Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 429 Old friends in Cannes

"Ronnie, Mr. Bannon took me to visit all the securities firms, brokers, and investment companies on Wall Street." Donna called Ronald at night, and her voice sounded very excited on the phone.

"Have you decided? Which company will you choose for your internship?" Ronald motioned to the little man opposite to stop first, picked up the phone and chatted with Donna first.

"I will go to Goldman Sachs first, and then go to Morgan Stanley. After that, I will go to brokerages and investment funds. But I just came back from Renaissance Company in Long Island, and I had a very speculative chat with the founder, Mr. Simons. I I think his investment philosophy is the most interesting.

However, Mr. Bannon said that when investing, you still need to understand different companies and investment styles, and only by comparing can you find your own strengths. "

"Ah, that's good. Mr. Bannon's arrangements are very appropriate. You must ask him for advice..."

Chatted with Donna about his work schedule for a while. It is a very happy thing to be able to apply what you have learned and find a job that interests you when you graduate from college.

The investment company that Donna was looking for had a very strange name, "Renaissance Technology Company". Their founder, Simons, was a mathematician. When investing, you also use formulas to hedge your bets, rather than using gossip or analyzing a company's financial statements.

"Please continue, Detective McPike."

Ronald hung up the phone and sat across from him, Frank McPike, the detective he had used in New York. He wore a pair of small round glasses, and his eyes were shrewd. His hair was balder than the last time Ronald saw him, so he simply shaved it short instead of combing the surrounding hair into the center.

"James Simons founded this Renaissance Technology in 1982. He once won the highest award of the American Mathematical Society for the Chen-Simons form, a mathematical expression form of differential geometry, discovered in collaboration with Chinese mathematicians. Swald Veblen Prize.

This mathematical form has good applications in the most cutting-edge physics fields, such as gauge field theory and Yang Mills theory. But James Simmons felt that his mathematical talent was much different from that of his partner Chen Shengshen, and it would be difficult for him to win the Fields Medal and leave his name in the history of mathematics.

So he left academia and got into investing. He is a graduate of MIT and teaches at his alma mater and universities such as Harvard and Stony Brook. Therefore, many Ivy League school boards have used money from the school fund to invest part of their funds in his fund.

He also stayed away from the hustle and bustle of Wall Street and concentrated on using mathematics and physics equations to make investments on Long Island. Most of the researchers he recruited were top students majoring in mathematics and physics. "

Frank McPike spread out the investigation materials he had written,

Pick out the key points and talk to Ronald. If his cousin goes to this company, she should be able to perform well without being afraid of falling into the fast lane of Wall Street in Manhattan where she has to pay a price.

"Very well, thank you, Detective Frank McPike. Just stick to the old rules." Ronald handed over a large envelope.

Frank McPike picked it up, weighed it, put it in his bag and handed it over. "Still the old rules, we have never met, there is only one copy of the materials, please remember to destroy it. To be honest, I appreciate your protection of your family. If you do the investigation in advance, there will be no problems."

Ronald stood up and sent him out, and his agent Niceta and Daydream's general manager Eddie walked in from the outer room of Daydream's chairman's office.

"Has it been dealt with?"

"Yes, okay, I can go to Cannes with peace of mind."

The two caring people who were closest to Ronald in his career knew that Ronald had to deal with his family's privacy, so they waited outside to see him finish before coming in.

"As for the Dirty Dancing soundtrack, the Columbia production factory has agreed to start work for us first and produce 100,000 copies."

Eddie first reported on the production of the record.

"Mr. Dario is very helpful." Ronald looked at the progress report.

"Yes, if he hadn't found an opportunity to speak in front of MJ, we don't know how long we would have waited."

Columbia Records, the largest factory in New Jersey, has not started operations during this period, waiting for the final completion of MJ's new record.

Michael Jackson is now the most powerful money-making machine in the recording industry, and all resources must revolve around him.

The best lyrics, compositions, arrangers, harmonies, and backup dancers are all occupied by him. As soon as he makes the last small detail modification on the music, it can be recorded in the best recording studio immediately.

You don't know when this greatest genius will burst out with inspiration. The best way is for everyone to stay idle and wait for him.

The new record has not yet been finalized, so the factory is running idle to ensure that MJ can start production at full power immediately after the final completion.

Only MJ himself knows how far he is from that perfect state.

His manager, Dario, was one of the few people with whom he could communicate about record production. After asking for Ronald, MJ said that he could let the factory record Ronald's new film this week.

With the King of Pop's guarantee, Ronald's new film "Dirty Dancing" can at least get a batch of goods in hand before filming starts, and then adjust it according to the sales speed.

"The copy of Dirty Dancing has been sent to Paris in advance. Richard will go ahead and give you a preview. When you get there, just ask the Cannon people to help you determine the date and time for the premiere. Richard will do the rest. I'll help you get it done." Niceta handed Ronald a first-class ticket.

"The distribution manager of Daydream, Michelle Cannold, has also flown to China with his assistant. After the premiere is successful, we can try to see if we can find a buyer willing to buy it in Europe." Eddie He also handed Ronald the contact information of the hotel where Michelle Cannold was staying.

"Ha, thank you. I feel you have taken such good care of me."

Ronald got up and left. Some of the details in Los Angeles had been taken care of. For other matters, Niceta and Eddie could handle them. If they needed to decide on their own, they could also use telegraphs and long-distance calls.

It’s time to go to the 40th Cannes Film Festival with Minahan Golan.

"Bud, let's go." When he got home, little Bud had packed his luggage and was waiting for him. His girlfriend Lucy has come to Los Angeles and lives with him in a small apartment five minutes' walk away.

"Lucy, long time no see." Ronald hugged Little Bud's fiancée. She now found a job as a receptionist. She was doing well in a computer company, had a fixed income, and could get off work on time.

"I carefully put your gown and formal attire into the big suitcase. When you register, you only need to take this suitcase with you." Lucy studied secretarial majors, and she took care of Ronald's luggage herself. .

"Thanks, Lucy. Little Bud, let's go."

"Ronald, Gaga...you're here, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Minahan Golan wore a rustic blue sportswear, sweatpants, and sneakers, and waited for Ronald at the airport.

Ronald hugged him, then took out his sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. He was wearing an Armani navy blue jacket and light gray trousers. Standing next to Minahan, it was as uncongenial as possible. and.

"Where's Yoram?" Ronald turned his head and didn't see his cousin Yoram, who was inseparable from him.

"He went to Paris first, where we still have a new theater ribbon-cutting ceremony to be held, so he went over to get busy. I'm waiting for you to go with me."

"Oh, okay," Ronald found the check-in counter with an Israeli guy dressed like a fruit seller.

The two asked for seats together and started chatting on the plane.

"This time, we have a strong presence in Cannes, with several films doing large-scale promotions there."

"Is it the fourth Superman movie, or is it Masters of the Universe?" Ronald knew that Minahan had been talking about the two science fiction masterpieces.

The previous one was the latest sequel to Superman, and Clark Kent's opponent this time was all the nuclear weapons in the world. The latter one is an adaptation of the famous cartoon "He-Man". Although it is not authorized by He-Man, the story is very similar at first glance.

"Quack..." Minahan ordered a glass of red wine and drank it to hide his embarrassment. "The post-production of the special effects took longer than expected, so we won't premiere it in Cannes this time."

Ronald glanced at him suspiciously. Minahan's behavior today was a bit abnormal. He used to talk endlessly about his movie ideas whenever he saw him, but he seemed to be particularly quiet today. Even when he asked him, he just chatted briefly and returned to the grand occasion of this year's Cannes Film Festival.

"This year marks the 40th anniversary of Cannes. The Chinese government and the organizing committee intend to expand its influence and also award a Lifetime Achievement Award to the British actor Sir Alec Guinness. There is also the Chinese director who unfortunately passed away. Rufe, this time we also want to present the award to his widow Fanny Adante."

"Oh, it's so grand." Ronald knew that Sir Alec Guinness was the actor who played Mr. Obi-Wan in the "Star Wars" trilogy. Truffaut is the only new wave director in China who insists on both artistic and box office success.

In order to promote commercial films, he also participated in Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Most of his works are artistically and commercially successful masterpieces.

Compared with Godard, another leader of the New Wave who had a falling out with him, he would only make some incomprehensible short films, leaving both the audience and the actors confused as to how high they were.

Unfortunately, he died of brain cancer. After Taoguo, there were no directors who insisted on making commercial films.

Without Minahan's wordiness, Ronald felt that there was nothing to talk about and soon fell asleep.

After a long transoceanic flight, Ronald felt a little uncomfortable even in first class. In his sleep, he also felt that his face was swollen, and his toes and fingers were a little swollen and numb.

"Do you want to know the secret to rejuvenating after a long flight? When you get to the hotel, take off your shoes and socks, put your bare feet on the carpet, and let your toes tuck together like a fist. Repeat a few times and you'll be fine in no time. It’s time to get back to normal.”

"Like making a fist?" Ronald seemed to have dreamed of some movie, and a character was teaching him how to adapt to long-distance flights.

"Haha, I know it sounds weird, right? I've been doing this for nine years. Trust me, it's more effective than drinking hot coffee or taking a hot bath."

"Mr. Li, Mr. Li..."

"Uh...huh?" Ronald was woken up by the stewardess's voice, and the images and sounds in his dream disappeared.

"We are about to land at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. Please open the sun visor of the port window..."

"Mr. Golan..."

Ronald rubbed his eyes and curled his toes like a fist. He still remembered the plot in his dream and tried it a few times wearing slippers, and it seemed to work well.

The two got off the plane. Minahan looked around and found his cousin Yoram, who was talking to the leaders of the Cannon Country Branch. They seemed to be waiting for some star to arrive.

"Yoram, Yoram, who do you think is here, Gaga?" Minahan quickly ran up and called Yoram to come over and see Ronald.

"Ah ha, Ronald. We haven't seen each other for a long time. How long will you stay in Paris this time?" Yoram was originally waiting for other publishers, but when he saw his cousin Minahan invited Ronald, He quickly came over to say hello with a group of senior executives from the country who were surrounding him.

"I will transfer directly to Cannes. Minahan will stay here, right?" Ronald turned to look at Minahan.

"Gaga, I will stay in Paris for a few days and we will meet in Cannes then. Yoram will arrange the premiere of 'Dirty Dancing'."

"Yes, yes, this is really a masterpiece. Your dance film is the best in the world in this era. I have rented the screening room and prepared the marketing for the premiere in Cannes. I will do it tomorrow I will go to Cannes, and we will have a good chat then."

Yoram's waistline has a tendency to catch up with Minahan's. After EMI Group acquired Cannon, he gained even more praise from EMI's senior management. Now, most of the decisions in Paris and Cannes have been made by Yoram.

"Okay, I'll go over to transfer." Ronald chatted with Yoram for a few words, then said goodbye to Minahan, picked up his luggage and went to the transfer channel.

There were many people around who were transferring to Cannes, and the passage was a bit crowded. Ronald once again felt the appeal of the Cannes Film Festival to filmmakers from all over Europe.

"Ronald, Ronald..." It seemed like someone was calling Ronald's name.

"Ronald turned his head and glanced a few times, but saw no one. He was carried by the crowd, so he continued to move forward.

"Ronald...", a thin figure waved to him from behind. Seeing that Ronald didn't see him, he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

After finally finding an American who spoke English, he was eager to chat with someone during his trip to Cannes.

"Shen Jing Bing, Shen Jing Bing, Ronald, I am Shen Jing Bing."

In desperation, he called out the Chinese he had learned in Xujiahui.

When Ronald heard the Chinese, he couldn't help but be surprised, who is this? Calling himself Shenjing Bing loudly in Paris.

"It's me, John Malkovich."

Ronald finally discovered this actor whom he met while filming "Empire of the Sun" directed by Spielberg. He played an American businessman in that movie and learned a few words of Pidgin Chinese.

Sure enough, the effect of Shenjing Bing shouting about herself in Paris is excellent.

"How about it? You haven't forgotten my Chinese yet. You will remember me as soon as you hear it."

Markovich is much thinner than when he was in Xujiahui. His hair is slightly thinner and combed from one side.

"Yes, you are very conspicuous in the crowd. There are few people in Xujiahui who are as brave as you and call yourself Shen Jingbing."

The two worked together and boarded a plane to Cannes.

"Do you have a movie to be screened in Cannes this time?"

"The Glass Menagerie, in which I star, will compete for the Palme d'Or."

"The Glass Menagerie? Is it a classic play by Tennessee Williams?" Ronald had heard of this play, which is a classic play on Broadway.

"Yes, it's been adapted into a movie for the second time, this time with Joanna Woodward playing the mother Amanda and Karen Allen playing the sister Laura."

This story is about a small southern town where two siblings and their mother depend on each other. With no money and poor health, Amanda could only do odd jobs to make money. Her sister was disabled, so she relied on her brother Tom to support the family.

The mother wanted to sell her sister Amanda out, and the brother's friend Jim came to visit. The mother arranged for him to go on a blind date with her sister, but she didn't expect that he was actually her sister's classmate. Finally, Jim confessed that he was engaged, and Tom expressed his intention to leave home and go out for a living.

Ronald discovered that the two heroines were both big-name movie stars. Joanna Woodward was the wife of Paul Newman and an Oscar-winning actress. Karen Allen played the heroine in the first Raiders of the Lost Ark and is also a celebrity in commercial films.

They suddenly came to star in a boring Broadway adaptation of a drama. Are they trying to win awards?

"Joanna Woodward actually made a comeback?" Ronald knew that this actress had stopped filming much since entering the 1980s.

"Who do you think the director is?" Malkovich winked at Ronald.


"Yes, that's her husband, Paul Newman."

"Oh," Ronald said. No wonder, Paul Newman got his wish and finally won the Oscar. Now he was finally on an equal footing with his wife in terms of artistic achievements. Now comes the period when successful actors often turn to directors.

Two people were in the crowd, squeezing in. Small planes are not as spacious as transoceanic flights.

"Are you filming in Paris? What movie?" Ronald talked to Malkovich one after another. The two were just casual friends in Xujiahui, but in this place where most people speak French, the two English speakers naturally became close.

"Miles from Home, with Richard Gere."

Malkovich said.

"Ah, that must be a good movie."

The two found their seats, put down their luggage and sat down. Suddenly, an angry man with messy hair also sat in their row.

"Ronald, hi, I didn't expect you to come to Cannes too."

"Nick?" Ronald recognized Nicolas Cage, "How come your hairstyle has returned to the way it looked like in Moonlight?"

"My movie is going to be on display here, 'Raising Arizona'..." Cage looked at John Malkovich.

"John, this is Nick, Nick, John."

"We've met before." The three English-speaking people adjusted their seats and sat together.

"Raising Arizona" is still being released in North America. This time, the director and producer brought the leading actor Cage to Cannes, hoping to ride on the popularity and sell copies in Europe. This movie by the Coen brothers tells the literary story of a prisoner played by Cage, who marries a policewoman played by Holly Hunter, and later steals a tycoon's son to raise as his own.

After hearing this, Ronald burst into laughter. Minahan was still somewhat competent. Before Hollywood, I discovered Cannes, the best market for selling international copies. Nowadays, many Hollywood films that were not very affordable in Cannes are trying their best to come here to be screened, participate in competitions, and strive to sell copies in the trading market.

My own "Dirty Dancing" has not yet been released and I came to Cannes to find some marketing hot spots. Cage's "Raising Arizona" is currently being screened and I want to come to Cannes to try to sell copies.

The three of them chatted for a while on the plane and fell into a deep sleep. When they opened their eyes, the plane was about to land.

When John Malkovich got off the plane, he said goodbye to Ronald and Cage, hurriedly went to the public phone, picked up Laiguo's calling card, inserted it and started dialing.

Ronald felt that this man acted a little strangely. After saying goodbye to him, he and Cage went to wait for the luggage.

"Glen... I just arrived in Cannes." Malkovich saw Ronald leaving to pick up his luggage, and immediately pressed the last phone number, and then began to whisper to the other side. He was a little afraid of his wife, and every time he arrived I have to call my wife Glenn every day.

"Ronald? We were a long time ago."

"So, will your movie be selected for the Palme d'Or? Or the Film Critics Award?" Ronald was bored by the luggage carousel, so he started chatting with Cage. Cage resumed his look of an angry young man and seemed to attract the attention of those around him.

"No, our films can only participate in screenings."

"It doesn't matter, movie buyers don't look at these. In fact, awards and audience potential are two different things." Ronald has experience in Cannes. Last time, "Break Dance" had to be screened in a tent outside the venue. The result was better than the one that won the grand prize. The movie will sell much better.

"Ronald, is that you?"

Attracted by Ronald and Cage's chat in English, another American also came over and stopped Ronald.

"Jonathan?" Ronald took off his sunglasses, hugged him and said hello.

This is Ronald's senior brother, Jonathan Demme, a graduate of Roger Corman Film University.

"Hi, I brought Sanda Lulu to the screening."

"Ha, it seems that none of our movies are qualified to participate in the competition." Ronald laughed.

"Scattered Lulu" was released in America late last year, and Orion didn't know how to market this strange fusion of romance, thriller, action, and gangster genres.

As a result, it was released in four weeks and only earned 8 million at the box office.

"Now we, the Three Musketeers of Hollywood, are all alive together."

Ronald pointed at the two of them and said, "Your movie has been released, your movie is being released, and my movie has not been released yet. Marketing in Hollywood is not easy now, and small-budget movies have to get some press here. of heat.”

"Hahaha..." The two of them also laughed bitterly.

The movies made by their American filmmakers, whether they are slow-paced dramas or fast-paced, high-concept commercial films, must consider the box office and the audience's preferences.

In this Cannes, where the chairman of the jury is dictatorial and only looks at the preferences of a few judges regardless of the audience's reaction, movies like theirs are niche.

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