Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 357 Operating 3 Movies Simultaneously

Jennifer Connelly collected Ronald's business card solemnly, but she did not leave. Instead, she accompanied Ronald and art director Ryan Weaver to watch various locations in the Catskills.

Everywhere Ronald went, he took pictures with the camera he brought with him, preparing to choose the scene accordingly when he returned.

"Aren't you going to take outdoor scenes here? Then why not find a studio to set up the scene?" Jennifer Connelly heard that Ronald took photos because the cost of clearing the Catskills was too expensive, so she asked answered his own questions.

"It's too expensive. There are a lot of tourists here. Our filming will last fifteen to twenty days. We can't work overtime here, so it will take three to four weeks. As for setting up the scenery, it's even more expensive. My budget for the entire movie is only 450 Ten thousand U.S. dollars."

Ronald found a place that sold ice cream, bought three double-ball chocolate ice cream cones, and treated Connery to one.

"I won't eat it." Connelly refused. She couldn't escape the baby fat common among American girls. She was chubby. She rejected Ronald's kindness, but kept looking at the ice cream, "You are so famous, shouldn't the studio give you a budget of 20 to 30 million?"

"For some reasons, I can only finance the filming myself." Ronald took the ice cream and ate it himself, "Are you still making movies now?"

"Yeah, when I was filming "Once Upon a Time in America," it was like taking an advanced seminar on film shooting. Originally, my mother wanted me to be a model, but now before I knew it, I had become an actor.

I played "Labyrinth" which just came out. Did you see it? I played it with David Bowie."

"I haven't watched it yet, but I will."

When Jennifer Connelly heard that Ronald only had a budget of 4.5 million, her attitude was no longer as eager to recommend herself as before.

Ronald also understood her thoughts. I heard that Labyrinth is a blockbuster with a budget of 20 to 30 million. Connery has been working with big directors like Leon since his debut, and he also made big productions. Hearing that his own small film , it would be abnormal not to be disappointed.

After saying goodbye to Jennifer Connelly, Ronald and production designer Ryan Weaver began to figure out what to do next.

The problem of fallen leaves has limited the filming time of "Dirty Dancing" to summer and autumn. If a cheap location cannot be found this year, it will have to be postponed to next year.

Ronald felt that the problem was huge, so he first asked Lineweaver to find other suitable locations to see his results.

I’m still deciding whether to shoot this year.

"On the East Coast, the farther south you go, the later the leaves change color and fall. We have to go south to look for it. Use the photos you took today to look for Jewish resorts with similar architectural styles and camera positions." Lineweaver concluded. .

"It's not us, it's you who go. I have to go back to Los Angeles soon, where there are still two movie projects waiting for me to deal with." Ronald had no time to accompany him to continue the spectacle.

"Okay, but I have to find someone to help me. One person can't handle the framing. The framing of this movie is more complicated, and I may have to use film to test shoot a section. I at least have to find someone to help me carry the camera."

"You can recommend a personal choice, but I don't have a big budget. You have to take economy class to the Deep South."

"Then find David Chapman. He is a very reliable location production designer. He has rich experience and is very suitable for handling a small-budget production like yours, which also needs to meet the needs of a specific era. If you agree, I will bring He comes to meet you, and then we go to Virginia and North Carolina to find locations that fit the bill."

"I don't have time, just make your decision." Ronald waved his hand, Lineweaver's ability has been proven, just see the results yourself, "But why don't you go to Florida or Georgia? Where's the climate? Isn’t it warmer?”

"Although the trees there don't shed their leaves, the tree species are completely different from those in New York State. You don't have palm trees like in the Catskills plot."

"Oh, I'm confused. It's up to you to decide. I won't interfere. I just want to see the results. When I come back, I want to see the photos you took and the test films."

After Ronald finished explaining, he quickly called a taxi and rushed to the airport. Richard's little Bud, who was waiting for him there, had already prepared his luggage for him, picked up his plane ticket and went to the boarding gate.

"When you arrive in Los Angeles, we first help you make an appointment with Mr. Katzenberg from Disney to meet and chat with the two director candidates recommended by them for 'The Babysitter'. Then we will meet the production director of Twentieth Century Fox, the producer of 'Brilliant' The work hasn't started yet, and unlike the professionals at Disney, they don't seem to have made much progress, and you have to decide a lot of the details."

"You and Niceta go with me to meet with the top executives of the two companies. I am very busy now, so I have to have someone to help me share the work. You have to grow up as soon as possible. You can't just be my work assistant." Ronald now accepted I have been involved in the preliminary preparations for three movies, and I am short of manpower around me, so I must let out people who are not yet mature enough to serve as my informants.

Anyway, I don’t plan to direct these two movies myself, as long as they can ensure that they don’t go over time and don’t go over budget on set.

My highlights are still in "Dirty Dancing" and "Moonlight" which will be filmed next year.

"Well, I will keep an eye on the set." Richard pushed up his glasses. He had been a junior partner of CAA for several years, and it was time to upgrade his work content and the title on his business card.

"Are these two director candidates acquaintances of yours?"

Katzenberg, Disney's vice president of production, attached great importance to Ronald's project "Adventures in Babysitting" and personally participated in the project meeting. This production meeting is mainly to determine the director.

"Yeah, I've known Cameron Crowe for a long time, he was the screenwriter on my first movie. Chris Columbus, I met him a few times at Steven [Spielberg's] place. We got along very well this time.”

"Do you have a preference between the two director candidates?" Two women next to him asked Ronald.

"No, what about you? Deborah, Linda?"

Ronald asked about two female producers. They participated in the project on behalf of Touchstone Pictures, a subsidiary of Disney, and also had the title of producer. At that time, the on-site tracking and budget control will be handed over to the two female futures. Ronald is more focused on the overall creative control.

Deborah Hill, the leader of the two-person group, responded, “We talked to both of the final two candidates, and Chris Columbus was more ambitious, and I preferred him.

This is a small production, with a budget of only six million, and we need someone who has the appetite to fight all kinds of hardships, sleep only a few hours a day, and still enjoy it.

This job is very challenging. "

Linda Obst is the slightly lower role between the two. "Cameron actually has a lot of good ideas, but he is not aggressive enough. This is his first novel, and he is not afraid of going through all kinds of hardships to achieve his goal." This drive is more important than artistic ability."

"Hmph...what you said makes sense. Let's meet both of us."

"Hi Cameron, how are you doing? Is Nancy okay?"

Ronald hugged and exchanged pleasantries with his friend Cameron Crowe, and then began to talk to him about directing the script.

"I just think that the temperament of this movie is very mixed, including love romance, secret love, cheating, adventure, and a deep yearning for family life. This is a very clever screenwriting method, but there are also This eliminates the risk of the audience being confused as to what genre this film is.

If I were the screenwriter, I would probably reduce the content in one direction and emphasize the other direction. …”

"Well..." Ronald and Cameron Crowe chatted for more than half an hour. The two female producers said it well. Crowe has a habit of thinking about problems from the perspective of a screenwriter.

What he said is actually reasonable, but now Touchstone Pictures does not need a screenwriter to revise the script, but a screenwriter who can advance the project and film the script that is already satisfactory according to the producer's will. director.

"I'll call you when there are results." Ronald sent Crowe out the door.

"Thank you, Ronald. Actually, I don't know if I want to be a director or if I'm ready."

Ronald shook his head. Fortunately, this honest person among artists did not say this during the interview. Although Crowe and I are good friends, this is an important point in deciding the director. Doesn't it mean that I don't have confidence?

Maybe after he married the rock and roll woman Nancy Wilson, he was not short of money, so he did not have a strong will to fight.

"Ronald, hello."

When Chris Columbus came, he was much more nervous.

“It has always been my dream to be a director, and if I have this opportunity, I will do my best.

I am very satisfied with the script. The psychology of teenagers and children is well explored here. I like it very much.

I can't think of any scenes that required extra difficulty, except for the shots of climbing high-rise buildings, which required stunt people to design and implement them.

I think there will be inevitable and unexpected difficulties that will arise during filming, but as long as there is a team you can trust, I can't think of anything that cannot be solved.

I wanted the film to have a light-hearted undertone that would be easy for kids and parents to watch together. At the end, I hope to add a little lesson to let the children know the risks of wandering around if they don't listen to the nanny.

I think parents would be happy to spend money to let their naughty children watch this kind of movie..."

Obviously, Chris Columbus's desire is much stronger than Cameron Crowe's. He worked as a screenwriter for Spielberg for many years, but never had the opportunity to become a director.

He didn't get much money from those Amblin movies, either. With a wife and children to support, he was much better prepared for this movie than Crowe.

"Please go back first. If there is any further news, we will notify your agent." Ronald sent Columbus out of the conference room.

"Thank you, Ronald. I didn't expect you to still remember what I told you. This is very important to me, and I will try my best."

"This is Touchstone's trust in you. Disney asked you by name." Ronald did not take credit.

"I know, I know, but I'm glad you gave me a chance."

The two candidates for director are both a bit bookish, speak in a very organized manner, and are not aggressive.

The three touchstones were satisfied with both candidates. Of course, they preferred Chris Columbus.

"Then let's take Columbus. I'll call Crowe." Ronald decided on the director.

"The next step is to look and cast. Do you have any recommendations?" Katzenberg asked Ronald.

"This needs to be discussed with the director. We need a girl who has an independent temperament and the audience can trust that she will stand up and fight against the gangs in order to protect the children in her care.

The key to the success of this movie lies in whether the protagonist, the nanny Chris, can make the audience believe and view the whole story from her perspective. The children must also find her approachable and a nanny who is approachable.

Parents who hire him must feel that this is a mature and responsible nanny who they feel comfortable leaving at home to look after their children when they go out.

If the boy thinks she is sexy and beautiful, she is the kind of girl next door that he falls in love with at first sight..."

Ronald saw the two female generals and Katzenberg looking at him and stopped talking.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"Hollywood legend says that you, like Hitchcock, had many shots in mind before directing. When you got to the set, you shot the shots in your mind. It seems to be true. We regret that we did not invite you to direct this movie. .”

"Hahaha..." Ronald laughed, "If you have no doubts, we can start auditioning when Chris Columbus joins the crew.

Ronald called Crowe, who was unsuccessful, and informed Columbus of the good news. He only had one night's rest, and went to 20th Century Fox non-stop the next day to discuss another movie, "Swagger".

The preparatory meeting for this movie was very different. There was only one person from 20th Century Fox who came to talk.

"I have an idea for director, Michael Gottlieb, what do you think?"

The speaker is Joseph Farrow, executive producer at 20th Century Fox. Now that Fox's production business is shrinking, the fragmentation left over from the oil tycoon era, and the way everyone divides their spheres of influence has not changed.

Farrow was a senior executive who was familiar with Barry Diller. When the project was handed over to him, he told Ronald to let the agent go out and they had a private chat to divide the distributable benefits.

"What movies has he directed before?" Ronald frowned. Fox's style was completely different from the rigorous, meticulous and professional style of Disney Touchstone.

"No, he has never directed a movie. But he is the brother of the screenwriter of 'Jaws'. My man, give me a chance? I can give you the decision-making power of the heroine."

"Gottlieb, like Farrow, is a typical Jewish name," Ronald thought. Now Fox's main focus is on acquiring cable TV networks. Film production is a paradise for senior executives and project producers to share their wealth.

The other party brought up the heroine to talk about it, and it seemed that he thought he would like to communicate with the actress.

"Who are you going to use as the male lead?"

Since it was about dividing the fat, Ronald thought I would too.

In a dream, this movie is very child-like and doesn't even look like a serious movie. Since Fox is paying for it, they can do whatever they want with it.

A film with a nominal producer and no real production rights will not have any impact on the reputation of its core business in the industry.

"I'm going to pick one of the brat packs. These people have a bad reputation, but they are very well-known. Our movie can ride on their popularity for free and get a lot of space for free."

"I think what you said makes sense. Which one are you going to use?" Ronald liked the idea of ​​riding a free ride.

"What do you think of Emilio Estevez? He's the president of the Brats."

"I don't think he can play it. This guy is a fucking hunchback."

"What about Andrew McCarthy? He's been in a lot of commercials for Pepsi and he's the most handsome."

"He's not bad." Ronald remembered the actor who played the role in Hughes's "Pretty in Pink". He dreamed of playing the leading actor in this movie, so he just went with the flow and didn't ruin other people's "good things".

"Who do you want to use as the heroine?"

"I'm optimistic...wait a minute, isn't the Screen Actor's Guild going to interfere in the casting? Can you make the decision without permission?"

Ronald thought for a while and felt that the Kim Cattrall in the dream was a good actor, and had taken care of Diane on the set of "The Devil's Brain Chinatown" before. I kind of don't want her to get caught up in this trashy movie that's destined to end up in the street.

"This is a small production with a production cost of more than 7 million. In addition, we have not released the news that you are the producer, so there will not be many actors to audition. As long as you recommend the ones you like, I will Then we can arrange for her to be chosen.”

"Let's follow the standard audition procedures." Ronald thought for a moment and couldn't trick Kim Cattrall.

"Are you serious?" Joseph Farrow was very surprised that Ronald gave up his "power."

"Do you want to meet some new people? Or do you know life."

Farrow thought about it and suddenly realized, "It's just a matter of playing it, don't promise too much, lest too many people want to play the leading role, and I won't end up with it. This drama is a drama with a female protagonist from a female perspective. There will be many different A famous actor came here.”

"Uh... you have the final say." Ronald had no intention of distinguishing. He just wanted to finish what he should do and stay away from this unlucky crew.

"Deng Deng, Dang Dang..."

Joseph Farrow happily organized the documents and hummed a tune.

"You really want to have confidence in this movie?" Ronald couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, haven't you noticed? Weird romances are popular in Hollywood now. There have been a lot of interracial romance films in the past few years."

"What do you mean?" Ronald realized that Joseph Farrow didn't seem to be joking and wanted to hear some advice.

"It's about humans falling in love with non-human beings or non-creatures.

It seems like audiences are into all kinds of weird pairings these days. For example, in ‘Mermaid’, Tom Hanks falls in love with a mermaid. In "Howard the Duck," Leigh Thompson fell in love with an alien duck, and in "Thunderbolt 5," Ally Sheedy fell in love with a robot. There's also a movie this year about a girl who falls in love with her car.

Now the audience likes this, so Ronald, the script you recommended to us is very good. A cute nerd fell in love with a beautiful wooden model.

The audience will love it and we have a 50% chance of a hit. "

"So the four examples you gave, two of them, are 50%, right?" Ronald complained in his mind.

"Well, Mr. Farrow, your idea is eye-opening to me. From this perspective, it is indeed possible that this movie will be a "big hit." I wish you good luck."

"Wish us good luck, hahaha..."


Today there is only one chapter of two in one


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