Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 433 The Palme d’Or in Controversy

"Staten Island? Are you from Staten Island?"

"Yeah, I graduated high school there."

At the premiere of Paul Newman's directorial debut "The Glass Menagerie", all Hollywood filmmakers in Cannes came to support it. It is one of only two Hollywood films to compete for the Palme d'Or.

Paul Newman came to Cannes again this time, the biggest star in Hollywood. Whether it's Ronald, Minahan Golan, or Elizabeth Taylor, they all come to participate. Fight for face in Hollywood movies.

Last night, Chinese director Maurice Pialat's entry "Under the Sun of Satan" was praised by all European guests, who attended in full formal attire.

These two movies are both adaptations of famous works and the works of famous actors turned directors. But they represent two opposite value orientations.

"The Glass Menagerie" is a continuing Broadway-Hollywood theatrical tradition that pays attention to storytelling techniques. "Under Satan's Sunshine" continues the tradition of the new wave of Lao Guo's jump cuts, non-narrative, and emphasis on emotion.

As the two films have relatively high calls for awards and have many similarities, Paul Newman hopes to win the competition. The Palme d'Or in Cannes is decided by the jury, but the publicity of these stars will somewhat affect the perception of some judges, and many of them have personal relationships with the judges. So Paul Newman and his wife, Joanna Woodward, chatted about the movie with all the guests.

"Joanna and I, when we were first married, bought a house on the north end of Staten Island, and we spent the best years of our lives there." Newman heard that Ronald was a Stanton native. , immediately became interested, and chatted with him about some of his life after marriage.

"Ah, it is now a tourist attraction. Many people take the ferry from Manhattan Island to Staten Island to see your former residence." Ronald heard Aunt Karen say this.

"Ah...hahahaha", Newman happily recalled which house. At that time, Newman had just started to go on the road. He didn't have much money, so the couple pooled their money to buy it. "You don't know, I was so happy at the time. Marrying Joanna was like standing on my head. Oh my God, she was a star at that time, and I was just a fledgling actor."

Talking about the past, Newman kissed his wife affectionately.

"At that time, I thought Paul wasn't very good at acting, but he was very handsome, so it was good to take advantage of me." Joanna Woodward joked about her husband. This time, Director Newman asked her to play the role of mother in the autobiographical work of Tennessee Williams, the most famous American playwright. She was really addicted to the drama.


I thought she was the most wonderful woman I had ever met. "

The two are a model couple in Hollywood. They have been deeply in love as a couple since they got married, and there have been no scandals.

"Do you think their movie can win?" After watching the movie, Ronald asked Minahan Golan, who was with him.

"It's a good movie, but our Cannon's 'The Shy Man' is not bad either. Andre's directorial skills are still very recognized by Europeans, and the heroine Barbara Hershey has just played Woody ·Ellen’s ‘Hannah Sisters’, people in China recognize him very much.”

Minahan didn't answer the question, but Ronald understood. Of the two Hollywood movies participating in the exhibition, he is still more optimistic about the "shy people" produced by his own company. Although director Andrei Konchalovsky no longer has the nationality of the Soviet Union, he is still popular in Europe, and the judges of the Union nationality on the jury are not likely to embarrass him.

"What about the Chinese version of 'Under Satan's Sun'?" Ronald asked again.

"They haven't won the Palme d'Or in Cannes for 20 years, and they probably won't win this year either." Minahan feels that Chinese films have completely fallen behind and no longer have the momentum of the new wave that led the world.

"Then they have a better chance." After returning to the hotel, Ronald and his agent Richard also discussed the ownership of the Palme d'Or. "This year is the 40th anniversary of Cannes. Is it better to keep the Palme d'Or in China?" It’s very fitting. The Palme d’Or belongs to Yves Montand, the chairman of the jury, who is from China.”

"What you say makes sense. I really don't understand these award-winning things. I almost fell asleep watching those Chinese movies. Fortunately, we have completed our obligations in Cannes and are about to return to China." Luo Nader took the time to watch a lot of Cannes films, and to be honest, not many of them were good.

European movies always give people the feeling that the director's personal touch is too strong. When ordinary viewers watch these movies, they may not understand what they are expressing.

For example, the movie "Under Satan's Sun" tells the story of a priest and a country girl who encountered the devil in the 1920s.

Not to mention that Ronald didn't understand the "deep content" that the director wanted to express, and the audience who went to watch the premiere didn't understand either.

Guests wearing tuxedos and bow ties were already whistling and stamping their feet in protest while watching the show. At the end of the movie, more than half of the audience had left.

"Don't be so direct when you're being interviewed." Richard reminded Ronald not to be so obviously disparaging of Chinese filmmakers when he was being interviewed by the media in Cannes.

"I'm not that stupid."

This time, in order to promote "Dirty Dancing", Ronald also found the media to accept this kind of interview with a special purpose. In order for the other party to say good things about his movie, of course he will not make the media in the country unhappy. They are waiting for the Golden Palm to return to the embrace of the people in 20 years.

"Yeah, I love this movie, and this is my second time bringing a dance film to Cannes for its premiere.

I like the country very much and the history of the country’s films. Mr. Truffaut’s “Day and Night” is my favorite movie about filmmaking.

Yes, the actors in Laiguo are very unique. I look forward to working with them one day.


Ronald gave about 10 minutes to each media outlet. Anyway, the questions and answers were the same every time, so there was no waste of brainpower.

When facing more than 20 media, you must smile passionately every time. Even if the other party asks a very stupid question and it is the 20th time you have heard it, you must treat it as the best question. Look into the other party's eyes and Praise, and then repeat the boring standard answer.

"Who will win the Palme d'Or this time? That depends on the jury. My personal favorites are 'The Glass Menagerie' directed by Paul Newman and 'The Shy Man' directed by Konchalovsky.

They are all Hollywood movies, so of course, I am American, hahaha. "

"I saw you at the premiere of 'Under Satan's Sunshine' yesterday, Director Ronald. You seemed to have fallen asleep. Did you not like that movie?"

When the last few media interviews came, Ronald suddenly heard a question that was a little out of line. He looked at the reporter on the other side. He was a thin and gloomy man, but he had a pair of stubborn eyes.

"I think I may have been distracted. In fact, I don't like it. I don't deny that compared to the films of Laoguo that competed in Cannes this year, I prefer 'The First Kiss' produced by Gaumont a few years ago, and Tru. Those movies, maybe for me as an American, it’s easier to understand the well-formed story.”

Ronald expressed his attitude softly but firmly, "You're right, I just don't like "Under Satan's Sun". Besides, I'm not the only one who makes me want to sleep after watching this. The guests from your country also protested that the movie was too boring.

Then he emphasized that I still like the director and actors of Laiguo very much, but I don't like this kind of mystical stuff that involves advanced concepts such as religion, devil, and human nature, but it doesn't look good.

"You said you like Truffaut's films, do you only like his films with capital investment? New wave film directors like him, Godard's kind of left-wing films, without capital involvement, just for Don’t you like the movies made by the people?”

"Oh..." Ronald raised his eyebrows, wondering why such a reporter was here.

Ronald quietly flipped through the business card on the table. It was a left-wing national newspaper, Humanitarian. Looking at those stubborn eyes, Ronald knew that he must have encountered that kind of paranoid reporter.

"I do prefer Truffaut to Godard."

Since the other party was full of prejudice and said that he was a capitalist film and Hollywood director, then he might as well admit it.

Except for his debut film "Breakdown", Godard's later films often didn't even have scripts, and the actors were allowed to perform automatically throughout the process.

This year he filmed "King Lear". Apart from the title being somewhat related to Shakespeare, the plot was completely incomprehensible. When Molly Ringwald, the teenage goddess of Hollywood, fell into his hands, she completely lost her aura and acted very poorly. Ringwald himself was also confused.

"I think Mr. Truffaut's path, to make films for audiences, rather than for government funding and awards, is the right one. I have always practiced his teachings in this way."

Anyway, Truffaut was just awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award posthumously by Cannes this year. I used his ideas to fight back against Godard’s unhealthy shooting philosophy, and I can’t find anything wrong with the comparison.

"Can you only make movies for Hollywood capitalists?" The reporter continued reluctantly.

"Okay, time's up, that's it." Richard intervened and asked the Humanitarian reporter to leave.

"It's really strange for Chinese people that they hold a movie that they don't like very high," Ronald complained to Richard.

"Besides, I financed the filming of Dirty Dancing myself. According to the principle, I am not a director working for a capitalist, I am a capitalist myself, okay?"

"Hahaha, forget it, Ronald. There are many left-wing people in China like this. Their film market is protected by the government, and they receive high subsidies from the government after the project is established. Finally, the government-led Caesar Award determines future subsidies. Where to go. There is indeed a lot of deep well ice."

Ronald also smiled, "Fortunately, Cannes is selected by the judges, unlike the César Awards, which are awards issued by the Chinese government."

"Hollywood directors make wild claims and believe that only movies that please the audience are good movies. The audience needs to be guided. They cannot just be satisfied with superficial satisfaction, but should make movies that require them to think before they can understand. In this way Only then can the overall quality of the nation be improved.”

The next day, Ronald and Richard packed their bags and prepared to return home. The newly published "Humanité" criticized his own ideas without naming names. At the same time, he was touting the Chinese director Maurice Pialat's "Under the Sun of Satan".

"Actually, what he said makes sense, but if the audience thinks too much, they will be distracted from watching your movie. A movie can make them stop and think three to five times at most, one second each time. Anything more than that is a disaster. "

Ronald looked at the newspaper and laughed. These Chinese people are separated from the market and the audience. They rely on the Caesar Awards and the comments of small circles. Some of their opinions are really delusions without practical experience.

More than ten hours later, the plane parked at Los Angeles International Airport. Ronald came out yawning, and together with Richard faced little Bud who came to pick him up.

"The Cannes Film Festival Awards announced that Chinese director Maurice Pialat's 'Under the Sun of Satan' won the Palme d'Or in a very controversial way. It is reported that when the film was screened, most The audience protested at the end.”

At the luggage carousel at the airport, Ronald looked up at the TV news. When he found the local entertainment news, Ronald heard unexpected news.

"No way, just for his 40th birthday, he gave the Palme d'Or to that movie?" Ronald looked at the scrolling subtitles below carefully. It was indeed the Palme d'Or, not some small award from the judges.

"Hi, are you from China? Is that movie good?" A passenger who was waiting for his luggage next to him was also a movie fan. Seeing that Ronald was also interested in Cannes, he asked him how the Palme d'Or award-winning movie was. .

"This actually doesn't look like a movie at all. Hypnosis is pretty good." Ronald put on his sunglasses and left the airport.

In the following days, the film industry was abuzz with discussions about this very controversial award. The chairman of the jury, Yves Montand, is a good friend of the Grand Prix director Maurice Pialat and has appeared in films together before. Rumor has it that it was he who pushed for Maurice Pialat to win the award.

It is reported that some people in Hollywood have criticized Yves Montand's chairman of the jury.

The film circles in China and even Europe have launched discussions on this award. Such a movie that was disliked by the audience, but because of the love of insiders, actually defeated all other competitors and won the grand prize.

Should the movie be made for the audience, or for some people in the industry? Film reviews and reviews in newspapers have been debating this issue for a long time.

In the end, this controversy also caused great divisions among the general public.

Because at this Cannes, this award, which was relatively fairly selected, returned to the hands of the director of the country, Francois, the leader of the country, made a special speech to express his congratulations.

Francois's Socialist Party lost in last year's parliamentary election. The right gained a parliamentary majority and elected Jacques as prime minister.

The political situation of the country has been divided as the commander-in-chief and the prime minister actually belong to the left and right factions. The two sides are competing on everything for votes.

Prime Minister Jacques expressed different opinions after Francois expressed his position. During the interview, "Under Satan's Sun" contained too many negative content about the church, leaving the audience thinking for too long.

Jacques also joked at the end that if he went to see a movie with his wife and daughters, he would not choose Under the Sun of Satan. He would rather watch a relaxing dance movie like "Dirty Dancing". You can watch it with your two daughters. A family value movie and a great night out.

"Hey, can you collect this section and put it on our movie poster?" Ronald heard this interview and immediately had the idea to evaluate him as the most authoritative audience member.

"We don't have much problem using public news reports." Michelle Cannold also returned from Cannes and was reporting on the release of "Dirty Dancing."

He immediately ordered his colleagues in the circulation department to extract the original text of Prime Minister Jacques. Everyone in the country knows that Prime Minister Jacques likes to watch movies. He is also well-informed and knows that "Dirty Dancing" is about the relationship between a father and his daughter. It seems that his public relations team deliberately chose a different image for him than François and it worked very well.

"Under Satan's Sun is a masterpiece, and although it touches on theology and rises to a startling test of faith, the film has a thoroughly secular tone.

This is one of the many factors that make it fascinating. This is a work of great subtlety, with a degree of difficulty and tremendous certainty, that demands and deserves close attention. "

Ronald was in Daydream's office, looking through American newspapers. Regarding the Cannes report, he discovered that the Chicago Sun-Times praised him.

"I especially appreciate the director's attitude towards auteur cinema and his persistence in his work. Amid the controversy after winning the Palme d'Or, he said a famous quote from a film artist:

I know some people don't like me, and I want to tell them that I don't like you either. "

When Ronald saw these words from the director, he was shocked and speechless. If in Hollywood, after being scolded by the audience, and then scolding the audience, I'm afraid I won't be able to get a director's job in the future.

"That's how people in China are." Cannold is of French descent and understands this kind of thing very well. Chinese people always like to be unique.

"And the Chicago Sun-Times. How much did Albert charge them for such shameless praise?"

"This is a good thing. If you can collect other people's money, you can collect our money, and we can promote Dirty Dancing. Our premiere has been decided to be in mid-July."

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