very well that he cannot casually agree to guest appearance invitations.

"This is not a role, you just make a cameo to support yourself. Besides, you also have to ask them to be the choreographers. Just go to my place and have a chat with them. It's like an interview."

"Is that so? Do I still have time on my schedule?" Michael Jackson is indeed eager for Falcon and Boogaloo Prawn's moonwalk, and he is also very interested in his rival, so it would be nice to meet them if he has time.

The assistant opened the schedule, "We have to rush to Los Angeles tomorrow and won't be back until next Wednesday."

"That's no problem. I'll let the CAA people make arrangements. All you have to do is show up. The filming only takes five minutes, and you can have a good chat with them."

"Then it's settled, Ronald." After MJ said this, he turned around and motioned to his assistant.

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"His schedule is very tight, so..." The assistant ejected the videotape and gave it back to Ronald

"Then I won't bother you anymore," Ronald said goodbye knowingly.

"Yeah!" After walking downstairs and getting into Niceta's car, Ronald couldn't hold back and clenched his fists and shouted.

"Hahaha, it seems your share will increase greatly." Niceta smiled and drove off.

"Yes, your share will also be greatly increased."

Ronald told Minahan the good news overnight, asking him to prepare to set up the dance competition venue on Wednesday, and then ask Falcon to attend on time.

Then Ronald began to rewrite the ending.

Tornado is Latina and Mada is black. It is unlikely that such ethnic groups will enter Broadway and play the lead role in a musical with a white girl like Kelly.

Ronald still allowed the trio to win the dance competition, but in the end they did not recommend the trio to go to Broadway. They were busy and worked hard, but in the end they got nothing but a trophy.

Kelly still returned to work as a waiter at the burger restaurant, and Ma Da and Tornado still worked in convenience stores.

The only change is that the trio often go back to Venice Beach where they met to dance.

Perhaps breakdancing is not inherently a high-end place like Broadway. Audiences need to spend money to buy tickets before they can come in and enjoy this kind of street dance.

Breakdancing should belong to the streets and to the poor. All enthusiasts can enjoy it and learn from it. These people will selflessly share their skills.

The trio happened to be at the beach that day, teaching Latino, black, and white kids the basic moves of break dancing from scratch.

A tall, thin black man walked up to the beach. He approached the dance venue and looked at their wonderful dance scene. He took off his sunglasses and asked, "You are dancing very well. Can we join you?"

After Ronald finished writing, he read it several times, laughed a few times, and fell asleep with satisfaction.

This was his second attempt at a Billy Wilder-esque ending. The original climax was to win the dance competition, but in reality it was impossible to realize the dream of entering Broadway.

The plot is reversed here, and the audience will feel excited and a little bitter. Real life is like this. Where can there be a big gift that can reach the sky in one step, but it will fall on one's head every day.

The three of them stuck to their true nature and refused to give up because they loved break dancing. In the end, they found joy in the streets and were accidentally noticed by the emperor superstar.

The movie can end abruptly here, leaving ample room for the audience's imagination. Were they spotted by MJ and joined the dance troupe? Or be MJ's choreography coach? Or maybe they just met by chance, and according to the rules of street dancers, they parted ways after one dance.

On Monday of the second week, the crew resumed filming.

Already knowing that they would have the opportunity to meet Michael Jackson, several of the leading actors were a little excited. Although they didn't show it on the surface, Ronald could tell during the final filming that everyone was trying to bring out all of their abilities.

This actually helped Ronald a lot. He was a very energetic actor who could often improvise very difficult dance moves on the set. Some of the moves were difficult for them to succeed in during normal practice. For no reason, the quality of the dance in the movie improved a lot.

On this day, the filming moved to Debbie Reynolds dance studio.

"Ronald, be careful. I've just finished the decoration and will be recruiting students and opening next month." Debbie Reynolds still appeared on the set and gave Ronald a few words of advice.

"No problem, Ms. Reynolds, I've arranged everything." Ronald showed Reynolds his arrangements.

In order to prevent the decoration of the dance studio from being damaged, the props used wooden boards to cover the mirrors on the four walls, and then brought in several large mirrors of their own.

Another common shooting plan is to use fake walls instead of real walls, so that after the shooting is completed, it is easy to dismantle and restore the dance studio to its original appearance.

"Well, I'll be relieved if you do this. Are you filming a musical?" Debbie Reynolds looked at the set and asked.

"Yes, Debbie. This is a movie about street dancing. I loved your Singin' in the Rain and wanted my movie to be as successful as your masterpiece."

"Hahaha, very few people make musicals now. At that time, musicals were the most popular type of film." Debbie Reynolds recalled her youth.

"At that time, there was a group of technicians who specialized in filming musicals. They worked non-stop every day. As soon as the A-level blockbusters were finished shooting, B-level small productions moved into the sets and continued shooting. It was like an assembly line, and bang! One movie was finished."

"Singin' in the Rain was my first movie. I practiced that dance. After a day of shooting, my dance shoes were filled with blood from the torn soles of my feet."

Debbie Reynolds looked at Ronald and said, "I didn't expect anyone to make a dance film now. I hope you succeed, Ronald."

"This young man is good-looking. It would be great if my daughter's boyfriend, Paul Simon, was as talented as him. Singers are still unreliable. They always cry."


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