Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 334: There’s an Evil Husband in the House Premiere

Over the weekend, Ronald returned to Los Angeles.

"The Husband" is the first film produced and released by Disney's Touchstone Pictures after Michael Eisner took over.

This is a monumental movie, so Disney spent a lot of money on the premiere. They found the Plitt Theater, the largest theater in Hollywood, to hold the premiere at Century City Commercial City on the Walk of Fame in the center of Hollywood.

Helen Slater wore a sleeveless red top, a white skirt, and white high-heeled sandals. The facial features on her painted face were as clear-cut as ancient Greek sculptures, which was very photogenic.

Ronald waited in the living room for more than half an hour waiting for her meticulous makeup. Helen adheres to her mother's progressive ideas and is more environmentally friendly. This outfit is actually a costume she used to perform in a play in New York. However, Karen, who has good skin and figure, actually looks a bit noble like an ancient Greek beauty when she wears it.

She took Ronald's arm and together they appeared in the theater.

Ronald is wearing a handmade suit, a dark red tie, and brown leather shoes, looking elegant. The two stood up at the Plett Theater and let reporters take some photos for publicity.

"This theater is similar to the Astor Theater on Broadway in New York. The appearance is also neoclassical in asymmetrical style with columns."

Helen is far more familiar with New York than Los Angeles, and the art education she received since childhood also allowed her to comment on the architectural style of the Plitt Theater.

"Ah, maybe so. Maybe the real estate developer modeled it after the Astor Theater in New York." The Astors were the richest family in the United States in the 19th century. There are many streets and buildings named after Astors in New York. Theaters, and even the best Waldorf Astoria Hotel are owned by their family.

"Good taste. This was in the early 1970s. Century City was built in the style of the Astor Theater. At that time, it was a prosperous era in Hollywood. Many business cards were premiered here."

Another bunch of handsome men and beauties appeared at the premiere. The man was mature and steady, with a chin like an American hero. The woman is young and beautiful, with a bit of a foreign temperament.

"Michael, good evening, thank you for coming to the premiere." Ronald quickly stepped forward to say hello to the man who spoke.

This is actor Michael Douglas. He was wearing a dark blue shirt, gray jacket, silver tie, and had long hair. The beauty next to him is his young wife Deandra Luke, wearing a pleated skirt and a complicated pearl necklace.

At premieres in the 1980s, stars from all walks of life did not follow the old rules that existed before the 1970s.

Wear a formal dress to attend.

The current style is to wear various exaggerated styles of daily fashion for reporters to take photos.

The male celebrities mainly wore casual suits in various fancy colors, while the female guests wore various strange-looking fashions, which looked like they had moved the catwalk to a theater.

Helen coughed when she saw the necklace with four rows of pearls arranged side by side, which almost covered her neck. She secretly adjusted the necklace and earrings given by Ronald, and then came forward to say hello. The four of them hugged each other and congratulated each other, and Ronald started chatting with Douglas.

"Will you continue to be an actor or a producer next?" Ronald asked Michael Douglas his next plan.

"Did the agent tell you? Am I somewhat famous now? Hollywood gossip reporters are saying that I'm on the phone all the time in the trailer on the set."

"This doesn't hinder your performance. I was very impressed with the movie Emerald."

"Hahaha, thank you. You are the first insider to express my appreciation for that commercial film to me in person."

"Producers have to make movies that audiences like, right?"

In 1975, when Michael Douglas was just over 30 years old, as a producer, he won the Academy Award for Best Picture for "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

The script was a gift from his father, Kirk Douglas. As the son of a Hollywood tycoon, Michael did not want to be seen as just a lucky producer under his father's shadow, but wanted to become a good actor.

He also played the leading role in the self-produced "Emerald" and its sequel "Treasure of the Nile", opposite Kathryn Turner.

"Will there be a third part of Emerald?" Ronald was very interested in such a popular series of movies.

"Tsk...Catherine is not willing to continue this kind of movie. She wants to play a more in-depth role. I am also a little tired of this kind of hero image and want to try some more marginalized villain images."

"So will you produce your next movie yourself?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on the market situation. I heard that you are very popular in Japan, and I am also interested in looking for financing there. Is there any way? How interested is there in investing in Hollywood?"

Michael Douglas is really more of a producer than an actor. The topic finally turned back to the most important job of a producer, financing.

"Many companies have expressed some interest, but they still have doubts about the Hollywood business. Many Japanese capitals are old-fashioned chaebols, and they want to seize the local market, which is very different from what I thought at the beginning.

Only those with new ideas and the beautiful scenery of America, and the new money developed after the war, were interested in investing in Hollywood. "

The two were about to exchange more opinions on project financing when Douglas suddenly frowned. He found his wife Diandra chatting with another long-haired male star.

"Are you back in Hollywood, Mel?"

"Yeah, yes. Although I really like living at home in Australia, there is money to be made here... hahaha."

Michael Douglas frowned slightly again, just as a short and fat black actress also came over, "Whoopi, we meet again, Diandra, come meet Whoopi Goldberg." He didn't Interrupting in a subtle way separated my wife from the Australian arrogant maniac.

"Ah, I know you, you played Celie in Spielberg's 'The Color Purple'..."

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas entered the theater.

"Ah, these kike guys," Mel Gibson muttered when he was interrupted.

"What did you say? Mel, long time no see." Ronald, who stepped forward to say hello, didn't hear clearly.

"It's okay, Ronald, long time no see!" Mel Gibson hugged Ronald and Helen to say hello.

The two had not seen each other since they had a falling out over Rachel Ward at Stallone's party.

"What, you and Mrs. Douglas know each other?"

"Don't you know? She turns out to be the daughter of an Australian diplomat stationed in the United States. She is very famous among Australians."

"I don't know, this is the first time I've met. I heard that you are already preparing a new movie?"

"Next month I will be filming 'Lethal on', Joe Silver's project. Unlike other actors, I am based in Hollywood and usually live in my hometown in Australia, so I don't know much about many projects. .What movie will you make next?”

"Ha, it's a small project with a heroine as the main character."

Mel Gibson returned to Hollywood this time and watched two new films directed by Ronald, especially "Top Gun". Every actor in them was photographed by Ronald in a very star-like manner, which just made him want to watch it as soon as possible. Gibson, who shed his "Mad Max" character image, was envious.

"Rachel Ward has taken a break from acting for the time being. She said she wants to further study acting skills. Her attitude towards movies is very serious..." He asked Ronald to talk about a lot of artistic insights in a familiar manner, hoping that he would be better in art. Find a common language with Ronald.

Ronald couldn't stand the Australian guy who started talking about art. The director and actor, who had been perfunctory for a long time and still used the excuse that "the family has an evil husband", have arrived and asked him to talk to him later.

"Okay, Ronald, you are such an artistic director. Let's talk about it some time. We must collaborate on a movie next."

"Is this guy's idea of ​​art just taking off his shirt and playing volleyball on the beach?" Helen was not very happy with the Australian guy who seemed to have called Kike, a discriminatory name against Jews, and mentioned another actress in front of her. He took Ronald's arm and complained.

"Hahaha, I think many housewives will not agree with you. In their eyes, that is art."

"That's not what they said..." Helen misunderstood Ronald's statement. "I think your figure is more attractive to me. I like men who are taller than me."

Ronald pinched Helen's waist gently, and Helen felt her body heat up. She quickly begged for mercy and hid in the theater first.

Next, the trio of Jerry Zucker, the main creators, greeted Ronald and went in. The rest were the leading actors and actresses Danny DeVito and Bette Midler, who were giving brief interviews to reporters.

"How does it feel to be the lead?" Ronald asked the last two leading actors entering the theater.

"Ah... very good, very good." Danny DeVito looked a little dazed when he spoke. His female companion wore a strange see-through outfit and fishnet stockings, which actually killed a lot of film.

"Not bad, I like this kind of battle." Bette Midler was slightly better than DeVito. She took a glass of champagne on the table next to the aisle and drank it in one gulp.

"Why are you a little nervous?" Ronald thought to himself that something was wrong.

Fortunately, Helen, who came in first, didn't feel anything, and the two of them found a place to sit down.

The beginning of "A Bad Husband" is a cartoon-style title sequence. The main plot of the film is vividly expressed in a cartoon way.

It seems that the capabilities of Disney's animation department were used, Ronald secretly thought.

This is the second time I have watched this comedy movie on the big screen. Ronald already knew all the plot trends and jokes in advance.

But it’s very interesting. The laughter of this comedy is caused by the absurdity of the story itself, so even if he watched it in advance, Ronald still laughed where he should.

This kind of movie is not quite the same as Zach's previous "unprecedented" neurotic comedy with dense language. Even if the plot is spoiled for you in advance, you will still have a good movie-watching experience.

This actually takes a toll on an actor's skills. Of the two leading actors, Danny DeVito plays a bad son-in-law who is a cartoon-style bad guy. Even if everyone knew he was bad from the beginning, watching him being kidnapped and holding his wife hostage Everyone is looking forward to joining forces for revenge.

The rich girl played by Bette Midler is also a very contrasting character. At the beginning, she is seen as a fat and vicious woman who scares the kidnappers into being like chickens. Gradually, the audience discovered that she was just a middle-aged woman who wanted to lose weight but couldn't. The kindness in her heart was much stronger than that of her husband.

The audience's laughter was similar to that at the test screening, frequent but not intensive.

"Oh my gosh, I'm such a bad actor."

Helen looked at the pictures on the screen, and sometimes she had the urge to cover her eyes with her hands.

Ever since I was called out by Ronald about my over-exerting acting problem, now I look at the scenes I shot before and it feels awkward.


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