Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 373 No physical contact

"Lynn will need to stay in the hospital for a long time. She needs surgical treatment and a period of hospitalization for observation." On-site manager Eddie came back from the hospital and poured tap water warmed by the sun on his face for a long time.

"It's a good thing you bought insurance for everyone on the crew." Ronald took out two bottles of Coke from the refrigerator, threw one to Eddie, and then opened it with a sneer and drank it.

Medical bills are expensive, and when you add in the cost of an ambulance, the numbers on the bill can be dizzying. Fortunately, the crew bought insurance for everyone, plus Lynne's own medical insurance paid by the Screen Actors Guild. The crew didn't have to pay too much extra costs for this accident, and most of it was covered by the insurance.

"I feel that the weather in recent years has been very abnormal. I asked the hotel attendant that I could already wear a coat at this time in previous years. But it just fits the time in the movie when the story takes place in the summer."

Eddie drank the iced Coke and sighed with satisfaction, "Ronald, I think we need to recruit an on-site doctor for the crew. You still have several group scenes. If one or two actors suffer from heat stroke by then, you will be in trouble." ”

"Let's hire someone. Find one that suits you." Ronald sighed. All kinds of accidents would eventually become reasons for overspending. The reserve funds in the account are quickly being consumed by various unexpected things.

The on-site doctor, who was originally only needed for filming dangerous scenes, was actually unnecessary in this musical. But with weather approaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), people are still worried.


Ronald stopped the filming.

As soon as Jennifer Gray heard the cut, she immediately turned around and walked straight to the lounge without talking to her co-star Patrick Swayze.

Ronald looked at Sweets. He shrugged and shook his head to himself, saying that he didn't know what was going on.

"What the fuck happened? Is it too hot?"

Ronald picked up a bottle of water, poured it into his mouth, and then poured some on his neck and chest.

The weather was frighteningly hot, and coupled with the baking from the indoor lights, it was a full 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius), and I was almost scorched.

It's even worse for the actors who are being roasted by the big lights. Ronald tested it with a thermometer and found it was over 110 degrees Fahrenheit (44 degrees Celsius).

After ten minutes of rest,

Ronald asked his assistant to call Jennifer Gray.

"Here he comes, hey, don't bother me, don't rush me." Gray walked out of the lounge, with a don't mess with me expression on his face, and stood at the starting position angrily.


The filming went relatively smoothly this time. After the filming, Jennifer walked up to Ronald and asked, "Director, how did my filming go?"

"Very good, very good this time. To be on the safe side, I want you to change your performance to another one, and use... to express your yearning and enthusiasm for dance."

"Okay...I'm going to rest first."

After Gray and Ronald exchanged words, he pointed the back of his head at Sweets and walked back to rest.

By noon, Ronald realized that things were going badly. The male and female protagonists only have eye contact during filming. Before and after the filming, they were unwilling to look at each other and left immediately after filming.

The scene here at Mountain Lake Villa was easy to handle, but when it came to North Carolina, there were many intimate scenes between the two of them. Such an atmosphere would never be possible.

"Is Sweets' wife gone?"

Ronald asked screenwriter Eleanor.

"Already gone, I sent you to the airport."

Sweets's interlude was chosen for the movie, and his wife stayed one night before heading back to Los Angeles.

"I thought Jennifer would be professional enough, eh..."

Ronald felt depressed. If I had known better, I wouldn't have asked Sweets' wife to send over the demo of the episode.

What to do now?

The heroine must be coaxed before the transition to North Carolina.

"How about I temporarily lift the prohibition on contact between actors and actresses?"

Ronald asked Eleanor.

"Isn't this... unfair to other actors? And what you did was too obvious."

Ronald was talking about the ban he issued on actors and actresses not to have physical contact.

The key to the success or failure of this movie lies in the chemical reaction between the dance partners when the protagonists dance the mambo. Many times, the sexual tension between men and women needs to be seen in the camera.

Both parties were in love with each other, and their hearts were full of longing, but they could not get relief. At this time, the hormones of both parties will make both parties full of desire for what is to come.

The mambo danced with this desire is the original meaning of "dirty dancing", which uses the body instead of words to flirt between men and women.

This desire will be captured in the camera. When the audience sees it on the screen, the special instincts of young men and women will make them immediately discover the unusual ambiguity in the process. That’s one of the movie’s big selling points.

All people, especially young people, crave romantic love and physical involvement.

All actors and actresses are allowed to have this sexual tension in order to be in front of the camera.

On the one hand, Ronald agreed and even encouraged that every night, all the actors held a dance party and disco in the hall, accumulating the attraction between men and women.

But on the other hand, he strictly prohibited any contact between men and women, including hugging and kissing.

The hormones provoked by the dance every day will gradually accumulate in the body and cannot be released. Finally, it reaches its peak and is released in the dance shots.

But there was a knot between Jennifer Gray and Patrick Swayze, and Ronald was worried that they hadn't reconciled by the time the transition came, so he wanted to temporarily relax their ban and let them do it while there was still time. Rediscover the intimate feeling I had during the audition.

"Your idea is good, but it is too direct. This is a natural process. If you do it too deliberately, it will be difficult for Jennifer to regain the feeling with Patrick in full view of the public."

The screenwriter Eleanor understands the thoughts of girls very well, especially Jewish girls. They grew up in a slightly conservative and closed environment, so they are more reserved about such things.

"What you said makes sense. Let's watch it while filming."

Ronald put the annoying matter aside and continued directing the shooting.

"All guests disperse, leave the center position to Patrick and Cynthia. They will demonstrate the highest skills of ballroom dancing. All actors must leave enough space for their performance. Please pay attention to the sign on the ground."

Ronald sat on the big crane and directed the scene with the director of photography.

Johnny and Penny are technically hired by the resort to dance with people. They not only want to show people fun dances to interest the guests. What's more, I have to be their dance teacher. For the VIP guests who are particularly generous, I have to dance with them and become a professional dancer or dancer.

What was filmed tonight was the scene where the two showed off their abilities for the first time in front of Hausman and other guests.

"Dong...dong dong,..."

The unique rhythm of the mambo was playing, and guests were chatting in groups. The actor, who plays the hotel owner, is introducing two performers.

The camera moved along the line of sight and began to film the professional dancing of Sweets and Cynthia. At the same time, it took a panoramic view of the lively scene in the lobby of the vacation villa.

This is the first big scene after the opening, and it is also the scene that sets the tone of the movie. It is also the scene that allows the baby to discover the charm of a dancer and first have the idea of ​​replacing Penny as Johnny's dance partner.

"Who is that?" Jennifer Gray plays the baby, whose dance partner is the son of the resort owner.

"Ah, the dancers. They're here to entertain the guests."


After filming the scene where the baby secretly glances at Johnny, Jennifer Gray immediately turned back, not looking at Schwytz.

"Make a circle..."

Ronald had no time to solve Gray's problem. He directed all the extras to form a circle and make room in the middle for Patrick and Cynthia to play.

Cynthia Rhodes wore a special dance suit, pink, with some thin straps on the back.

The two danced very well, Sweets's steps were powerful, and Cynthia's high heels, driven by her knee movements, stuck to the ground very powerfully like a model's catwalk.

With a hook spin, the skirt flew up. Then there was a dazzling leg raise, and a circle formed around it, and the guests who were also dancing the mambo let out a burst of exclamations.


Ronald called Sweets, "Turn the difficulty down a little. The Johnny you play has no professional dance training. He comes from a wild background and can't dance as well as you."

"Okay", Sweets made an OK gesture, then raised his hand to ask Cynthia to continue. The two tried to dance a bit, and Ronald nodded that it was okay.

"Why don't you ask Cynthia to lower the difficulty too?" Sweets joked, looking at Ronald.

"Beautiful girls are free from restraints," Ronald smiled and nodded to Cynthia.

What a joke, I have to rely on Cynthia's charming appearance to sell tickets.

"Hmm..." Cynthia Rhodes's eyes shone with light. Her previous starring role in the movie "The Dragonfly" did not allow her to earn resources. Although she was the second female lead this time, she got this opportunity to show herself to her fullest.


The two continued to dance the mambo, and the camera focused on them. The group of performers automatically dispersed, showing a circle centered around them.

All the audience's attention will be focused on them.

Cynthia spun a few times in succession, then turned her back to Sweets, and the two performed several moves.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh..."

Under the strong drum beat, Cynthia raised one leg high above her head, and then put it on Sweets' shoulders.

Sweets took her legs with her and stepped back. This gesture made the surrounding performers exclaim in surprise.

The drumbeat started to get faster again, and the camera suddenly moved closer to Cynthia, and the lens became a close-up of her alone.

Cynthia spun a few more times and moved towards the middle of the hall. The camera closely captured her graceful dance, and her skirt flew up like a peacock opening its tail.

She turned back and jumped onto Sweets' shoulder.

Sweets lifted Cynthia, letting her head hang down like a beautiful swallow, and her arms spread out like swallow wings. This thrilling move made the other performers scream in surprise.


After dancing again, Cynthia was already sweating on her forehead, and Ronald personally brought towels and ice water.

"It's too hot. Ask the assistant to bring more ice cubes. I'm afraid someone will suffer from heat stroke." Ronald told his assistant Emil.

"Okay", Emil went to make arrangements.

"Ronald...director...how did I perform?" Cynthia looked at Ronald and asked.

Cynthia stopped and started to sweat. Her face is very beautiful, and she doesn't wear too much makeup under the sweat, but under the strong light, she still looks like an outstanding beauty in the camera frame.

"Very good, you and Patrick work well together. Good job, Patrick."

Patrick Thwaites quickly turned his head.

Ronald took a look, and there was Jennifer Gray waiting to take the next shot.

Sweets was so angry at Gray's behavior that he ignored Jennifer now. After taking his own shot, he turned around and left.

"Oh, shxt!" Ronald covered his head.

"Well, Ronald, don't be angry, they just haven't grown up and are angry with each other." Cynthia came over to comfort

"It's okay, your face is covered with sweat." Ronald picked up the towel and wiped her twice. He found that the action seemed too ambiguous, and handed the towel back to Cynthia.

"Ahem, let's prepare for the next shot."

The camera was turned around and the same music played, this time filming the baby and her dance partner, the son of the hotel owner.

"Well, they shouldn't show off their skills. Who among the guests will buy their dance lessons? They can't learn it anyway." The son of the hotel owner is also a Jewish actor, with a typical Jewish nose and a businessman's talk. In persuasion.

The camera slowly moved over and captured the baby next to it.

Then slowly pull closer.

Jennifer Gray looks at the camera, with the back of Patrick Thwaites behind her.

Her eyes sparkled, and her expression seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

Baby saw Johnny and Penny dancing, and she felt envious and wanted to dance that exciting dance with Johnny herself.


Ronald looked at Jennifer Gray's performance, which was outstanding. The expression she looked at the camera was like a girl's first pregnancy. It’s the first time I’m following an idol, and I want to replace her, just like the actress next to my idol.

"It seems that there is still a chemical reaction. It's just that I was angry and jealous for a while and didn't want to talk." Ronald thought to himself.

"Boom", a loud sound came from behind Ronald. He looked back and saw an old lady fainting on the ground.

"Doctor, where is the doctor?"

Ronald cursed in his mind, something happened again.

The doctor invited by Eddie and resident on the set quickly walked to the front, loosened the collar of the old lady's extra performer, and then felt her body temperature.

"Bring ice cubes quickly..." the doctor shouted.

In such hot weather, the air conditioner cannot be turned on when filming a movie, which will disrupt the operation of the camera. The old lady has heat stroke.

"Her condition was okay. The filming location was too hot, and the lights on set made the temperature feel over 115 degrees Fahrenheit. But I had to send her to the hospital for infusions, otherwise she might develop fatal heat stroke."

The doctor put the old lady who played a supporting role into the car and drove down the mountain.

"Put more ice cubes and more ice-cold drinks. We won't suffer from heatstroke on the set." Ronald quickly made amends and ordered his assistants to purchase another batch of ice drinks from the hotel.

"It's a lot of money now, and iced beverage lessons in the hotel are not cheap."

Thinking of filming at night, Ronald felt a twinge of pain again. The filming was a bit over budget.

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