Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 251 3 Applause

For the test screening in Los Angeles, Don Simpson found an audience of mainly teenagers as the test screening audience.

"Where did you find so many teenagers?" Ronald also held test screenings. It was difficult to find so many teenagers by calling the cinema.

"I went to the university to recruit. There were fighter jets launching missiles, and Tom Cruise flirting with beautiful teachers. They signed up quickly. Anyway, I paid for their movie tickets with my own money."

Ronald admired Don Simpson's mobility very much, fighting with fighter jets and missiles, and falling in love with a beautiful teacher. To put it this way, it was simply the most beautiful love words for a college boy.

"But our target audience is not just teenagers. Will we not get real results?" Ronald was a little worried.

"Ronald, at this time, don't have such a woman's sympathy. If we don't get the best audience evaluation, how much marketing budget do you think Mancuso will give us?" Don Simpson pulled him to On the side, he whispered, pointing to Mancuso sitting in front. He came to see the test screening in Los Angeles in person.

"The end justifies the means," Ronald added another comment to Simpson. But he was right. Since it was a fight between two sides, don't blame yourself for firing out all the available ammunition.

The Paramount logo flashed, and two large metallic gray characters "top gun" appeared on the screen. During the test screening, the subtitles had not yet been fully dubbed. What follows is a shot of fighter jets taking off and landing on an aircraft carrier, accompanied by the theme song.


The college student audience was stimulated by the two beautiful music videos at the beginning, and their adrenaline was soaring. Then, in the Western Pacific, two MiG-28s used overlapping tactics to sneak attack the aircraft carrier formation.

They are stacked close together so that only one signal is displayed on the radar.

Two fighter jets, the Maverick and the Jaguar, were sent to intercept.

The Jaguar was shaken by the overlapping tactics of the MiG-28 and was stared at by one. The Lone Ranger ignored him and drove away another MiG.

When the Lone Ranger played by Tom Cruise came back, the MiG-28 chasing the Jaguar threatened to fly upside down and hit the face. The MiG pilot was frightened and fled.

A burst of fierce applause broke out in the audience. Against the powerful and ruthless opponent of the Suwei Alliance, any action that can defeat them, even if it is fake on the screen, makes young people very excited.

“It seems that I have a good start.

"Ronald sat in the seat at the back and looked at the applauding college students, feeling half relieved.

"Isn't this the young Amish woman among the witnesses?" Two male college students were talking about McGillis, who was wearing stockings and swaying in the airport classroom.

"Oh, I didn't expect her to be so..." The two looked at each other and whistled. They had all seen the "witnesses" before, but they did not expect that the pious and pure young woman would turn into a teacher with flaming red lips.

The whistles kept coming and going, but Ronald was still very happy. Male college students always have a special affection for sexy female teachers.

When the scene of the pilot playing beach volleyball came, it was the female college student's turn to start swallowing her saliva.

As the plot progresses, the Lone Ranger and the Goose went to the Top Gun Naval Flying Technical School. On the training ground, the Lone Ranger was chased by the instructor "The Clown", and he wanted to play a big one on a whim. Suddenly he pulled up the F-14 Tomcat, put the F-5s driven by the instructor behind him in front, and then returned to the original altitude. One locked the opponent with a missile radar.

"Damn! What a madman." The clown cursed in the cockpit in front.

The young student defeated the instructor and made the college student audience so happy that they applauded a second time.

The plot continues to move forward. When competing for the trophy with the highest score of top gun, Iceman's plane held the attack position in front, waiting for the perfect attack position without firing. The Lone Ranger urged him from behind, and he had no choice but to pull up the plane and leave.

The Lone Ranger and Goose, who were very close, were caught in the wake of the Iceman aircraft engine. The two engines stopped one after another in the air, and the Lone Ranger's fighter jet fell into a horizontal spiral.

The silly goose pulled up the ejection lever, and there was a burst of explosions, and the water-drop canopy was exploded and flew up. But the plane stuck in a horizontal spiral did not continue to move forward, but spun in place. The goose that ejected first half a second later hit the canopy that should have been left behind.

After another half a second, the pilot Lone Ranger was also ejected, and the canopy had been knocked off by the goose. He opened his parachute without any damage and fell to the sea.

"Oh..." The audience exclaimed. The audience did not expect that this radar officer with a sense of humor, brotherly loyalty, and a happy family with a wife and son would die unexpectedly.

Fortunately, Ronald did not let the audience be immersed in this emotion for a long time. The Lone Ranger and the instructor "Viper" talked about his father who disappeared on the Vietnam War battlefield. It turned out that he was besieged by MiG-21s and crashed in Vietnam in order to cover several comrades including the "Viper".

In order to prevent the tragedy caused by using the wrong map from being exposed, the American government did not give the Lone Ranger's father a certificate of death in action, and also allowed his orphan, the Lone Ranger, to live with the rumor that his father might defect while serving in the navy. I was passed over for promotion several times.

Discovering the true meaning between comrades who want to save each other at all costs, the Lone Ranger quickly recovered.

At the graduation ceremony, Iceman received the first place trophy. But a sudden warning came, and five recruitment letters recalled the three crews of Iceman, Hollywood, and Lone Ranger, and returned to the aircraft carrier in the Caribbean to fight against the MiG-28s that came to harass the malfunctioning minesweeper.

The MiG-28 once again used the overlapping and concealment stunt. The radar signals of three MiG-28s were discovered on the aircraft carrier, which was actually a six-plane formation. Two crews, Iceman and Hollywood, attacked, but were unexpectedly surrounded by six planes. Hollywood's F-14A was immediately shot down by a missile launched by a MiG.

The Lone Ranger and the temporary radar officer Wizard attacked together. During the dog fight, he accidentally fell into the wake and horizontal spiral again. Fortunately, he recovered quickly. Holding the metal dog tag of Silly Goose in his hand, the Lone Ranger overcame the psychological barrier and rushed into the battlefield again.


This passionate two-on-six scene quickly aroused the enthusiasm of the audience, and they started screaming again.

The Lone Ranger used a sudden pull-up tactic to let go of the following MiG-28, and shot down the opponent with one missile.

"Hua Hua Hua..." The young people couldn't bear this kind of heroic act and started to applaud again.

Iceman was rescued by the Lone Ranger, who also shot down a MiG-28. Under his control, the Lone Ranger used his superb flying skills to bite two MiGs and shoot them down respectively.

Finally, on the sea, two F-14A Tomcats shot down four MiG-28s and lost one of their own. The two remaining MiG-28s, seeing that they were outmatched, pulled the joystick and fled.

"Aw, ow..." The audience began to scream again. The ending of defeating more with less, saving their companions, and shooting down the enemy made them feel comfortable.

In the end, the Lone Ranger did not choose to continue serving on the aircraft carrier, but returned to Top Gun Flight School and became an instructor. He and Charlie reunited in a bar and the two kissed while singing "Take My Breath Away."

"Man, when are you going to release it officially? Next year? Great, so by next summer, we will be the only ones in Los Angeles who have watched the movie? Cool! My roommate didn't listen to my advice and watch it. He will regret it to death. .”

"This is the best movie I have ever seen, absolutely amazing!" Audiences lined up to fill out evaluation forms at the Paramount staff at the door.

"Yeah, do you still play it in Los Angeles? It's so beautiful. I want to watch it again."

"A+, a+, a+ again." After collecting all the score sheets, the staff in charge of statistics began to scream, "Oh my God, I have never seen such test screening scores."

"A+? Really?" Mancuso received the score from the on-site statistics in the VIP lounge. This shows that there are not many viewers who gave it a score below A+.

"Did everyone in the audience fill it out? Are there any errors in the statistics?" After carefully asking the team a few questions, Mancuso took off his reading glasses from the bridge of his nose and said, "Okay, you can go out first."

He pinched the root of his nose and felt a sour feeling.

How can this be?

Even if Don Simpson played a trick and found an audience that was too concentrated among young people, the ratings were not fake after all.

To say the least, even the ratings were faked, but the three applauses, whistles, and shouts that came during the screening cannot be faked.

"Allocate the marketing budget based on one to one production cost." Mancuso felt bitter, but for a movie that received feedback from test screenings, he had to give the most generous marketing budget.

"I'm leaving first. You can discuss the marketing plan with the producer and director." Mancuso felt that he could not understand the audience. After giving instructions to Ned Tanin, Mancuso silently left the cinema.

Instead of going home, he went to the home of his son, Frank Mancuso Jr., and when he got to the driveway in front of his son's house, he got out of the car, sent the driver back, and walked into the door alone.

"Daddy", his son Frank Jr. was about to go out. He inherited his legacy and worked as a producer for Paramount. "Can I find a good schedule for my 'April Fool's Day' next year? Is it possible to have a summer schedule?"

"You should release it in March, the summer time slot...the summer time slot will be reserved for a great and strong film."

"Well, Mira is watching TV inside. She knows that Big Daddy will be happy to come and see him."

Old Mancuso walked into the room and saw his granddaughter Mila lying on the bed watching her favorite channel, which was playing "We Are the World" narrated by Jane Fonda.

"Sweetheart, why do you like watching channels?"

"Big Daddy!" Mira stretched out her hand for old Mancuso to hug, "I just like to watch it!"

Mancuso held his granddaughter in his arms, "Can you tell Big Daddy why you like this channel?"

"Hmm... this one is good, but other channels are too slow." While her granddaughter was getting close to her grandfather, she was still staring at the TV intently, and started applauding MJ on the TV. When she was at home, she could watch two videos by herself. For three hours, the MV program was played repeatedly.

"Too slow..."

Mancuso put his granddaughter down, looked at his watch, and counted the shots silently. On average, the shot is cut every two to three seconds, which is indeed much faster than the movies he made. "

"Hey!", he sat down on the chair slumpedly, maybe the next generation will be the world.


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