Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 336 Hollywood-style fake politeness

"Ned, would you give the green light to 'Moonlight'?"

Taking advantage of the success of his two directorial films at the box office, Ronald decided to put some pressure on Paramount's president, Ned Tanning. Together with his agents Niceta and Richard, he found Tanin over the weekend and worked overtime to solve the problem.

"Of course, there is no doubt, no problem. I have always supported you. It's just that there are a lot of old diehards inside Paramount. They don't understand what kind of movies the new generation of audiences like to watch. Before and after the filming of 'Top Gun,' Are there many objections?"

"So, we can sign the contract?"

"Of course, my contract is ready." Ned Tanin pressed the button on the phone and asked the secretary to bring the contract in. "

Niceta and Ronald looked at each other, it seemed like this strategy was good. If the first-week box office results of "A Bad Husband" are officially announced on Monday, Taning might be able to find new reasons to delay.

"This is yours." Tanin handed the two contracts to Ronald and his agent respectively. "Look, have you chosen the heroine? If the heroine is among the candidates listed, We can start the project right away.”

Ronald took it over and turned to the place marked by the secretary in advance. On it were the names of Cher, Ronald's favorite, and the names of Sally Field, Diane Keaton and others proposed by CAA.

Frowning slightly, Ronald asked, "So you want me to decide on the heroine first, and then greenlight the project?"

"Of course, with your box office appeal, these female stars will be willing. Who would refuse an invitation from a blockbuster director like you, Ronald?" Taning was giving him a high hat.

"Cher and Diane Keaton said no," Ronald thought to himself.

When caa contacted this famous actress who played the young godfather's wife in The Godfather, Ronald thought that due to her famous role in Italian movies, Diane Keaton would be interested in this movie, which is also about Italians. Interested in family story scripts.

But Diane Keaton quickly asked her agent to turn down the offer. She said she wanted to work with Ronald, but on her schedule, she had already taken on a movie called "Baby Fever" and had a cameo role in a new project by her ex-boyfriend Woody Allen. Can't make it on schedule.

At that time, Ronald felt very regretful and wanted to lobby Keaton through CAA or Coppola's relationship. After all, Ronald felt that she was the best candidate besides Cher. But after the agent came back from inquiries, he discovered that Diane Keaton's new film won't start shooting until November, and the schedule can actually be arranged.

This reason for refusing to appear is very reasonable. In fact, it is a Hollywood star-style fake politeness.

After all, Ronald's agency is CAA, so it's easy to find her real schedule, so that she can reject roles she doesn't want to play without losing face, and without hurting the face of an unfamiliar popular director like Ronald.

In contrast, Cher, whose main acting career is as a singer, was more straightforward in refusing. She asked her agent to tell her the outline of the script, and then she said she didn't want to play an old widow.

Although Cher does have other film projects to start shooting in July, she can use the excuse of insufficient schedule.

Ronald came back from his memories, and he still had to convince Tanin to give him a publishing contract first, and then go to Cher or talk to other candidates.

"You know, Ned, it's a chicken-and-egg situation. As long as you agree to distribute the movie, it won't be hard for us to find a female star willing to star in it."

"Relax, Ronald, I will support you in whatever you want to make. But this movie must have a star to support the scene. If you can convince a male star to play the role of Ronnie, I will pass it right away." Ning took his time and poured a glass of wine for the box office director himself.

"Although I will support your decision even if there is no star, it will affect the budget after all. My authority to make decisions alone at Paramount is capped at $10 million. If you can make up the budget For the remaining part, I am also willing to give you a contract right away."

"You read the script, Ned. And I'm going to direct it. I want top-notch female stars, the best crew and equipment, and the movie needs to be shot on a large scale in New York, less than fifteen hundred dollars. I’m afraid an investment of 10,000 yuan won’t work…”

Ronald listens to the other party's wishes and can sign the issuance contract first, but the maximum investment is 10 million. He started bargaining, showing off his advantages, and guaranteed box office.

"Of course, my confidence in you has no limit, but I have to be responsible to the board of directors and deal with those old stubborns in high-level meetings. As long as you can come up with a female star, I will be sure to issue you a contract with Fifteen million budget.

Of course, if you are willing to be responsible for the remaining financing, I can sign the contract right away. "

Ned looked at Ronald's face. He didn't look very anxious, and he felt confident.

Although Ronald is the most popular young director this year, he made two blockbuster movies in one go. But if the other party can invest his own real money, his own responsibility will be much smaller.

In fact, the subject matter of this movie is very risky. It has no stars and no high-concept appeal. How it does at the box office depends on luck. And Ronald refused to sign a long-term contract with Paramount to bind the next three films, so that even if one failed, he could still make money by making other commercial films.

Every director has his limitations.

Just like Spielberg, the last golden boy director discovered by Hollywood. Since his debut, almost every movie has been a hit, but he just can't make comedy movies.

In the time between "ET" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", Spielberg also filmed a comedy movie "1941" with a budget of 35 million and only received 3500. million in domestic box office.

"Moonlight" is a romantic comedy that Ronald has never tried before. Moreover, it is about middle-aged people's love. How many moviegoers like to watch middle-aged people's love?

I don't want to be the executive producer of the only big-loss movie on the blockbuster director's resume.

On the contrary, if Ronald took the money himself or found stars to participate in the film, he would have many excuses to explain the failure, such as the poor cooperation between the stars and the director.

There are blockbuster directors and stars, but if the box office ends poorly, isn't it luck and God's will? The most important thing is to make your own decisions and not leave any grounds for criticism.

Just like Universal's Frank Price, what's the use of having such a good eye for reading scripts? As long as he greenlighted Lucas's "Howard the Duck," the notoriety would always be with him—the man behind George Lucas' only failed movie.

"How about we consider some alternatives for a while? I know Sally Field well, and I can help you make an appointment to see if we can spark something?"

"Okay, I'll put it on hold for a while. You can help me make an appointment with Ms. Field. I'll also discuss this project with several other studios."

Ronald was not very happy, and his words were soft but hard at the same time.

"Yes, you should find a few more studios. Maybe there are colleagues who have the power to give you the budget you need." Tanin seemed oblivious and politely sent Ronald and his group away.

"This is Hollywood-style false politeness," Niceta communicated with Ronald in the car. "I'm afraid Tanin saw the poor reviews and box office results of your project 'The Evil Husband', so he backed down. ”

"Fake politeness?" Ronald seemed to realize something.

"They won't say no to a director who is a hit-maker like you. But they will list various objective difficulties. If you can solve one, they will raise new difficulties." Chad smiled and explained to Ronald in Hollywood terms. Their agent was the most familiar with this kind of thing.

"Hey... let's go find Weintraub." Thinking of "The Evil Husband" who was a nominal producer, Ronald felt that he was so unlucky that the poor box office had also affected the financing of his new project. Okay, you still have to be careful when choosing movies in the future. If you haven’t dreamed of it, try to be cautious.

"How are the new projects going? When can I invest?" Back home, Douglas Jr., a friend from the wrestling team, called and asked Ronald if the signing of Paramount was completed.

He wants to invest a lot of cash in Hollywood. If he can get a high return, the annuity allocated to him in the family trust next year will be even larger, and the share he will inherit in the future will be larger.

Ronald explained the other party's attitude, and then asked Douglas Jr. to wait for a while until he finished meeting with Weintraub of MGM.

Douglas Jr. is more down-to-earth, "If Paramount has this attitude, I guess the other companies won't give you too many conditions. If you really want to shoot, then go ahead and I can figure out a way to solve the rest." "

"Thank you, but it's not to this level yet. If necessary, I will talk to you. I'm sure I can ask you for help for a matter of one or two million."

By Monday, the weekend movie box office numbers have been released.

As expected, "The Evil Husband" only took in 5.2 million at the box office in 1100 theaters. This film with relatively average results can be considered average, but the trio of producers, Ronald Lee, and Jerry Zucker, is not good enough.

It seems that not every director is like George Lucas and Spielberg, who can control different types of movies. In addition to being a director, he can also be a good producer.


On the golf course, Ronald tried to hit the ball on the fairway for the first time, and he hit the ball very far with brute force.

"As a beginner, you did a really good job." Weintraub adjusted his sunglasses and hit the ball. Phew... He didn't hit it as far as Ronald.

"Look at me," Susan Akins walked to the women's tee shot several yards in front, and boom...a tee shot high and floaty.

"The box office of the second part of The Kid has dropped by nearly 25% in the second week. I'm very satisfied. Ronald's estimate is very accurate. For ordinary sequel movies, even Harrison Ford's Raiders of the Lost Ark , also had a box office drop of nearly 30% in the second week."

Weintraub held his lover Susan's waist and the two kissed.

"I'm not like those professional managers and executives. I am a rich man myself, Ronald. For your new film 'Moonlight', I plan to have MGM distribute the project, and the Star Foundation will cooperate with the production funds. My private production company will provide the remaining part of the 15 million budget. Then the company will meet all your requirements."

"Thank you, Mr. Weintraub." Ronald followed and walked towards the landing point.

"Call me Jerry, Ronald. I will never forget your vision in choosing Noriyuki Morita to play Mr. Miyagi. I trust your judgment that this will be a good movie.

But I also have a request. "

"Please tell me," Ronald thought, even if you want your lover Susan to play a supporting role, I am going to agree to it.

"MGM still needs some time to integrate internally. I plan to suspend all production projects to review the project accounts of the past three years. So your new film will not be started until three months later."

"That's nothing. I still need to use the production and distribution contract you generously provided to persuade female stars to participate. Do you have any suitable people to recommend?"

"I'm not going to recommend, I'm going to trust your vision. I believe you have a better grasp of casting. I only provide money and schedule. As long as you finish the shooting within the budget and on time, I won't interfere at all. - I believe That's not a problem for you." Weintraub found his ball, put a tee on the ground, and was eager to hit the ball.

"I'm so lucky to have an executive producer like you. Well...good shot..." Ronald went up and flattered me.

"But can Susan be named as a co-producer?"

"Uh...that's no problem."


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