Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 182 American National Essence

"How was your audition?" Ronald was on the phone with Helen, who had gone to her first audition for "The Legend of Billie King."

"Well, I think I like the characters in both Billy King and The Baseball Player's Wife movies. They are both Shakespearean characters with a lot of room for development."

"I...okay", Ronald actually wanted to ask her if she was sure of being selected, but considering that these two movies were recommended by him as a huge favor, he should be a sure bet.

"Then which one do you like best?"

"I prefer the role of Billie King, but that movie required a very short haircut, so I still prefer the baseball player's wife. It's not that I'm not willing to sacrifice for the role, but it takes a long time for the hair to grow back after shaving it off. return."

"Okay, you can decide for yourself."

"Let's go to Burbank." Ronald put down the phone in the phone booth and said to little Bud.

Little Bud drives very steadily. He received special driving training during his service. He was also very strict, and Ronald was very satisfied with him as a driver.

"Just park next to the trailer. You can find a place to have dinner first. I'll probably stay until midnight." When they arrived at the filming site of "Back to the Future," Ronald sent Little Bud to eat first and then got the sign himself. Visiting class.

"Hi, Ronald," he saw Zemeckis greeting him from afar, "Fox is really suitable for this role. The filming is progressing very quickly. You are really a big help."

"It's not worth mentioning. I'm here to visit you. I hope everything goes well for you."

"It went very well. He is naturally suited to play this kind of light comedy. He just doesn't get enough sleep and sometimes forgets his lines." Zemeckis took Ronald to the set. The crew had to wait for Fox to come from the "Family Ties" soundstage. Come over and start shooting again.

"Leigh, how are you doing here?" Ronald saw Leigh Thompson, who played the mother, who happened to be talking to Christopher Lloyd, who played the Doctor. Lloyd's appearance is in the direction of Einstein, a neurotic scientist with messy white hair.

"Ronald," Leigh Thompson pulled him aside, "you have to take care of it. Fox has two studios running continuously, and you may only sleep two hours a day. I saw that sometimes I can fall asleep standing up, and I often forget Lines, if this continues, there will be problems."

"So miserable?" Ronald thought for a while. Michael J. Fox was recruited to play the leading role by himself. If something happened, it would be difficult to explain.

"Doesn't he have a break?"

“The progress here is very fast.

To get back the time Stoltz wasted, according to the director, there are still a lot of stunt shots that need time to process. So, yes, time is tight. And they refused to let him go. "

Leigh Thompson is actually a very good person. Except for her emotional flaws, she actually cares about her friends and colleagues and has her own opinions.

"Michael!" While the two were chatting, Michael J. Fox drove up to the scene. With a sleepy look on his face, someone thrust a few scripts into his arms and asked him to memorize his lines.

"Ah...um..." Fox yawned widely, "Okay."

"Does he always drive here by himself?" Ronald felt it was very inappropriate to drive while tired. What if there was an accident?

"Yes, although he is a TV star, his TV series contract has not been replaced with a new one. He doesn't make much money and can't afford a manager." Thompson said next to him.

"This can't be done," Ronald decided to intervene. "Where's the phone?"

Following the direction Thompson pointed, Ronald dialed the phone to his agent Richard, "Hey, Rick. I need a van, yes, a bigger one. I am useful and want to use it for a long time. Let People were driving to the 'Back to the Future' set in Burbank."

Richard was very efficient in his work. He rented a Honda van for a long term and drove to the set by himself.

Ronald looked at the van, took Bud and Richard, and went to a nearby furniture store to buy a camp bed, thick blankets, and some black blackout curtains.

The three people carried the bed into the back of the van, fixed it, laid out blankets, and then used curtains to cover the windows in the back of the van.

Ronald returned to the set, and this scene happened to be filming Marty McFly. With the help of the Doctor in the 1950s, he used a church lightning rod to induce lightning, charge the DeLorean car-modified time machine, and finally returned to future scenarios.

Ronald stood behind and watched the filming. In fact, this shot is not very logical, but the script is much better than "The Legend of Billie King". The lightning passes through the lightning rod, and then the connector plugged in by the doctor at the last second. Finally Charging up the time machine takes Marty McFly back to his original self in the 1980s.

The inappropriate part of this script is mainly that it violates the laws of physics. Lightning spreads very quickly, and the doctor has no time to plug in the connector.

But from the audience's perspective, it fits the development of the story very well. This kind of last-second emergency response is a narrative model that has been in existence since the beginning of Hollywood.

"Electricians prepare." Director Zemeckis gave the order.

As in Ronald's "Night of the Comet," the glare of lightning could only be achieved by an experienced electrician manipulating a short-circuited light bulb.

With two "pop" sounds, the light bulb emitted a strong light several times greater than its own brightness. The lighting group hit the flash plate and reflected the flash behind the light bulb toward the camera.


Zemeckis estimated the exposure intensity and said, "We'll need twice as many bulbs."

Although it is a very bright flash, there is still a big gap compared to the brightness of real lightning. Ronald watched as the electrician made adjustments again and again, then deliberately shorted the circuit with a screwdriver.

This method of operation is neither safe nor the intensity of the flash is the same every time. It all depends on the experience of the electrician.

After finally finishing the shot, Foxx sat down next to him exhausted, tilted his head and dozed off.

Ronald signaled to Little Bud, and the two of them gently lifted Fox and carried him to the bed of the newly decorated van, then closed the doors and windows to let him catch up on his sleep.

"This is a good idea. We should have thought of it a long time ago." Leigh Thompson came over to care about her friend again.

Ronald could only shake his head. There was no other way. The schedule was tight and the producers on both sides refused to give in and give Fox more time to rest. I had no choice but to find a way to let him sleep a little longer in a place like this.

Ronald asked little Bud to stay in the van and wake him up when filming resumed.

Zemeckis was already directing the setting for the next scene.

"How do you feel?" Seeing Ronald coming over, Zemeckis asked him what he thought of his shooting.

"How do you plan to add the special effect of lightning transmitting energy along the wire?" Ronald asked.

"Steven went to Industrial Light and Magic, and they would do it in an old-fashioned way."

"Ancient ways?"

"Hand Painted."

"Oh", Ronald nodded. In this case, nothing can be seen at the scene. Except for the short-circuited light bulb to simulate lightning to illuminate the background, the rest will have to be done in post-production. Nothing can be seen at the current shooting scene. .

A few more shots were shot, and Michael J. Fox’s filming mission was completed today. Ronald asked little Bud to drive carefully while he sat in the passenger seat and escorted Fox back to the set of the TV show "Family Ties."

Outside the studio, Little Bud gently stopped the car, kept the engine running and turned on the air conditioner, allowing Fox to continue resting.

Fox was in the back of the van, sleeping comfortably for the first time in days. A few hours later, after he was woken up as the filming of the TV series began, he thanked Ronald repeatedly.

"Thank you so much. I feel like my brain has been frozen. If this continues, I will die on the set."

"Call your agent and ask him to find a driver who drives carefully. Just sleep in the car during this period." Ronald patted Fox on the shoulder. It was not easy for him to make a movie.

"I will, thank you." Fox quickly picked up his bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Ronald and Bud returned to the apartment and took a long break. In the evening, Ronald put on clean clothes and Bud also put on a new Olympic rings T-shirt, and they went to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games together.

They are about to go back to Staten Island, New York, to see their families. Ronald felt that Bud should also have a chance to see the Olympics.

"I heard that MJ will perform at the closing ceremony?" Little Bud admired this black idol very much. It is not easy for black people to get ahead in America. It is unprecedented for someone like MJ to be commended by the general leader and to use MJ's influence to promote his own legislative process.

"There is a rumor that there is a black star performing, but they didn't say it was MJ." Ronald took the remaining bottles of Jianlibao and threw them to Bud.

"I think it's probably not the case, otherwise they would have announced it directly."

"Yeah" Little Bud didn't say much, went out and started the car.

The two went to the stadium. Ronald also brought a camera and took a chance to take a few photos of Bud with the Olympic symbols. Then we asked a volunteer to take a group photo of the two of them at the door and in the seats inside the venue.

"Thank you, Ronald", Bud hugged the camera, grinning from ear to ear. This is his first time attending such an event.

Sure enough, it was not MJ who came to sing, but another famous black singer, Lionel Richie (; Richie).

He sang the theme song of this Olympic Games "Reach Out"

Fireworks were suddenly set off around the stadium.

Amidst the explosion of fireworks, Lionel Richie began to sing on the center stage.

“Sprint! Sprint for the medal!

Sprint! Sprint for the gold medal! "

"Ahh..." The audience suddenly started going crazy.

On the central stage, the lights turned on, and dozens of breakdancers suddenly appeared. Against the background of "Sprint" music and surrounded by fireworks, they began to perform various breakdancing moves.

They are the most difficult and most ornamental iconic moves in break dancing. Back spin, head spin, moonwalk..."

"Ronald, they are dancing the dance in the movie you directed." Bud danced. He had also done this kind of wild dance on the street before.

Before returning to China, he also saw this video shot by Ronald at the base in Japan. Every soldier in the platoon, regardless of skin color or race, was crazy about it.

It was also this movie that made him determined to follow Brother Ronald.

"Yeah," Ronald touched his head. Is the organizing committee presenting break dancing as the quintessence of the United States? The closing ceremony is expected to be watched by 200 million viewers, and MJ's suspense whetted the appetite of many people.

Does this mean that his "Break Dance" will continue to soar at the box office?

"I owe this a big favor to the Olympic Organizing Committee. It's developed, it's developed." Ronald smiled from ear to ear, picked up the last bottle of Jianlibao, and faced Lionel Richie on the stage. Toast:

"thank you!"


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