Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 20004 The Secretary of the Navy’s Commitment

Ronald's efforts to film on Staten Island were thwarted. New York's film industry had been in decline since Edison began chasing studio royalties.

Just find an agent in Los Angeles and you can recruit a team of actors, workers, lighting, sound recording photographers and other professionals on the crew. In New York, there are only those Broadway actors to choose from, and none of them can afford movies, so they are not considered high art. As for cheap open-can film, cheap photographers who have shot exploitation films are nowhere to be found.

Although labor and land prices are very cheap in Staten Island, the professional talents needed by the film industry are more expensive. We had to find people from Hollywood, and we had to take care of food, accommodation and transportation.

It seems that a Roger Corman-style low-cost exploitation film costing $200,000 a piece can only be made in a place with a developed industry like Hollywood. A movie of the same quality would cost at least 600,000 yuan to be barely made in New York.

Eddie, the agent from New York, also came over to participate in the business discussions of Daydream Pictures. He did have some ideas for shooting promotional videos and product samples for some companies. With the development of video recorders, many large companies are interested in shooting high-end promotional videos and playing them on the company's front desk TV in a loop.

There are many people working in the television industry in New York, which is suitable for filming this kind of film. After adding some cameras, lighting, recording and other equipment, Ronald asked Eddie to organize his own manpower and start trying to take some orders.

"I'll show you the corporate video samples I collected." Eddie stood up and turned on the TV.

"Wait a minute," Douglas Jr. stopped him. As a child of a wealthy family, he was very concerned about the election news.

The TV was all about the debate between the Vice President and the Donkey Party candidate. This debate was much more exciting than the last debate between the President and Mondale. Both sides performed well, and TV commentators agreed that both were good debaters.

Newspapers and TV stations thought the two sides were tied, but polls afterwards showed huge differences. Male viewers generally believed that the vice president won, while most female viewers believed that the female candidate of the Donkey Party won the debate.

The main reason for this disagreement was the confrontation between the deputy commander and Ferraro on an issue. The host asked Ferraro, who has been elected to the House of Representatives for three terms, or the resume of the Deputy Commander-in-Chief, who has served two terms as a Representative, Ambassador to China, Ambassador to the United Nations, CIA Director, and Deputy Commander-in-Chief, who knows more about foreign politics.

The deputy commander opened his mouth and said, "Let me help you find out the different behaviors of the previous and current commanders when they faced the Persian and Lebanese embassies being held hostage."

Ferraro immediately retorted, "I strongly protest that the deputy commander has come up with an attitude that can teach me about the foreign policy of his country."

Maybe from a male perspective, this is nothing.

But professional women who have suffered from gender discrimination in the workplace immediately empathized with Ferraro's attitude. As a result, it gained a lot of support from women.

Ronald thought thoughtfully. This kind of aversion to sexism from a female perspective seems to be increasingly becoming a trend of thought in America.

Secretary of the Navy John Lehman, who is at Miramar Naval Air Station in San Diego on the West Coast, is also watching the Vice Admiral's debate analysis program.

Lyman is the youngest Secretary of the Navy in America's history. When he took office four years ago, he was only 38 years old. America has civilian control of the military, and the Navy Minister is appointed by the Grand Commander.

Even so, he still received a lot of criticism when he joined the company. In addition to his unusually young age, Lyman is the first secretary in many years who has not served in the Navy. When he was young, he only served as a pilot in the Air Force and Navy Reserves. During his first years as secretary, he also had naval reserve flying duties to perform.

Facing a group of admirals who were qualified enough to be his father, Lyman resorted to a plan to build a large warship. After taking office, he quickly catered to the commander-in-chief who was tough on the Soviet Union and came up with a plan to restore the number of active ships in the navy to 600.

In addition to the recommissioning of the Iowa-class battleships, he also promoted new Aegis ships, Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarines carrying Trident intercontinental missiles, Los Angeles-class attack nuclear submarines, and upgrading the construction number of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

Therefore, conservative politicians like Xiang Dang who were tough on the Soviet Union were his biggest support for his career.

"Yes, these female congressmen who decorate the House of Representatives like vases really need World War II veterans like the deputy commander to give them a good lesson in international politics. Do they know what the world's grand triangle politics is? The deputy commander has experience in China, Just the right person to give them Dr. Kopkissing’s theories.”

He remembered the script that the deputy commander called him about. The number of people serving in the Navy has been declining year by year. It is necessary to make more heroic movies like Hollywood during World War II, so that enough young people will join the Navy to match these six hundred A world-class ship.

Immediately, he called the Foreign Relations Liaison Office under the Ministry of the Navy and expressed that he wanted to meet these patriotic filmmakers who wanted to create naval heroes.

Ronald was very surprised when he received the call. Unexpectedly, the deputy commander and his family did not reply to him, but calmly handled the matter.

He quickly flew back to Los Angeles, met up with the two producers, and went to the Naval Air Base in San Diego, Southern California, to meet with Secretary of the Navy John Lyman who was inspecting here.

"His Excellency, the Vice Commander, said to me, you want to make a story about a heroic fighter pilot in the Navy?"

"Yes, Mr. Lehmann. We do want to make a new-age hero movie, like..." Don Simpson had used plenty of... at home before he came, and now he was a little too energetic. It's just that the choice of words is affected by brain chemistry and is not very sensitive.

"It's like a Star Wars set on the sea, with fighter jets fighting." Ronald quickly added.

"To be honest, we need movies like this," said John Lyman, a handsome middle-aged man whose red tie showed his political stance.

"The Navy can provide help with your movie, but we will evaluate the script and the choice of the leading actor." John Lyman rang the bell and called in a man and a woman, two tall officers.

"This is Matthew, the external liaison officer of our naval base. You can contact him for coordination in the future regarding the aircraft and other equipment that need to be rented for film shooting, as well as the location.

This is our doctor of aerodynamics, Christine Fox. You can ask her for any details about fighter air combat. "Lehmann introduced the background of the two to the three.

"This support is really great," Ronald exchanged glances with the two producers.

"So it turns out that writing letters to the deputy commander is really useful?" Bruckheimer was also very excited. Many of the problems in the preparatory stage were solved with the commitment of the Secretary of the Navy.

"By the way, Miss Fox also has a pilot's call sign. You can call her Legs."

Ronald took one look at Kristen Fox's long legs and thought that the call sign was similar to a nickname, and it was indeed worthy of the name.

"So, tell me, gentlemen, what kind of character will the protagonist of your movie be?"

The Navy Minister asked the two liaison officers to go out, then walked out from behind the desk, sat at the corner of the table, and chatted with several producers and directors.

The two producers looked at each other and signaled Ronald to answer with their eyes.

"We feel that in the past ten years, there has been a lack of heroic movies from the previous golden age of Hollywood. Our idea is just to recreate the heroic epics like 'Fit' in the 1930s. To reshape the image of a Western cowboy hero like John Wayne, It's just that the dueling revolvers were changed into modern jet fighters."

"Very good. Do any of you three have any flying experience?" The minister felt satisfied and asked casually.

Don Simpson and Bruckheimer both shook their heads.

"That's not going to work. You have to experience a real naval fighter. Otherwise, how can you make a convincing movie?"

"My grandfather and great-grandfather were American fighter pilots. They participated in World War I and World War II respectively." Upon seeing this, Ronald tried to give the minister more confidence.

"Very good, very good. Well, since you come from a family of pilots, it's up to you. I'll ask Fox to contact the Blue Angels Aerobatic Demonstration Team and let them take you up to experience it."

"This..." Ronald thought to himself, I just want to eat steak, there is no need to be a cowboy.

"It's settled," John Lyman waved his hand, indicating that the matter was arranged. "If you like flying, you can also try the F-14 Tomcat fighter jet, which is the main fighter jet of our navy. This is the way the navy works, and you will gradually get used to it in the future."

John Lyman said to the three of them, "After I give the order directly, the bureaucracy may still make things difficult for you. If you don't cooperate, you can directly contact Matthew to coordinate. If he can't handle it, you can give it to me directly." Call the office.”

"Mr. Ronald, are you six feet two inches tall?" Long-legged Fox came over to look at Ronald and accurately reported his height, "I will prepare a flight suit for you according to this size. We’ll make an appointment and let you try it out.”

The Blue Angels aerobatic team uses Douglas A-4 Skyhawk attack aircraft. Ronald put on his flight suit and got into the back seat of the plane.

The blue fuselage is specially customized for the Blue Angels. Ronald put on the oxygen mask a little nervously.

"Are you ready?" The pilot in the front seat looked kinder.


"Let's go."

Ronald suddenly felt a strong push on his back, and the light jet engine made a sharp roar. Taking off in a short distance, Ronald soon found himself in the air.

The blue coast in the distance and the white clouds in the sky were turned upside down by the pilot's roll. Ronald seemed to be confused about up and down, and the wonderful feeling seemed to have touched his pilot gene.

"This is more fucking exciting than a Ferrari."


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