Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 344 New Script

David Simkins, Ronald's script assistant, has had a busy couple of weeks. Hundreds of scripts were mailed to his office.

"The Evil Husband", produced by boss Ronald, has successfully become a dark horse at the box office. Although the marketing efforts are not strong and there are not many theaters, the box office in the second weekend is higher than that in the first weekend. Reached second place in the rankings.

This achievement has attracted many people to mail in independent, non-commissioned scripts. (It is not a script that the studio signs a contract with the screenwriter to write, but a script that the screenwriter writes himself and tries his luck).

"If you don't declare anything and give up the copyright of the script, don't read it. It will be stamped and returned intact." David Simkins was teaching several assistants how to handle the script.

The copyright of this kind of uncommissioned script belongs to the author. If you read it rashly and there is a paragraph in any movie that Daydream makes that is similar to the one they sent, someone will go to court and file a lawsuit.

Therefore, if you do not give up at the beginning, it means that you are either a newbie who does not understand any rules, or you are here to deliberately try to cheat, so you must return it intact.

Despite this, with more than half of the scripts processed, Simkins is still very busy. In the past two days, in addition to being in the office, returning home to eat, nursing the baby, and before going to bed at night, I have been reading the script non-stop.

"Can't you ask your boss to hire more script assistants?" The wife was a little dissatisfied. After putting the children to sleep, she started to complain when her husband didn't turn off the lights.

"It will be fine after a while, and I will bring it up to the boss. During this period, his ability as a producer was widely spread in Hollywood, and the number of scripts sent to the office increased tenfold, but after a while It will stabilize and we can recruit people at that time, so I will be here in a short period of time."

Seeing this, the wife turned over and hugged David, "So are you going to be promoted? How much can you get a salary increase?"

"I think it will be good. Ronald is quite generous to his subordinates." Simkins flipped through a script called "Mannequin" and summarized what selling points should be highlighted when summarizing tomorrow's report. "

"What about your script? I know that when you took this job, you just hoped that one day your script would be made into a script."

"I think there are still many childish aspects in my script...it still needs to be revised..."

"But I think the script you wrote is better than anyone else's." As a housewife, my wife also read the script Simkins brought back when she had free time at home.

"That's because you love me,

Really? Should I try it too? "

"Is this the script you picked out?"

The next day, Ronald frowned and read several scripts recommended by David Simkins. He was not very satisfied.

"Most of the sudden increase in recent times are uncommissioned scripts written by fledgling screenwriters. I read a lot of scripts in the film company's library in the past few months and picked out two that I think have great potential. It has been handed over to you.”

"Scripts are not the only factor that determines the quality of a movie, but these scripts don't make me feel good. They are more like plays released in children's theaters than scripts that can be made into movies."

Ronald scratched his head. His daydream was about a small studio. Simkins had searched the film libraries of many big studios before he found "Dirty Dancing" and "Moonlight". A very literary script.

Most of the stuff that has been mailed over the past two weeks is stuff for novice screenwriters, and being able to find these is the result of working overtime day and night.

"I have no idea who would go to see this 'Beautiful Man' if someone made it into a movie."

Ronald pulled out the "Brilliant" book, which was already the best quality among the scripts Simkins had picked out.

"This is following one of the most popular production trends now, teen movies." Simkins reads a lot of scripts now, and he understands the latest trends.

"If you look at the plot of this movie, an ancient Egyptian princess turned into a wooden beauty and wandered in the river of time until she became a young American who had accomplished nothing and decorated the windows of a department store.

Every night the princess met him as a real person, and in the morning she was back to the wooden model. In the end, the two defeated their opponents, freed the princess with true love, and became real people. "

"Nowadays, high school students like to watch this? Why does it feel like a fairy tale to me?" Ronald was also a little confused about the preferences of teenagers these days.

"That's it. Since the Grand Commander took office five or six years ago, the economy has developed very well. Most young people living in suburbs and small towns have good incomes and sufficient pocket money as long as they are willing to work.

Unlike our generation, they were very distressed in middle school and had to compete for the jobs of delivering newspapers and milk in the morning. "

"Okay, I'll know more about it." Ronald thought about the recent movies. Indeed, the life of teenagers in them was not as difficult as in the 1970s. They had to face the competition of involution and only had a few coins in their pockets. A life where you can’t pick up girls.

Most young men, no matter what they look like, always seem to have a girlfriend. Love is more about the compatibility of personality and hobbies, as well as the pursuit of a more beautiful and unrestrained person, and becoming a popular figure in school.

In "Fast Pace" that Ronald filmed back then, an outstanding nerd worked hard on his own and was kind-hearted, only to finally gain the admiration of a beautiful female classmate.

In this "Spiritual" movie, the male protagonist has become a loser who will be fired from any job, and he also has a girlfriend who is a supervisor. In the end, I just dumped him because he didn't make progress.

Perhaps in recent years, with population decline and economic development, the values ​​of young people have indeed undergone some subtle changes. With the spread of education and the increase in opportunities, more people no longer struggle for possessions, but instead care more about quality.

Like Coppola's "The Kid", a story about dozens of teenagers who are all bachelors and can only get together to play poker on the ground for fun, it appears less and less in movies. No matter how bad your life is, you can still go to McDonald's.

Ronald was hesitant because he didn't like the script, but what Simkins said was reasonable.

"I'll take the script back and think about it...oops." Ronald accidentally spilled coffee on the cover of the script and quickly cleaned it up.

"Let me help you." David Simkins put the script away and pulled some napkins over to wipe it.

"What is this? Did you write it?"

After the pile of scripts on the table was removed, Ronald discovered a script lying at the bottom.

The title on the cover is "Adventures in babysitting," and the author is apparently Simkins.

"Yeah, I've been writing a play for a long time."

"As I said, if you have a script you can give it to me, I will give it priority."

"I originally wanted to improve it, but there are still some plot flaws in this script."

Simkins wanted to say more, but Ronald raised his hand to stop him. He read the beginning and was attracted by the plot.

"A girl who was waiting for her girlfriend to invite her to the prom was rejected by her boyfriend and had to work as a nanny for a family with three children. Her friend had a problem at the airport and asked her to pick him up. The girl took the child with her and drove to the airport. , but got a flat tire on the road and accidentally entered a car repair shop owned by a gangster..."

"It's very well written, and I was fascinated by it. I have to say, the plot of this one is great, much better than that one of 'The Show'."

Ronald spent a short time skimming through Simkins' script.

It is true that as he said, this script still has many problems in details, some plots are too bizarre, and there are many coincidences. Finally, a lot of cartoon-like plots were added to the movie, which was a bit nondescript.

But the theme story of the script is very good, and it arouses people's appetite from the beginning. Starting from daily life, the protagonist suddenly faces force majeure and is pushed into a huge crisis.

This is a very orthodox way of writing a three-act play. Simkins has read many scripts, and his own writing is also very charming.

"What do you know? I will take these two scripts home and read them carefully. If they feel good, I will be the producer myself and help you find a suitable distributor."

"Boss, are you serious? My wife encouraged me to show you the script."

"It does give me a good feeling, but it still depends on the publisher's idea. Only if they nod can I start the project.

Your screenwriting skills are very good. What kind of job do you want to do in Hollywood in the future? "Ronald thought Simkins was a talent and wanted to keep him in the pipe dream for a long time.

"I'm actually interested in the process of film and television production."

"Then you want to be a producer? No problem. You can start recruiting people now, just like yourself, and find someone who can replace you. I will let you participate in more film production links, If you're lucky, I can start with your movie script."

In addition to promotions and salary increases, employees must also be able to pursue their dream jobs. Anyway, there are many opportunities in the film industry, and Ronald just needs more production talents.

"Thank you, boss."

"Good job."


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