Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 90 Speculative Script

Writing a script and then pitching it to various producers is called "speculative writing." Speculation means you start writing a script without knowing if anyone will buy it.

Speculative writing is banned by Writers Guild order because it raises legal issues of piracy. If a producer sees your script, pretends to reject it, and then let someone make a makeover based on the script and make your script his.

Such behavior is difficult to define, and the Screenwriters Guild has no way to protect the intellectual property rights of its members. The trade union's approach is to simply prohibit it, the bureaucracy's thinking is simple and clear, without such a thing, there is no need for protection.

The methods of prohibition are, on the one hand, declaring speculative writing illegal in union rules, and on the other hand, pressure on buyers, producers and agents of speculative scripts. After several court attacks and defenses, some producers lost their lawsuits because of buying speculative scripts, and now producers are reluctant to read scripts delivered by new screenwriters.

However, in order to enter the industry, the only way for newcomers to write their own scripts is to deliver them, so before delivery, they will attach a disclaimer of power of attorney, stating in advance that if the other party reads their own scripts, they will be exempted from liability in the resulting legal disputes.

Many producers and agents do not read the script without this power of attorney to avoid trouble.

Obviously it is to protect the screenwriter, but after such a bureaucratic red tape operation, the new screenwriter has become even more vulnerable. Sometimes they blatantly rewrite their speculative playbook, and because of the disclaimer in advance, there is no way to sue.

After being notified by the secretary, I was not in a hurry to write and submit the manuscript immediately. Anyway, there is no shortage of speculative scripts for the agent. Ronald spent a few months polishing the script slowly. When the time comes, he will send it to the agent named Rick Nisita, and he will still read it.

Ronald wants to write a romantic love story between a Chinese-American gangster man and an Italian-American female assistant prosecutor.

As the successor of the gang, the Chinese man wanted to turn the gang into a legal business, but he did not tell the Italian woman his true identity. Women of Italian descent often scare away men of the same ethnicity because of their work, and do not tell them that they are prosecutors. The two fall in love without knowing each other's identity.

Ronald gave Spike Lee the script outline.

"Isn't this the 'corner store' directed by Lubitsch in 1940? Men and women don't know each other's true identity, they fall in love with each other's false identity, the true identity they are hostile enemies, the false identity they are indeed romantic lovers, and finally Exposing it, everyone is happy."

Spike criticized Ronald for plagiarizing old scenes, "Have you not seen it? Starring Jimmy Stewart." Then he said the story of the corner store in general.

"I really haven't seen it," Ronald shouted. "It's just that the kernel is a little bit similar, and my details are completely different."

Then find Katherine Bigelow to discuss, this is also the all-round talent of screenwriter and director.

"I like the drama core of this script very much, but why does it end that the heroine gave up the prosecutor, married the hero, and the two ran a company together? You don't think the background of the hero is complicated, he should give up his identity as a gang heir and find a A normal job, supporting the heroine?"

"This? Audiences don't like to watch, right?" Ronald muttered.

These people are all professionals. When they see the script, they analyze it from the direction of the screenwriter, how to write it and how to change it, which is not the reaction of normal audiences at all.

Ronald decided not to ask them, and instead asked about the feelings of ordinary people, starting with the newsstand owner.

"Jimmy, let me tell you a story. A man of Chinese descent, he is the successor of the gang..."

"Oh, why does the successor of the gang have the idea of ​​quitting the arena? Look at the godfather, Mike took over from the old godfather. Isn't it cool that I give her an offer that she can't refuse? What kind of newspaper do you want to buy? It's still the same. Daily variety show?"


Another Hollywood Reporter. "

Ordinary ideas are more evasive, and Ronald has also received a lot of real feedback. They can't listen to it and start to get distracted. It is often the place where the drama is too weak. Go back and revise it.


Little Douglas, who was studying in Columbia that day, came to Ronald again.

He is Ronald's best friend on the high school wrestling team. Some time ago, he failed to pursue Katherine Bigelow, a beauty 9 years older than him, but he has not given up his dream of finding a girlfriend in the entertainment industry. This time it is for star girlfriends The plan is to come to Ronald.

"Did you know? The owner of Club 54 is going to jail soon."

Ronald was not very happy when he heard the name of the 54 club. That big doorman likes to take a pair of dates apart and put one in, isn't it deliberately sabotage? Just to increase your power.

"I haven't heard of it, why?"

"Tax evasion, police in their basements, pulling out millions of dollars in cash."

Ronald looked at little Doug, wouldn't you just come and tell me this news?

"Hey, did you know? Before they go to jail, they will hold a big farewell party. At that time, many female stars will go there. If you can go in, you will have the opportunity to meet some female stars."

"I can't get in. The guards there are very picky unless you know someone important to take you in."

"Don't worry, I've already got two invitations." Little Douglas took out two invitations for the farewell party at Club 54. "But I'm missing an insider who introduced me to the circle. So..."

Ronald also wanted to see Club 54, the best nightclub in New York, so he readily agreed.

But they regretted it at the door of Club 54.

Howie Montogue, the janitor at Club 54, looked at their invitations and winked at Ronald, "Same-sex couple? You're having a lot of fun, I remember you, the last time you came with Madonna, Today is..."

Little Douglas and Ronald looked at each other in dismay, and they separated immediately after entering the club. This misunderstanding is not good.

Club 54 was really intoxicated, with a huge champagne bottle-shaped sculpture standing at the door, and scantily-dressed male and female waiters serving a huge amount of alcoholic beverages. A huge sky bridge spans the center of the dance floor, and on several lead stages are women in bikinis dancing to disco music.

Little Douglas met two acquaintances, a son from a wealthy family like him and his young wife. The son is from the real estate industry and is now entering the Manhattan real estate industry. His beautiful wife is a Czechoslovakian immigrant, and the two already have a child.

With the son to lead the way, Douglas Jr. was soon introduced to his dream lover, Farrah Fawcett. The actor of the former TV series "Charlie's Angels" is now specializing in movies. Although he already has a regular boyfriend Ryan O'Neal, the actor's charm is irresistible, and he is still fascinated by little Douglas.

Ronald saw that he had achieved what he wanted, so he didn't bother and walked through the 54 club by himself. Today is a farewell party, so the music is not so intense, but a bit sad. Everyone should focus on saying goodbye.

Bee gees' "Saturday Night Fever" sounded, and a grandmother who was over 70 began to dance, "Young man, won't you come and dance with me?"

Ronald watched her dance so vigorously, especially rare for such an old man, and danced with her.

The grandmother was very happy, "You dance very well, why haven't I seen you before?"

"Oh, I came here once, but I was stopped by Howie."

"Hahaha, why didn't you mention my name, they all call me Disco Sally. Howe knew me and they were all very nice to me. My husband died a few years ago and it's only here that I can find friends..."

I danced a song with Disco Sally, and more regulars came to invite her as a souvenir of farewell. Ronald stepped back and looked at the celebrities on the flyover above the dance floor.

There was Stallone who played Rocky, actor Richard Gere, supermodel Gia Carangi, and more stars that Ronald felt familiar but couldn't name.

Among them, Ronald also saw Brooke Shields, who "Endless Love" wanted to sign, and she and her mother's astronomical salary of one million dollars as an actress, and the respect of her brotherhood. I don't know what the movie is. Not the last to invite her.

"She's an American beauty, isn't she?"

Ronald turned his head when he heard the question. It was a tall man, wearing a white shirt with a brown T-shirt inside, skinny jeans and a pair of large-toed shoes. It is simple to wear, but very stylish.

It's not the kind of movie star-style one-size-fits-all style, but a designer style, where all the clothes are just right.

"Yeah, he's every high school boy in America's dream," Ronald replied.

"Hi, call me Calvin, I'm a fashion designer and I'm looking for advertising models for my women's jeans."

"You have a good eye. I've done tests, and she has a high degree of support among college students." Ronald smiled and told Calvin about the hormone test he took when he was casting.

"So you work in the film industry?" Calvin asked.

"Yes, I'm still an advertising director." Ronald handed over his business card, "My name is Ronald Lee."

"I'm Calvin Klein." Calvin shook hands with him. "Ronald Lee, where have I heard your name, chewing gum, right?"

"chewels gum tastes better? That's right, I directed it."

"I appreciate the simplicity of that ad, we should talk about it some time, maybe you can work on my jeans ad?"

"Which agency did you hire? I usually work with Darcy Maguire from bbdo."

"No, I didn't hire any advertising agencies. They are all uninspired answerers. I'll come up with my own ideas. How about you help me shoot them?"

"Why not?" Ronald took Calvin's card, and I'll contact your secretary.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!..." The sound of opening bottles of fragrant cakes rang out, and the waiters in roller skating started a new round of parade. They held the trays full of champagne in their hands and could travel quickly. , without spilling a drop of champagne.

"cheers!" Ronald took two cups, and toasted the newly-acquainted Calvin.

It's really a gold-selling cave, but unfortunately it will be closed soon.

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