Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 246 Accident Suspends Filming

"Art Shorer was in an accident."

"What?" Ronald, who was filming the ring cockpit shot created by Cameron, heard the assistant's report.

"Cut! Sorry, Tim."

Tim Robbins is six feet five inches tall (about 1.96 meters tall), and all the scenes in the cockpit of the "Wizard Merlin" he plays must be shot in the stunt cabin on the ground. Ronald just interrupted the filming.

"What accident? Is it serious?"

Ronald asked the assistant director to direct everyone to take a break, and he and his assistant walked to the side.

"A call from Mr. Bruckheimer. He received a report from the second unit director that Art Shorer was missing."

"Missing? What do you mean missing?"

"His plane disappeared over the sea. We heard him saying on the radio that his plane was stuck in a horizontal spin and could not be recovered. Then the pilot and photographer who were following the plane saw his plane dive into the air. Yun, no one saw him again after that.”

When Ronald heard this, he realized that he was missing at sea, and it was still very dangerous. It was very possible that someone was killed, so he quickly walked out the door and drove towards the production office.

"It's been four hours and we've notified the Coast Guard and called Art Sholer's family."

Bruckheimer looked dejected. He was completely confused after receiving the news. Who knew such an accident could happen.

"I heard that Art Shore had already finished shooting for the day, and he insisted on doing it again, hoping to get the best shots. Then something happened. After he passed through the clouds, the plane filming behind him couldn't find him. They thought he had pulled up, but they didn't find it after pulling up, and when they returned to low altitude, they couldn't find any trace of him."

"Damn it, did we buy accident insurance?" Don Simpson came in cursing from outside.

"Can anyone tell me if we have accident insurance for Art Shore?"

"I bought it. Ronald mentioned the risk at that time, so I asked for it." Bruckheimer glanced at his partner and thought it was not good to say this at this time.

"That's good, that's good." Don Simpson made the sign of the cross. "You may think I'm a bit cold-blooded, but it means a lot to his family. And it also gives the crew a buffer. Not now. In the 1950s and 1960s,

It’s time to stop making movies and killing people. Paramount will also conduct an independent investigation. "

"You said Paramount would investigate this matter?" Ronald discovered the key to Simpson's words.

"This is a set procedure, and Mancuso won't pass up this opportunity, right?" Don Simpson glanced at Ronald.

"This was a pure accident. No one wanted to see this tragedy happen." Bruckheimer also came over to discuss, and the three quickly reached a tacit understanding. On this matter, their interests were completely consistent.

"No one wants to see this tragedy happen. God says there is a season for everything, a time for everything under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck out what is planted..."

Ronald wore sunglasses and listened to the pastor's sermon at Art Shore's funeral with two producers.

Art Sholer's family members stared at the coffin silently. There was no body of Art Sholer in it. The Coast Guard has not found the exact location of the crash. The Pacific Ocean is huge and the Super Chipmunk Stunt Plane is small.

The family members of the deceased did not have very sad expressions. Perhaps they had long thought that Art Shore, who was keen on challenging aerobatics, would inevitably end up like this.

"Please express my condolences." Ronald and the crew expressed their condolences to the family one by one.

The three of them finished the funeral and came to Don Simpson's house to discuss countermeasures.

"Mancuso took this opportunity to suspend the crew's filming and conduct an independent investigation into the accident. This will take a lot of time."

Don Simpson poured the two men brandy.

Ronald took a sip to dilute the solemn atmosphere at the funeral, "We didn't do anything wrong, what can he do?"

"Safety measures are not in place, filming is too dangerous, and there are also investigations by the stunt practitioners union and the actors union. In short, there will be a lot of trouble. We must stand on the same line." Bruckheimer knows these regulations and processes well. , he added.

"What you told us, is it okay?" What Don Simpson fears most is that Mancuso will use safety accidents to label the producers and directors as poor in filming, and then use his own people to take over the final scene. Filming and editing part.

This is something they cannot allow. Although their names will still appear in the positions of producer and director, editing is the last creation of the film. If Mancuso's old concept is implemented in the editing, it will fail at the box office and the three of them will collapse. name.

"No problem, I was invented by John Ford and developed by famous directors such as Billy Wilder and Fred Zinnemann to resist Hollywood's random editing. Except for myself, and my teacher Walter "Merch, I can't find anyone in Hollywood right now who can cut my material well."

Ronald is very confident. This method of editing his own work against other editors is to start from the foundation of editing, which is very tricky. If it weren't for the difficulty of shooting fighter material, I wouldn't have designed the editing in this way.

But precisely because of this, the three of them now have the capital to fight against Paramount.

"Can't you find the commander-in-chief?" Don Simpson was still deeply impressed by the commander-in-chief's speech at that time.

"I really have no friendship with him. It was when I went to the White House to deliver copies, and I met the commander-in-chief and his wife by chance." Ronald shrugged. It is true that I am not familiar with the commander-in-chief and his family, but I am relatively familiar with the deputy commander-in-chief. However, the deputy commander has no real power.

"Well, let's just take a look and see who is our friend and who is our enemy." Don Simpson received Ronald's confirmation and didn't think about anything else. As long as the editing was finalized, this matter would be settled. No big problem. The three drank the wine in one gulp and formed an offensive and defensive alliance.

"Ronald, I heard that you were robbed of your editing rights?" Cameron learned the news from his wife and called specifically to express concern.

"It's okay, I'm just wasting some time. It's nothing serious."

"That's good. Fox has promised Gale and me to shoot the Alien sequel. The heroine Sigourney Weaver will also return to play the role of the female officer Ripley in the previous episode. If you are uncomfortable there, you are always welcome Come and play on my set.”

"It's okay, Jim, I know what's going on."

"Then take care of yourself."

After hanging up the phone with Cameron, Ronald continued to face the agents Nicita and Richard on the other side, "I only need some time here, and Mancuso will soon find out that his idea is so wrong."

Niceta stared into Ronald's eyes for a long time and found that this customer was not blindly confident, but rather had such strong confidence. "I will continue to put pressure on Paramount to respect your editing rights. Ned Tanen is a candidate that can be fought for, and I believe you have a solution."

"Ronald, if you need help, Rick and I can go to Mr. Michael Ovitz. He has a certain influence on the current Paramount." Richard Lovett has not been in the industry for a long time. Like Niceta, there is some speculation about Ronald's cards. He was quite anxious about this kind of thing.

"Since Ronald has his own ideas, we just have to follow his ideas."

"That's it," Ronald said goodbye.

"Rick, is this really okay? I'm not like you. I only have this one high-quality customer." After sending Ronald out, Richard asked Niceta.

"Pfft, it's like I have a better client than him. Now that Coppola's creativity has waned, projects are getting harder and harder to negotiate. I'm in the same boat as you, Richard."

Niceta reassured her partner, "Ronald has his own ideas. Don't forget that his friend is Walter Murch, one of the best editors in Hollywood. If you want to say that he didn't make any preparations, I don't believe it." "

"I haven't heard of anyone who can do this?" Richard said silently.

"Of course not everyone can do it. How many directors can cut a high-quality movie without taking main shots or over-the-shoulder shots? Ronald doesn't look like a blindly confident person."

"I agree." Richard shook his head. All he could do now was trust Ronald.

"Are you okay? There are rumors in Hollywood that your movie has been stopped." Diane made a long-distance call from San Francisco, where she was about to attend her first audition.

"Don't worry about me, you focus on your audition." Ronald replied to Diane, "I'm fine, it's just a small setback. Remember not to tell Donna and my aunt, I don't want them to worry."

"Well, you don't have to worry about me. I have prepared a lot for this audition. Director Lucas seems very satisfied. I think he will send a notice to my agent."

Diane completed her first audition, dressing up as a rock singer and doing some modeling with an electric guitar. She felt that the result of her first audition was good. She heard the actress who came with her was talking about Ronald and quickly called him. This time, he should be fine, right?

"Ronald, are you okay?"

This time it was Helen Slater calling from New York. Her "The Legend of Billie King" has been filmed, and her father Gerald found her a voiceover job in a cartoon filmed by a TV station.

"How come you know it too? I'm fine."

"They are trampling on artists like this, Ronald. If you need help, I can ask my dad..."

"I'm fine, this matter will be resolved, it just takes some time."

"Hahahaha..." Emilio Estevez laughed wildly in the bar. Next to him were some friends he met while filming "The Breakfast Club."

"That Ronald actually went against Paramount. Let's see how he ends up. What other media would praise someone who only makes exploitation films..."

"He really doesn't know much about real drama," echoed Eric Stoltz. Ever since he was fired from the "Back to the Future" crew midway through, he no longer had the same respect for Ronald who had supported him.

"Hey, don't say that, Ronald is still good to us." Rob Lowe was recommended by Ronald for two auditions, and he didn't want to be passed on to Ronald.

"You don't have to be like this. 'St. Elmo's Fire', which you, Demi, and I filmed together, will be released soon. There is no need to be afraid of him."

"What are they talking about?" Cher and Val Kilmer broke up after Top Gun started filming, and hooked up with Eric Stoltz, who was not yet famous. He was talking to Emilio's girlfriend Demi Moore.

"Let's talk about Ronald again. Ronald Lee. I heard that his crew was stopped by Paramount."

"Oh, is it him?" Xueer likes young people with artistic temperament. Ronald does not have such a strong artistic temperament, and she quickly lost interest.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Ronald, are you okay?" Demi Moore found the opportunity and slipped out to hang up the phone to Ronald.

"It's okay, don't worry." Ronald recognized Demi's hoarse voice, "Congratulations on finishing filming St. Elmo's Fire."

"Oh, I hope you're fine. I hear you are very confident. I have to go back. If anything happens, I'll call you again."

Demi has full confidence in Ronald.

"Ronald, I heard that you are free recently?"

Another call came, the thin voice was very familiar, but this person surprised Ronald.

"I am indeed free, why did you think of calling me, mj?"


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