Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 410 The Director Who Can’t Win the Golden Globe Award

Ronald figured out that there was a possibility for the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack album, and began to contact the copyright broker Jimmy Lena to discuss the album with him.

"It's like this. Your authorization is the right to use it in the movie given by the record company. If you need to release a soundtrack album, I can talk to various record companies. Because it is an old song, it won't be much expensive. go."

Jimmy Lena had just helped Ronald secure the rights to Dean Martin's "That's Love" and Pavarotti's opera version of "La Bohème." Ronald was quick to pay and had ongoing business, and he enjoyed doing business with this director.

"You have to determine the market capacity first. The market for ordinary movie and soundtrack albums is about 100,000 copies. If you encounter a big-selling movie, there will be a relatively large increase. But for old songs like yours, For a record with only two new songs, I still recommend not to overestimate the sales volume when making it for the first time.”

Ronald nodded as he listened to Jimmy Lena's story. This person is very practical in what he says and does, doesn't brag, and talks as much as he can. He is a rare person in Hollywood who tells the truth.

"How about this. For the two new songs, including the theme song and the one composed by Patrick Swayze, you will help me negotiate the copyright for the record. My company has no experience in producing records, and I will do this business. I’m pretty sure I can make some money, can you help me produce this record?”

Jimmy Lainer was a little surprised, but he immediately started to calculate the cost, "In fact, your original album does not cost much to produce, and you don't need to find someone to re-record the old songs. Just find a music studio and a producer to re-record it." Just record it.

The bulk of the expenditure is still in the production process. Molds account for a large proportion of the cost of the record industry. Your production volume is not high, so on average the cost of each record will be much more expensive than new songs. But fortunately, the copyright part is cheap, so you should still make money in the end.

If we can sell 50,000 copies, we can almost reach the break-even point. So for the first production, we will proceed with the goal of 100,000. If the movie is very popular and drives the sales of records, it is not a problem to find a factory to add production lines. At most you can pay to expedite it..."

The more Ronald listened, the more satisfied he became, and he decided on the spot to pay tens of thousands of dollars to hire Jimmy Liner to produce the original soundtrack. If he can sell more than 100,000 copies, he will be given a small share.

"Portugal? Why do you want to go there for a film festival?"

Two days later, Kim Cattrall came over to say goodbye. She was about to attend the Fantasporto (Science Fiction, Horror,

Fantasy) Film Festival.

Ronald didn't understand why "Swagger" was obviously a film aimed at the domestic market, so it had to go abroad to participate in a B-level film festival in a designated category?

"Dear, I'm not an actor who can be nominated for an Oscar or a Golden Globe. I don't have a rich husband to buy it for me. They promised me a nomination for Best Actress. Maybe I can even get one. Small prize.”

Cattrall has made up his mind to go there with director Michael Gottlieb and leading actor Andrew McCarthy.

"Okay, that's true." Not all actors can win domestic acting awards. Actors all have vanity, especially actresses like Cattrall who have been criticized for their acting skills by film critics. How can a foreign actor win such awards? Awards are also great.

Ronald helped Kim Cattrall pick out some dresses suitable for formal occasions at the film festival, and bought a necklace as a gift. Catterall also returned the favor several times.

"Hi, Michael, hi, Andrew, are you guys going too?" Ronald sent Kim Cattrall to the airport that day, and also saw Michael Gottlieb, the director of "Arrogant", and the actor Andrew McCarthy. .

"Haha, I also earn an award-winning text for the movie poster." Director Michael Gottlieb laughed.

Ronald also laughed. He was able to win a B-level film festival award. When he came back, he could also put the award-winning information at the top of the movie poster.

If an actor wins an award, then under their name on the poster, they can also write the title of Best Actor or Best Actress of a certain film festival.

"However, how do American audiences react to the awards at these film festivals?" Ronald didn't see much enthusiasm for the Portuguese Sci-Fi Horror Film Festival with a name like this.

If it were one of the three major A-level film festivals in Europe, there might be media coverage, and the audience might be able to buy into it and make a special trip to the cinema to see award-winning films in Cannes, Venice, or West Berlin, right?

"I don't know either, but it's hard to say. What if there is hope?" Michael Gottlieb readily admitted that his main purpose was not for the movie's box office.

“In the summer, I will take this film to the Faival (Science Fiction, Fantasy) Film Festival in Rome, Italy.

I don’t know if it’s useful for the box office, but it’s useful for me. "

Michael Gottlieb was very satisfied with Ronald's support during the filming. This young man was not a producer like those old guys who wanted to be on the set every day and had to explain this and that by himself. If anyone doesn't agree with them, they will look at them.

After Ronald confirmed that the filming was on track, he let the director take charge of the overall situation. He did not interfere and did not put pressure on anyone on the set. Such a producer might as well speak his mind.

"I am not a director who can win a Golden Globe Award, let alone an Oscar, so I have to be kind to myself and go to a few film festivals. If I can win a few trophies, I will also add some to the bookshelf in my living room. collect."

"Hahaha", Ronald laughed when he heard this truth, "Then I wish you a successful start and come back with more trophies. The same goes for you, Jin, and you, Andrew."

Ronald continued editing "Moonlight" and slowly, the film was taking shape.

In the last week of the month, suddenly one day, Ronald was in the editing room and received a call from another acquaintance.

"Oh, Ronald. I'm Paul, Paul Hogan. Your agent gave me your phone number. Linda and I are both in Los Angeles. Can you come out for a few drinks and chat?"

"Ah... Paul, have you returned to America?" Ronald recognized the unique Australian brogue of the star of "Crocodile Dundee".

"Yes, I'll go back and deal with it...it's hard to say, let's meet and talk."

Anyway, it was the weekend. Ronald said hello to Walter Murch and went to the Four Seasons Hotel where Hogan was staying.

"Oh, Ronald, it's so nice to see my friends in Los Angeles." Paul Hogan and his girlfriend, "Crocodile Dundee" star Linda Kozlowski, at the hotel bar Wait for yourself.

"You know, it takes too long to fly here from Australia. When I arrived in Los Angeles, I didn't know a single friend. I had to talk to someone knowledgeable about many things."

"What, were you in Australia before? How is Crocodile Dundee's box office going now?"

"Everything is going very well. The box office now ranks third in the United States, and it looks like it's bringing in millions of dollars every week." Linda helped her boyfriend and explained the situation to Ronald.

It turns out that Paul Hogan returned to Australia this time to deal with the divorce from his wife. This wife, Noelyn, Hogan had married once in 1958. After divorcing in 1981, they remarried less than a year later.

But after the success of "Crocodile Dundee", Paul Hogan fell in love with the film's heroine Linda Kozlowski and once again filed for divorce from Noeline.

This time, Hogan is already the leading actor in Australia's highest-grossing movie, causing uproar in the media back home. It was called the ugliest divorce in the country by the media.

The media and the public generally felt that Hogan had changed his mind after becoming successful. His wife's divorce lawyer took the opportunity to make property demands and a huge amount of alimony.

Fortunately, there are a lot of movie fans in Australia, and many fans are optimistic that the two protagonists' fake show will come true, but they don't have much malicious attacks on Linda.

The other party found a vulture lawyer who divided the property and alimony according to the amount received, and pushed the media to hype the divorce. It is estimated that the lawsuit will drag on for a long time.

Paul Hogan simply moved his family to America so that he could be out of sight and out of mind. In addition, most of his wealth was obtained after "Crocodile Dundee" was released in America, and there are huge legal obstacles to cross-border pursuit of property.

Entrusting the matter to a lawyer may be a good thing for him to retain his wealth.

When they arrived in Hollywood, no one reported the Australian news, so Linda openly dated him and showed off as his real girlfriend.

After several beers, Paul Hogan made his request to Ronald.

"I know nothing about Hollywood. Now Linda and I have been nominated for the Golden Globe Awards. The voting is about to take place. I want to ask if there is a way for Linda to get what she wants and win the Golden Globe." Award for Best Supporting Actress."

"Ah? Haven't you heard a saying? Choose the Oscar, buy the Golden Globe."

Ronald looked at Linda, who also looked confused.

Hogan is Australian, and Linda used to work on Broadway in New York. Both of them are confused about Hollywood stuff like the Golden Globes and Oscars.

"The biggest difference between the Golden Globe Awards and the Oscars is that they only have 45 foreign journalists voting on behalf of them. That's why there was a scandal in the past two years. A rich man invited foreign journalists with voting rights to go to a spa vacation for his girlfriend.

Therefore, I don’t have the right to vote for the Golden Globe Awards. It’s probably too late for you to do public relations now. "

"Ah? That bastard PR, he lied to me..."

Paul Hogan was so angry that he slammed his beer glass on the table.

"Forget it, Darling, don't let others find out." Linda saw the people around her looking over, fearing that they would recognize her as the star of "Crocodile Dundee", and there was another crowd of people watching and signing autographs.

"Forget it, I really don't understand these things. It seems there is no way I can win the prize."

Paul Hogan's divorce implicated Linda in the newspapers. He originally wanted to use the Golden Globe Award to compensate his girlfriend, but he unexpectedly encountered a liar.

"There is no chance at all. The Golden Globe Awards actually make money from broadcast fees, so as long as you agree to go to the scene, they may award the award to you, unless your opponent is particularly strong or is another big star. .”

"Is that so?" Paul Hogan and Linda got up, signed autographs for a few customers who recognized them, and left the bar with Ronald.

"Then I have to go. I was originally going to Tokyo to promote the release of Crocodile Dundee. Now I might as well go there a day later."

"Will you go too? Ronald." Linda asked Ronald if he would go to the Golden Globe Awards night.

"I stopped going to the Golden Globe Awards a long time ago, because they wouldn't give me the award anyway." Ronald laughed.

"You this time?" Hogan looked at Ronald and asked him if he was nominated.

"Actually, there are two nominations. Top Gun and Mighty Kid Part 2 are both nominated for best episode."

"Then come with us. I'm an old Australian and don't know how to attend an awards show." Paul Hogan laughed.

"You just have to put on a Crocodile Dundee leather jacket and you'll win applause from the audience." Ronald also laughed.

Anyway, there are many movies related to me this time that have won various awards, so it’s better to go and see them live. Anyway, I haven’t been to the Golden Globe Awards for a long time.

On the day of the awards show, Ronald put on his suit and came to the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel alone.

The live hall here is more luxurious than the previous two years, with Oscars on the stage and some large decorations. However, the seats below still followed the old tradition of the Golden Globe Awards, with each crew sitting at a round table.

Ronald found his table for "Dragon Boy Part 2" and chatted with Noriyuki Morita, who played Master Miyagi.

Morita has officially finalized his divorce from his wife and is now a household name in America. His hair and beard have turned completely white after he has been living a wild life for several years, but this has added some celestial spirit, making him look a bit like a worldly master.

"I recently wrote a script, which is currently being filmed. It tells the story of a U.S. pilot who fell to Okinawa at the end of World War II and was rescued by a former Japanese colonel whose son died in the bombing."

"Uh...sounds good."

Ronald found it funny, and so did Noriyuki Morita. After actors became famous, they all wanted to change careers and become screenwriters or directors. This subject matter...will anyone really read it? Whether in America or Japan, this kind of subject matter is clearly unpalatable to both sides.

"Welcome to the 44th Golden Globe Awards," as he said, the two hosts appeared on the stage.

One is William Shatner, who plays the captain of the Enterprise in "Star Trek". Another female host is the blonde beauty Cherie Ladd from the TV series "Charlie's Angels."

Ronald saw the live camera pan to the front row and focus on another female star.

She is Farrah Fassett, who played the blonde angel in the first season of "Charlie's Angels." It was because of Fassett's withdrawal that Cherry Ladd was able to take over as a substitute.

Now that "Charlie's Angels" is so popular, Cherry Ladd can still find time to act in some TV movies. For example, "Love Song on the Orient Express" the year before last was well received by audiences and film critics.

However, Fassette no longer has the blessing of roles in TV series, and now he doesn't have any good opportunities.

The Golden Globe Awards are not only awards for movies, but also awards for television. The Best Actor and Best Actress awards were also split into drama and comedy categories.

In fact, few people in the industry take this award seriously, but the audience loves to see it. Therefore, in most cases, awards are given based on the celebrity's fame. If you can come to the awards ceremony and increase some ratings, most of the best actors and actresses will also award it to you.

Ronald has seen many such tragedies.

Danny DeVito, the leading actor of "The Evil Husband" who is himself a producer, was nominated for Best Actor in a Comedy. He and his girlfriend came to the scene, and the camera gave him a lot of shots.

But unfortunately, Paul Hogan from "Crocodile Dundee" is also here. Of course, the Golden Globe Award will be given first to the more popular Mr. Crocodile.

"The winner is Paul Hogan, Crocodile Dundee." The award recipient happened to be Noriyuki Morita. The two shook hands and Morita awarded the trophy to Hogan.

"Thank you...I want to thank my good friend, Ronald, who gave a lot of selfless help to this movie. Thanks to him, we can see this movie in American cinemas."

When Paul Hogan received the award, he praised Ronald for a long time. The camera swept over and Ronald smiled, showing eight white teeth. This may be the only time he was on camera tonight.

But Hogan was not happy for long. His girlfriend Linda had high expectations to receive the Best Supporting Actress award.

But the winner went to British actress Maggie Smith.

Ronald looked a little embarrassed when he saw Linda Kozlowski, who was smiling as the camera just panned over her.

I don’t know why, or how Paramount and the Golden Globes organizing committee coordinated, Linda was selected as the Best Supporting Actress instead of the Leading Actress. In short, this award did not receive much attention. Linda was snatched away from the trophy by a British actor with better acting skills. There was nothing she could do about her depression.

The leading role was given to Sissy Spacek, who Ronald thought was good-looking and good at acting, but she didn't come to the scene.

Best Director, Best Film, and Best Screenplay were all given to Oliver Stone. His "Platoon" also won the Best Supporting Actor tonight. Tom Berenger turned down "Top Gun" and went to play "Platoon". I don't know if he regrets it now.

The Golden Globe Awards are very lengthy, and Ronald's two films were only nominated for Best Episode, but neither of them won. He was a little bored sitting in the back.

Soon, the movie part ended and it was time to award awards to the TV series.

This year's big winner is the comedy "Moonlighting". The leading actor is a very good comedian, the slightly bald Bruce Willis.

He didn't even tell a joke on stage. Instead, he mentioned the crew. They worked on set dozens of hours a week. It was them who should be thanked the most.

Ronald had developed a good impression of this actor. It was not easy to think of the lower-level staff and thank him at the award ceremony. The last time someone did this was Barbara Stanwyck, who won the Oscar for Lifetime Achievement.

Best Actress also went to Sybil Shepherd from the same cast. The beautiful woman who once turned all sentient beings upside down and made director Peter Bogdanovich divorce his wife and live with him. He also played the secret love interest of Robert De Niro's character Tevez in Scorsese's famous film "Taxi Driver".

Now Sybil Shepherd can only be reduced to playing funny characters in TV series. Once an actress reaches her thirties, she can no longer get romantic roles with male protagonists.

"This year, in addition to celebrating the 44th anniversary of the Golden Globe Awards, it is also a young man's birthday." Host William Shatner was making excuses again.

"Yes, his name is Hollywood. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of Hollywood."

"Bah bang bang..." Ronald applauded with everyone.

It's really boring. 100 years ago, Hollywood was just a cattle ranch. It has nothing to do with the movie, this anniversary is a bit forced.

"I have confirmed repeatedly that it is indeed me...you see..."

But in the last TV series, the Best Supporting Actress in a TV Movie category was appropriately awarded to an old actor, the supporting actress in "Gone with the Wind", Olivia de Havilland.

"As you know, my relationship with the Golden Globe Awards is very old. My last Golden Globe Award trophy was an antique from 1949..."

"Hahaha..." Ronald unexpectedly discovered that this 70-year-old actor has a very good sense of humor.

"When I was 40 years old, Hollywood stopped sending me scripts. Someone once told me that after the age of 65, roles will come to you one after another. I am very happy that many years later, that antique trophy has come to me again. A companion.”

"Hahaha..." Ronald laughed so hard that tears came out.

It is not easy for de Havilland to have such an optimistic and humorous spirit at this age. Hollywood is harsh on actresses. Once you are over 30, a lot of opportunities will leave you.

In ordinary movies, the heroine is a supporting role in romantic love. It is very suitable for an actor over 30 to fall in love with a young actress. But if an actress over 30 is in love with a male actor, the audience doesn't like to see it.

It will not be until you are over 60 that those roles of mother and grandmother will come to you again.

No wonder, Hollywood actresses all spend huge sums of money on skin care and beauty. Some people also work very hard to do aerobic exercise to stay in shape. The competition among actresses is much fiercer than that among male actors.

"Woooo..." Ronald was applauding with everyone when he heard someone crying next to him.

When I looked up, I saw a man with a big head and a thick neck, secretly wiping away tears. He put his fist in his mouth to stop himself from crying.

"Minahan?" Ronald discovered that the man crying secretly was actually the chairman of the Cannon, Minahan Golan.

Are you so moved? It turns out that he is a long-time die-hard fan of Gone with the Wind? I was so excited to see my idol win the award that I cried.

On the other side, Minahan is still sad. Today Cannon's movie suffered a waterloo. His high hopes for the film about cellist Dupree, "Duet", starring Julie Andrews, also failed to win the award.

This movie failed at the box office, and now it also failed at the awards, what should I do?

Cannon made so many movies last year, none of which were successful at the box office or in awards.

Now the pressure is on the arm-wrestling movie "Over the Top" starring Stallone, and I hope it will have a good box office next month.

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