Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 395 An unexpected encounter

"She does have financial troubles. I have spoken with her agent team and David Letterman's agent to confirm that this is true."

Niceta and her wife Paula talked on the phone for a long time and confirmed the news through several channels. Cher was a little short of money.

"I remember very early on, Cher was a singer. How could she be short of hotel room fees?" Ronald was a little puzzled.

"Her financial situation is indeed a bit problematic. Her most popular songs were all released before the 1980s. At that time, her producer and manager were both her ex-husband Sonny Bono.

You know, the best way for a man to control a popular female singer is to marry her. So when Cher was very popular, she received very limited income from those songs.

Most of the new songs Cher released in the late 1970s were commercially unsuccessful. She hasn't had a new song in the top ten in seven or eight years. "

"But even if most of the dividends were taken away by her ex-husband, she shouldn't be unable to pay tens of thousands of yuan for the house, right? Is it tens of thousands of yuan?"

"Twenty-eight thousand dollars," Niceta got the exact figure from David Letterman. "You don't know the pomp and circumstance of female celebrities, Ronald. Cher has a very large exclusive team to maintain, a personal makeup artist, a personal hairstylist, and a lot of assistants."

"I don't really believe it. Even so, she is a big star." Ronald's calculation was wrong. "If Cher doesn't say anything else, it's not difficult at all to go to a concert somewhere and get tens of thousands of dollars." Bar?"

"Of course, she was stationed at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and was paid three hundred thousand dollars a week."

As an agent, Niceta is very sensitive to this kind of remuneration.

"But you may underestimate how quickly a female star can spend money. Invest a little here in a friend's restaurant, buy a little stock recommended by the singer there, and boom! Six months later, with a single spell, the wealth is quickly gone.

Besides, Cher's efforts to transition into disco and rock genres ultimately failed. After that, she chose to be an actress. However, the studio was not willing to offer much in salary, so she was sitting on nothing in the past few years.

In addition, she is a single mother of two children and has a difficult mother who is counting on her. There are also several young and ambitious boyfriends who want to break into Hollywood, except of course Tom.

I'm afraid it's possible that I don't have enough cash at the moment. "

"All right,

I didn't know her financial situation was so bad. The salary MGM paid her was not very high, only over 100,000 US dollars. "

Then Ronald asked Niceta, "What's going on with Letterman? Why didn't he give Cher this reward? Twenty-eight thousand dollars is not very expensive compared to inviting Cher to support her, right?" "

"You may not know much about stand-up shows. In this kind of show, you can negotiate remuneration or exchange some benefits in private, but this cannot be said publicly on the show. When Cher said this, Letterman has only one way to deny it. He has already done so many things. This is the first time I hinted at Xueer, but she didn’t pick up the hint."

It turned out that Letterman's team, in order to recruit star Cher to boost ratings, actually agreed to the other party's request and promised to pay her $28,000 in room fees, plus reimbursement of air tickets.

But for some unknown reason, Cher had a strong objection to David Letterman himself, and the two had no good words for each other. Letterman started by asking Cher why she had declined invitations so many times in the past. Cher seemed to lose control for a moment and told the real reason.

This creates a vicious cycle. David Letterman cannot admit that he paid in front of all the live viewers, otherwise it will cause other guests to follow suit and cause the budget to get out of control.

On the other hand, when Cher saw Letterman denying it to his face, she thought he was really unwilling to pay, so she went back on his promise and further deepened her prejudice against him until she said, "You are a big asshole."

The subsequent conversation between the two was like the scene of a major disaster. Letterman quickly ended the conversation, and Cher went back to the hotel without picking up the check.

"Ring ring ring ring..."

This was the phone call that suddenly came to mind. After answering, Niceta said a few words and handed it to Ronald, "It's David Letterman."

"Hello David, what's wrong with you today?" Ronald picked up the phone and comforted poor Letterman.

"Ronald, I won't say much. Your agent called me just now and told me that you are about to let Cher star in your movie.

I urgently need you to give me a message to explain my difficulties to Xueer. If I openly admitted on the show that I paid for her room, my show budget would never be able to support the guests I wanted to invite. "

"What do you want, David?" Ronald covered the phone and gave Niceta a look for advice. Niceta had a strange look on her face, and he didn't know why Letterman was looking for him.

"It's very simple. I want to ask her to come back to my evening show again after the impact has passed. As long as she doesn't mention this matter, let us finish the show normally, so that everyone will remember her last night." I said it as a little joke."

"I'll see what I can do." Ronald didn't fully agree and spoke vaguely.

"Let me be frank, the ratings of the show just now skyrocketed after Cher scolded me. I don't hate her, but what she did made me a little confused. I don't have a hard time for her, right? I Some of the other guests are a bit more 'bad', which is a common practice on late-night talk shows."

"I'll get your point across."

"Very good. Besides, she hasn't taken the check I gave her yet. We will give a reasonable price next time."

Ronald put down the phone with a funny look on his face. David Letterman, who was publicly humiliated, obviously almost got angry during the live broadcast. Now that the ratings have increased, he took the initiative to make up for the money and invited the other party to come back to the show.

It seems that the pressure of these TV guys' careers is no less than that of working in movies.

Over there, Niceta had already found Xueer's hotel phone number. After connecting it, she handed the phone to Ronald.

"Cher, this is Ronald. I just watched your performance on Letterman..."

"Oh, everyone seems to know it? I don't care. That bad guy really deserves it. Someone should have scolded him long ago."

"So he really didn't reimburse you for the room fee?"

"Yes, the manager of the hotel has also watched the show now. He is trying to persuade me to leave by myself. The existing debts will be temporarily suspended. Listen to the faces of these people."

After speaking, Xueer pointed the microphone at the manager on site.

"Hello, are you the manager of the hotel? I'm the director of Cher's next movie, Ronald Lee.

Does she need to move out? You don't have to be in such a hurry, I'll come over and I will settle her account. "

Ronald put on his coat, called Little Bud, and first went to NBC Letterman to pick up Cher's check. Then we drove to the door of Xueer's room in the hotel.

The manager politely told Cher there was nothing he could do and she had to leave the hotel.

"Ronald, you're here, you look at these people, you think I can't afford the rent."

"Don't worry, yes, I will take care of her debt." Ronald took out the check and handed it to Xueer, asking him to endorse it to pay for the room later.

"Great, Ms. Cher can stay here forever. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused."

"No, she doesn't want to live in your place anymore." Ronald directed Little Bud to start packing her things together with Cher's assistant.

"Hey, Ronald, what are you doing?"

"Rehearsals are about to start, and I hope you can prepare in a better environment. Resting during rehearsals is very important, and there must also be good service. I think the service here is really terrible, if nothing else. ”

Xueer heard that the conditions where she was going were better, so she stopped talking and even took the initiative to help collect some of her clothes.

Soon, Ronald took Xueer and her first batch of luggage to a fifty-eight-story high-rise building on Fifth Avenue.

The bottom eight floors here are shopping malls, the upper floors are offices, and the top thirty-nine floors are all hotel apartment rooms.

Meeting with Niceta who had come to prepare in advance, Ronald went to the hotel lobby in the middle of this golden building and opened an apartment for Cher for a month.

"Ten thousand dollars, thank you." The front desk quoted a price, and Ronald signed for confirmation. This money is part of the treatment that the crew should pay to star Cher according to the contract.

"It's really nice here, but the colors are a little too tacky."

Xueer was received with great respect here, and her room was on a high floor close to the attic. Walking all the way in, she felt that the privacy was good.

When he was about to reach his room, a handsome young man knocked on the door of another suite at the corner, "Demi, listen to me, I want to know what is going on between us and who am I to you?" ?”

The two looked sideways, and Ronald thought the boy looked familiar. He seemed to be the male protagonist in John Hughes's "Pretty in Pink." He paired up with Molly Ringwald's character at the end, but because of the audience, A tragic actor whose ending was cut out due to poor response.

Ronald ignored him and sent Xueer into her room with a large group of people.

"I like it very much. You are right. It is much better than the hotel I used to stay in. The facilities inside are also very new."

She was very satisfied with the large executive suite and spacious clothing room.

"I heard that the occupancy rate here is very high. A friend of mine used to live here for US$8,000 a month," Ronald said.

After tipping the waiter, Ronald asked them to bring some drinks.

"Why don't you like David Letterman? What did he do to make you so dissatisfied with him?" After Ronald calmed down, he asked Cher what happened at the scene.

"Huh, actually I don't hate Letterman. He has a good sense of humor. Sometimes I can't sleep in the middle of the night, waiting to watch his late show." Cher took a sip of wine and said to Ronald.

"Then why..."

"Because I don't like Letterman's attitude towards certain vulnerable guests. He sometimes treats guests very badly on TV. He often attacks each other's weaknesses, makes jokes that make the other person very disgraceful, and even makes fun of the other person's sad things. .”

"Hey, this won't mean..." Ronald shook his head. When these artists' emotions get...

"He denied agreeing to my conditions, and the way he used to bully those less famous guests came to my mind. I felt that he would do the same to me next..."

"So, you just strike first, right?"

Ronald knew that artists are always full of emotions, and sometimes their emotions get the best of them, and they don't think things through very carefully.

"He just called me and asked me to give you the check you forgot to pick up. He also said that your on-the-spot reaction was first-rate and that you were a very good guest for his talk show. He hopes that you can pass it for a while. Go on his show again, and this time he won’t ask you why you agreed.”

"Hahaha, actually now it seems that he is not so bad."

"If you want, why don't you warm up our movie on your last Late Show before it's released next year."

"As you wish, hahaha." Xueer was in a good mood. She had a good house to live in and someone paid for it. She hugged Ronald tightly to express her gratitude.

"No wonder so many young celebrities are captured by her. She still has such a good figure at this age." Ronald said goodbye, still thinking about Cher's ageless figure and a special perfume smell. I heard it was her own Designed, ready to find someone to produce and put on the market if possible.

"Jon, I've told you before. We were just having fun. I fell in love with you. To put it simply, that's it. I already have a boyfriend."

Turning the corner, Ronald was about to go to the elevator when he heard a familiar hoarse voice again.

He turned around and saw the boy, in a humble and begging posture, begging a beautiful woman to change her mind.

"Oh, what should I tell you? We just find each other attractive. I am a woman who is easily seduced. Do you understand? Emilio and I are already engaged."

"But you have obviously postponed your wedding ceremony with Emilio Estevez? I saw it in the Hollywood Reporter."

“That’s just because of the extended run of my Broadway show ‘Morning Girl.’ Last week I was with Emilio, his brother Carlos, for his father Martin and mother Janet to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.

Please stop pestering me, I don't want to cause misunderstanding. You don’t want to mess up my wedding, right? "

"Oh no! I hate you Demi."

The handsome young man who was finally dumped by Molly Ringwald's character in "Pretty in Pink", Jon Cryer, was also played around by beautiful women in real life. Looking back sadly, from Ronald He passed by and rushed into the elevator.

"Oh," Ronald saw that it was indeed Demi Moore whom he had not seen for a long time. Was he subconsciously still thinking about reuniting with Demi who lived in this building?

But when he heard that she was going to marry that annoying Emilio, Ronald felt unhappy and wanted to leave.

"Ronald", Demi watched Jon Clare get off the elevator, rushed up, grabbed Ronald, and dragged him into the room.

Demi Moore signaled Ronald's followers to go first, and she wanted to "reminisce" with Ronald.

"Bang!" After closing the door, Demi immediately hugged Ronald and began to confess.

"I did it just to get rid of his nonsense quickly. The boy and I acted in a movie and he has been pestering me for several years. I have terminated our engagement with Emilio Estevez, and I am free. of."

Demi knew that Ronald didn't like being with a married man or a woman who had a long-term relationship, so she made it clear that she was single.

"Aren't you engaged to Emilio? I also read variety magazines." Ronald laughed and moved Demi's arm away from him.

"Then I did it for his movie 'Wisdom'. Although Emilio is a fool, his talent is not even one-tenth of yours. But after all, it was a movie that related to the future of many people. I know it was Even if it’s a bad movie, you still have to do your best to market it.

I don’t want the actors and the staff behind the scenes to lose further opportunities because of my lack of effort in publicity. "

Demi Moore really knows Ronald.

Hearing what she said, Ronald was impressed by this actress who, although her private life was exaggerated, was very dedicated to her film career.

It’s been a while since Demi Moore’s development momentum has begun to surpass that of her boyfriend Emilio. When it comes to accepting interviews, protecting her boyfriend's film reputation, etc., Demi behaves like a mature star when facing the media.

"I'm very happy. I watched your last movie, 'How I Met Your Night' starring Rob Lowe, and your acting skills improved a lot."

"Haha, your praise makes me happier than all the film critics' praise for me." Demi looked at Ronald with almond-shaped eyes, and a romantic charm flowed out.

This woman has gone through rigorous training on Broadway and Hollywood, and when her acting skills are revealed naturally, she has indeed grown a lot compared to the little actress before.

"Broadway does change you..."

"Yes, this is a different world. Although I am a bit unworthy, my rehearsals here are not good. If my dialogues are not proficient enough to be natural, I will be looked down upon by my peers.

They are full of hostility towards actors from Hollywood, and they don't want us to make any jokes. In addition, there is another character B who has been keeping an eye on her. "

Demi touched her hair. She just wanted to find topics that interested Ronald and talk more.

"Don't you ask me why I broke up with Emilio?" Demi opened the collar on her chest.

"This is your private matter." Ronald replied as he didn't want to get into trouble. But inside, Ronald had other ideas:

In fact, everyone knows that the movie that Emilio wrote, directed, and starred in, with Demi Moore as the protagonist and Dino De Laurentiis casting the film, was very bad.

For Demi, Emilio's use value has reached its end. Demi Moore will no longer be able to reap any benefits from remaining an engaged couple with him.

The reason why the two have not officially announced that they have called off their engagement is because Demi doesn't want to bear the reputation of kicking her fiancé away. Maybe in a few months…

"Let me tell you, Emilio did not regard me as his real girlfriend at all. During the period when he was confirming his relationship with me, he was still in constant contact with a Latina woman and had two children with her."

"Oh," Ronald exclaimed in his heart, "It won't take more than a few months. Emilio made a fool of himself and handed this kind of information into Demi's hands. It seems that he will be exposed in the gossip media soon. See Emilio’s secret lover revealed.”

"You really don't want to stay and catch up with me?" Demi drank some wine and her face became more and more rosy.

"I'm sorry, rehearsals for a new film are about to start now, so I have to leave first."

"I know, I know, the old woman you sent, Cher, is the starring role. I often collect news about you in the media. It is a movie similar to a Broadway play. You are going to make a transition to make the kind of movies that Oscar likes. "

"Well, this is a romance movie for middle-aged people."

"I know this is Mr. Shanley's first screenwriting project from Broadway to Hollywood. We're all waiting to see."

Demi came up and gave Ronald a deep Western-style kiss.

"Well... it's so nice. I thought I would forget that your kiss is so intoxicating." Demi's hand touched Ronald's... and she was very satisfied with her charm.

"I really have to go..." Ronald was not very confident in his own willpower and the charm of this stunner. Demi's demeanor and temperament have now matured, and combined with her figure and face, it is easy for people to fall into it.

"When you finish this period of work and we are both free..." Demi smiled. As long as you have the intention, it is actually better to leave it in your mind.

"Bye...Ronald", Demi let Ronald out of the room. After opening the door, she saw Niceta guarding outside. She pulled Ronald's collar mischievously, kissed him deeply, and then Smiled at Niceta who was behind Ronald.

"Very good. You have indeed remembered what I have repeatedly emphasized. Whatever happens with a beautiful female star must be something you can control."

Niceta and Ronald got off the elevator together, and it wasn't until they got in the car that she told Ronald what was in her heart.

Today's Japanese video recorders and tape recorders are all small in size. As a famous director, Ronald had to be careful not to hunt wild food outside.

"Ah...what..." Ronald was thinking about something and was awakened by Niceta's words.

"Demi is a smart girl. I just caught up with her and asked her about the current situation."

Ronald explained a few things to his agent.

He was also thinking about what Demi Moore had just said about a pervasive hostility among Broadway actors toward Hollywood.

They always feel that Hollywood actors have no acting skills but earn much higher wages than themselves.

Ronald thought to himself that he had to be prepared for the upcoming rehearsal, and he would have to convince those Broadway gold medal supporting actors.


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