Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 242 2 missiles

"Attention all departments, these are million-dollar lenses, the two most expensive lenses in this film. Please check the equipment again."

Ronald Zuo sat in the back seat of the F-5s driven by "Idiot Bozo" and gave the final inspection order to the two fighter jets equipped with cameras.

One on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind, two aircraft surrounded the F-14a that launched Sidewinder air-to-air missiles. Not far ahead, there was a Navy target drone.

After many layers of approvals from the Navy, today’s shooting was finally released.

Two missiles, two target drones, the fuel consumption and depreciation of several aircraft, and the help of several top Navy pilots, Ronald will "waste" more than one million US dollars in the sky today.

"Charlie Five confirmed."

"Charlie Six confirmed."

Confirmations from the pilots and photographers came from the two filming aircraft.


After giving the order, Ronald stared closely at the missiles under the wings of the Tomcat fighter jet. Suddenly, a burst of white smoke appeared there.

A Sidewinder missile detached from the launcher and flew forward.

In the cockpit of the plane, Ronald could not hear any sound. He only saw the tail of the missile surrounded by white smoke, drawing a trajectory in the sky.


Ten seconds later, a ball of flame burst out from the target drone and was blown to pieces.

"Charlie Five, Charlie Six reporting." Ronald started calling again.

"Normal, Charlie Five."

"Normal, Charlie Six."

Finally, the Navy's generosity was not in vain. Half an hour later, the fighter jet took off again. This time it was the turn of the F5s, playing the role of MiG-28, to launch the mounted air-to-air missiles.

The Navy only gave the film permission to launch two missiles. So the "good guy" Tomcat and the "bad guy" MiG each have one shot.

Half a day later, the expedited development of the film arrived. Ronald looked at the footage on the screen for just over a minute. He spent a lot of money on these two real shots.

The last fight scene in the movie,

Several missiles were launched, some hit enemy aircraft, and some missed their targets. With such a small picture, it seems that we must carefully plan how to connect it with the model special effects produced by Industrial Light and Magic in order to achieve good editing effects.

"You have to find other ways to shoot horizontal spirals. The Navy believes that this maneuver is too dangerous. The price of an F-14A is too expensive, and the cost of training pilots is even more expensive."

Pettigrew told Ronald that the basic shots here were almost complete. After the Navy gave the missile launch permission, it shot the actual shot of the horizontal spiral.

"I understand, it is indeed too dangerous. Even if the Navy agrees, I don't want you to take risks." Ronald shook hands with the pilots who participated in the aerial shooting one by one. After working together for a long time, everyone has become friends. He does not want anyone to Something went wrong while filming a spiraling shot of just a few seconds.

"Ronnie, who are you taking to the Oscars this year?"

Ronald returned home and received a call from Demi Moore.

"Aren't you and Emilio..." Ronald thought that Demi wanted to take advantage of his quota again. Didn't she have an enemy, Emilio Estevez? Ronald saw a photo of the two of them attending the premiere of "The Breakfast Club" in an entertainment newspaper.

"Don't mention it, I regret it. Emilio said it nicely, but in fact he couldn't even get two tickets to the Oscars. In the end, he had to ask his father Martin Sheen for it." Demi's magnetic voice made Luo Nader thought of her charming smile and figure.

"Sorry, Demi, I've already promised someone else."

"Well, I'm just here to ask. Who's the lucky woman? Brooke Shields? Or Helen Slater."

"No, I'm looking for Diane from the Cotton Club. You know, I have a lot of directing skills that I learned from Coppola. This time, his film was only nominated for two minor awards, and the tickets were not enough. , I’ll help lead an actor.”

"Okay, it's a pity that you didn't come to the premiere of The Breakfast Club. Director John Hughes also specially thanked the reporter for your help."

"I saw the interview," Ronald said, remembering the entertainment channel he saw two weeks ago. John Hughes singled out Ronald for helping him find legendary Hollywood editor Dee Dee Allen.

Diddy's early intervention cut "The Breakfast Club" so beautifully that it flows as smoothly as a poem.

"Don't worry, this movie has been a huge success at the box office and with reviews. You will soon become a new female star. When the time comes, you will have movie dates and beautiful clothes." Ronald comforted her.

"Hahaha... I think so too. You must come to the next premiere of St. Elmo's Fire."

Demi would call Ronald regularly to chat. On the one hand, she would talk about the current situation of Emilio and his group of friends, and if she had any hotheads targeting Ronald. On the other hand, he is also half-showing off his gradual stardom.

She has recently been praised by several critics, notably Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times, for her natural and fluid acting, which begins to show off more than tell.

Ronald has been so busy lately that he didn't go to the premiere of "The Breakfast Club."

The film was an unexpected success, having grossed close to 20 million in less than four weeks.

Director John Hughes is on track to surpass Ronald in the media and become Hollywood's most proficient director of teen films.

With a total production cost of less than one million, it is estimated to have a box office of more than 40 million. Universal began to really take John Hughes seriously.

However, things in Hollywood are always very mysterious. When Ned Tanning was at Universal, the two movies that he strongly advocated for, "The Breakfast Club" and "St. Elmo's Fire" have now become the new CEO, Rona Thanks to Frank Price, an old acquaintance of Germany.

If he didn't jump to Paramount, Tanin might have been able to get a lot of independent production rights. The Breakfast Club is already a hit and a hit. If St. Elmo's Fire, written by Ronald's friend Cameron Crowe, is also a hit, it's hard to say whether Tanin will have more or less power when he switches jobs this time.

"That's it. I'm going to hang up. I'll see you at the Oscar ceremony then."

Ronald hung up the phone. Demi Moore is very good at sneaking around, and she is very familiar with the gossip in the industry. Today on the phone, I actually called the names of Brooke and Helen. It seems that some of my actions have fallen into the eyes of caring people.

She attended the Golden Globe Awards with Brooke, helped Helen with several auditions, and after winning "The Legend of Billie King," she even scared away the leading actor who wanted to pick her up.

Especially Brooke, her influence is still very powerful. If I hadn't been careful with her, my photos of her and myself might have appeared in the entertainment media.

Ronald sighed as he thought of Brooke. This girl, who was obsessed with getting a diploma from Princeton, is now further and further away from her center of gravity.

Apart from taking vacations and participating in some public events in New York, Brooke immersed herself in campus, studying boring French courses. This will not help her acting career at all.

But this is Brooke's biggest wish, and it's hard for Ronald to say anything. Now his phone calls with her are gradually becoming less and less. This time, I originally wanted to invite Po Ji to attend the Oscars, but she refused because she was busy with her studies and was going to study abroad in China, which caused time conflicts. Her interest in Hollywood waned.

"How about I go to the Oscars dressed like this?" A few hours later, Ronald rushed to Diane's hotel. When she was trying to film The Cotton Club, the crew gave her some costumes, paired with two mink shawls that also came from the crew's costumes, asked Ronald.

"Want to hear the truth?"

Ronald looked at Diane and said, "You are a girl of the new era. You are not suitable for such ancient clothes. You should put away these antiques from the 1920s and 1930s."

"I know you don't like it, but the advertising money I got from Japan can't afford better clothes. You know, if an actress wears the same dress twice, she will be gossiped about by the newspapers. Fortunately, I still You can use the Cotton Club costume to show off." Diane carefully put away the mink shawl.

Ronald smiled. This little girl who could rush to the Oscars in a dress and white sandals is now starting to be picky about dresses. The girl who was fearless at that time has now begun to be cautious.

"Don't worry, I made an agreement with Mr. Armani. You go to his handmade custom clothing store. There will be clothes prepared for you. He will keep your size."

As he said this, Ronald looked at the girl. She had gained weight because of the "Cotton Club" and was now basically back to the "Streets of Rage" period.

"Thank you, Ronnie." Diane came up and hugged Ronald's neck. She saw hope again from the predicament of three consecutive movie losses, and she relied on this old man.

Could it be that Lucas's movies are just a lucky chance for his fortune to turn around?

"What? Ronald went to the White House to work as a projectionist and deliver copies?" Paramount CEO Mancuso found out the news after much hesitation.

It turns out that Ronald was mentioned by the Grand Commander at the conservative conference because he sent a copy of the Soviet Union film. It was not because he had any deep personal relationship with the Grand Commander.

I see, why am I so unlucky? During the live broadcast, I was frightened for no reason. In fact, there are usually many Hollywood people whose names were mentioned by the commander-in-chief. He also commended his old friend Cary Grant.

"Mr. Mancuso, this is your ticket to the Oscars." The secretary came in to deliver the invitation.

"Put it on the table."

Mancuso sighed. Now is not the time to dwell on this. It would have been better if... he hadn't been frightened by him at that time. The future is long, and he has to wait for a suitable opportunity to eliminate the influence of his predecessor and consolidate the power in the hands of Tanin and other vice presidents.


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