Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 40006 Playboy Mansion

Columbus didn't embarrass Ronald for too long. After taking a few shots, he ended the filming of the guest scene.

"Is my photo okay? It's just that the costume is a bit cold here." Ronald took a blanket and wrapped it in it. He was wearing a vest in winter, and there were deliberately sprinkled water droplets on his body that looked like sweat. It was no joke.

"Did you know? In the original script, the comic character Sarah was obsessed with was He-Man, the giant of the universe and the prince of Etania." Columbus said to Ronald.

"Hahaha, then you have to wear those sexy clothes, wave your sword, and shout: Give me power! I am He-Man!" Lisa White Su Yin couldn't stop laughing when she heard this. She used to be in high school. When I was a kid, I often watched the animations of He-Man and She-Ra.

"Uh..." Ronald shook his head. He didn't want to dress like Schwarzenegger in Conan the Barbarian.

Ronald chatted with Yin Lisabeth Su for a while. It was the first time that she took on the role of a heroine with a sufficient role. She was full of eagerness to try, fully embodying the mentality of a high school nanny, and her creative state was very good.

This "Adventures in Babysitting" is very interesting, but it actually has no real male protagonist. The whole story revolves around the heroine nanny Chris Parker.

"Ronald, am I really going to be photographed for a Playboy magazine?"

Yin Lisabeth Su's eyes were bright, and she asked Ronald, who had helped her debut in chewing gum commercials. She trusted Ronald.

Probably more than half of American girls had the idea of ​​becoming Playboy girls when they were young. Of course, when they grow up and know what their male classmates do with Playboy photos of their midriffs, they will immediately give up the idea.

"So, do you want to take the photo or not?" Ronald replied with a smile.

"Well, I do want to take some nice photos. Is it a Playboy cover photo or a mid-section photo?"

Lisa White Su Yin was wearing a yellow camel hair coat. She had a very good temperament and looked like a daughter raised by an upper-middle-class family.

Ronald is still very satisfied with his casting decision.

"Cover, center seam, the whole set," he answered.

Although Playboy is a men's magazine, it is also sold on newsstands in America, so the cover often shows a close-up of the model's upper body, and the center seam is the main reason why many men buy the magazine, and the size is larger.

"Ah...can you not take a photo of the midriff? I don't want to take a photo of you taking off your clothes.


Yin Lisabeth Su is a little embarrassed that she finally got the heroine of this movie, but if she takes off her clothes on the screen, even if it is a photo in a magazine, it will have a great impact on her future.

"What are you thinking? This is a PG-13 movie. Of course you are wearing clothes." Ronald couldn't help but patted Su on the head. He had been playing the role of a high school nanny all day long, and it was a bit distracting to get too deep into the role.

"Oh..." Yin Lisabeth Su also laughed, she really thought too much.

Back at the hotel where the crew was staying, Ronald checked into a room and called his agent Niceta in Los Angeles.

"I wanted to talk to Hugh Hefner, the owner of Playboy, but the crew said they couldn't find anyone else recently."

"Hefner? Are you looking for him?" Niceta was a little surprised. Why did her client's taste change? A blonde who wanted some food?

"There is a subplot in "Adventures in Nanny." The protagonist, the nanny Chris, looks a bit like the Playboy cover girl. We plan to let Elizabeth Sue take some photos and make a fake Playboy book. This thing requires Hefner Nod, but the Disney people couldn’t find him.”

"Oh, you can't find him." Niceta understood what Ronald was thinking, and then talked about what happened recently in California.

In the mid-1980s, especially at the beginning of the second term of office of the President, the conservative forces in America gradually occupied some space for activities.

Playboy, a men's magazine popular during the hippie era, has now become a target of conservative forces. Many anti-pornography activists have gradually begun to target this most famous magazine, and some departments of the American government are also showing signs of beginning to crack down on this media.

Some women's rights groups, centered on some magazines in New York, have also begun to expose and criticize magazines that objectify and exploit women.

This caused Playboy's stock price to begin to slowly decline, and the high-end clubs that the magazine had opened across the country were gradually closed.

Especially in the past few months, "Newsweek" interviewed the magazine tycoon Hugh Hefner and did a cover story.

The report relayed the conclusion of some Wall Street researchers that subscriptions to Playboy magazine were declining rapidly. The capital market's reaction to this impending storm was a plunge in stock prices.

As a tycoon who pioneered serious adult magazines in the conservative 1950s and 1960s, Hugh Hefner had a very keen sense of smell. He felt that a force against him was gradually taking shape. Just a few weeks ago, he was admitted to the hospital after suffering a minor stroke.

"He's not really having a stroke, is he?" Ronald asked.

"Who knows? Now he's back at the Playboy mansion with only a girl taking care of him. I can find a way to get him to call you back."

"Is this Mr. Ronald Lee?" A delicate woman's voice called after a while.

"It's me, are you?" Ronald answered the phone and asked.

"Mr. Hugh Hefner wants to speak to you."

"Ronald, can I call you Ronald? Have you ever been to my Playboy mansion? Although there are not as many beautiful girls as before, I still recommend you to come and have fun. There is everything here."

"Hello, Mr. Hefner, I went there once, but I didn't stay for long. Thank you for the invitation."

Ronald had been there a long time ago, but he didn't leave a deep impression and left halfway.

"I think my agent has also told you that I hope you can support Hollywood as before. There is a plot in a movie I produced..."

"No problem, I only have one request." Hefner is very interested in this popular Hollywood director. Although the magazine has to avoid the limelight for the time being, there will be a day of recovery, the men say. To respect women, should we secretly look at girls with midriffs?

If such a director can often appear at parties at his Playboy mansion, he will be very attractive to beauties who want to enter the film industry.

"Please say..." Ronald didn't expect Hefner to be so supportive, and politely asked him to put forward his request.

"What's the name of your actress...Yin Lisabeth Su?...She's going to the Playboy Mansion for filming."

"Isn't that necessary? We can ensure that the shooting process is in line with Playboy's photography style, and the fake magazine created will have the same appearance as your magazine."

"My dear Ronald, this is my little willfulness, you won't let me down, right? Besides, why take fake pictures when there is real stuff? I can provide a real Playboy photographer, just We can do a special edition of the Playboy mansion where the monthly magazine's midriff shoots..."

Hugh Hefner is currently being criticized by conservatives and feminist organizations. If a Hollywood director can come out to rectify the name of his magazine... so he insists that it must be shot on location.

Ronald scratched his head. The movie was still being filmed. The heroine flew to Los Angeles to take photos, which would cause some delays. Plus...

"I'm afraid I can't, Mr. Hefner. My heroine, Elizabeth Su, signed a contract with Disney. There is no clause about taking off her clothes. I can't force or coax her..."

"You are a gentleman, hahaha, Ronald." Hugh Hefner smiled on the other end of the phone.

"Actually, I have no prejudice against Playboy, but I think the models who become Playboy's monthly girls know the price they have to pay. And our movie is going to be rated PG-13 taking pictures."

"Who said we should take pictures of people taking off their clothes? Of course they should be pictures of people wearing clothes. It's a special edition." Hugh Hefner chuckled. "In fact, every issue of Playboy has photos of tastefully dressed women, but I The middle-cut girls are the most famous. It just so happened that I was about to start transforming myself into a magazine."

"That's it, okay, we've made an agreement?" Since Hefner can let the dressed girls appear in Playboy, it would be most similar to let the original photographer and staff make props for a special edition. Well.

"It's settled, you and your actress can come over the weekend, and we'll have a good chat when we get there. My daughter Christie will be in charge of all the filming."

It was vacation anyway, so Ronald took the plane alone and returned to Los Angeles first. He was still a little worried and wanted to go to the Playboy mansion first to finalize the matter.

The Playboy Mansion is located in the Holmby Hills neighborhood near the coast in the greater Los Angeles area.

This place was originally built by a Broadway department store tycoon. It went through several owners. In 1971, it was bought by Hugh Hefner, a successful magazine businessman. He converted the place into a limestone and brick building. Group of mansions.

There are 29 rooms in total, as well as an outdoor swimming pool, waterfall, organ room, cinema, and outdoor barbecue and sauna. The exterior also features a large koi pond with artificial stream, a small citrus grove and two mature tree ferns and redwood forests.

Ronald was very interested in this koi pond, which has a strong oriental feel.

"The various landscapes here were built for the photos in each issue of Playboy. Over the past ten years, they have been gradually added and renovated. I will take you around."

The speaker was Christy Hefner, Hugh Hefner's eldest daughter. When she was very young, her parents divorced. Christie went to college on her own and worked as a film critic for a period of time after graduation. Later, she reconciled with her father and came to work for Playboy magazine.

So Christie had a natural affinity with Ronald as a director.

"Thank you. I feel that coming here during the day is very different from the last time I came at night." Ronald took off his sunglasses. This place is still a very interesting tourist attraction during the day.

"Haha, do you feel the same way? I have recently been persuading my father to open this place to family travelers and transform it into a must-visit attraction when traveling to Holmby Mountain."

"Does Xiu agree to this?"

Ronald was stunned. This was Hugh Hefner's empire and his domain. He lived here, and the original servants' west wing was the editorial office of the magazine.

At the same time, Hugh Hefner also invited the women he liked to live in his mansion. At most, he dated seven women at the same time.

Such a happy cave turned into a family vacation destination?

Seeing Ronald's disbelief, Christie quickly said the answer she had been honing recently, "Our Playboy magazine has always been a feminist magazine, a serious magazine covering politics, economics, fashion and other fields. Many children regard the Playboy Mansion as a place like Disneyland."

"Pfft...cough..." Ronald couldn't hold it back and thought the Playboy mansion was a Disneyland. How dare you think that.

"Father?" Christie was about to retort when she saw her father, Hugh Hefner, walking on the bridge.

"Ronald, it's great to see you here." Hugh Hefner was wearing his signature silk pajamas, smoking a pipe in one hand and holding a Pepsi in the other.

"Hello, Mr. Hefner, I was speaking to Christy about the feminist nature of your magazine."

"That's no problem, we just have different views on feminism." Hefner walked a little slowly, as if the previous stroke still had some impact on him.

"Newsweek said that our ratings have dropped. Didn't they go to the newsstands in New York to read it? We are still the best-selling magazine among retailers. But in recent years, they have to buy two more magazines, including Playboy , just so that no one can see it.”

"Oops..." Hugh Hefner slipped on the wooden bridge of the artificial creek, and a blond sexy bombshell next to him immediately supported him.

The woman beside him was Kelly Leigh, a rare date in Hugh Hefner's life.

"Ronald, I loved your Top Gun."

Kelly Leigh, who was proud to have captured America's most famous playboy, came up and led Ronald towards the big house. After walking across the wooden bridge, the koi that had gathered at Ronald's feet dispersed in a rush.

"Mr. Hefner, I'm here this time to confirm the details of the shooting with you..." Ronald began to express his interest after visiting Hefner's wine cellar.

"You discuss all these details with Christie. I just want to make sure you are happy here, right?"

Hugh Hefner and Ronald tasted a bottle of wine from the cellar.

It may be that feminists and religious conservative forces have been more aggressive in pursuing Hefner recently, and he no longer mentioned the First Amendment, which he always talked about, resisting government investigations.

Apart from Kelly Leigh, Ronald found no other Playboy girls in the mansion.

It's as if this symbol of adult magazines really wants to change his ways.

Afterward, Ronald and Christy worked out the details of the shoot. "Adventures in Babysitting" will guarantee screen time in Playboy magazine, and the magazine will have the words "Special Edition" typed on the cover to distinguish it from the original undressed center-slit girl.

Before the movie is released, Playboy will also invest some marketing resources and place advertisements in advertising light boxes in some department stores in Los Angeles and New York to promote this special edition of Playboy and warm up the movie, hoping to achieve a win-win effect.

After signing the memorandum of cooperation, Ronald discovered that Christie then started to discuss family travel routes with a few people who looked like travel companies, looking at the model of the mansion.

“Even Playboy bills itself as a feminist magazine?”

After leaving the mansion, Ronald kept thinking about this matter.

What is the current public attitude toward women working independently and taking control of their own destiny? It seems that more and more people are beginning to think that working girls are a better choice than housewives?

Changes in social trends will also be reflected in Hollywood movies. Some new things only become the trend of the whole society after being amplified by movies.

Being able to predict the next popular trend of thought in advance will be of great benefit to Hollywood practitioners...

"I feel like this makeup doesn't look like me anymore." Yin Lisabeth Su took advantage of the weekend break to fly back to Los Angeles and was taken to the Playboy mansion by Ronald's car. The magazine's makeup artist and photographer Shooting started.

"That's it. In the plot, the cover girl just looks like you. Such slightly different photos make it easier for the audience to understand the humor in the plot."

Ronald took a look at Su's makeup. It looked like a playboy indeed.

With slightly exaggerated eye shadow and hairstyle, coupled with large wavy hair, Su is no longer a karate girl or a nanny, but a mature woman exuding strong sex appeal.

Wearing a red top, after taking the cover photo, the photographer was ready to move to the bedroom to take a mid-section photo.

"Uh, I don't need to take off my clothes, right?" Su followed Ronald and asked quietly.

"No, just wear sexier pajamas and I will help you figure it out."

Elizabeth Su Yin walked out of the dressing room wearing a set of vertical striped blue and white pajamas.

"Okay, very good, give me a classic Monroe pose." The photographer team surrounded her with a lot of lights and reflectors. On the big bed in the bedroom, Yin Elizabeth Su, Luo Shan undressed and took the photo Lots of sexy photos.

"You see, they are all very tasteful photos. If you think any of them are bad, I will inform them not to be included in the special edition of the magazine."

One day later, the photos were sent to Ronald, and Ronald spread them out one by one to show Yin Elizabeth Su.

Photos of this scale are actually often seen in conservative home magazines.

"Actually, I like them all, but my dad would say, well... never mind, the photos are really beautiful." Most of Su's photos are of the girl-next-door type, and she likes such charming photos.

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