"The presidential election has begun, and the debate in the Elephant Party's primary debate has escalated - the former California governor is full of cowboy qualities. In the local debate three days before the New Hampshire primary, Mr. Governor's masculine refutation of the host attracted the audience. Cheers."

Ronald opened the letter while listening to the cbs TV show. In this part of the audition for the heroine of "Endless Love", I was busy looking at the audition photos selected by the agent every day, and only returned home at night to sort out letters and bills.

Peter Guber ordered that several candidates must be found in March, and he and the director jointly decided on the candidates. As Polygram's first major production, he can't afford to miss out as CEO.

Guber still remembers Ronald, who specially assigned him to participate in the audition work on the phone. In order to get familiar with the big guys, he had to work hard as a last resort.

The cbs is holding the debate scene of the elephant party primary election. It is noisy and the picture quality is not very good. It is the work of a typical local TV station photographer. The picture is not aimed at Mr. Governor, it is always shaking.

"This debate will be conducted by Mr. Ronald, who is leading the polls, and Mr. George. The other four candidates will be waiting by the side, and at the end, they will have the opportunity to come up and summarize their speeches." Moderator Green, is the editor-in-chief of the Nashua Telegraph.

"That's not right, the premise of my participation in this debate... is that all six candidates for the Elephant Party primaries must be on stage to participate in the debate, not me and George one-on-one..."

"Sound engineer, is the sound engineer here? Please cut off Mr. Governor's microphone." The host shouted.

The audience booed, and everyone knew that George was the chosen candidate from the so-called Elephant Party establishment. They want to see something new, not something old.

If there are multiple candidates debating together, there may be free-to-play issues raised. If one-on-one, and the moderator pulls the line, the debate will be limited to certain pre-designed ranges. inside.

The old Ronald on TV was very angry, but the good demeanor developed as an actor prevented him from getting angry on the spot and scolding the host.

Old Ronald picked up the microphone, "Hey hello...is the sound engineer still giving me the voice? Very well. I think the point of the debate is to hear different points of view, and these candidates..."

"Please stop, Mr. Governor, I have to interrupt you, if you don't follow the rules, we have to pinch your microphone..."

"I'm the one who paid for this microphone!" Old Ronald was furious and said a golden sentence. The audience below cheered loudly.

"Okay, well said..."

Ronald looked at the TV screen and liked the former California governor. I'm afraid of comparisons in anything. Commander Jimmy does things forwards and backwards. He does not have the mentality of a superpower leader at all, which makes people feel that he is very afraid of offending other countries.

The Soviet Union is not a problem, even Persia is very afraid, and he wants to hold on to Amelica's face, and he is afraid that the Persian Ayatollah will be unhappy when he does things. .

Mr. Governor has a very good style. Although he is 69 years old, he is still a hero in Hollywood movies. This sentence just now is very popular with the American people. Whoever pays and listens to whomever pays, the people will obey this simple truth.

The Persian planes, tanks, and advanced weapons of the armed forces were all given by America, and most of the oil was sold to America, so they were still disobedient. The people actually felt resentment in their hearts. Is it not good to use it in the domestic people's livelihood? How many Vietnam veterans are out of work and don't see any concern from Commander Jimmy.

Ronald shook his head, even if so many people applauded, Mr. Governor is 69 years old after all, and there is no precedent for being a commander at such an old age.

Whether or not you will win in the primary election is not certain.

Open a closed letter, the ad on one side and the bill on the other. America's mail-order business is booming. If you don't open the mailbox for a few days, it's just a bunch of mail-order advertisements, all of which are thick stacks of promotional materials in big envelopes.

Ronald opened a letter signed by the directors' union, which was also a thick stack of paper. It turned out that director Ronald's advertising production list had been sent to the directors' union. After the director's union's evaluation, Ronald's union level was raised by one level.

Promoted from Assistant/Secondary Director/Scene Director to Commercial/Short Film Director.

The union will provide some advertising-related job opportunities to share, as well as experience sharing sessions for senior directors. Open up more resources to Ronald.

Of course, the more important thing is to let Ronald make up the dues. In addition to paying the membership dues at the standard of advertising directors in the future, it is also necessary to make up the difference between the membership dues of the two-level directors during the time when they were members of the union as directors of the second group.

In order to prevent our dear members from going bankrupt, the director’s union has thoughtfully put the payment deadline within 12 months, and it can also be paid in installments, which is really for the sake of the members.

After Ronald bought a house, his savings was a lot less. Fortunately, he had long-term income from being a photographer. According to the figures in the upgrade notice, he wrote a check and sent it to the director's union to pay the dues. There is a lot less money in the checking account, and I have to figure out a way to make money.

"The cbs evening news is broadcast here, and today is the 87th day that our hostages were trapped in the Persian embassy." Since Christmas last year, the host of the cbs news program has broadcasted the time when the hostages were trapped every day when they said goodbye. Patriotic enthusiasm in America was high.

At Christmas and New Years, the stars and stripes are the best-selling item, and every household buys them and sticks them on their windows to support the hostages. Donna's school also organized them to send greeting cards to the hostages with their blessings. They don't know where these cards ended up. Anyway, they couldn't be sent to the U.S. embassy in Persia.

After processing the letters, Ronald began a new round of mailing out script outlines, sending a copy to every screenwriter's agent with an office address in Los Angeles. The last time I saw the coexistence of various ethnic groups at the junction of the Italian Quarter and Chinatown, Ronald had a little idea of ​​writing, and wanted to write a script on multi-racial integration.

However, after consulting with Spike Lee and Kathryn Bigelow, Ronald changed his mind. Instead of writing, he wrote a hook and sent it to the agents to ask them for their opinion on the subject. interest.

"Dear Mr Nisita,

I just finished polishing the script for 'Crossing Point,' a romantic comedy about an Italian-American woman assistant district attorney who falls in love with a Chinese-American man in Chinatown and eventually finds out that he is the heir to a Chinatown gangster s story.

I want you to tell me if I'd like to read this script and be my screenwriter's agent. I also wrote the credits for MGM's new film "Famous", and I was complimented by Mr. Woody Allen.


your faithful,

Ronald Lee. "

Ronald himself has also worked as a script reviewer. He knows that in Hollywood, a script must go through several stages before it can be read by a producer. First, the agent must be interested in your script before he will sign you. , and then marketed to major studios.

Then there are layers of bureaucracy, starting with Ronald being a script reviewer, graduating high school or college, reading a script, writing a five-page report, and making $10. The script selected by them is sent to the script editor.

Script editors are just some of the screenwriters on the street. They will pick on the faults of your writing, not the advantages of the script. Only if they are satisfied with the script can the script pass them and then pass it up to the development director.

Development supervisors are often women who have worked in production companies for many years. They have children and husbands to take care of, and often go to bed in the middle of the night to read your script. If you fall asleep while watching it, with a puff, your script will be killed.

After these few levels, the script will finally go to the producer, but there are already as many scripts as a mountain piled on the producer's desk. Often those scripts, endorsed by famous directors, star actors, or company executives, skip the previous steps and put them directly on the producer's desk.

Your script, to compete with their scripts that have already gained the attention of stars and directors, and are likely to get investment, wait five years is short.

Spike Lee, and Kathryn Bigelow, have suffered from this kind of loss, and strongly advised Ronald to pull in the investment first, make a student film under an hour, and make a name for himself as a director, and then there will be more Studios value their ability to direct.

However, Ronald felt that their ideas were not very reliable. Hollywood is very fond of famous directors. You have made a blockbuster movie, and there are several scripts for you to choose for the next one.

But this kind of student film just won an award. Are there really studios willing to try their luck?

I still started as a screenwriter. Anyway, I have a relationship with Roger Coleman. If the script is ok, it will not be a problem if I want to mix a low-cost movie. Before that, cast a wide net to the major screenwriter brokerage companies.

Ronald has a story in mind, but it hasn't been written yet. Send the hook of the script to the agent first, write it out if someone is interested, try another idea if not.

Both Spike and Catherine told the story of Stallone. His "Rocky" was sent to the eight major production companies one by one, and countless independent producers. After being successful, he won a number of Oscars in one fell swoop, and is now a popular action star.

When Rocky wasn't filmed back then, who could have seen that a third-rate actor who made Roger Coleman's exploitative films would become a first-line star who wrote and acted himself? In Hollywood, anything is possible.

In the film industry, I have already reached several steps. As long as I keep going, I will definitely succeed. Ronald sealed several envelopes, ready to deliver them again.

"It will be successful." Ronald encouraged himself.

"Ring, ring, ring..." Ronald's daydreaming was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. When he picked up the phone, it was again from Julia from the casting studio.

"The audition is set for Friday, and Guber is coming, this round of auditions Jennifer Jason Leigh, Melanie Griffiths, Bo Derek, and Kelly Preston"

The heroine casting of "Endless Love" has also been upgraded, and all those who come are related households in the circle.

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