Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 277 3D Camera

"This is very interesting. I didn't expect such good things to be there."

Ronald invited Walter Murch, who was very imaginative in technology, to work together to improve the transformation of the "Lightning Light".

Murch set a lightning time sequence behind the lightning machine, and then turned on the switch, lighting up the entire room.

"Lightning at night can be simulated well, but the high voltage of 50,000 volts is still a little insufficient. My engineers are planning to transform it into 80,000 volts of alternating current."

"The most important thing for this kind of equipment used in the field is that it has a solid surface. It is best to make the power interface thicker and put it with rainproof protection. Your lightning lamp takes a little longer to dissipate heat, so you can consider adding a protective cover to the lampshade. A few heat-dissipating metal sheets can block rain and increase heat dissipation.”

Walter Murch himself was a master at modifying equipment and machines. Under his guidance, engineers quickly came up with new ideas and prepared for modifications.

"I got two prototypes from there, and then found a lighting factory to quickly build some AC models. I just happened to take them to Hawaii this time to experiment in the new film. If they work well, you can introduce some business to me. "

"Hahaha, I don't think so. The director will like your thing." Walter Murch smiled. Directors like to use some special equipment so that his crew can take some shots that others can't. This was the case when the previous Steadicam stabilizer came on the market. Many people did not have lightning scenes, and I am afraid they would add a scene just to use this lightning light.

"Francis is coming soon, we'll just ask him."

After Walter Murch's debut film "Back to Oz" did not do well at the box office, he temporarily put aside his dream of directing and began to earn money to support his family. On the one hand, Ronald asked him to come up with ideas, and on the other hand, he also wanted to give him some extra income.

"Elizabeth Taylor, a famous Hollywood actress and good friend of Rock Hudson, said that she will hold a celebrity charity meeting, and she will invite friends in the circle to participate. Audiences who go to the Los Angeles Stadium will have the opportunity to have close contact with the stars. "

The latest news came from the TV.

After a few days of settling, CAA purchased a large amount of mosquito coils for distribution. Now the celebrities are very panicked. Many people secretly flew to the University of Maryland and the University of Baltimore, two places where blood tests can be done.

High-end clinics in Los Angeles are also about to quickly introduce testing technology.

"What on earth is going on? Walter, you live in San Francisco, do you have any reliable news?" Richard was also panicking.

He asked Walter Murch for advice.

"Indeed, there are many men's bathrooms in San Francisco, and many people there have been infected. I heard that men and men... are more likely to spread the disease. On the contrary, normal relationships between men and women rarely spread the disease. And there is a rumor that those who use safety measures are basically fine."

"Really? You can feel more at ease if you say this." Ronald was about to put away the lightning lamp when Coppola's hearty laughter came from outside.

"Haha, Walter, you are here too, just in time."

Several people hugged each other and exchanged greetings. They were all old partners and old friends. Ronald asked Coppola, who was sitting down and drinking wolfberry tea very happily, and asked, "What is going on with the MJ project?"

"It was a short film shot for a new project in Disneyland. It was shot on 65mm film using Disney's latest 3D camera..."

"imax?" Murch spoke next to him. This is a film format invented in Canada, 65mm film.

"No, it's widescreen, with an aspect ratio of 2.2 to 1." Coppola replied, "Disney's newly developed technology and only two 3D cameras were built."

Ronald had no experience with 3D technology, so he had to sit and listen to two technology geeks talking about ancient times.

It turns out that imax mainly has an aspect ratio of 1.45:1, and it doesn’t necessarily need to be shot in 3D.

"This was a project that George (Lucas) got, but he had to work on his new movie, so he approached me. I also took on the new movie 'Peggy Sue Gets Married,' which was already in the preparation stage, and I thought of it. You, Ronald, come and join in. Anyway, you are familiar with Eisner, so he won’t object.”

Of course Ronald agreed. For this kind of thing, even if the three axes of Coppola, Lucas and Ronald work together to steal Disney's money. Eisner didn't object anyway.

With more than 20 million yuan in filming funds, as long as a short film of less than 20 minutes is shot, the total cost per minute is more than one million yuan, setting a record for the most expensive film shooting in Hollywood.

"But we have a new movie coming out, and we have to go to Hawaii to shoot, so why not..." Ronald tilted his head and motioned to Walter Murch.

"Are you willing? For a short film, the director's name is Ronald and I. We can give you a technical title, and of course the remuneration will be generous." Coppola knew that Murch had never given up on his dream of directing.

"Of course, the most important thing for me now is making money."

After confirming the cooperation (extortion of money) in a few words, Coppola stood up with satisfaction, took the mosquito coils and wolfberry offered by Little Bud, and prepared to leave.

"What kind of lamp is this? Have you never seen it before?" Coppola saw the AC version of the lightning lamp that had been improved by engineers on the ground.

"I'll show you, don't blink." Ronald was now particularly keen on being a salesman.


"Oh, is this a simulation of lightning? It's too bright." Coppola was deceived by Ronald. He looked at the light bulb with wide eyes, and his eyes were dazzled by the bright light.

"You're renting this thing out, right? Why don't you give it to me?" Coppola recalled that in the new film, Peggy Sue was about to travel back to high school, and the lightning and thunder scene was very appropriate.

"I only have two prototypes. I'll take one with me and leave the other one at CAA. If you want to use it, just call Niceta."

"Good, good, good. You are worthy of being Walter's apprentice. We San Francisco filmmakers all like to innovate in equipment. George also praised you recently, saying that you have a very good sense of casting, and several of the heroines you recommended are... very suitable."

Coppola looked left and right next to the lightning lamp again, and personally experimented with programming and flipping the switch several times. He was smiling from ear to ear. If he can get this magic lightning first, his new film will definitely be able to compare with others. When the film reviews I have to praise myself again.

"Huh? This lamp of yours is a xenon lamp, right?"

Coppola saw the shape of the light tube and thought of the white light with good color rendering he emitted, and suddenly asked Ronald.

"Yes, long arc xenon lamp, this is my exclusive product. Apart from me, only Suville Alliance may sell it in the world. However, their products are not as good as mine and the price is also expensive." Ronald began to boast. Fan.

"Do you have any extra light bulbs? There's just a place for them."

"Is this a 3D camera?" Now it was Ronald's turn to fumble around in surprise.

"Yes, the angle of two cameras side by side is the angle of the human eye. The film captured in this way has a slightly different angle. Using polarizing film, after restoring it in the cinema, you can see the three-dimensional scene."

Coppola introduced him to the latest Disney 3D widescreen camera.

"Look here," Coppola pointed at the camera to Ronald.

This camera is very interesting. It has two openings for loading film cassettes. After loading 11 minutes of complete film, the entire camera looks a bit like Mickey Mouse's two big ears.

"Because it has to accommodate two camera systems, and they are very close together, the light bulbs here often overheat. I see that you are using a very rare long-arc xenon lamp. If you have any, please give it to Disney engineers to try and see if they can solve this problem. Overheating problem.

It turns out that this machine will overheat after 20 minutes of shooting and requires a ten-minute break. If you use a xenon lamp like yours, whose heat is easier to control, you may not need to overheat and rest.

I just got tired of the non-stop filming, so I didn’t want to direct it myself. "

Soon, the engineers from Daydream Pictures brought by Ronald had a good chat with Steve Hines, who was responsible for the 3D project at Disney.

"Mr. Li, not only for cameras, we also need xenon lamps like yours as projection lamps in the screening hall of Disneyland. We can achieve higher brightness and better playback effects. I wonder if you can supply it in the long term. ?”

"Of course, no problem. We are America's exclusive supplier and can supply Disneyland on a long-term basis."

Ronald rubbed his hands, another long-term business.

"Ronald", Walter Murch saw that he had negotiated a supply agreement with Disney and pulled him aside.

"I have never worked with a superstar like MJ. Is he easy to work with? Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

"Hey, I haven't actually cooperated with him that much. But he is a bit like a child. He often likes superheroes in comics, so it shouldn't be difficult to work with him. Even if he has a temper, you can coax him like a child. "

"Hello. Xiao Yan? Why don't you ask the factory director in Minhang to work overtime? I need a large batch of goods here, or a long-term supply."

"What? They don't want to work overtime? Why can I pay a bonus?"

"Doesn't comply with the system? Can't give bonuses? What, what do you think we should do? Give some mung bean soup? Give some pork stamps? Cloth stamps? Sugar stamps? What are those? Can I buy them with foreign exchange coupons? Okay, you can do it Do it for me and I’ll send you the money.”

After settling the production and supply agreement, Ronald said to the newly recruited script assistant David Simkins, "Slowly help me screen the scripts. If there are any good scripts, just fax them over."

Ronald, who has rented several offices next door to Roger Corman in West Hollywood, has initially put his assistants here to work and is in the process of purchasing various office supplies. Later, a large building was rented as a warehouse. The long-arc xenon lamp bulbs and lightning lamp products will be stored here in the future. Some technicians will also be recruited to follow the equipment and operate it on the set.

In the future, the lightning lights produced by his factory, like Steadicam camera stabilizers, will only be rented and not sold.

"Hey, Ronald, I heard from Francis that you have a lightning effect light? I need to use it when I start shooting a new movie. You can leave some for me then."

George Lucas heard about Coppola's new toys and called to ask for them.

"No problem. When you turn it on, my new model will be ready for use. You can use as many as you need. I will send the most skilled technicians to your crew."

"Business is good, Doug. Your factory in Staten Island is going to step up. I estimate that after Lucas's new movie is released, the rental business of lightning lamps will be very good."

Ronald called Douglas Jr., and the Staten Island Lightning Lighting Factory jointly established by the two of them had already selected the land, started recruiting engineers and personnel, and started customizing lampshades from the lighting factory and customizing control panels from the electronics factory. It will be custom-made next month. Assembly business can begin.


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