Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 170 Compensation to Helen

"Gerald is talking about the heroine of a medium-sized production, huh?" Ronald complained to Nicita, "After Mr. Ovitz asked me to film The Color Purple, how can I arrange a role for Helen?"

In order to win the opportunity for Lucas to appear on the talk show, Niceta agreed to Gerald instead of Ronald. The price Ronald paid for this was to help Helen find the heroine of the next movie.

"Or a supporting actress in a big production. Don't worry, since I agreed for you, there will be an award. Helen's movie has just been rescheduled for domestic release, and she is no longer an unknown person. With your resources, you can use 'Purple 'Exchange resources with other people, find a suitable movie, arrange for Helen to star, and then you can explain it to Gerald."

Niceta knew that Ronald was not willing to owe Helen a favor, so she took it upon herself to help him agree. This exchange of resources was not a big deal for Niceta.

Ronald shook his head. A beautiful girl who has tasted the experience of making movies will definitely not be willing to give up just now.

Although I said I don’t want to make movies anymore, I just want to be a Broadway actor. But Helen Slater heard that the newly established Tristar (not Samsung) distribution company was willing to pick up "Supergirl" again and arrange for it to be released on a large scale in the United States. After that, she began to work hard to learn acting skills and strive to be a heroine again. .

"Supergirl" was finally selected by the newly established Samsung Company through Gerald and released at the end of the year.

Tristar is a distribution company jointly established by Columbia and two television stations, HBO and CBS. The three jointly hold shares, so it is called Tristar. In the future, it will replace Columbia and the two TV and movie own theatrical distribution departments.

"You might as well ask your friend, Cannon's Minahan, he is very popular now." Niceta said, "Break dancing made them famous, and now they are starting to buy scripts in Hollywood."

"Aha, Ronald! You're here. Our breakdancing box office is no less than that of Colombia's 'Dragon Boy'."

Mina was very happy to see Ronald and handed over the box office statistics for this week. The seven weeks in which MGM was responsible for the highest share of the movie have passed, and with one more week to go, all theaters across the country showing "Break Dance" will be handled by Cannon Distribution Company.

"There are more than five million left?" Ronald saw this week's statistics. MGM only had two million and one hundred thousand left, and the rest were Cannon releases.

"Send it to my accountant. He will come to you once a month for reconciliation." Ronald put away the report.

"What movie are you preparing now? I heard Niceta say,

You're collecting scripts here and there. "

"Hateful, hateful!" Minahan's voice was still very hoarse. "We went to find famous screenwriters, and they all came up with some second-rate and third-rate scripts. They have never made a film by a famous director, and they have not been nominated for an Oscar. Damn it. The writers...and I'm not talking about you...they always think we can only make exploitation films."

"So you want to find a famous director?"

"Yes, do you have any recommendations? Someone who has won an Oscar, or the top prize at the three major European film festivals, or a leader in the new wave."

"I really haven't." Ronald shook his head after thinking about it. Those famous directors must go to a company like Orion that respects the director's artistic creation. Who can give you the cannon?

"In this case, I already know your purpose. If you want you to find a suitable script or find a famous director, I will immediately let your girlfriend be the heroine. How are her acting skills? Is there any Natasha? Kinski level.”

"Ex-girlfriend, ex-girlfriend." Ronald quickly concluded, "Helen's acting skills are pretty good. Her superwoman has no problem even if she plays opposite many movie kings and queens."

"Faye Dunaway? Peter O'Toole?" Minahan's hobby of collecting famous actors came out again. "It's a pity that Samsung got the first step, otherwise I would be willing to release such famous works."

"Um..." Ronald thought to himself, if you buy it, you will know that the movie is just an exploitation film with a higher budget and has nothing to do with art.

"By the way, Minahan, I don't understand a bit. Why did Columbia establish a Samsung company in addition to its own distribution channels? Isn't this a waste of resources?" Ronald asked. A question he didn't understand.

"What's weird about this? When Yoram and I went to Hollywood and acquired Cannon, we re-established a new production department." Minahan looked at Ronald's confused look. The artist was still not suitable for managing the company.

“As an acquirer, we not only want talented people to work for us, but we also don’t want the original executives to get together and only care about their own interests and ignore the company’s development.

But we can't fire them all, so we can only establish another independent organization to do almost the same thing as the original production department, let capable people jump over, and then mix in loyal subordinates, so that we can control the power of the company. . "

"So that's it," Ronald thought to himself. This was probably the problem faced by the acquirers. The same was true for Columbia's new owner, Coca-Cola. Moreover, they were smarter and got two TV stations to invest in the company without having to pay all the money themselves.

"Minahan, I've got it, this script..." Little fat Yoram walked in and stopped immediately when he saw Ronald sitting there.

"What script is it? Is there a place for Helen?" Ronald thought Minahan had some good script and kept it from him.

"No, there is only one Vietnamese female character here." Minahan took the script and said, "Hey, hey, don't ask, this movie is not suitable for your little Helen."

"Why?" Ronald thought that the other party was perfunctory with him. Why was the break dancing not being released yet, so he was ignoring him?

"Okay, okay, I'll show you." Minahan couldn't resist Ronald, "But don't tell anyone."

Ronald, who was full of suspicion, took the script and took a look. There were several names in the author column on the cover, but why did the last signature look so familiar?

"Ronaldo James Golan?" Ronald glanced at Minahan, what the hell is this?

"Vietnam War Pioneer 2 (missing in; 2)", the name is also weird, is it about the Vietnam War?

Ronald opened the script and became more and more familiar with it. The script closed with a "snap", "You, you..." Ronald pointed at the two fat men.

"Hahahaha..." He couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Hahahaha..." Minahan and Yoram also relaxed and laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll pay for you and Cameron." Minahan closed the script. "I just don't want you to feel weird. I just want to help you get revenge on Stallone."

It turns out that the plot and character settings of "Vietnam Vanguard 2" were copied from "First Blood Part 2" that Ronald wrote for Stallone and later passed it on to Cameron as the screenwriter.

But the plot was spoofed very badly. The character of Rambo, who originally belonged to Stallone, was choreographed to be very funny. There is also a scene where he rides on a motorcycle and fires rockets backwards from the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle like farting.

"Who are you going to cast as the protagonist?" Ronald thought it would be fun to parody Stallone's classic character. Anyway, this kind of exploitation film that follows the trend, after every blockbuster is released, there will be more than a dozen copies, and few of them make it to the theaters.

"I'm going to have Chuck Norris."

"Pfft", Ronald laughed again and spat out the coffee he just drank.

"Is your face paralyzed?"

Stallone was originally criticized for his lack of expression in his performance, but now he has paired this fake movie with an even more paralyzed Chuck Norris.

"I don't want your screenwriting fee, as long as you can make this movie funny and make Chuck Norris dress up like Stallone," Ronald laughed.

"No problem, I also asked him to wear a red headband, hahaha..." Minahan also smiled happily, "Our new movie, 'Bolero' starring Bo Derek, will be released at the end of August. Come, will you come and take a look then?"

"It depends. I'm currently negotiating with the original author Alice Walker for the film 'The Color Purple', and we may start preparations by then. She still has"

"MJ, the Olympic Organizing Committee has sent an invitation, asking you to participate in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and dance your break dance moonwalk."

In the place where Michael Jackson practiced dancing, Quincy Jones, the veteran black musician and the producer of his "Thriller" that broke the American record sales record, handed over an invitation letter.

"Oh? I heard that this opening ceremony will introduce artistic performances for the first time before the entrance ceremony, and ABC will also broadcast it live to the world."

MJ is actually very interested in this kind of opportunity where many people can see him.

"I suggest you don't go. That Ronald Lee tricked you into making a cameo in breakdancing, but it made everyone question the origin of your moonwalk. I don't recommend going." Quincy Jones hated that movie. , fortunately it will be released soon.

"Oh, okay. Now he obeys the instructions of his mentor Quincy Jones. This record he produced, every song is a masterpiece, making him a pop superstar in America."

Michael Jackson exerted his strength and started to practice the moonwalk again. A while ago, reporters stared at him and asked about the inventor of the moonwalk, which annoyed him. In fact, this kind of dance step had been done as early as the 1950s, but it was his song "Billy King" that made it so clean and neat and introduced it into popular culture.

"Very good, you should continue to practice dancing. Once the injury on your head is completely healed, you can continue Pepsi's tour."

"Quincy," a little black old man walked in, "the opportunity has come, and we black people have finally squeezed into Hollywood. Alice Walker's film was adapted, but she was afraid that the movie would be made with the exact opposite meaning, and it would be... It eliminates the suffering of black people inside.

She was very smart and retained the right to veto the script. She wanted to find an experienced black person to serve as a producer to ensure that the film was faithful to the original work. "

The speaker was Clarence Avant, who worked in the record industry with Quincy Jones in the 1960s and 1970s, and served as the first black record company general manager.

"Clarence, how much are you prepared to invest?" Quincy Jones narrowed his eyes.

"Fifteen million. In addition, Alice Walker and producer Peter Guber have negotiated that in addition to black actors, more than half of the crew must be black, women, or from the third world."

"Must they be black people?" Quincy Jones narrowed his eyes even more. "You can arrange a time for me to talk. Don't worry, your share is indispensable."


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