Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 269 Scandal Report

"Is your next movie confirmed?"

"Yes, the sequel to Longwei Boy, what about you?"

"Not yet. I'll probably look for Molly Ringwald to make a youth film. I'm still looking for inspiration."

The person chatting with Ronald was John Hughes, the director of "The Breakfast Club". After his success, his family moved from Chicago to Los Angeles. As a former creative director of an advertising company, he has a more mature business acumen than Ronald and has already begun to get involved in the production business.

The two of them were sitting in the corner of a large conference room. A staff member of the Film Association was making an introduction on the rostrum.

This meeting was held by Jack Valenti, the president of the American Film Association. After the state guest who brought the opening information left, he convened a meeting with Hollywood producers, large and small, to prepare for the American film to be launched on the other side of the Pacific. week to prepare.

Unlike the first American Film Week in 1981, where we looked for "Singin' in the Rain", "Snow White" and other decades-old films, this time we asked for some new films from the 1980s.

During the last movie week, Hollywood has confirmed that there are still some older audiences who remember Hollywood and are pursuing classic old films such as "Singin' in the Rain" and "Snow White" from the 1950s.

This time Jack Valenti wants to persuade major studios to come up with their latest masterpieces to test the young people market. However, due to limited spending power, they can only afford a movie buyout fee of US$20,000.

Therefore, major companies are unwilling to release any new films, and only agree to sell five-year-old films at preferential prices in the third world. In the end, the major studios came up with five Oscar-winning films from five years ago: "The Kramers," "On Golden Pond," "The Miner's Daughter," "The Turning Point," and "Star Wars." The taste of the young audience over there.

In addition, they have also proposed the idea of ​​purchasing 5-10 Hollywood movies every year starting next year. Big companies don't like buyout fees, but small and medium-sized producers like Minahan Golan are very interested.

Ronald's film was not selected. In fact, he also knew that exploitation films were too heavy-handed and unlikely to be picked over there, so he did not participate in the discussion and started chatting with his acquaintance John Hughes.

"The Year of the Dragon seems to be very bad. Cimino has lost his feeling." John Hughes also knew about the recent turmoil in Chinatown and started chatting with Ronald.

"Indeed, famous film critics are now criticizing it, and even Ebert of Chicago has changed his tune.

Probably the best film critic in America,

Pauline Kael, who now writes occasional film reviews for "The New Yorker" magazine, also wrote a review for "Year of the Dragon." Ronald was holding this film review in his hand and quietly reading it to Hughes.

"'Year of the Dragon' is the kind of low culture incited by hysterical mobs, the kind that is very popular with illiterate audiences...".

"Hahaha", Ronald laughed. In fact, I didn't spend much money this time. I just gave Chinatown some protest funds, and bought a few tabloid reporters to take the lead in guiding public opinion. However, the maliciousness of the movie itself towards Chinese Americans can be heard even with your eyes closed.

Many "informed people" jumped out to criticize Cimino's new work, especially the producer of the newly released horror film "Return of the Living Dead" this week and the Tom Hanks comedy "Volunteer" , vaguely appeared in the film review pages of several major newspapers, following the trend of criticism.

"The vocabulary of Year of the Dragon only has about twenty-five words, most of which are four-letter words leading to swear words. I don't know whether to attribute it to the screenwriter Oliver Stone or the director Michael Cimino."

"No wonder the script smells like the Vietnam War. I heard that Stone wanted to make a Vietnam War movie. But the part in the middle where Joey Tai goes to Thailand might have been written by Cimino, because it's so similar to his Deer Hunter. "Hughes also saw the movie, and it was a bit inconsistent.

"The only strong performance is John Lone's performance as the sinister, new young Chinese godfather. He almost subverts the movie. This gangster is the only character in the movie with a brain, or an emotional life." Ronald read Pauline ·Karl’s movie review made me laugh non-stop. This evaluation is similar to my own. The director actually dragged down the Chinese actor.

"What are your thoughts on youth films? Love and romance dramas?" John Hughes had big innocent eyes. After Ronald finished laughing, he discussed the topic of youth exploitation films with him.

"I don't know." Ronald has not thought about making a romantic movie yet, "but maybe we can try an ugly duckling-style transformation. Children in adolescence are more sensitive and changeable. The social loser who was ignored became the one who was liked by the crush..."

"Ronald", agent Niceta came over in a hurry and took Ronald away.

"An ugly duckling-like transformation. It turns out that the object of your crush likes you." John Hughes took out a pen and wrote down some inspiration in his notebook.

"What's wrong?" Ronald asked.

"Ronald, do you want to go there with us? They have given the delegation a total of thirteen places." Jack Valenti, the president of the association standing at the exit, smiled when he saw Ronald was about to leave. An invitation was made.

"We'll talk about it later, I have something urgent."

Niceta signaled that it was not convenient to talk here and pulled him out.

"Emilio Estevez did not abide by the agreement. Today's two newspapers contain stories about your previous girlfriends."


Ronald got outside and got into a van where Richard was waiting for him.

As a result, Ronald saw two similar articles in the two tabloids delivered by Richard.

"Revealed! The girlfriends of emerging Hollywood director Ronald."

Ronald read on. At the beginning of the article, he talked about the history of Ronald's rise and reviewed the past grievances between him and Cimino. When he was asked about Deer Hunter in an interview, he let out a huge yawn. The two had battles in the air.

Then he started sorting through his possible rumored girlfriends one by one.

There are Helen Slater, who has appeared with him more recently, and Madonna, who recently attended a wedding.

The subsequent candidates started to be ridiculous, including Jane Fonda, the heroine originally planned for his first screenplay, and the two heroines of his first directorial movie "Fast Times", Phoebe Cates and Jennifer Jackson. ·Lee, then Catherine Mary Stuart in Night of the Comet, and Elizabeth Sue in The Kid.

"How do you know it was Emilio who did it?"

"Other than him, who else would be so boring as to collect the scandal history of a director."

That's right, after all, I am not a star in the front office, and the tabloids have no strong motivation to dig up my love history.

"Then what should we do? Do you want to clarify?" Ronald looked at the speculation above and actually listed the heroines of each movie since he entered the industry.

"Aside from Helen Slater, is there anyone here that you have a relationship with that goes beyond friendship?"

Niceta asked, "Now is not the time to respect personal privacy. If you have any, just say it and let's coordinate our positions one by one."

"Um, there's one more" Ronald clicked on Madonna's photo.

"Her? It doesn't matter to her. Although she is very popular, she has just gotten married and there is no need for scandals. When did you get together with her? Before the wedding? Or when you were filming her MV?"

Ronald's face was stern. This was no guess. Although Madonna presented herself as a porn star, she was not a random person.

"Okay, that's not important. I'll give her a call too and keep all parties consistent."

"Helen, it's me, Ronald. Two tabloids in Los Angeles are reporting on our affairs. What are you going to say? What do I think? I'll tell the truth. We once had a romantic relationship, but then we fell apart due to filming. Both places...Okay, I understand, take care of yourself when you are filming in Santa Monica, I will tell Jerry, there may be reporters going to the set tomorrow."

"Ms. Fonda, I'm sorry. I may have offended someone and got you involved. Yes, if a reporter comes, we are actually good friends in the industry. It was you who liked my script back then, and I was able to join the industry. "

"Huh..." After making a round of phone calls, Ronald let out a sigh of relief. In CAA's office, Niceta and her assistant were busy contacting all the "girlfriends" who were listed on the list. After getting through, Ronald apologized personally.

"Emilio is here," Richard announced.

"Invite them in."

"Ronald, you must believe me. I didn't break the news this time." As soon as Emilio came in, he held the edge of the table to prove to Ronald that he had not broken the agreement.

Ronald pointed at the table to tell him not to get too close, and then continued talking to Niceta, "Is there anyone who hasn't called?"

"Ronald, I promise you that since I came here last time, I will never disclose any private information about you to any media or individuals."

"I remember we had an agreement." Ronald ignored him for a while before speaking. He looked at Emilio and stared at him until he backed away.

"Yes, there was an agreement. If you want to punish me for breaking the agreement, then I will accept it obediently. But I can assure you again that after my last formal apology, I never revealed half of it to a third person. Please keep your privacy. These are just my conjectures. They may be like me and have pulled out all the female stars who have worked with you and ranked them."

Ronald was noncommittal and waved Emilio away. I don’t know how long I have been practicing this line at home, but I can speak it very smoothly.

Seeing Emilio go out dejectedly, Ronald looked to the side, and Niceta specially invited Eva, who had detailed public relations experience.

"is it him?"

"No, his acting skills are not that good. But we don't need to pursue it immediately. The top priority is to find a way to communicate with all the actresses mentioned before tomorrow's press conference." Eva took two newspapers , wearing butterfly-shaped glasses and studying carefully.

"Here, why do they bring up Cimino? Do you have any grudges with him? Any text content that breaks the news is worthy of careful study. They spent a lot of money. This page is wasted for no reason."

"Well, when I was an assistant, I accidentally got involved in the Oscar dispute between him and Jane Fonda." Ronald quickly reviewed the feud between the two, "We had several conflicts later. , the most recent thing is that he wants to compete with me for the director position of 'Dragon Boy', and the interview I gave for this new film, Year of the Dragon."

"That's right. While belittling you, I also got involved with my old enemy Jane Fonda." Eva flicked the newspaper with her fingers. Since you are innocent, we will take the initiative to accept the media tomorrow. During the interview, make it clear what should be admitted and what should be denied.

You and Helen are not married, you are a talented and beautiful woman, you are suitable for each other, but you are separated because you can't be together for a long time while filming. The American audience will not have any impression.

Maybe the people who spread the rumors didn't expect you to be so innocent as a director, and nothing happened to you as an actress. "

"Hey, I'm a decent guy."

"Ronald, so you deny that you have any romantic relationships with other female celebrities who have appeared in the newspaper except Helen Slater?" The next day, at an impromptu interview meeting held outside the CAA office, The "Variety" reporter, who was managed by PR Eva, was the first to ask questions.

Ronald smiled, "Yes, I don't know where this rumor came from. Helen and I met when she didn't appear in the first movie. Later, because of the busy filming schedule, we no longer maintained a romantic relationship. We are still very good friends now.”

"So, don't you have a relationship with any of the other actresses in the newspaper?" The Hollywood Reporter prefers this kind of gossip and scandals, which can increase sales. So their reporters asked more aggressive questions.

"That is pure slander. I can only say it is complete slander. I want to say something to those two tabloid reporters. America's freedom of speech does not mean that you can make up nonsense without evidence. I am talking to my Lawyers discuss whether to sue for defamation."

"I would like to ask Ronald, if you deny all the scandal accusations, does this mean that you have never used your power to coerce other actresses into committing themselves to you?"

"Which newspaper do you belong to?" Ronald remembered that the reporter did not identify himself.

"He comes from one of the two tabloids that broke the news," PR experience Eva prompted next to Ronald's ear.

"Of course not, I wouldn't do that. America is a free society, and no one should use power to coerce others into doing things they don't want to do. I'm a decent person."

"Just like me, as a director, you are making random speculations about my scandal in order to sell newspapers. This is a serious violation of my personal privacy. I am also a vulnerable group in this matter."

"Vulnerable groups..." In the office, "Year of the Dragon" producer Dino De Laurentiis looked at the newspaper and sneered. He picked up a pile of materials, "In these materials sent by friends in New York , that’s not what he said.”

"Year of the Dragon" opened with less than $4 million in its opening weekend, a lot of it thanks to the young director. If the negative reviews can be turned into a spat between the directors, a lot can be saved in the second week. If it arouses public interest, go to the cinema and see what director Ronald, who is always lying, says about the bad movies. , it is not impossible to rise against the trend.

Nuo picked up the phone and ordered his secretary to come in and dictate to her, "Let Cimino be interviewed. Let him connect Ronald's comments about the Year of the Dragon with his personal honesty. Be honest. He knows how to do it." "


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