Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 198 Essentials of Casting

"But I really want to play this role, and I think this role is perfect for me. So, Ronald, please, let me have a talk with director Andrei Konchalovsky. All I want is one An opportunity to talk to him face to face.”

Jodie Foster came to Ronald's apartment and asked again and again. She had worked hard here in Los Angeles for a long time. Her agent helped her arrange an audition, but Konchalovsky rejected her self-recommendation.

After four years away from Hollywood, she is no longer the acting star of tomorrow being chased by producers and directors. I can only come to Ronald's house to ask for help.

"I only know Minahan Golan, the owner of Cannon. Konchalovsky was the first famous director he hired. Minahan needs the approval of a famous director. Do you understand?"

Ronald had to explain to Jodie Foster. At that time, Judy helped me a lot at Yale, so it was hard to reject her directly. Konchalovsky was notoriously arbitrary.

"I understand, I understand. He wants a good reputation that respects artists, so he will tolerate all of Konchalovsky's decisions."

"Smart girl", Ronald thought to himself. He admired this top student who relied on his own ability to get into Yale. He filled up the black teapot he had brewed and filled Judy's teacup.

"I didn't demand that I get the role, but I needed a fair chance to audition. Konchalovsky turned me down before he even met me. That's not a fair opportunity in American culture, is it?" ?”

Ronald thought to himself that this was right. The American people's deeply rooted value is that everyone has equal opportunities. You may have the privileges brought by wealth or power, but in the face of opportunities, you still have to compete with those who have worked hard to get up from the bottom.

In other words, everyone must maintain their agreement with this concept on the surface, although this may not be the case in real life.

"Well, I happen to be going to the Cannon to meet Minahan. If I have a chance, I will go to meet Mr. Konchalovsky and get you an audition opportunity. I can't guarantee that you can get it..."

"Thank you, thank you." Jodie Foster didn't wait for Ronald to finish saying it. She had already rushed forward and hugged Ronald who was sitting on the sofa, kissing him several times on the left and right sides of the face.

Ronald hurriedly asked her to calm down. Judy was not tall, but her figure was very explosive, and it felt very good to rub Ronald against her body.

Diane and Brooke are not around recently, and Demi Moore is also pursuing her real boyfriend. Ronald's body reacts very well to being rubbed.

However, this kind of advantage is not easy to take advantage of.

After all, Jodie Foster is nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. She is currently not filming in the industry, which does not mean that she can take advantage of her if she does not nail her role.

If you take advantage and still can't get it done, it might be even worse. Judy knew many directors and stars in the industry, so it would be hard to explain if she took advantage of the situation and wanted to be her official girlfriend.

Ronald refused Little Bud's offer to drive him, and drove his Ferrari to Cannon Pictures with Judy. In the past few days, he has been very interested in driving this 288gto. Its good handling and carefully tuned four-wheel balance make him very fascinated by the fun of driving on the road.

Any action you make will elicit good feedback from Ferrari. Every intention of yours can be well understood and executed. Just like a director directing a good actor, all intentions will be captured by the camera.

"This character is a very independent woman who is very explosive to play. She is weak on the surface but strong on the inside, and has a kind heart. Technically speaking, this kind of role requires a strong imagination. Before the explosion, there are not many antagonistic scenes. Let you gradually immerse yourself in emotions..."

Jodie Foster was very happy. She kept talking about her understanding of the character in the passenger seat. Ronald was a little annoyed. He had not received any systematic acting training, and he couldn't understand the more professional and profound acting terminology...

"Very good, you can tell Konchalovsky that when the time comes. He has received professional training from the Theater Directing Department of the Moscow State Film Institute. We need to speed up..."

Without waiting for Judy to respond, Ronald stepped on the accelerator. The dual-channel turbocharger started, the engine roared obediently, and the speed suddenly increased.

The noise of the engine overwhelmed Judy's voice. After opening her mouth twice to try to continue expressing her opinion, Jodie Foster reluctantly closed her mouth and closed the car window.

"Andre is there? I want to talk to him. This is Miss Jodie Foster." Ronald said to Minahan who came to greet him.

"Ms. Foster, you are very welcome. You sit here for a moment while Ronald and I go to find Andre. Quack, quack, quack."

Minahan was so happy when he saw Ronald bringing the man of America four years ago to his company that he immediately arranged for his secretary to entertain him.

"For you, Ronald, get Jodie Foster here. Does she want to come back? I'll let her choose the script here, and you have to say good things about me." Minahan thought it was Ronald who wanted to Introduce stars to him.

"I have an adventure movie here that follows Indiana Jones, 'King Solomon's Treasures.' Can you let her play the heroine?"

"She came here for Andre's movie, written by Akira Kurosawa, Minahan." Ronald couldn't help but tell him to calm down, "Jodie Foster also received a good theater education. As an actress, she doesn’t like this kind of purely commercial film. What she needs is a film that showcases her acting skills and declares that she has changed from a girl to a woman in Hollywood.”

Jodie Foster is very aware of the value of the three words "Akira Kurosawa". Both Spielberg and Lucas are very much looking forward to the Japanese version of "King Lear" that the movie emperor is currently filming in Japan. Being able to establish a relationship with him is a good opportunity to appear in the industry.

"Hey, I know they all like famous directors. Fortunately, you helped me find Andre." Minahan led Ronald from the front, "Konchalovsky is watching the five years of Hollywood films. For all blockbuster movies, he also wants to follow the rules of Hollywood, making them blockbusters first, then focusing on art."

"Andre", Ronald stepped forward and gave Konchalovsky a warm hug.

"Ronald, you're here at the right time. Please help me see if this woman is the perfect candidate for technician Sarah on the runaway train."

"Oh, ah..." Ronald sat down in the screening room and heard Konchalovsky delineate the heroine.

On the screen is the "risky business" that made Tom Cruise famous in one fell swoop. It happened to be the heroine Rebecca De Mornay, sitting astride Cruise, and the camera was shot by Rick in the study. The back of the armchair where Ruth was sitting blocked the view, and only her face and a pair of long legs stretched out on the edge of the chair were visible.

"I came here today just for the heroine. Jodie Foster came to me and said that you rejected her without giving her a chance to audition. Can I ask why?"

"She is your girlfriend?"


"Then I'll be honest, Jodie Foster is so beautiful."

For this reason again, Ronald thought to himself, "I don't understand, isn't Rebecca De Mornay beautiful? She captured the most handsome male star of this era."

"Of course she is beautiful, but this is her unique trait, you see..." Konchalovsky pointed to the next scene on the screen. De Mornay changed into a white sweater, and suddenly she was sexy and mysterious. Her special qualities disappeared without a trace, and she became like the girl next door.

"Sara is a mechanic. She must have the ability to hide her edge when wearing a mechanic suit. She must be beautiful, but she must also be able to play an ordinary person."

"Okay", Ronald felt that Konchalovsky was not talking nonsense, this quality is indeed not something ordinary beautiful girls can have, "but I still hope you can give Judy a chance to audition, Andre. In America, this is a philosophy that everyone agrees with, and you can’t turn someone down without giving them a chance.”

"Well, I still have a lot to learn about Hollywood and America." Konchalovsky took out a handkerchief and wiped his small round glasses.

"I will arrange it. In addition, please help me contact Rebecca De Mornay's agent as soon as possible. She is currently filming a Neil Simon movie. I need her to audition as soon as possible."

"Mr. Konchalovsky has promised to give you the opportunity to audition, but it seems that he already has his favorite candidate." Ronald came out and replied to Jodie Foster.

"Any tips?" Judy looked at Ronald with a pair of blue eyes.

"I think he needs an actor who can restrain his sharpness." Ronald couldn't say too much.

Jodie Foster was deep in thought.

"Ronnie, help me think about it, 'King Solomon's Treasures'. Which Hollywood actor can play it? Sexy, mysterious, and adventurous in the wild."

When Minahan Golan failed to seduce Jodie Foster to play a knock-off version of Raiders of the Lost Ark, she asked Ronald about a suitable candidate.

"Ah, look for Kathryn Turner. The role she played as "Romang the Stone" is similar to what you said." Ronald replied casually.

"Ah, you're right, she is an acting star who can switch between the glamorous femme fatale and the unattractive homely authoress at will." Minahan thought of this beauty, "Let's find her."

"The sequel to Breakdancing has been cut. Do you want to give me your opinion?"

Minahan invited Ronald to see an edited version of "Break Dance Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo." The Israeli film director also shot very quickly. I heard that Minahan doubled his investment, so he must have shot better than himself.

"Okay, but I won't watch it today. I'll wait for your internal preview." Ronald was about to go to a nearby CAA.

"Okay, I'll see you off." Minahan followed Ronald diligently, "The domestic box office of breakdancing will soon exceed 90 million. The popularity brought by the Olympics has made us a lot of money. Your second A dividend check, and you can get a little more.”

"Hahaha", Ronald also happily high-fived Minahan to congratulate each other and walked out first.

"Minahan", his cousin Yoram came over, "Have you chosen the heroine of King Solomon's Treasures? We are about to decide."

Minahan, who was pulled away, was eager to get away and continue to deepen his relationship with Ronald.

"It's that stone, that actress, you know? That..." Minahan made a gesture on his chest to indicate that the actress had big breasts. Minahan forgot the title "Romang the Stone" and was gesticulating furiously.

Then he hurried off to catch up with Ronald, "Ronald, Ronald, the premiere of the Breakdancing sequel..."

"Stone? Big breasts?" Yoram was confused. "Who is Minahan talking about? Do you know? Is there any actress in Hollywood with the surname Stone?"

A group of staff looked at each other, and suddenly one of them remembered the newly released movie he had watched yesterday, and quickly said, "The movie 'Irreconcilable Differences' that was just released was based on director Peter Bogdanovich and his wife. Based on Paulie Platt's affair with her lover Sybil Shepherd.

The actress who played the role of Sybil Shepard was named Stone. "

"Oh, she must be very beautiful. Send her an audition invitation. What is her full name?"

"Stone, I think her name is Sharon Stone."


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