Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 379 Tacit Cooperation

Maybe it was Jennifer Gray and Patrick Thwaites having a heart-to-heart talk in the room that did the trick.

From the second day on, the two of them cooperated very well.

There are many scenes where only two people are on camera, which requires special chemistry.

Judging from the reaction at the scene, Jennifer always looked at Patrick with affection in her eyes. No matter what she did or danced, she seemed to be sending out a signal of love.

Patrick also changed his dislike of Jennifer's poor dancing skills and truly adopted the mentality of a gigolo dancing with guests.


The vacation cabin originally prepared for the Boy Scouts has been transformed into a simple room for the backup dancers.

Although it is simple, it is very clean, with white sheets, tidy floors, and neatly organized chores. At first glance, Johnny who lives here is a man who has plans for his future.

Patrick stood behind Jennifer, raised her hand, and then used the back of his hand to gently caress Jennifer's arms and armpits.

Jennifer Gray is so ticklish that every gentle touch makes her laugh out loud.

Patrick had no choice but to show the helplessness of a lover. Although he really disliked the clumsiness of this Jewish girl, he always treated her with the utmost patience.

"Dancing is not just about paying attention to your steps, you also have to pay attention to your heart."

Patrick took Jennifer's hand and placed it on his chest.

"Click, click, do you hear it? Follow the rhythm of your own heartbeat."

"Well..." Jennifer nodded vigorously, and gradually her dance steps began to become smoother.


As soon as Ronald called a stop, everyone in the room began to applaud.


"It's so well done." Screenwriter Eleanor covered her cheeks with her hands and was almost moved to tears.

Ronald waved his hand and asked Emil, the assistant director, to take charge of the lighting of the next scene.

He quickly moved to his exclusive director's chair,

I picked up the thermos cup and drank a cup of wolfberry black tea.

The feeling of photographing your own investment is different. Trying to do the best within a limited budget, Ronald spent a lot of energy.

Although his body could still support working for more than ten hours a day, his mental fatigue still made him sit down and rest whenever he had the chance.

He also took out a copy of "The Teachings of Confucius" from his bag and began to change his mind.

"It is indeed a pleasure to gain knowledge and put it into practice in the process of continuous acquisition..."

Indeed, my control over directing is increasing every day. Ronald had a lot of fun in guiding directing techniques, casting, and how to understand the audience's preferences and avoid certain sensitive points in social trends.

"Okay, we can take the next set of shots."

Assistant director Emil came over to report.

"Clear the place." Ronald put the book down and issued the order.

All the idlers left the room.

Screenwriter Eleanor looked at Ronald, "I want to go out too?"

"You can ask Jennifer if she would like to have you present when she is intimate with the handsome man with single eyelids that she admires." Ronald smiled.

Screenwriter Eleanor is good at everything and does a lot of consulting work for the crew beyond her duties.

But she just likes to put herself into the baby's mentality, and likes to watch Jennifer Gray playing her younger self and having sex with Patrick Swayze.

"Okay." Eleanor knew that there was an intimate scene to be filmed, and one more person would hinder the performance of the actors. "But when the samples come, I want to watch them with you."

Ronald nodded in agreement.

The scene was very quiet. There were only director Ronald, the director of photography, a lighting engineer, and a sound engineer. They were all the most streamlined people on the scene.

Jennifer Gray walked in wearing vintage white lingerie.

"You brew it for a while. When you feel the mood is in place, tell me. I won't call you A. If you give me the signal, we'll start."

Jennifer Gray was still a little shy. She nodded and sat on the white sheets.

Ronald turned around and saw Sweets, who was shirtless and showing off his muscular body. He quickly waved his hand to let him come over, then put his hand to his mouth and made a small gesture.

Intimate scenes are a huge burden for any actor. Actors are a profession that exposes their inner emotions to the camera. Intimacy scenes are the most private and vulnerable part of a person. It is best not to give orders loudly in such scenes, as this will scare away the emotions that have been hard to brew.

After more than ten minutes, Gray finally sent a signal to Ronald.

Ronald motioned with his eyes to the director of photography to turn on the camera, and then the sound engineer raised the recording pole above the bed.

Gray pulled back the white quilt, and Sweets was already waiting for her.

Jennifer Gray hugged Sweets and exposed her smooth back.

The close-up shots are used to film the scenes between the two protagonists, very close together. The camera's lens is only a foot away from the two men. Gray was very brave, as if when the camera and people were not around, he completed this scene very ambiguously.

"Cut!" Ronald yelled softly, then gave a thumbs up, indicating to Gray that this was a good one.

"Hehe..." Gray shrank on the bed, got under the quilt, then put on a blanket and came out to drink water and rest.

"Make up, hair style, come in and touch up your makeup." Ronald yelled.

There are a lot of scenes to be shot in this cabin.

Next up is Cynthia Rhodes’ abortion scene.

Baby learned of Penny's predicament. She went back to her father, Dr. Hausman, and asked for a few hundred dollars, which were still valuable at the time. She secretly gave it to Penny and asked her to hire an "underground doctor" to secretly give her money. Do the surgery yourself.

Because the Supreme Court had not passed the "Roe v. Wade" case at that time, it was illegal in New York State, so we could only find a "doctor" with a dirty scalpel.

After Penny had the operation, she developed a fever, lower abdominal pain, and her whole body felt bad.

In order to save people, Baby had to ask his father, Dr. Hausman, to save Penny.

Dr. Hausman is kind-hearted and saves Penny. But she was very dissatisfied that her daughter was lending money to Johnny, a gangster, for his girlfriend's surgery.


The most powerful frontal headlights were used on the scene, shining brightly on the face of Penny played by Cynthia Rhodes.

This time Ronald asked the makeup artist not to put makeup on Cynthia.

When illuminated by the headlights, the face without powder will look a bit sick and pale.

The camera slowly advanced, and Cynthia was lying there, covering her stomach with her hands. The water drops that had been sprinkled on her forehead flowed down her neck, as if she was sweating from pain.


Ronald turned to look at the director of photography who shouted stop.

Usually it's not the director who has to stop, but there are some technical problems that force a pause. For example, it is found that the film is not loaded, or the tape recorder is broken and no synchronization sound is recorded, such as technical faults.

"Cynthia's face is still so beautiful," the photography director motioned to Ronald to come to the viewfinder to see for himself.

"Ah?" Ronald quickly walked behind the camera, "Aren't you allowed to put on makeup?"

Sure enough, looking through the viewfinder, Cynthia Rhodes' face was white and rosy, looking like a natural beauty.

Ronald walked to the window and stared at Cynthia's skin for a long time. Her face had the same color as her neck. Ronald took her hand, rolled up her sleeves, and found that the colors were similar.

"You really don't have any makeup on," Ronald couldn't help but marveled. It's really rare for an actor to maintain such a level of skin under the lights without makeup. Maybe it has something to do with Cynthia's insistence on dancing.

"Put on some ugly makeup on her." Ronald called the makeup artist and explained his request.

The makeup artist went up and applied a pale foundation in just a few strokes.

"Well, okay, we're actually filming."

The director of photography was satisfied with the makeup.


Cynthia lay down and acted uncomfortable. Dr. Hausman held her hand, examined her patiently, and asked everyone to go out and give Penny another examination.

Ronald stood behind the camera, watching the scene.

The lines were requested by Ronald, and Eleanor revised them. Just looking at their performances and lines, most people would not be able to imagine that this was an accident caused by some kind of surgery.

The performances of several actors were so good that during the first rehearsal, Ronald had the camera rolling. The plot, which had not undergone any formal performance, showed all the strong emotions required.

This trick taught by Jonathan Demi is really useful. Especially for this kind of movie that focuses on the inner interaction of the characters, it is completely worth spending a little more money on film.

If it's an action scene, then you have to spend more time rehearsing, and wait until you have the moves right before you start filming.

There is no one trick that can handle all movies, and Ronald is constantly learning.

Penny was lying on the bed. Dr. Hausman called everyone and told them that Penny was no longer in danger. Then he called out the baby alone and asked her to leave with him, and refused Johnny's farewell.

He also taught him that he must be responsible when doing things.

This scene has been performed, and the next scene needs to be re-lit and the camera moved, and it will be shot two hours later.

After everyone finished their performance, I don’t know why Ronald hasn’t stopped yet. The actor was about to turn around and look at Director Ronald behind the camera to see if there was any problem.


Only then did Ronald shout loudly to stop and announce a break.

Everyone thought it was the effect Ronald needed, but no one asked.

In fact, Ronald was distracted.

Cynthia was lying on the bed, but her feet were still tightly together and her toes were straight, which was completely different from the sleeping posture of ordinary people.

This is a conditioned reflex that comes from years of dance training starting from a young age. Whether sitting, lying, or walking, there is a demeanor of a dancer who pays attention to his posture.

Years later, seeing this sleeping posture again, Ronald could only smile to himself, and waited for the camera crew to move the camera to a new shooting location. After he was satisfied with the look, he went to eat.

The baby left the cabin with his father, Mr. Hausman. She knew her father had misunderstood Johnny (actually Penny was pregnant with the waiter's child)," but the tacit understanding between father and daughter had been broken.

Mr. Hausman began to intervene in the life of his younger daughter, the baby. He ordered his daughter not to associate with these "bad influences" in the future.

Later, because Johnny had an affair with the baby who sneaked over, he was seen by Vivian, the noble lady who also had an affair with the waiter who made Penny pregnant.

Vivian failed to seduce Johnny because of the baby's existence, so she reported Johnny as the thief who stole expensive bags.

As a result, although there was no evidence in the report, it was discovered that Johnny and the baby were having an affair, and the hotel owner who also wanted his son to marry the baby was fired.

Johnny lost his job and couldn't continue dating the baby. They had no choice but to drive away, and the two hugged each other and wished each other good luck. In the song "She's Like the Wind" sung by Sweets himself, the lovers were still separated by the obstacles of reality.

The relationship between baby and his father, Mr. Hausman, also hit rock bottom. He was very dissatisfied with his daughter's close association with this group of "bad influences". In order to protect Johnny, his daughter also lied to him and lent him hundreds of dollars.

Dr. Hausman felt that the daughter he liked more had changed. It seems that she is no longer the considerate daughter that she can communicate with.


After filming these second-act scenes, the plot has already reached the irreversible third act. All the contradictions are superimposed here, and it will soon rush to the end.


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