Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 81 Petition

Three days later, Ronald received a check from Roger Coleman for $10,000, the largest single check he had ever received.

It is expected that the advertising project will receive a lot of checks, so Ronald went to see his personal lawyer Lindsay Dole again.

Lindsay called him to tell him that he needed to sign the company registration, and that the newly hired accountant would also have a chat with him to see if his tax return for this year was complete.

"This is your company registration document, and the name is Ronald Lee Films. This is the document for a taxpayer identification number, and this is an application for an employer identification number for your employees to file their taxes, including yourself. This is the document to apply to the New York City government for a business license..."

Ronald followed the instructions of the lawyer and signed a large stack of documents one by one.

"Then my paperwork here is done, and Lawrence will take you to the bank to open an account, and then help you sort out your tax returns for last year."

"Okay, thank you, Lindsay. You're getting busier now. I'll make an appointment when I see you."

"Yeah, I'm too busy, my skin is rough, and I'll have to take care of it with my friends later." Lindsay Dole began to complain about too many things.

"Well, beauty for ladies is an overriding need, and I'll call you for other things." Ronald said goodbye to Miss Lawyer.

"Which bank do you like?" It was Ronald's newly hired accountant, Lawrence Wang, who asked.

After meeting several accountant candidates introduced by Lindsay Dole, Ronald chose a Chinese. His father came to New York after World War II and has been working as an accountant for several wealthy Chinese-Americans. Lawrence, who has inherited his father's business, is in his 30s. Since he married a white wife, he has become independent from the family business of several brothers, not limited to Chinese customers.

Because of his ethnicity, he cannot receive many clients of other races, and he is still representing tax matters for many small businesses.

After Ronald talked about several candidates, it was Lawrence who had the most professional knowledge, and his speech was simple and direct, and his efficiency was quite high. If it weren't for his ethnicity, which is unflattering in the Chinese and white worlds, his business would be better.

Coupled with his ethnicity from a previous life, Ronald decided to hire him to handle his own and his company's tax issues.

"My personal account has been with Wells Fargo."

"Then we'll go to Wells Fargo and open an account."

Lawrence accompanied Ronald to open a business account, and then returned to Ronald's apartment to start sorting his accounts for the year ahead of the tax season in April next year.

"You keep all your information and keep copies of your checks. This is a good habit. In the future, the company's accounts will also be handled in the same way. It will be less troublesome in the future. Many small business owners are reluctant to make copies. Money, there will be some problems when filing taxes. It is more troublesome to check the irs, and it is easy to deal with a check with a backing."

"It's also a good habit for you to put your receipts into categories. If I hadn't seen your camera, I would have met a colleague."

Lawrence is full of praise for Ronald's good habits.

"It's... just my habit." Ronald didn't know where the habit came from. Maybe I often had to be reimbursed in my previous life? "

"The income from your photography business in Los Angeles has been handled very well. When you file your tax return in New York next year, I will handle it for you. It is unlikely that the irs will check you because of this. But starting from next year, it is best not to handle your business income in New York State like this. Cash is the biggest loophole in taxation, irs employs undercover agents every year, and accepts reports from company employees, we can have other legal ways to deal with it.”

"I don't know what you mean by Los Angeles business."

"You're being cautious, Ronald. But my father, two brothers, and a sister were accountants, and after dinner, the family discussion was all about tax law and company accounting.

You can trust my professional ability, and I hope that in the future I can use time to prove that I am worthy of your trust. "

"Okay, just do as you say, Lawrence."

Ronald likes Lawrence's way of doing things very much, and whether it is trustworthy can be left to the test of time. Just wait and see.

Ronald gave Lawrence a cup of coffee, turned on the TV himself, and waited for Lawrence to process the receipts and accounts.

"I've read it all, and there are no other problems. Remember to collect the documents for the remaining two months. I can file your taxes for you next year." Lawrence took a sip of coffee.

"At 6:00 a.m. local time in Tehran on the 4th, hundreds of militant militants supported by the Grand Ayatollah stormed the US embassy and took the staff hostage. Detained in the incident..."

"My God, are the Persians crazy? They attacked the embassy protected by an international treaty," Lawrence said.

"The Grand Ayatollah delivered a speech, praising the action as a brave act against the 'Great Satan' (referring to the United States). The Grand Ayatollah also called on America to extradite the exiled ex-King Pahlavi back to Persia for trial. And promised , as soon as Pahlavi returns to Persia, all hostages will be released."

Pictures of the scene appeared on TV, showing a blindfolded hostage next to a bearded Persian man holding his purse.

"According to Persian TV, documents shredded by a paper shredder were found in the US embassy. After careful jigsaw puzzles, the Persian side claimed that these documents belonged to the US State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency, trying to collude with the opposition in Persia to overthrow the A new Persian coalition government headed by the Grand Ayatollah."

Ronald was also shocked enough. These Persians were kind enough to face America without fear.


"Ronald, do you sign or not?"

A few days later, Spike Lee came to look for him.

"Sign what?"

"Calling on New York University and Columbia University not to submit to the pressure of those white men to expel the Persian students from the film department. At the last party, the Amir who came with Katherine Bigelow was Persian and was killed by them the day before yesterday. School students beat up."

"Uh, this is something that the commander should deal with, right? Why should the Persian students be sent back? They have nothing to do with the Ayatollah and those who took the hostages, right?"

"Yeah, you're absolutely right," Spike said to the classmates who came with him, "I'll just say you'll sign it, his fraternity doesn't discriminate against blacks, Latinos, and other minorities. ."

Ronald scribbled his signature on the petition, "It's useless for us to sign this matter. It's a small talk, you have to go to a reputable person to sign it."

"Yeah, we're going to Martin Scorsese, who happens to be in New York editing the new movie."

"Yes, go to Scorsese to sign."

A group of people rushed into a minibus impulsively, and the car turned around and drove out of the campus.

"Who are they? Why are they so impulsive?"

"A group of equal rights organizations, hold on to me, but luckily you coaxed them away. Let's go see Amir, he's with Catherine."


"Where's your beard? Amir?" Spike called out when he saw Amir, who was studying in Persia at Catherine's house.

Ronald also found out that Amir shaved his Persian beard clean.

"It's unfortunate, I was beaten because of this beard," said Amir, who still had some bruises on his face.

"According to unnamed sources, the commander-in-chief is considering signing an executive order to stop oil imports from Persia, freeze the Persian government's $8 billion property in U.S. banks, and expel all Persian college students who have stayed in the United States."

"Oh, my God." Amir covered his face, "I don't want to go back."

"Don't worry, Amir, the affirmative action group has spoken out for you today." Someone was comforting him.

But everyone knows that the pressure of some racial elements is one thing. This is the commander of one of the two major hegemons in the world today. If he speaks, he will be under great pressure to stay in Amir's school.

"What should I do? My uncle worked for the Shah. They broke his head in Persia and put him in prison. Now America wants to expel me. What did I do wrong? Persia and the United States both think I am the enemy. ."

There was fear in Amir's voice. It turned out that a son of an official, who came to the United States to learn to make movies, suddenly became the enemy of the whole world.

"You can consider finding a lawyer and sue the U.S. government." Someone gave Amir an idea to fight against the commander-in-chief's upcoming executive order.

"That won't work, the executive order can be challenged, but Amir has been deported before hitting court."

Some college students were still discussing ways to help Amir, and Amir was even more afraid as he listened to his various endings.

"If the order is really given, why don't you run." Ronald whispered to Amir.


"America is such a big place and there are so many illegal immigrants, if you leave Columbia University, who will find you?"

As soon as this sentence was said, Amir calmed down miraculously, "Yeah, my ancestors came to Persia from Armenia, and they didn't start from scratch. It's nothing special."

"The Persian side released all the women and African-Americans, and the whereabouts of six other embassy diplomats are unknown. The Persian side denied that it had detained or executed the six diplomats. The White House and State Department are expected to issue a statement on this."

cbs is still broadcasting the latest development of the hostage incident, Ronald has no intention of this, and drags Spike Lee back to the Imperial College. Spike heard the news that all the black hostages had been released and did not have much will to continue to participate in the matter.

"Did you see that? Spike" Ronald pointed to the window twice.

"Yes, a lot of shop windows have big America Stars and Stripes on them."

"The world is starting to mess up..."

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