Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 248 Regaining the Dominance

"Hello everyone, I am Jane Fonda. I am standing at the door of AM's recording studio in Hollywood. At the end of January this year, a great thing happened here..."

"Cut!" Ronald shouted to stop filming. This monologue was still directed by him. Anyway, it is a public welfare project, so it would be nice to leave a subtitle on it.

"Jane, you are such a great actor, I don't need any guidance at all." Ronald sighed. This kind of talented actor who comes from a family of actors is very worry-free when filming. He can achieve perfect lines and perfect emotions for any narration.

After Jane Fonda finished filming one of her monologues, she sat on a chair next to her and chatted with Ronald.

"The business of leg warmers is very good. I have asked them to find a factory in Southern California and prepare to move the whole business here in advance."

"Except for the New York State Department of Revenue, I think everyone is satisfied." The Coca-Cola stock that Ronald bought after selling his business has gone up well, and Jane Fonda's business has become more profitable after the integration. Both of them are very satisfied.

"Actually, it's really good for you to shoot this kind of short video. The cycle is short, the price is good, and you have the ability to take on the responsibility. You can consider it as your own business." Jane Fonda drank vegetable juice and said to Ronald mentioned.

"I do have this idea, but Jane, your aerobics video was shot and edited by your own company. I can't compete with you for business."

"Hahaha..." Jane Fonda smiled, "My friend Debbie Reynolds, you also know. She is going to film a senior version of fitness aerobics and is looking for a suitable candidate. You Might as well go next.”

"What, aren't you worried about her competition?" Ronald blurted out. How could Jane Fonda introduce a producer to a video competitor like this?

"Maybe in another twenty years, I will be worried. Debbie is targeting the aerobics market for the elderly. If her video tapes sell well, it will only enhance the entire aerobics market."

"Oh," Ronald was taught a lesson, "I'll go talk to her right now."

"Oh, my sweet little Ronnie." Debbie Reynolds happily made tea for Ronald in her dance studio.

"This is the set picture I drew. If I hadn't been an actor back then, I would probably have found a set setting job in Hollywood. Take a look."

Ronald took it and looked at it,

It is an ancient Roman style hall with several pillars inside. This is where Debbie Reynolds wants to do a senior version of aerobics.

"When the time comes, you can find me some young and beautiful beauties, and I will teach them how to dance. I'm not used to Jane dancing as soon as she comes up. I have to tell some jokes and chat with the girls so that I can keep up, you know. ?"

"No problem, what kind of girl do you want to complement you?"

"At my age, it's past the time to compete with young girls. You can find any one you want. You don't need to have a dance background. We can learn and dance as we go. Maybe the effect will be better."

"Then I recommended my person?"

Ronald and Debbie struck up a business about a senior version of aerobics. His partner Douglas Hansen Jr. specially flew over with his New York agent Eddie to participate in the filming of "Daydream Pictures"'s first feature film of more than thirty minutes.

"Debbie Reynolds has a lot of friends, so the price we give her will ensure that we don't lose money." Eddie calculated it very well. He also accumulated a lot of experience shooting company promotional videos in New York and is considered a competent project manager.

"Great, can you invite her daughter Princess Leia to come and shoot?" Douglas Jr. also wanted to use this opportunity to break into Hollywood and get to know more female stars.

"I'm afraid this won't work, Carrie Fisher is now transitioning to become a screenwriter." Ronald actually also has plans to let Debbie, his sexy idol-level daughter, appear on the screen. However, the old lady refused, saying that her daughter had already begun to transform behind the scenes.

"Good morning, good noon, good evening... I don't know when you will watch this video. I never thought I would make such a video, but I bought Jane Fonda's Aerobics and I found that I didn't Can't keep up with her.

Maybe I've... got to the point where I like my own rhythm, so I brought in Ronald Lee, the director who I worked with on 'Break Dance,' Hi Ronald. You may not know that he filmed the break dance scene in my dance studio..."

Debbie Reynolds was very light-hearted and improvised a line on the spot.

"Debbie's video may be more about exercising the tongue than the whole body." Douglas Jr. didn't see the beauty, and many of the people who appeared with Debbie were older women, so he started to complain.

"Doug, if you're not convinced, you can put on your fitness pants and leg warmers and dance with me." Debbie has seen a lot in Hollywood and teased little Douglas on the spot.

"I'm not...I don't...I mean you're in really good shape."

In one day, Ronald filmed the aerobics. If there is such a simple business in the future, he will not take the photos himself.

"It's very good. I can already imagine the video being sold out." Debbie Reynolds looked at the rough cut of the video and liked her performance very much.

"Wish us success."

"Very good. When the time comes, I will also look for you to shoot the second and third episodes. I can't find a production company as cost-effective as yours in Hollywood."

"Isn't this why I hired college film majors to work?" Ronald sent checks to several college students who came to intern and signed the internship records. Not only do they earn money by working here, but they can also get school credits.

"Ronald, Mancuso called us. He couldn't stand it anymore." Don Simpson called Ronald.

"Great, it looks like we're going to take back control of the movie."

"Is this what you edited?"

Ned Tanin saw a rough cut of a "Top Gun" scene that two editors had made. The pilot communicated with others on the radio for a while, and then two fighter jets passed each other. The screen switched to a real shot of the Navy launching an air-to-air missile. There was a burst of white smoke and a loud bang, and the MiG-28 was shot down.

The two editors were very nervous, and they spent a lot of effort to put together this air combat sequence.

"We selected some shots that were long enough. This is just the first cut...we can continue to modify it..."

Frank Mancuso waved his hand to stop Tanin from questioning further, "This is not just a problem of editing. I think the filming is flawed." After a period of adjustment, he finally caught Ronald and the two arrogant people. The producer's sore feet are too lazy to argue with the two editors now.

"At least Ronald wouldn't cut the air combat like this." There was no logical relationship between the several shots, and Tanin looked unhappy.

"Well, the material is not very sufficient," the editor explained carefully.

"Then let them come back and participate in the editing. If there is any need for reshoots, you can also approve it... However, we have funds for other projects now, and this 'Top Gun' cannot have additional budgets. Let the three of them try their best to work on the original Some can be solved within the budget.”

"This...?" Ned Tanin was discouraged for a while. Mancuso blocked the gap in his additional budget in advance. Can a good-looking movie be cut with just these materials?

"Don't worry, the audience won't have too high requirements for this kind of movie. It's enough for them to see missiles being launched and enemy planes exploding.

Mancuso looked at the camera with great satisfaction. Those short shots ranging from three to five seconds were difficult to splice together. The editor tried very hard, but still managed to pick up the story in two long shots of missile launches lasting more than ten seconds.

The two male and female protagonists fell in love with each other inexplicably without any foreshadowing. They were still scolding each other in the first paragraph, but then the good brother's wife said a word, and the two kissed on the motorcycle. The audience will definitely not buy it.

"Just throw the garbage back to Ronald and the two producers and let them deal with it. When the box office fails, I will have an excuse to punish Ned Tanning and the others. By then, I will not be responsible for the production. Take the power back."

Mancuso smiled with a smile on his face, "Ronald, this little kid, has made a fool of himself in front of all the senior management of the company. He must be thanked properly. And those two arrogant producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.

These two people have made two blockbuster movies in a row. Now when facing themselves, the game of playing can no longer be called good employees or bad employees. But bad employees and worse employees. This time it happened to give them a taste of the power.

"This clip was cut too roughly." Ronald also watched several large sections of the initial cut by two editors, Chris and Billy.

"You don't give us your script and shots. This is the best we can do." The two editors now believe that Ronald has a secret shot script.

"We have nothing to hide from you," Ronald chuckled. In fact, he just didn't draw the detailed shot drawings in his mind and typed them up.

The two editors didn't quite believe Ronald's statement, but they were just doing a job. Soon Ronald would become their boss and the leader of editing. We wanted to see what secret weapon he had.

"Now we have to do two things." Ronald read all the first cuts and couldn't use any of them.

"First, ask the lab to send you a working copy. I'll start editing from scratch." Ronald took the thermos cup, poured a cup of tea and started drinking. He likes to use a thermos cup when editing.

"Second, now it's time for the creators of those interludes to submit their manuscripts. Before editing, I need to see the interludes first, and then confirm the rhythm of the editing based on the music."

"Determine the editing rhythm based on the music? Are you going to shoot a music video?" The two editors, Chris and Billy, looked at Ronald. Very few movie makers do this? The current practice is to add a soundtrack and interludes to the film after it is completed, and let the composer modify it if there are any rhythmic issues.

"Bingo!" Ronald said with a "you guessed it" expression on his face. He and the two producers had discussed it long ago to edit "Top Gun" with the fast pace of the music video.

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