Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 431 The Princess at the Premiere

Daydream rented out a small screening room and held an internal screening for movie buyers from all over the world. Michel Cannold brought a copy with French subtitles for the convenience of European audiences.

About 30 distributors came to see the first screening of "Dirty Dancing." In addition to Daydream's distribution manager, Cannon's distribution manager was also present.

However, after the movie ended, the reaction of the buyers was not the best result that Ronald expected. Everyone rushed to sign the contract. Instead, they spread out and asked the cannon people for various news about the movie.

"So, what do you think? Why don't they seem to talk to our people directly? Instead they go to the Cannon people?" Ronald whispered to Daydream's distribution manager, Cannold.

"Many of them don't even speak English...or even Mandarin." Cannold covered his mouth with his hands and whispered in Ronald's ear, "It was our first time selling a film in Cannes, and Cannon continued We have been the main sponsor of Cannes for four years, and we have trust in our cooperation.”

"In other words, they would rather negotiate the purchase of the movie with Cannon than buy the copy directly from us?"

"Yes, I have talked with them, and they trust Yoram's vision for film selection. They would rather be forcibly tied by him than take risks themselves."

The forced tying that Cannold mentioned is a common sales method in the film trading market. The distributor specifies that if you want to buy movie A, you must buy it together with movie B, or together with movie C.

Movie box office forecasting has always been the biggest problem for Hollywood and all movie theater owners. In particular, no one can predict whether a foreign film imported from a country with a different language and culture will be a hit.

And those movie theater owners hope that there will be enough movies to fill the release time slot. So, the distributor that best meets their needs is a company like Cannon, which has a lot of films and can occasionally produce a few box office hits.

"Why? My break dancing can't convince them of the market potential of my movie?" Ronald felt that his name should be known to foreign countries.

"Of course they know you, but we only have one movie and Cannon has ten for them to choose from."


Ronald understood that it was actually a question of confidence. They didn't believe "Dirty Dancing" could sell ten times as much as other movies. Although Ronald has made dance movies with the same theme such as "Break Dance", he has also made movies such as "Top Gun" that were very popular in North America.

But those in Latin America,

Distributors in Southeast Asia, India, Europe and other places still prefer to have 10 movies for them to release.

"Yoram, Yoram, you promised us, sell us the publishing rights in Poland."

Ronald was discussing countermeasures with Cannold, and Cannon's Yoram also came to the scene. As soon as he entered the door, he was surrounded by a group of buyers who spoke various languages ​​and wanted to sign a package of movie introduction plans with him.

"In just a few years, the cannon business has grown so big?" Ronald and Cannold were both envious. Theater chains in those countries only need to import a bunch of movies from Cannon to fill those time slots in the cold season every year. Compared with daydreaming, negotiating with each company one by one will save too much cost.

"Didn't they rely on your 'Break Dance' to make a name for themselves in the European market? Our daydream can start with 'Dirty Dancing' and repeat their successful path."

Michelle Cannold reminded Ronald that Cannon used star posters to sell the movie abroad before filming started, and then used the pre-sale to return to China to shoot. Daydreaming can still be learned. .

"Just do it this way. Most of them know that I made a lot of money by doing break dancing. You talk to them one by one. This time we have to learn on our own for overseas distribution." Ronald felt that Canno De was right, following the path opened by the cannon, the possibility of success was not small.

"Ronald, what do you think? Are you going to authorize all the overseas distribution rights of 'Dirty Dancing' to us? Cannon. We have strong partners in Europe, Britain, and Southeast Asia. If you leave it to us, you will Just waiting to count the money.”

Yoram dismissed the group of movie buyers and discussed "Dirty Dancing" with Ronald.

"No, Yoram. We want to try to distribute the movie ourselves." Michelle Cannold came up to interrupt Yoram's thoughts and stated the bottom line of the discussion with Ronald.

"That's fine, you should give it a try. However, in overseas markets, many people have to look at America's box office results to decide whether to buy it and how much they should spend to buy a Hollywood movie."

Yoram didn't push it either, shaking hands and wishing Ronald good luck.

"Thank you." Ronald felt that Yoram was more like a pure, rational businessman who made decisions based on financial statements, and did not have the artistic temperament of Minahan, the kind of person who put all his capital on the line when peace came. Gambling.

"Only three companies are interested in signing the contract: South Africa, Japan, and Australia. Distributors in other countries want to wait until 'Dirty Dancing' is released in America, and then negotiate the purchase price based on the box office results."

"It's already pretty good." Ronald looked through the materials of three companies interested in introducing him to "Dirty Dancing".

The South African company is the South African distribution company of the family of Mia Toski, the producer of "God Is Crazy". Their film was in America, with Ronald's help. "Break Dance" also did well at the box office in South Africa. This time, the Toski family has stated that all films directed by Ronald will be given the green light to be introduced.

Kadokawa Shoten in Japan was also specially instructed by the president to import all new works by director Ronald.

In Australia, because of Ronald's relationship with Rachel Ward and Paul Hogan, he has a good reputation in the film industry there. In addition, they are also from English-speaking countries and have a better understanding of movies, so they are also very interested.

"The important thing is to establish contact. I feel that most producers are waiting and watching. Our box office performance in America will directly determine the performance of overseas distribution. After all, we do not have the reputation of Cannon."

"Cannon actually doesn't have a good reputation, but their movies are cheap." Ronald knew that Cannon didn't actually produce any really good movies, but compared to other Hollywood productions, their movies seemed particularly cheap.

"The premiere in Cannes over the weekend may give them a little more confidence." Cannold is very confident about the audience's response at the official premiere, feeling that it will give distributors a better signal.

After a busy day, Ronald and Cannold returned to the hotel in the evening and went back to their room to have dinner. The television was showing news in French.

"Isn't this Prince Charles? And his wife, the princess..." Cannold turned up the TV volume, "Mary, Mary, please translate for us."

Ronald turned his head to the TV. The prince and princess of Britain were getting off the plane. The TV station in the country gave a long shot and broadcast the news of their arrival.

"Prince Charles and Princess Diana will arrive in Cannes over the weekend to attend the Cannes Film Festival honoring veteran British actor Sir Alex Guinness..."

"Time, what time?" Ronald asked his daydreaming colleague Mary, speaking quickly.

"The Prince and Princess will be present together at the weekend when Sir Guinness accepts the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cannes Organizing Committee."

Ronald and Cannold looked at each other quickly, said nothing, and ate their bread in silence.

After several colleagues from Daydream finished eating and left, Cannold quickly closed the door.

"That's not good news for us, it's all over the weekend."

"Well..." Ronald also felt that it was a bad thing for Prince Charles to steal the limelight at this time.

Now Britain pays great attention to using the influence of the royal family. In addition, the wedding of the two people was broadcast around the world, and their fairy tale-like love story is deeply loved by people from all over the world. No matter where they go, it can attract everyone's attention.

The public's attention is only given to the prince and princess, and the attention paid to a Hollywood non-entry movie is much less.

"The only way for our premiere to be reported by the media is to have the prince and his wife come." Cannold looked at Ronald.

"I'll try to send an invitation, but don't hold out too much hope." Ronald has a full understanding of the nature of the work of the two royal family members coming to Cannes, which is a national-level public relations activity.

Sir Alex Guinness is a treasure of the British film industry. The Chinese people awarded him the Lifetime Achievement Award. The British prince and his wife attended, which is a symbol of British-French cooperation.

As for Ronald, except that the princess loves to watch his own movies, he doesn't have any capital to invite them to the premiere.

"Sir Alex Guinness accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award from Inves Montand, President of the Cannes Jury. Prince Charles and Princess Diana also attended the event.

Princess Diana wore a white dress designed by British designer Catherine Walker, and a long scarf added to her charm. "

At the weekend, Sir Guinness's ceremony, which was held first, was on the TV news as expected. The women of the country began to care about the designer and brand of the dress worn by the princess.

In addition to fully expressing the elegance and solemn temperament of the royal family, this Catherine Walker dress also perfectly brings out Diana's sexy temperament.

Among members of the royal family, such bold low-cut clothing is rarely seen. And the scarf that was used to make up for it also made Diana's charm fluttering.

"She is such a charming woman." Ronald said to Cannold, who was watching TV together.

"Have the invitations been sent? Is there any hope for them to come?" Cannold still had a hint of fantasy.

"There is no reply yet. I don't even know if the invitation has been seen by them." Ronald knew the red tape of the royal family.

"Can't you wear more normal clothes?" In the hotel suite where the prince and his wife stayed, Charles was complaining that Diana wore a designer. She was from a commoner and was not in line with royal tradition.

"I like this dress." Diana disliked all the rules of the royal family. Dresses were one of the few things that allowed her to show her personal charm and have the right to make decisions.

"Don't let them laugh at us. Can you wear the royal designer's clothes for the visit tomorrow?"

"Okay," Diana agreed to her husband's request, "will you go with me to read with the children tomorrow?"

"I have other royal duties and will go back tomorrow." Charles always used various excuses to avoid attending formal occasions with Diana.

I don’t know why, but the media always laugh at the prince’s promotion of advanced issues such as green, environmental protection, vegetarianism, etc., and mock him as a grass-eating prince who dreams every day that sea levels will rise and flood London.

On the contrary, Diana was always full of praise when the media mentioned her. Whether it’s your taste in clothing or your affable charm with the public.

"Pa", Diana, who had taken off her pearl necklace, heard that her husband was going back early again. She felt angry and slapped the necklace heavily on the dressing table.

Diana found a pile of documents on the table. In order to relieve her depression, she picked it up and quickly checked to see if there were any personal letters from London. Especially an officer's wife.

"Hey, whose invitation is this?" Unexpectedly, Diana saw an invitation inviting them to attend the premiere, not an invitation from the Cannes organizing committee.

"It was delivered by a staff member in the afternoon. He said it was the premiere of a movie by an old friend of the princess." A royal staff member replied from the side.

"I hope your oldest son likes the 'Top Gun' video I gave him." Diana read the invitation and laughed. When I attended the Royal Premiere in London, I was so happy to be able to watch the latest Hollywood movies just like I did when I was a girl.

"What's my schedule for tomorrow?" Diana asked the staff.

"In the afternoon I went to a primary school in Cannes to study with the children..."

"Plus an activity, I'll go see an old friend's new movie."

"The princess will come to the premiere and be interviewed by the media, but she can only stay for about ten minutes. Except for the filming of the TV station, you can only chat with her for a few minutes."

The royal family's security and public relations personnel arrived at Ronald first and informed them of the princess's schedule.

"What, Prince Charles?"

Ronald heard that Diana was the only one coming.

"Prince Charles has other royal activities and has returned to London in advance."

"Ronald, you can even invite Princess Diana?" David Cannold was surprised. After the royal staff left, he was very excited. The premiere of "Dirty Dancing" will get a lot of attention. Free reporting opportunities. Get a lot of Diana's popularity.

"I sent his son a video tape of my movie. Maybe the little prince likes it."


"Your Highness, may I ask how you met Director Ronald?"

Princess Diana appeared at the premiere of "Dirty Dancing" outside the Palais des Cinemas in Cannes, wearing a conservative rose-colored dress.

Although it can't be compared with yesterday's charming dress, it still attracted many photographers and took pictures of Diana. After a few formal questions, reporters inevitably asked Diana what she thought of the movie.

"Ah, I saw Ronald's movies in London, and Charles and I both loved his movies."

"Ronald, what do you think of the royal family's response to your movie?"

"I sent them the tape and I hope they like it."

"Ronald sent you a video of Top Gun, will you show it to Prince William?"

"I will show it to William when he is older and old enough to like airplanes." Diana answered politely.

"The videotape version is rated TV-12. You can watch it when Prince William is older." Ronald joked.

Everyone entered the screening room. Diana looked at the poster and understood some of the plot. She had other public relations activities and was about to leave.

"The movie last time was very good. I watched it many times. You will also send me a video tape this time."

Diana didn't actually have much entertainment at Buckingham Palace. She still retained the few habits she had when she was a girl, which was watching TV reruns or movies on video tapes.

"Of course, but this time it's not suitable for Prince William. This is for girls." Of course Ronald agreed to comply.

"Hahaha, I want to see it too."

"I will remember that this movie is indeed suitable for female audiences." Ronald boasted.

"It's very good. There are a lot of audiences, and many of them came to see Diana." Cannold reported the situation to Ronald on the second day of the premiere.

Distribution companies in Japan, South Africa, and Australia were very satisfied with our ability to get Princess Diana to attend the premiere and initialed the agreement.

Other distribution companies have also become more interested in our films.

"Very good, please contact them more. Once we open the box office in America, we will know the results of overseas distribution."

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