Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 137 I won’t make this kind of sequel

Ronald brought Noriyuki Morita back. More than a month later, he had shaved off his beard, and a makeup artist put a similar fake beard on him. Ronald took a close-up shot.

Since it was impossible to rent the California State University gymnasium, hire extras, and re-set the scene, Ronald used a workaround.

He took another piece of film, facing a wooden board with a dark background, digging a hole the size of a head in the middle, and filmed it with a camera for a few seconds. Then the two pieces of film of the same length were put on a light printer and re-exposed together.

The end result is Mr. Miyagi's satisfied smile, painted on a dark background. The entire shot lasted only a short time, and the audience was in a state of excitement at that time. They probably wouldn't pay attention to the background, and Ronald felt he could get through it.

After the fine editing on the working copy was completed, Ronald notified Weintraub to send it to the printing laboratory, make an edit to the negative according to the serial number on the editing record, and then develop a new copy.

This copy is called a response copy, and Weintraub sent it to Columbia's senior management. After they read and agree, they will send an MPAA rating.

Ronald can finally take a vacation. After shooting two movies in a row, even Iron Man felt a little exhausted. This feeling of exhaustion is not only physical, but also mental.

After sleeping soundly for a whole day and night, Ronald felt that he had recovered slightly. Just as he was about to go out to look for food, he received a call from Minahan.

"I'm at your door. All my old friends are here. Come out quickly and let's have some fun together."

After a quick shower, Ronald came out and saw that except for Minahan, the main actors of "Break Dance", Sabado, and Boogaloo Shrimp were all in a limousine in front of his house.

Minahan opened the door and asked Ronald to come up. The car is a large space with a TV, telephone, and wine cabinet. Everyone sat in a circle, and Minahan took out a bottle of champagne from the wine cabinet and gave Ronald a glass.

"Cheers!, Ronald. Our film has passed the MPAA rating and officially got the PG rating. Orion's 'Hot Street Kid' hasn't been edited yet, so it hasn't gotten the rating yet and can't compete with us. Competing for slots. MGM found us a slot in early May, quack quack. Now go pick up Lucinda Dickey.”

"What kind of opponents will we have when we fail?" Ronald didn't care too much about "Break Dancing". He didn't expect that Minahan was making rapid progress.

“At the same time, I will encounter a youth film ‘Sixteen Candles’ from Universal.

It was preceded by 20th Century Fox’s ‘Emerald’ and Warner Bros.’s ‘Police Academy’. "

When Ronald heard this, he thought he was an acquaintance. "Sixteen Candles" was John Hughes' directorial debut, and I helped him choose his favorite heroine, Molly Ringwald.

"Emerald" was Robert Zemeckis's "Back to the Future" that he wrote because no one wanted to film it, so he wanted to make a commercial film to prove his ability.

"Police Academy" is where the casting director Pamela worked last time. I heard that the heroine is a beautiful woman.

"That's good, we don't have any strong opponents." Ronald nodded, "What happens next?"

"After that, hey hey. The next two weeks were the Indiana Jones sequel, Oz, and a Robert Redford baseball player movie called 'The Handsome,' which, you know, was coming up for the summer."

Ronald understood that Cannon's capabilities were limited, and MGM would not invest too much resources into an exploitation film to get the best possible schedules. However, starting before the summer holiday, there are no strong competitors during this period.

"Well, that's not bad," Ronald thought, "that's it for this exploitation film. I'll leave the summer slot to my own masterpiece, 'The Dragon King.'"

"Ronald", two dancing masters, Boogaloo Prawn and Sabado, saw them finish and hurriedly came over to say hello to Ronald. They received Minahan's secret order today to please Ronald.

"Hi, how are you doing?" Ronald looked at them as if they were still wearing the same clothes as before and didn't make much money.

"I'm still the same. I won't change my attitude towards life just because of a movie." Sabado still had a bumbling attitude.

"I'm just waiting for the movie to come out and I'll be famous." The Boogaloo prawns are a bit simpler, and sometimes even a little childish.

"Didn't you help MJ with choreography? By the way, what happened to his fire?" Ronald thought of Michael Jackson's injury.

"Hey, that was a really weird fire." The Boogaloo prawn began to talk about the situation.

"We didn't think there was anything wrong with that commercial until the sixth one. Who knew that a firework was set off by chance, and sparks fell on MJ's head, and it started to burn. He didn't even see it at first, so he jumped Two steps and his whole hair was on fire. We rushed to spray the fire extinguisher and rescued him."

"Is he okay?" Ronald remembered the news on TV that his injury required hospitalization.

"He just burned a piece of his hair and injured his scalp. I heard it wasn't very serious. Pepsi paid him a lot of money because of this accident. Now he can't dance, so he gave us leave. When he recovers from his injury and returns, we will go."

Ronald noticed that Shabadoo didn't speak and looked at the Boogaloo prawns sideways. It seemed that jealousy was everywhere.

"Why isn't Lucinda with you?" Ronald changed the subject.

"She has practiced gymnastics since she was a child. I heard that a friend has joined the American national team and will participate in the Olympics this summer." Sabado knows this better.

The group of people arrived at Lucinda's house again, picked her up, and went to the mansion rented by Minahan to have a party.

Laughing and fussing around, Ronald felt that his feeling of exhaustion was much better. It seems that I will spend more time with young friends in the future, which will help restore my creative vitality.

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"Ronald, when are you going to make a sequel? We all heard that MGM is very optimistic about the movie's box office, and we also want to make some money." After playing for a while, the Boogaloo prawn came over to start the conversation.

"Yes, we didn't make much money from the first film. If we make a sequel, our salary can be increased a little. That amount of money does not match our artistic value. It's not that I need that money, but The market should give us a fair evaluation." Shabadu started to find reasons for himself to make money again.

"It seems that you are all very confident in this movie." Ronald did not answer. "If you want to make a sequel, you have to tell Minahan that he is the producer of the movie."

"Hahaha." Lucinda Dickey has already made three movies. She knows the thoughts of her two companions. They mainly want to make money and become famous. "Ronald, Minahan came to us to talk about signing a sequel. He also wants you to be the director."

"Oh?" Ronald didn't expect to have the idea of ​​making a sequel so soon, so he thought about it carefully. Then go talk to Minahan.

"Do you think he will say yes?" Boogaloo Prawn asked Lucinda.

"I don't know. I heard that his other movie is a big-budget movie, but it's unlikely. In this industry, there are very few people who have made big-budget movies and can still make small-budget movies."

"Minahan, I heard you want to start a sequel?" Ronald asked him.

"Yes," Minahan replied, "that's right, I think the box office of this movie will exceed my expectations, so I want to strike while the iron is hot."

"But in this case, how do you arrange the plot?" Ronald asked, "The stories of the three protagonists, Motor, Tornado, and Kelly, have been told. Why don't you find a new protagonist? I think Farr plays a supporting role. That’s great, how about you tell their story?”

"Ronald, this is not okay," Minahan shook his head. "The audience will only come to see what adventures the three protagonists will have in the future, especially Ma Da. He has fascinated many audiences who watched the test screening."

"That's okay, but it's not a movie I'm interested in." Ronald replied.

If you want to make a movie with a story, you can still consider it, but this kind of follow-up sequel will definitely follow the formula of the original work again. Ronald is not interested in making this kind of movie.

He understood that the story of the three protagonists was over. If he insisted on continuing the filming, the internal logic of the story would be lost. It would be better to wait two or three years before filming the new challenges they encountered. Ronald didn't want to end up with the scolding of "The Dragonfly" directed by Stallone.

"Then I'll find another director?" Minahan said a little regretfully, "I still want to work together, and you will always be my first choice."

Although his own directing skills are not good, Minahan's appreciation level is not bad, and it is great to know that Ronald can make a movie that satisfies many people in a short period of time.

"There will always be a chance." Ronald toasted with him, "How to arrange the break dance promotion schedule?"

"Orion issued a statement saying that the company's finances are fine," Minahan sat down, "but I think their money must be very tight. So we have to attack when they can't fight back."

Seeing Minahan making a fist-waving gesture, Ronald felt that it was right. Since his competitors couldn't come up with the money, he should start early and attract all the viewers who were interested in break dancing to his movie. It was indeed It's a reasonable way to play.

“I plan to start cooperating with MGM next month, negotiating with theaters, and then put out marketing materials in advance.

We’re going to Britain together next month to promote the co-release of ‘Sahara’ and ‘Break Dance’, and then we’re going to Cannes in May to take advantage of the domestic box office explosion and sell ‘Break Dance’ to Europe. "

Ronald calculated his time and it seemed that there was no problem, so he agreed.

Minahan's ambitions were lofty and ambitious. After being hit one after another, he was encouraged by Ronald's "Break Dance". He has always been very optimistic about his favorite movies. Although it is impossible to get an Oscar nomination this time, he can win in North America. If it sells a box office of two to three thousand, it can also give the cannon a shot in the arm.

With the support of the North American box office and similar sales in Europe, this movie will give Cannon a firm foothold.

Minahan gathered together several of the leading actors and asked them to prepare for a marketing tour in nightclubs across the United States before and after the film's release. This kind of dance movie has a large number of potential customers in disco nightclubs, which is a good place for on-site marketing.

"Lucinda, you have to practice, at least do your back spin. Otherwise, I'm afraid many nightclubs won't recognize your jazzy break dance." Minahan explained.

"I can teach you, but you don't work hard enough." Shabadoo still looked aloof.

"No, I just need to learn back spin, and Ronald can teach me." Lucinda was so fed up with Sabado's attitude that she took the initiative to talk to Ronald, turning the girl who wanted to pick up a white girl but didn't know how Made Latinos aside.

"I heard you're interested in gymnastics now?" Ronald asked Lucinda Dickey.

"Yes, I heard that the Suville Alliance is coming to the Olympics this time. My friend was selected for the American Gymnastics Team. She said that Suville is very strong, but she is determined to challenge their dominance."

"Are they willing to send a team this time? Last time I remember we boycotted the Moscow Olympics."

"I don't know. It is now said that their general secretary is an enlightened person. Besides, they also want to defeat America in the Olympics."

The Cold War was indeed an all-round competition, not only in military, economic, technology, aerospace, etc., but also in culture, art and sports. Everyone spared no effort to prove that they were the more advanced side.

Speaking of which, I don’t know if the alliance has released any new movies in the past two years, or if there are any good movies like "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" released last time.


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