Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 223 Quick, tell Ronald

"Car accident, car accident, lost consciousness." As the ambulance arrived, Bruckheimer nervously explained the situation to the people in uniform who came down from above.

"Beep... beep... beep..."

"The heart rate and breathing are normal. The loss of consciousness may be due to brain injury. Take him to the UCLA Hospital. The first aid there is good."

Ronald and Bruckheimer jumped into the ambulance and escorted Don Simpson to the hospital.

"The patient's name, age, and what happened to the accident."

"He is my friend Don Simpson. He is 42 years old. He had a car accident while parking the car. His head hit his face and his face was covered in blood. We did not see the specific incident." Bruckheimer went to answer the questions of the emergency personnel. .

"Did you hit it while parking? Were you drinking?"


The various testing instruments on Don Simpson were connected to the monitor on the hospital bed. Ronald saw that his heart rate was still stable and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wo Zaina? What's wrong with the swelling?" Don Simpson seemed to have regained consciousness, but his mouth was swollen from being hit, his nose seemed to be broken, he was bleeding, and his speech was a little unclear.

"Doctor, doctor, the patient seems to be awake." Ronald quickly called the emergency doctor.

"Does he have a history of drug abuse?" The doctor shined a flashlight into Don Simpson's pupils, and then checked the emergency medication. Normally, a patient who had been in a car accident should not be so excited.

"Well... I can only say that he may have been affected by drugs." Ronald could only admit vaguely.

"Don't worry, we are doctors and don't care about lapd. But after 48 hours of observation here, you'd better let him go to a rehabilitation center. My experience is that he will take no less medication."

"Don is a Hollywood producer, and his work does not allow him to go to the rehabilitation center right now," Bruckheimer came over to answer.

"Okay, this is personal freedom. I will push him to the emergency ward now, where he will be hospitalized for 48 hours of observation."

"Well, ah... pick up the Rui, fall down, nest... shoot hot and dazed to... wu wu..." Don Simpson's mouth swelled like two sausages, but he still tried his best to say something to Bruckheimer and Ronald say something.

"don’t worry,

The emergency doctor said you just had a traumatic injury and you'll be fine as long as you get treatment. Bruckheimer comforted.

"Don, you'll be fine soon!" Ronald was cheering him on.

"Uh... uh..." Don Simpson danced on the hospital bed, ignoring the oxygen mask the doctor put on him, and wanted to hold Ronald to talk.

"Addict?" another EMT asked.

The doctor shrugged, "After the commander-in-chief raised the minimum drinking age, now among the patients in car accidents... they are almost as likely to catch up with those who drove under the influence."

"Stop screaming, I'll let you have a good sleep." The emergency doctor took out a tranquilizer and stabbed it into Don Simpson's butt.

"Quickly, tell Jerry, tell Ronald...Paramount CEO Frank Mancuso is going to send someone...Tom...Kilmer...McGillis...be careful." Don Simpson struggled feebly. He stopped, then tilted his head and fell asleep.

"I said, can Don still continue to work in this situation?" Ronald called Little Bud and drove them to the famous Chinese restaurant in West Hollywood. Originally, Don had booked a banquet for composer George. Moroder.

"It seems that the situation is really bad now. Let's see what the doctor says. If it doesn't work, I can sign and send him to a rehabilitation center first."

"I know one family. A friend of mine is in there and is about to come out. I heard that it was administered by doctors at Sinai Medical Center and the effect is good... Hi, George." Ronald saw the Italian composer Giorgio Mo who came over. Rodel, stood up and hugged him.

"This is my partner, Harold Faltermeyer. We started composing the score for the movie together, and I have to say, I read the script and I couldn't sleep at night. It was so exciting. I hadn't watched it in a long time. It’s a Hollywood script about a lone hero.”

A few people chatted about their understanding of the script while eating. After finishing the three main courses and waiting for dessert, Ronald held a wine glass and chatted with Harold Faltermeyer.

Harold Faltermeyer, a German-born composer, was assigned the task of composing the theme song without lyrics.

"My idea for the theme song is to let the audience enter the atmosphere immediately. At the beginning, it is best to have a melody to put them into the mood of a western cowboy immediately, just like Morricone gave in 'Red Dead Redemption' The whistle is the same as the one played by Eastwood." Ronald began to express his understanding.

"Actually, I've already written the theme song." Harold Faltermeyer wiped his mouth with a napkin and spoke with a thick German accent.

"Really? When can I hear it? Your efficiency is really fast." Ronald couldn't wait to hear the bell melody in the smoke in his dream, which impressed him very much.

"Well, I just wrote the melody, and I haven't had time to find someone to record the demo. When do you want to listen to it?" Harold Faltermeyer replied. Normally, movies are usually filmed and interludes are only introduced when editing begins. Why is this director so anxious?

"I want to listen to it after eating." Ronald wanted to know very urgently, had the other party written the song in his dream?

The bell melody at the beginning can quickly bring out the emotions of the audience. This is a powerful tool to mobilize the audience's hormones, no less than another trump card of this film, the naval combat scenes with direct real-life shooting of fighter jets.

"This... okay, I'll find someone to record a demo later. I'll almost have it done by night, and I can give it to you tomorrow morning."

"Forget it tomorrow morning. I have to have a meeting with the naval advisor tomorrow morning. You can call me whenever you want to record it. It doesn't matter how late it is."

"Then I'll go now." Harold Faltermeyer stopped eating dessert and immediately stood up and returned to the studio.

Early the next morning, Ronald was in his office, waiting for Navy adviser and messenger Pete Pettigrew to come over to discuss the Pentagon's latest comments on the script.

He was wearing Sony Walkman headphones, and what was playing on his head was exactly what Harold Faltermeyer was doing at two o'clock last night. He found a guitarist, Steven Stevens, to play the guitar overnight, and he played the piano himself. Theme song demo.

"When... when... when..." Harold simulated the bells on the piano. Although it was not as perfect as in his dream, it was already very contagious. Everyone who heard it said it was very exciting.

"Ronald, the Navy's opinions on the script mainly focus on these aspects." Pete Pettigrew, a former top gun instructor, turned to several controversial areas in the script.

“First, there is a problem with the outcome of the Goose being hit by a cannon in the air during the conflict with the enemy. This will make the public think that the navy’s fighter jets are not capable and cannot compare with our Soviet Union fighter jets.

"But at this point in the story, Goose must die in order to promote the transformation of the Lone Ranger." Ronald was anxious.

"I didn't say I won't die, I just have to change the way to die. Don't let the death of the stupid goose be reminiscent of the quality problems of Tomcat fighter jets. For example, we can let him die in an accident."

"Then think of an accident for me. I don't know what kind of accident would make people not doubt the power of a fighter jet."

"Okay," Pete Pettigrew began to note that he had many friends in the Navy, his apprentices were all elite pilots, and he knew almost all the accidents of the F-14A.

"And then you know, instructor Charlie can't be a military member, and the Pentagon made it clear that she has to be a civilian specialist, employed by the Navy. We can't tolerate two officers falling in love."

"Okay, just settle down." Ronald also made a note and quickly asked the hair stylist, costume designer, and makeup artist to focus on giving McGillis the image of a working girl.

"Any more?" Ronald looked up at the other person.

"Also, in the battle that took place on the aircraft carrier at the beginning, the Jaguar couldn't be afraid of the enemy and suffered from vertigo in the air. We had to think of a braver person for him because of his psychological problems. Naval pilots couldn't be A coward."

"I've written it down, and you can help me think about it when the time comes." Ronald closed the notebook. He took off his headphones and handed them to Pete Pettigrew. Listen to our theme song. How does it feel?

After listening to it for a while, Peter Pettigrew's eyes lit up, "This melody is very suitable for the navy."

"Very good. When the time comes to shoot, I will ask all the actors to listen to it every day."

"This piece of music really makes people's blood boil."

Tom Cruise also came to the office and was very happy after listening to a tape of the theme song prepared by Ronald for him.

He asked Paula to put the tape in his walkman away, and continued to listen to the theme song while shaking his head.

This tape contains the lines of the script. Because of his dyslexia, Tom Cruise had to recite the lines of the scenes he was filming every day. During the last script reading, he memorized them by rote and worked hard to identify the lines in the script. The text barely managed to avoid making a fool of myself.

"Tuk tuk", Bruckheimer came and knocked on the door.

"That's it, Tom, get ready, we're going to start filming next week."

Ronald stood up and went with Bruckheimer to the hospital to see Don Simpson.

"This is his blood test report. Look at these three data. His... levels are very high. Your friend is on the verge of sudden death at any time."

The doctor showed them what appeared to be a mixture of various drugs that Don Simpson had taken.

"I think, for the sake of his life, you'd better send him to a rehabilitation center for a while."

Bruckheimer and Ronald looked at each other and it seemed that they had to let Tang go in to recuperate for a while to recover his health.

When Don Simpson woke up from his hospital bed, he saw several burly men who were the staff of the rehabilitation center who came to pick him up.

Don didn't know what was going on and started yelling and crying.

"Don't worry, it's your friends Bruckheimer and Ronald who helped you contact the rehabilitation center. Just go and stay there for a while."

"I'm going to call Jerry and Ronald. I have something important to discuss with them and ask them to bring the script and costume photos. Ah!"

The doctor at the rehabilitation center gave Tang another sedative on his butt.

"Script, custom photos, what is that? Is it the name of a new type of drug?"

the doctor asked several staff members who were transporting uncooperative patients.

"I don't know, shall we start moving?" They pointed to Don Simpson who was starting to feel sleepy on the bed.

"Move, these..., their acting skills are very good, don't be fooled by them."

"I'm not... Quick, tell Ronald, tell Jerry..."

"You'd better get to the rehabilitation center and call them yourself." Two big men moved Don Simpson, who was about to fall asleep, into the ambulance.


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