Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 20008 Right to Speak on the Script

"I signed up for this flight school, and I heard from Paula that it is the best. After three months, I can get a private small aircraft pilot license."

Tom Cruise is really fascinated by flying, and has signed up for the best flight school in Los Angeles to participate in private jet training.

"Don't get too excited. If you want to fly a jet plane, you still need to accumulate flight time. When the movie starts shooting, you can get a student license at most." Ronald found Crewe at an airport outside Los Angeles. Si, the two chatted about the development of the script.

Paula, Tom Cruise's agent, won him the right to speak on the script. This is usually a privilege only for big stars, but Cruise has a friend named Ronald as the director, so it is a name. Obtaining this power first will help him improve his status in the industry.

Ronald found Cruise, who had just got off the plane, at the flight school, and read him the newly formed script.

"Your character development was good, starting as an f-14 pilot called 'maverick'. You were wingman with another pilot called 'jaguar'. Flying against Cuban pilots in the Caribbean The "Jaguar" was locked in a dogfight while the MiG-21 was flying.

The Lone Ranger used the attack lock to scare away the Cuban MiG-21, but the "Jaguar" was under too much pressure when it was targeted, which induced flying vertigo, and it was difficult to distinguish between the sky and the sea. In the end you help him land on the carrier.

The commander of the fleet has two places to go to the top gun school for advanced studies. The radar officer of the Lone Ranger wants to stay on the aircraft carrier, so the Lone Ranger went to the flight school with the radar officer "goose" of the Jaguar. "

"Great beginning", Tom Cruise was very happy after hearing Ronald read the beginning of the script, "I like the character of this character very much, it's a bit like me."

"Hahaha", Ronald was very happy. The Lone Ranger did refer to some of Tom's own character traits, which would help the actor to perform.

"I have an idea, can you give the Lone Ranger a chance to appear alone, so that at the beginning of the movie, you can leave a deep impression on the audience."

"Yes, listen to the next paragraph." Ronald began to read the script again. The Lone Ranger drove his sports car to the Nevada desert where the top gun flight school is located. Speeding here on the road to school. Highway Patrol stopped him.

The patrolman asked the Lone Ranger for his ID, and the Lone Ranger gave the Navy's pilot ID. The patrolman was in awe after seeing it, and asked him if he knew how fast he was driving?

Lone Ranger said,

"I thought it was Mach 1.5"

"1.5 times the speed of sound?" The smile of the traffic policeman began to appear.


"What plane do you fly?"




"What? Did the Sowell Union call? Are you in such a hurry?" The Highway Patrolman put away the ticket.

"No, but we have to be ready at any time."

The Highway Patrol then escorted the Lone Ranger to the base in a car.

"At the gate of the base, the Lone Ranger met his biggest competitor in the top gun school for the first time, the pilot Iceman. Iceman smiled and said to his radar officer, patrol escort, this kid is a troublemaker .”

"Ronald, I have an idea" Tom Cruise heard this, and began to put forward his own opinion, "The character of the Lone Ranger, he should be equipped with the fastest sports car on land, preferably red Ferrari."

"Yeah, don't you just want to drive my Ferrari GTO? When the time comes, let the crew transport it to Nevada, but you have to promise me that you must take good care of it."

"No problem! That's the fastest sports car on land."

The two finished reading the script in the airport lounge, Tom Cruise looked at his watch, "I'm almost late, I have to visit Rebecca on the set of 'The Baseball Player's Wife'."

Ronald smiled, Tom was very attached to this girlfriend who was a few years older than himself, and would like to get the two of them together whenever there was a chance.

"Won't she bother you if you keep getting together with Rebecca?"

"You don't understand, Ronnie. Our actors are often separated, just looking for opportunities to be together. And there is an intimate scene in this movie, which will be filmed tonight. I have to go to the set to keep an eye on it."

"If I were a director, I'd dislike you. How would an actor perform if his boyfriend and girlfriend are staring at him?"

"Don't be so stubborn, I don't believe it. Aren't you also worried about Helen Slater's filming of the 'Billy King Legend' crew? I heard that there are many nudity scenes, so you won't visit the set?" Tom put on A flight jacket from the Navy, in the nanny van where Paula came to pick him up, "bye".

"Why would Billy King have a nude scene? I reviewed the script myself." Ronald patted the script in his hand, and then waved goodbye to Paula.

"Hey, Rick? Is there any nudity in the Billy King legend?" Ronald became more and more confused when he thought about it after driving home. Part of the tone is lowered in the script, and when the real shooting is done, it will depend on the state of the actress to see how large the film can be.

"Why don't you go visit the class? You should have more experience with this kind of problem than me. Why, do you still have feelings for Helen?"

"Ahem... I just feel that Gerald entrusted Helen to me, and I will be responsible for the script he introduced to the end."

"Okay, let me say hello to the producer Guber, and ask Richard to accompany you to Texas to visit the set."

With Richard and Bud Jr., Ronald came to Corpus Christi, Texas to visit the crew of "The Legend of Billy King".

This small town with a population of more than 200,000 residents on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico is the famous kite capital of America. Because of the strong wind speed throughout the year, many people play kite flying, paragliding, and paragliding here. surf.

The crew is filming an exterior scene by a lake in the countryside. The opening scene of this movie, with Helen as Billy King, has some deliberately set shots to impress the audience.

Ronald took Bud Jr. and Richard, greeted the producer, and went to watch the filming.

Up to this point, Helen is still dressed with long blond hair. After all the first half of the scenes are filmed, Helen will cut her long blond hair short and turn it into a flat-inch boy's head, becoming the modern Joan of Arc. Women and the underprivileged speak for themselves.


The director shouted the password and started the location shooting.

Ronald was outside the cordon and saw the entire shooting scene.

On a large elevator, the director and the director of photography are sitting together, preparing to shoot a shot from top to bottom, from far to near.

Ronald knew at a glance that director Matthew Robbins was indeed a classmate of Lucas and Walter Murch. This kind of complicated scheduling allows the audience to understand the background of the story at once from the picture of the small town in the distance, and then move to the nearby Helen to quickly enter the story.

A few seconds of footage allows the audience to forget the troubles in life and plunge into the story. It is indeed the golden generation of the University of Southern California.

Billy King, played by Helen, is arranging the clothes in the laundry basket. In the plot, she and her younger brother depend on each other, and as the older sister, they are responsible for housework.

"Didi..." There is a wooden fence beside the pool where the clothes are washed by hand, and two motorcycle horns are heard through the fence.

She found the clean clothes she had just collected from the laundry basket, took off her denim vest, and said a line to the motorcycle behind the fence, "I'll be right there."

Ronald raised his hand and wanted to call "cut!", but his remaining rationality made him open his mouth wide and did not make a sound. He clearly saw that Helen Slater's back was completely naked, except for a denim vest that had just been taken off. Cover your chest.

"Didn't it be agreed that there would be no nudity scenes?" Ronald was indignant, why would Joan of Arc take off her clothes in modern times?

"Cut!" the director stopped, "Helen, you are great, let's do it again."

"Okay..." Helen put the denim vest on her body, "Are I in the right mood just now?"

"Puchi..." A short actor with messy blond hair next to Ronald laughed.

"Helen is always so cute. In fact, this scene doesn't need any acting skills." The short actor laughed, and started talking to Ronald.

"You're the actor who played the villain, aren't you? Hello, my name is Christian Slater."

"Ah... oh", Ronald came back to his senses, are you Helen's relative?

"No, it's not...we just happen to have the same last name. I play Helen's brother Binks. It's a very good coincidence. I think Helen is my destined wife. If I marry him, she won't even have a last name." changed."

For some reason, Ronald felt a surge of anger in his chest that made him glare at Christian Slater.

"Hey, what are you talking about? You still want to marry Helen?" Little Bard looked angry and went up to push Christian away.

He had met Helen several times when he worked in Aunt Karen's leg warmer shop and knew she had been with Ronald.

"Who the hell are you? What right do you have to meddle in my business?" Christian was furious.

"Ronnie, why are you here?" Helen heard the movement here, turned around and saw that it was Ronald, and ran over happily.

"And you, little Bud, long time no see, I heard you went to serve in the Marine Corps?"

"Okay, take a ten-minute break." The director reluctantly stopped, and got down from the elevator to announce a timeout.

"This is Christian. His surname is Slater like mine. Isn't it a coincidence." Helen was thin again, with the denim vest hanging loosely on her body. "I always thought he was really my brother."

"Hi, Ronald, thank you for coming to the crew." Director Matthew came over and shook hands with Ronald to thank him. He was able to be a director for the first time because Ronald gave up this opportunity.

"Do you have any opinions on the filming? Or the script? I am very open to your opinions." Matthew was under a lot of pressure from Gubel during the filming process. This time Gubel specifically mentioned Rona De wants to visit the class and dare not take it lightly.

"You are the director. I just came to visit Helen's class. Her father, Gerald, misses her performance very much. Let me take a look."

"Hold, I'm sorry..." Christian stammered his apology to Ronald, and walked away quickly.

"Exactly. After I finish shooting, I'm going to cut my hair short. Can you accompany me?" Helen heard that Ronald came here according to his father's order, and looked at Ronald with big eyes blinking, as if seeing through Ronald. The thoughts in De's heart.

"Well, I have nowhere to go here anyway."


After a full day of outdoor shooting, Helen went to the hairdresser to get a boyish cut.

"Does it look good if I cut my hair short?"

Surprisingly, Ronald felt that the short hair made Helen very handsome, even if he didn't pay attention, he looked like a handsome young man.

He couldn't help touching it with his hands, his hair was a little prickly.

"Hee hee..." Helen took Ronald's arm, "Were you jealous just now? Ronnie?"

"I...? I didn't, I wasn't..."

"Don't lie to me. Gerald just called me yesterday to discuss the plot. He didn't mention your coming at all. If he had told you, he would have told me."

"No, isn't there no exposure scene in your script? Why is there a naked back, even this dress..." Ronald changed the subject, pointing at Helen's dress.

"What? Do you want to fulfill the script suggestion right?" Helen looked at Ronald and smiled.

"Me? How do you know I can't? I asked the director to delete all the nudity scenes, and if he refused, I went to Gubel."

"No," Helen grabbed Ronald's hand.

"You don't know how difficult it is to get the part now that my first Supergirl movie hasn't come out yet. Can't talk to the director like that. Besides, Gerald has already talked to the director, I won't have a full frontal nudity The lens is ready, don't worry."

"Ronnie, I'm glad you can come to see me." Helen held onto Ronald's arm tightly, and the two looked at each other for a moment. The setting sun stretched their shadows very long.


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