Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 368 The magical Top Gun

"Why is it back at the top of the box office charts?"

Ronald quickly called his agent Richard and held a conference call with Niceta in Philadelphia.

Generally speaking, the box office of a movie will be stable within a week or two after its release. If a newly released movie's box office declines quickly, it is possible to return to the number one spot.

But "Top Gun" has been in American theaters for nineteen weeks, although its weekly box office decline has been slow, with a steady decline of only about 5%. But suddenly one week, like taking steroids, I burst into life again, which is really unexpected.

The last time "Top Gun" topped the box office charts was in late June. Stallone's "Cobra" surpassed "Top Gun" three weeks later, and was overtaken by "Top Gun" again.

After that, his own "Long Wei Boy 2" took the first place in the ranking list.

"The Kid 2" dominated the box office chart for 5 weeks, and was succeeded by good friend Jim Cameron's "Alien 2", which took the number one spot on the box office chart.

The entire summer season was dominated by two outstanding graduates of Roger Corman Film University, Ronald and Cameron.

"Alien 2" also sat on the throne, being knocked out by the sci-fi horror film "The Fly" starring Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis.

Just when everyone thought that the summer movies of 1986 would be dominated by action movies and science fiction horror films, a movie that no one expected came out.

This is an adaptation of Stephen King's children's story The Electric Chair. It's called "stand by me." The theme song is the song of the same name sung by the black singer Ben E. King.

The movie features four child actors as the protagonists and tells the story of an adventure in a small town during the summer vacation.

The film was made on a small budget, without much investment in marketing. Distributor Columbia used word-of-mouth marketing and released the film in only fifteen theaters in New York and Los Angeles for the first two weeks. Build word of mouth in newspapers and on television.

When it officially opened, there were only 800 theaters showing it.

But the audience loved these four very cute and pitiable child actors, and the box office climbed to first place in the second week.

The "Fly Man" with insufficient stamina was laid down.

Many mothers saw the cuteness of these four little actors and called their friends to watch them. Jerry O'Connell, a fat little boy, and Kiefer Sutherland, who comes from an acting family. Of course, the favorite among mothers is the actor River Phoenix. He has short hair, big eyes, and a childish face, which makes every mother want to have such a cute son.

"Stand By Me" stayed at the top of the list for three weeks, and until the official end of the summer season, America's Labor Day, it still had great stamina.

They also retained their top spot in the first week of September. New releases in the off-season are all small productions, which do not pose much of a threat to them.

But in the second week after Labor Day, no one knows what happened, "Top Gun's box office suddenly increased by 10%, and it regained the top spot.

"Did Paramount add more theaters for the show?"

Ronald decided to understand this abnormal change.

The box office trend of this "Top Gun" is particularly abnormal. It has very few losses every week and can stay in the top three at the box office for a long time during its long run. New movies have come and gone, leaving only Tom Cruise and f- 14 Tomcats on the silver screen.

"No, I called Jerry Bruckheimer and Paramount wasn't adding theaters and he couldn't figure it out."

"But when it was nearly 20 weeks after its release, the box office suddenly surged by 10%, and there were four new No. 1 movies in between?" Ronald began to wonder, could it be that September has entered the off-season, and the new movies are too bad, so the audience went back to watch them again? "Top Gun"?

"It's impossible. The Kid 2, Alien 2, and Come With Me have no box office growth trends." During the phone call, Niceta denied Ronald's speculation.

"Okay, that's it. I'll go to the cinema and see if I can find out what's written."

Ronald stopped the clueless meeting, called Little Bud, and the two went to an ordinary movie theater to see what was going on.

"Should we buy tickets?" Little Bud asked.

"Buy two Come With Me and let's go see why this movie is so great. Pick the later one."

Ronald continued to linger near the box office, listening to the chatter of the audience.

"What are you looking at? I heard it looks good if you go with me."

“I’ve already watched it, it’s great to watch with my family, and I want to watch Top Gun again.”

"Haven't you watched it many times? Are you still going to watch it?"

"It's frustrating. If only America's naval pilots were really like the Lone Ranger, would we still be so arrogant?"

"I heard that Persia still has a lot of F-14 Tomcats. I don't know if we can beat them."

"It's definitely possible. It's best to let the Lone Ranger kill their fighter jets and then airdrop a Rambo to Beirut, so that the hostages can be rescued."

"What happened in Beirut?" Ronald asked the conductor as he was busy preparing for a new movie and hadn't watched the news for a long time.

"Don't you know? Our national security adviser personally went to Lebanon to negotiate, hoping that the... armed forces there could release the last other hostages held. What is the difference between this and the previous commander-in-chief's handling of the Persian hostages? They are all negotiations, I don't know How much money was given to those..."

The conductor was a white male, and he cursed, "You might as well watch Top Gun. I think America just needs a Lone Ranger and a Rambo."

It turned out that as early as 1983, ten Americans were kidnapped by Lebanese armed forces. A lawyer was released last year for unknown reasons, and another hostage was released this year. Therefore, the National Security Advisor of the General Assembly personally went to negotiate, hoping to release more hostages.

These hostages, unlike the Persian embassy back then, were captured on television cameras, nor were they kidnapped during the election. Therefore, the reaction in the country was much smaller.

But people have been hearing intermittently in the media that the hostages have not been released.

Looking at the situation now, it seems that this time the National Security Advisor is going to negotiate with terrorists. Suddenly, people's emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were released.

The economy has gotten better, unemployment is low, and taxes have been cut. The public hears the commander-in-chief's tough talk about the alliance every day, as well as the sci-fi-like missile defense system nicknamed "Star Wars". They see that they are unable to use advanced weapons to rescue hostages when dealing with some local armed forces that only have AK47s. Very disappointed.

This disappointment was vented into the cinema, and more viewers walked into the cinema, wanting to have more fun on the screen and see the footage of the Lone Ranger driving an F-14 and shooting down the Alliance's MiG-28. It might as well reduce some of the dissatisfaction with reality.

Ronald wanted to understand the reason. After watching "Stand By Me", he immediately called the producers and distributors of "Top Gun" and asked them if it was possible to continue to invest some additional marketing expenses to give "Top Gun" "Ling Yun"'s box office received another boost.

"Ronald, Tang and I have discussed and are willing to spend a sum of money to subsidize new marketing activities. But we have to make sure first. Mr. National Security Advisor, how likely is it to rescue the hostages next?

If they continue to be weak like this, I think audiences will continue to go to movie theaters to experience fantasy fighter pilots fighting bad guys. "

"Ronald, don't you have some connection with the White House? Would it be convenient for you to inquire? If there is really a rescue plan, that would be better. If you blow up those bad guys, the audience will be more enthusiastic." Don Simpson grabbed the phone , loudly pitching his idea to Ronald.

"I actually have some connection with them. I'll see if I can find out through some roundabout channel."

Ronald put down the phone and dialed Little George in Texas.

"It's just such a matter. Let's see if it's convenient for us to know further actions. Let's see if it's worth arranging another small marketing promotion for 'Top Gun'."

"It's easy. Let me see what I can do. Are you sure your 'Adventures in Babysitting' will be placed in the third phase of the Screen Fund?" Little George is still very proud of the Screen Fund. This is one of the few commercial projects that he has not lost money on.

"Sure, Mr. Eisner will take it all into consideration."

Half an hour later, Ronald was by the phone and finally received a call from Little George.

"Ronald, let me confirm with you, who asked you to make this call?"

"It's the two producers from Top Gun...Don and Jerry."

"Okay, it's two producers." There seemed to be a connected phone on Little George's side, and he was relaying Ronald's answer.

"Tell your kid not to worry about this and let him make a good movie."

On the other end of the phone was George's father, the current deputy commander.

"Don't scare little Ronald." Barbara, the wife of the deputy commander, was a little dissatisfied with her husband's tone and picked up the phone to give little George advice.

"This matter is top secret. Tell Ronald Jr. not to inquire too much about this kind of thing. It would be bad for him."

"Oh...I understand. Thank Barbara and the deputy commander for me." After hearing Little George's message, Ronald roughly understood the deputy commander's attitude. It seems that the White House does not want this matter to cause any disturbance in the news media.

The "Top Gun" team, which had just had some ideas, immediately stopped working.

By the end of the week, Paramount's "Top Gun" and Columbia's "Stand By Me" both fell sharply, remaining in second and third place.

A new king appeared in September, the off-season at the box office.

"Crocodile Dundee" opened in 879 theaters in its first weekend and grossed US$8 million at the box office. It tripled the box office of the next two movies and showed its new fangs.


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