Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 393 2 Crazy Protagonists

Julia Taylor officially left the casting studio full of female leads and started her own business.

Her first business was Ronald's "moonstruck". Working vigorously and resolutely, she immediately began to take the audition photos of all the actors on Broadway who she thought were suitable, and began to figure out whose experience and acting skills were more suitable for this movie.

Julia Taylor was a disciple of Marion Dorotti, who pioneered new methods of casting in Hollywood. The latter is a former Paramount executive who is now vice president of casting at Warner Bros.

Therefore, Julia usually pays attention to going to watch live performances on Off-Broadway, and she knows the abilities of those actors very well.

So she didn't just recommend five actors at once and let Ronald choose one of them to play a certain role. Instead, she absorbed the ideas of Ronald and screenwriter John Patrick Shanley about the script, and then came up with the one she thought was most suitable. If the audition failed and was rejected, she would recommend the second most suitable one.

Of course, before this time, Julia Taylor and Ronald met the heroine Cher and the hero Nicolas Cage.

Cher still looks like a superstar. She wears a white embroidered shirt, wavy black curly hair, and a pair of fashionable sunglasses.

"I really fell into your trap. I promised you to play an Italian, a middle-aged widow, and my hair was mixed with gray..."

As soon as Cher entered the audition room, she slapped Ronald and started complaining.

"Stop complaining. That was all at the beginning of the movie. By the second half, you will become a feminine beauty. Besides, you have already signed the contract, and it is too late to regret it now."

"Oh, hahaha... So I've trapped you. It's really bad..."

Ronald and Cher were already familiar with each other, and they started joking when they met.

Screenwriter Stanley Shanley and casting director Julia Taylor, who didn't know they were close friends, laughed out loud.

"But seriously, is the leading actor you found for me okay? Is it worthy of me?" Xueer just sat down, took off her sunglasses, and winked and joked with Ronald again.

Ronald saw that she was in a good mood, and she didn't look as tired as she had just finished filming "Witches of East Town". Instead, she felt energetic.

So he also joked, "Of course,

Nick is an actor I have known for a long time. He has great explosiveness, and the heroines he plays with, and those who know how to act, think he has a good rapport when working together.

I think you and he will have great chemistry, and he will be as good a match for you on screen as you are with Tom Cruise.

By the way, I haven't seen Tom for a long time. Is he okay? "

Cher was obviously very happy, "Oh, then I must give it a try. I'm looking forward to falling in love with a handsome guy on the screen. I haven't played a satisfying romantic drama in Hollywood."

As for Tom, I think he should be good, after all, I haven't seen him for a long time. "

After saying that, she put on her sunglasses again. He took out a bottle of expensive imported mineral water from his bag and started to drink it in small sips.

"You and Tom...?" Ronald noticed that her tone was wrong and tentatively asked in her ear.

"We broke up, and I felt like his manager, Paula, was like his nanny. I suspected that she was constantly thinking of ways to ruin our dates.

Tom and I are still very happy together, but..." Xueer made a helpless expression.

Actors are like this. When they are in love, they will be more passionate than ordinary people, but their lifestyle of getting together less and being apart more often makes it easier for them to break up.

Especially when the star status of both parties has undergone a dramatic reversal.

Tom Cruise is becoming increasingly popular, while Cher's singing career seems to have reached a dead end. She became famous in the 1960s, but her new songs seem not to be as attractive to today's audiences as before.

Ronald looked at Xueer. Her current high-spirited mental state may be because she entered a fighting state again after being broken up. In addition, after just finishing filming "Witches of East Town", she still has some of the state from that magical drama.

Cher, a woman, is actually quite self-reliant and a model of American women’s struggle for freedom.

Her father is a gambling truck driver and her mother is a retired model. My parents divorced when I was very young, and my mother remarried and had a biological child with my stepfather. Cher became independent very early, working as a waitress while trying to learn acting and singing.

At the age of 16, she simply dropped out of high school and started her career as a singer. She met producer Sonny Bono and became famous with his help.

She later became Sonny Bono's girlfriend. Originally, Sonny wanted to turn Cher into a solo singer, but Cher had severe alexia and fear of the stage, so he dragged Sonny to form the combination of Sonny and Cher.

Later, when the "Sonny and Cher" group became popular, their famous song "I Got You Babe" once became the first choice song for people's weddings across the country.

In the 1970s, the couple entered the television industry and performed together in "Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour", which also won a Golden Globe Award.

After Sonny had an affair and Cher divorced him, Cher's singing career encountered a new popular trend, and she gradually turned to her original interest, film acting.

After her divorce, she had many famous and high-profile boyfriends.

There is a male model who is many years younger than her, British pop singer David Bowie, and record company owner David Geffen, who was originally a man but fell in love with Cher at first sight.

David Geffen once had a very ugly breakup with her. As much as the love is deep, the hate is as deep as the love. This Jewish man was very disgraceful and sent a lawyer's letter demanding the return of all the jewelry and gifts he gave to Cher during their relationship.

Cher fully demonstrated that she was an independent woman who grew up in the hippie era. She threw the jewelry back to David Geffen without a care and even called him a miser in the media.

Despite such a dramatic breakup, Cher remained unfazed. In the 1980s, she continued to hunt young male stars in Hollywood.

Perhaps her unique charm is too attractive to young people who are just starting out. She once again hooked up with three fresh minds in Hollywood, Val Kilmer, Eric Stoltz, and Tom Cruise.

All of them are handsome guys that make American girls scream. Unexpectedly, none of them can escape the charm of Xue'er, who can be their aunt.

Maybe this time after breaking up with Tom Cruise, Cher found this hippie spirit again, bursting out with strong fighting power. With a little dressing up, she exuded endless charm.

Ronald admired in his heart that this kind of mental state was perfect for playing the transformed heroine Loretta.

Now as long as she is guided and can perform the state of the unlucky widow before, the movie will become very convincing.

"It doesn't matter, our leading actor is enough to make you forget about Tom." Ronald gave Cher a sense of expectation. Nicolas Cage will also come to audition soon, so it is very important for Cher to have a good impression of him. .

Ronald called Cage in advance and asked him to use all his skills to make Cher look forward to the filming.

"Hi Ronald. Hi Cher, I'm your fan."

Just as I was thinking about it, a young man with messy hair, wearing a leather jacket and jeans, walked in from the door and greeted everyone present.

When Ronald saw it, his face turned red with anger.

I saw that Nicolas Cage's hair was divided into three pieces, with each piece standing straight up. Coupled with his exaggerated way of speaking, he looked like a homeless man who abused drugs and had mental problems. He just got out of the trash. I found some leftover cakes in the bucket and presented them to the great beauty Xueer.

"What the hell happened?" Ronald clearly remembered that he asked Cage to take out everything, which impressed Cher.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha……"

When Cher saw Cage's appearance, she burst into earth-shattering laughter. A professional singer whose laughter also had vocal skills, it penetrated the distance and went directly into Ronald's ears.

Ronald was upset for a while after listening to it, and a stream of blood flowed through his ears and went straight to his brain. He felt a buzzing in his ears, which seemed to announce that the "Moonlight Sultry" crew had suffered a serious failure.

"What the hell is this?" Ronald's ears were red and he yelled at Cage.

"How about it, do I want to do what you said, come up with everything I have, a complete plan?" Cage was still talking in the exaggerated German Expressionist way. He tilted his head and widened his eyes, as if Still waiting proudly for Ronald's praise.

"Hahaha... It's really good. It's really a complete package," Cher chimed in. She actually admired Cage.

“I had someone read through the script for me, and in my mind, Ronnie was this bakery owner full of pent-up passion, that’s who he was.”

"I'm telling you, Ronald. Cher will definitely like the way I perform, hahahaha, I'm so happy. Finally, a female star appreciates my acting skills. Hahaha..."

The two actually hit it off and began to discuss their understanding of the characters.

Ronald immediately lost his temper. Sometimes the aura of actors is really strange. Two people who are both a little bit crazy can actually be very harmonious when they are together.

This is really Shen Jing Bing’s aunt opening the door for Shen Jing Bing. Shen Jing Bing is home...

"Do you know why I insisted on Cage playing Ronnie?" Ronald talked to Cher about his casting experience.

"Because the character Ronnie was originally a bit crazy. Because his brother came to see me working in the bakery and accidentally cut off his palm while talking. After that, I always hated my brother Johnny.

When Johnny asked Loretta to inform him of his wedding, he wanted to take revenge on his brother for getting the girl of his dreams, so he had a relationship with Loretta.

When Loretta wanted to forget all this and live a good life with Johnny, Ronnie invited her to the opera again, which awakened the spark of female love in this woman's heart that had not yet been extinguished.

Finally, when his brother Johnny wanted to break off his engagement with Loretta, a widow who was unlucky in Italian culture, because his mother had recovered from a terminal illness, he proposed to Loretta again.

All kinds of plots make the character Ronnie look very crazy. What I want is an actor who can act with crazy energy and be accepted by the audience. And Nick is my first choice, so glad you like him too. "

"Of course, I feel very comfortable co-starring with him." Cher put on her sunglasses again and began to look up and down at Cage, who was getting excited.

"I'm so happy, because my last movie was so painful to play with a conventional actress like Kathleen Turner."

The two began to perform some dramas together.

Of course, everyone was happy with the results of the audition. Julia Taylor said to Ronald, "It seems that what you learned in the casting studio was put to good use. You were born to make this kind of feature film, Ronald."

These two actors set a great tone for the film, and I started adding other ‘material’ based on that. "

"You are really great, Ronald. When I wrote the script, the heroine in my mind was Sally Field, but looking at it now, Cher's effect is actually better than I imagined." Screenwriter Shan Li also I particularly agree with Ronald’s casting.

"a ha ha ha……"

Ronald laughed. If he hadn't dreamed of these two actors in his dream, he might not have thought of these two actors, right? They are so crazy, who knew the chemistry would be great.

"This is Julie Boisseau, a Broadway and film actress, a very good actress. And she happens to be Italian from Brooklyn, and I'm going to cast her as Loretta's Aunt Rita."

Julia Taylor, the first supporting character introduced to Ronald, is the aunt.

"Please take photos from the front and the side, and then turn around for the camera." Ronald politely asked Julie Boisseau to do a regular audition.

Her waist is a bit thicker and her eyes are a bit protruding, but at first glance she looks like the kind of good aunt who takes great care of the younger members of the family and always smiles when she talks. It seems that every family in America has such a good aunt.

"Thank you", Ronald asked the other party to sit down and chat in detail.

"I hear your accent, it's a very authentic Brooklyn Italian accent. All the Italians I've met have this. The Brooklyn accent that Marty Scorsese reveals when he speaks is not as authentic as yours." .how did you do it?"

Ronald chatted with her about the background and roles, but he was particularly interested in the other person's accent.

"Ha, it's actually very simple. The main point of the Brooklyn accent is that special rhythm. They have a lot of ligatures and accents that are different from other places in New York. And the most interesting thing is that they don't have this kind of accent. I am ashamed of my accent, but very proud to show my origins.

Isn’t there a saying like that? You can take a boy out of Brooklyn, but you can't take Brooklyn out of him.

As for Italians, the main reason is that all Italian words end with a vowel, so with an Italian accent, you must emphasize the vowel at the end of each sentence and add stress skillfully.

The mixture of these two approaches creates the famous Brooklyn Italian accent. "

Julie Boisseau showed Ronald several Brooklyn accents of different ethnicities. For this veteran actor who has been immersed in Broadway for decades, there was an opportunity to show off his language talent. , is a very interesting thing.

"Julie, I have an idea. In addition to asking you to play Aunt Rita, I want to give you a salary to teach and correct the accents of the other non-Italian actors in the cast. I need them all to speak like you. "

"Ha, that's no problem. But I have to be on the crew from beginning to end. Is that the actor's salary?"

"Of course, I will ask them to negotiate a contract with your agent. Your actor's remuneration will be paid according to the time you spend on the set."

"Hahaha, of course there is no problem." Julie Boisso was very happy.

Broadway actors are not like Hollywood. Except for the protagonists of a few famous plays, other actors like her who often play major supporting roles do not receive high salaries. They came to act in the movie mainly because Julia Taylor recommended that the movie was unusual, and the director was a box-office winner and would not be stingy with remuneration.

The last time she got a big pay check for a movie role was in "So Far" starring John Travolta. She played Travolta's mother in the previous film "Saturday Night Fever", which allowed the sequel to have a way to command a good price.

The supporting characters of middle-aged and elderly women are so distressed. No matter how good your acting is, it won't bring you much increase in salary.

It was an unexpected surprise that Ronald was able to give him double salary this time.

"In addition, you have to sign a confidentiality agreement, and we will also give you a confidentiality allowance."

Ronald continued.

"What secrecy?" Julie Boisso asked Ronald with her eyes raised.

After Julie Boisso signed the contract, Ronald said, "Because the main character Cher has dyslexia, we need someone to read the lines and then let her learn from the tape. Otherwise she won't be able to remember it. So many lines.

Since you can be her accent coach, I want you to read all of her lines in a standard Brooklyn Italian accent. "

"Oh, poor man, I have seen such a person before when I was in the experimental theater troupe. He is very good at acting and a talented actor. Unfortunately, he gets dizzy as soon as he reads the script. It takes him a minute to read a line before he can understand it. What is.

In this way, he cannot play a protagonist with many lines, which is very regrettable.

Don't worry, I will do my best. "

Julie Boisseau recorded all the lines for Loretta, played by Cher, overnight.

Ronald was very satisfied after listening to it and gave it to Cher.

No matter what she is doing next, Cher always wears her Walkman headphones and simultaneously learns the accent of Julie Boisso.

It took time to imitate and sing, and I naturally memorized all the lines.

"You are truly a language genius."

After three days, Cher was able to perform a large portion of Loretta's lines in front of Ronald. And when he spoke the lines, his Brooklyn Italian accent was perfect. Ronald looked at her in shock and screamed.

"It's not difficult. I'm a singer. The way I pronounce the lyrics requires a lot of rhythm, pause, and accent techniques. I treat it like a song and I can master it quickly."

"Very good. Once we find supporting actors, we can start rehearsing."

"When? Next weekend? I have to take time off, Ronald, because I'm going to be on Late Night with David Letterman, and I have to memorize lines for the show for two days. You know, dyslexia..."

"No problem. When you finish, we can start again. I still have several supporting roles that have not been confirmed. Just save time after you go on the show."


Thanks to Baiyinmeng for the reward from "Canghai Yiyi Meow 1". Thanks for the encouragement!

There is still only one update today.


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