Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 219 Material Girl

"This is Miss Sean Young," Don Simpson put his arms around a beautiful woman with a very special temperament. "This is Director Ronald."

"Hello, Ronald." Sean Young spoke with a nervous ending, as if she was about to collapse at any moment and have a hysterical attack.

"Hello," Ronald wondered. Isn't this the mutant who starred with Harrison Ford in "Blade Runner"? Of the two candidates Don Simpson mentioned, one was her?

"I'm very good at dramas, much better than comedies. I think I'm qualified for the role of Charlie. What do you think, director? What do you think of me? Will I be able to match the character's temperament if I wear such a uniform? ?

Tang said that he should wear these kind of stockings with a middle seam, saying that they were designated by you. Director Ronald, there is a rumor in the industry that you are good at taking pictures of actresses’ legs. Can you make me look better? "

"Oh oh oh..." Ronald made a pause gesture, "We'd better take some audition footage for reference first."

"Do I look good like this? Wait a minute, director, I want to do it again. I was too nervous just now... Wait, wait, this time doesn't count, I'm not ready yet... Oh, I didn't want to shoot like this, How about we do it again.”

"That's it. If there is any progress, we will contact your agent."

After finally sending away this psychotic woman, Ronald got angry:

"This is the heroine you found? She is a materialistic girl. If the world does not revolve around her, she will be hysterical. How can I dare to use this kind of actor?"

"Relax, Ronald," said Don Simpson, who was clearly still under the influence of some kind of drug. "If you don't want her to play, then we'll see. I think she looked the same in 'Blade Runner.' She is mysterious and sexy, so I invited her..."

"Sean Young in Blade Runner is really good. I don't know how director Ridley Scott trained him." Ronald wiped his sweat. If someone like Sean Young really plays the heroine, I'm not sure I can handle her.

"You have to watch your crotch, Don." Jerry Bruckheimer also had lingering fears. It is rare for an actress to be so noisy.

"Since you don't like it, let's change it. Another actress is currently on the road in the new movie 'Witness', also starring with Harrison Ford. Harrison is a touchstone for actresses, as long as there is spark with him, Not bad for acting in commercial films."

"Okay, wait until she comes back and contact me." Ronald made up his mind.

Even if her performance on the screen is good, she still needs to call the director of "The Witness" privately and ask about the actress's performance on the set. She can't have a lunatic like Sean Young here again.

While waiting for the actress to return from the road show, Ronald took three days off to shoot the music video for Madonna's new song, "Material Girl."

Ronald agreed to this originally for Diane, in order to help her get a role and get some shots. Now that Diane had earned enough money from the Japanese, she went to China to do marketing for the "Cotton Club".

But we still have to do what we promised. Fortunately, this MV was not complicated to shoot.

Madonna has always wanted to be an actress, and her ideal has always been to be an actress, not a singer. This song was inspired by Madonna while watching the old movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" with Marilyn Monroe.

In the classic movie of the 1950s, Monroe sang the song "Diamonds are a girl's best friend." There was such a scene in the live performance, where she wore a pink skirt and danced dreamily, which was extremely sexy.

Madonna would love to copy it.

Ronald had long discovered that Madonna looked a bit like Monroe when photographed from an angle.

He simply copied Monroe's stage outfit and the dress she wore when singing on stage. Let Madonna learn to perform Monroe's sex appeal.

The whole song is describing the "material girl". Madonna poured her own thoughts into the lyrics. If she wanted to pick her up and go to bed with her, she would have to spend real money in exchange.

However, Ronald felt that this kind of filming was too boring, so he changed the script a little and arranged a lover of the director for Madonna, so that the plot criticized the lyrics of "Material Girl" and herself.

Although the lyrics say "I'm a material girl, you have to give me jewelry if you want to date", but in Ronald's revised plot, Madonna still went with the director lover for the sake of love, and ignored those who gave her diamond necklaces. Men.

"My dear, as long as you ask me out, I will always be willing."

Madonna put on a pink low-cut skirt, a dazzling diamond necklace, and a diamond bracelet. She had golden hair and looked a bit like Monroe. She said lovingly to Ronald. I was indeed willing to sleep with Ronald as many times as I wanted to pursue my dream of becoming an actor.

"Very good, I found that you are quite good at imitating Monroe." Ronald walked behind the camera and took a special look in the viewfinder. Just like Monroe's stills, the peach-pink skirt had a very mysterious feel to it. of sexy charm. Madonna is shown to be a bit mysterious and has a long psychological distance from everyone.

The reason why Monroe has this kind of charm that confuses all living beings is actually related to this psychological distance. Everyone regards her as their dream lover, but Monroe's image is not very real. In the eyes of many people, she is just a sex symbol.

"Music, camera? a!"

The pre-recorded vocals of "Material Girl" sounded. Madonna's voice had a fresh milky tone, which was different from the rock and roll husky voice of her biggest competitor, Cyndi Lauper.

The stage and steps were painted red, and a spotlight followed Madonna as she moved, illuminating the glittering diamonds on her jewelry.

Behind her are handsome men in suits and leather shoes with various hair colors and eye colors, all surrounding Madonna, wooing her, but being ruthlessly abandoned by her.


"Hahaha, how are my acting skills? Ronald."

"Very good. As long as you are surrounded by your favorite things, such as diamonds and beautiful men, your acting skills will be very good."

During the break, Madonna was still teasing the heroine of Ronald's new film.

"You still have a better future singing." Ronald didn't want to discuss this with her.

"Pamela!" Madonna knew she was out of luck and waved her arms to a beautiful woman who had just come in outside the studio.

"Pamela? Sean?" Ronald looked at the person who came. It was Pamela, the sister of rock singer Bruce Springsteen. Next to him was his acquaintance Sean Penn. The two even dated together in "Fast Times" back then.

"Ronald, I heard you were here, so I came to take a look." Sean Penn came over and hugged him.

"This is..." Sean looked up and down at Madonna, obviously attracted by her Monroe-esque dress.

"I'm Madonna, hahaha." Madonna looked at Sean Penn's primitive wildness and couldn't help but step forward to introduce herself.

"Hello," Sean Penn politely kissed Madonna's hand, and the two quickly started chatting.

"Pamela, thank your brother for me." Ronald thanked Pamela Springsteen. Originally, in Bruce's latest music video "Dancing in the Dark", a supporting role of a female fan who was pulled onto the stage by Springsteen and danced with him for half a minute was originally reserved for Diane.

"It's okay, he found another beautiful girl named Courtney Cox."

Ronald gave Pamela a few scenes back then, but this time it was Pamela who returned the favor.

"By the way, what is your brother busy with now?" Ronald asked about her blue-collar singer brother.

"He was singing a song with MJ, for the Year of World Peace and for the famine-stricken children in Africa. MJ, Lionel Richie, Quincy Jones, and many famous singers were invited to sing together." Pam said. La looked at Madonna who was chatting animatedly with Sean Penn.

"Aren't you going to join the chorus?" Ronald asked Madonna.

"I'm not going, MJ found Cyndi Lauper from the same company." Madonna replied, and continued to talk about performance with Sean Penn.

"Oh," Ronald laughed. He forgot that the two of them happened to be rival competitors. If one went, the other would definitely not go.

"It's normal. MJ also invited his biggest rival, Prince. I guess Prince won't go either. If he goes, he won't be in vain." Pamela is relatively familiar with these things in the music industry.

"Okay, you guys have rested, let's continue." Ronald interrupted Sean Penn and Madonna who were having a heated chat, and asked the makeup artist to come over and touch up Madonna's makeup.

The shooting of this MV went very smoothly. Madonna suddenly became very good. During the shooting, her eyes were filled with the flame of desire, which fit perfectly with the title of the song "Material Girl".

The filming ended one day early, and Ronald was very happy. Columbia Records happily paid the director according to Ronald's worth. This just soothed Ronald's anxiety over the heroine's lack of whereabouts.

"The special screening of 'Witness', you can see for yourself how the heroine performs on the big screen." When the special screening of "Witness" for film critics, Bruckheimer got Ronald a ticket.

Ronald got his tickets and went to see the movie starring Harrison Ford.

The movie tells the story of a special group of Swiss immigrants - the Amish.

After these people immigrated to America from the German-speaking area of ​​Switzerland, they adhered to their Mennonite beliefs and refused to use any modern appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, and washing machines. They only followed the ancient way of life, farming and milking cows, and traveling by horse-drawn carriage.

The heroine Rachel, an Amish widow with a boy, accidentally got involved in the internal struggle of the NYPD. A NYPD played by Harrison Ford went to an Amish settlement, recuperated at Rachel's house, got along well with Rachel and her son, and finally defeated the bad guys who were chasing him.

Amish women have to wear ancient skirts and a small white hat, which is very ridiculous. The actress who plays Rachel is very beautiful, but her sexy side is somewhat suppressed under the period costume.

But the widow's sullen mood of being enamored of Harrison Ford but being bound by tradition, and yet fearful of breaking the rules, was very good.

Ronald didn't pay any attention to other people's performances, and all his energy was focused on watching the actress's performance. It just so happens that Charlie in "Top Gun", as a flight instructor, also has an unspoken rule against dating pilots. She played this sullen mood very well, and at least her performance on the screen convinced Ronald.

"Do you know Director Peter Weir? I also want to ask him about this actress, uh... Kelly McGillis's performance on the set." After Ronald watched the movie, he asked his agent. A call from the director of "Witness."


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