Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 257 How to direct a comedy?

"I'm interested in one of the scripts, but it may not be suitable for me..." The next day, Ronald dialed Eisner's phone in the CAA's office.

"You picked out the script so quickly? That's great." Before Ronald could finish speaking, Eisner immediately started to praise him happily, "I knew you were a very efficient director. What did you like? department?"

"The Wicked Husband is a comedy," Ronald replied.

"Very good, comedies are very good. Your debut film 'Fast Tempo' has very good comedy elements..."

"No, Mr. Eisner, do you believe me so much?" Ronald thought of his dream last night and thought that in his subconscious, he didn't believe he could make a good comedy.

I believe you, why don't you? You have made so many low- to medium-budget films, which one do you have experience with before? No problem, I can ask Katzenberg to initiate project negotiations whenever you're ready. "

"Why is Eisner so confident in me?" Ronald put down the phone and asked the agents Niceta and Richard sitting opposite.

Ronald felt something was very wrong. When did the conversation about the script become like this? It used to be so difficult to win over a film director, but now it seems like Eisner is begging him in turn.

"Why not? As he said, your movies all cover different types and categories. There are youth exploitation films, science fiction films, musicals, action films, and the new 'Top Gun' , I can’t easily classify it, an air combat movie or a sports movie?

In short, you are a director who is good at understanding the audience's psychology and knows what they like to watch. So maybe comedies are also suitable for you? There’s no reason to think you can’t make a comedy, although the performance requirements are different from other genres…”

Niceta said a lot of good things. In short, you can do it. Hollywood has confidence in you. You want to film Shakespeare? Well, directors of the new era have the courage to challenge themselves and shoot classics of this generation. You want to make a gangster movie? Great, gangster movies have finally waited for Coppola, the savior of a new generation.

"What do you think?" Ronald looked at Richard who was still looking down at the script. He might be able to give him some enlightening opinions.

"I have no opinion. You have proven your strength many times and can handle movies of various types and budgets. I think after your new movie is released, there will be people here queuing up to send you scripts. I'm just a Lucky agent, I can't give you any opinions on project selection. In short, as long as it's your decision, I think it's fine."

"If you decide to make this book,

I still have some actors to choose from..." As she said, Niceta took out a stack of audition resumes from the drawer, "They are all clients of my people under CAA, you can choose from them. "

"It's better to let it go first, I haven't completely decided yet."

"That's good. You already have the characteristics of a calm director. You won't take on a project just because you are inspired by a certain script, but will consider the overall profitability of the project. In addition, Top Gun's trial run in Chicago The screening was also very successful, and audiences in the three largest cities gave you an A+ rating. Ned Tanin began to prepare a marketing plan, and I will invite you to come and review the details when the time comes."

It seems that the excellent reviews from the test screenings of "Top Gun" also had a big impact on his agent.

Ronald figured it out, everyone is for profit. Eisner, probably because of the pressure from the screen fund, was trying to please himself and get a movie made as soon as possible. In order to get more packaged projects, agents go a little too far and follow their own words.

"Come on, Rick, Richard. I've known you since I was an unknown screenwriter, and I know comedy isn't that easy."

"Generally speaking, comedy directors and comedians are a specialized category." Niceta couldn't help but admire Ronald when he saw that he still stayed awake after receiving the project guarantee from Touchstone Pictures.

Many directors and actors can be modest and cautious when they achieve professional success, but once they are given the power to produce, they often overestimate the scope of their abilities. Many famous directors and actors lost a lot of money because they were part-time producers and were unable to recover for many years.

Niceta told the truth, "Comedy has special requirements for performance. If you don't specialize in comedy, it is easy for the audience to not find it funny."

"Indeed, directing skills are the short version of my greatest directing ability." Ronald couldn't help but think of the embarrassing scene in his dream. I was able to continuously shoot successful and successful movies, thanks to the finished film in my dream, which pointed out to me the actors to choose and the style of acting. Otherwise, I would probably not be able to shoot continuous successful movies.

"Can you find me an acting coach? I want the best one. I'm quite busy now, so it's best not to have a fixed class time. Also, don't look for someone with a method like Lee Strasberg."

"Well, no problem." Richard carefully wrote down Ronald's request in his notebook. "The one that best meets your requirements is probably Messner's acting training camp. They happen to be opening classes in North Hollywood this year. I'll give it to you. You go and ask on the phone.”

"Okay." Ronald was not very familiar with acting coaches, so he relied on his agent's recommendation. "Also, I still want to find a script reading assistant."

"What do you want?" Richard smiled. It seems that reading scripts is indeed a hard job. Otherwise, among Hollywood executives, Frank Price of Universal would not be the only one who insists on reading it himself.

Ronald's lingering fear about last night's dream may have been caused by reading too many scripts and putting too much pressure on himself. He had never felt like this before. He clapped his fingers and stated his requirements for his assistant one by one.

"It is best to be someone who has worked as a screenwriter in the industry and has experience in writing movie scripts. I don't require a fast speed or a KPI of how many books to read per week. I only require a sense of responsibility and a certain ability to identify."

Richard wrote them down one by one, "This requirement is a bit high. Someone with such experience will not be satisfied with being an assistant who reads scripts."

"If the script I write satisfies me, I can also consider recommending it to Touchstone, or if it is a small production, I will invest in it myself." Ronald couldn't help but think of himself, when he was in the New World, he also gave it to Roger Corman. I started by reading scripts.

"Then there are many candidates, let me help you choose."

After leaving the office, he went to the karate dojo of Master Miyagi's stand-in, Daryl Vidal, to practice for a while, and the two chatted about preparations for the sequel to Dragon King. The sequel will most likely tell the story of Master Miyagi's return to Ryukyu, and Vidal will also be involved in filming scenes.

Ronald always had an uncomfortable feeling every time he finished editing the film and waited for it to be released. Life in the movie is so colorful, but real life is very boring and dull. It always takes him some time to adapt to this ordinary life syndrome.

Many Hollywood stars spend their days living and drinking when they are not filming, and they may not be able to bear the boring and ordinary life.

Thinking of his fear of directing comedies and training actors' acting skills, Ronald couldn't help but get on his motorcycle and go to Cameron's house to chat with him. Only Cameron, who is also a young director, can talk about this kind of worry.

"They are sexist!" Gale was angrily angry at Cameron. When he saw Ronald knocking on the door and coming in, he changed his face, "Here you go, Ronnie, I'll order you a pizza." Takeout and some beer.”

"What's wrong? Gale seems unhappy?"

"Are you here?" Cameron was very happy to see his old friend coming. "Gail was targeted by Fox's boss, saying that she could not play a real producer role, so 'Alien 2' may only have her as a producer." Producer in name only.”

"The one who discriminated against Shirley Lansing?" This has become an industry joke.

"Not only him, but it turns out that Paramount's chairman of the board, Barry Diller, didn't believe that Gale could confront me as a director on the set." Cameron pointed to his nose.

It turns out that the crux is here, the producer must dare to fight with the director on the set. Sometimes directors do not hesitate to shoot multiple times in order to get a good performance, and it is not surprising that the schedule is delayed. The producers have to stand up and say no at this time.

Maybe Barry Diller felt that Gale was Cameron's wife and would not get angry with her husband on the set.

"They really don't understand Gail. If anyone can face you on the set, it must be Gail." Ronald had experienced Jim's "grace" on the set.

"Can you repeat this statement in front of the Fox executives?" Gale came in with a few cans of beer and happened to hear Ronald's last sentence.

"Of course, I'm very willing to endorse you." Ronald knew what Gale meant. He wanted to use his influence in the industry to prove to Fox executives that Gale could be a qualified producer and control the situation. Mellon.

"Hmph, you are still a friend enough." Gale also opened a can of beer and clinked glasses with Ronald.

"By the way, you said you came..." Cameron asked.

"That's right, I saw a very good script, and I think it has a good chance of being filmed, but it's a comedy, and I'm not sure about comedy at all." Ronald expressed his troubles.

"Indeed, do you know why there are comedy directors and comedians, but there are no tragedy directors and tragedians?" Gale asked Ronald, who was knowledgeable.

"I really don't know." Ronald thought, and that was indeed the case.

"Because comedies require special rhythms and special acting skills. Anyway, their acting skills are different from those of ordinary actors. It turns out that in the New World, Roger never invested in pure comedies."

"Do you remember that Jerry Zucker?" Cameron also asked.

"Remember", Ronald still remembered that when filming Rock and Roll High School, Zach was busy filming his own movie, and then he had the opportunity to be a second unit director and join the union. "

"Roger is unwilling to invest in his scripts. This is also the reason. Comedy is very difficult to predict the box office, so studios like to follow successful comedy directors or comedians. If it is really funny, the cost of comedy is not high. , it’s just dialogue between a few characters, and the box office is no worse than a blockbuster movie.” Gale concluded.

"How about I go ask Zach and his trio for advice?" Ronald thought.


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