Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 438 Spontaneous propaganda by the media

"Director Ronald Lee's new film 'Dirty Dancing,' released next month, is a nostalgic musical reflecting the Kennedy era. The film has not yet been released, but Washington Post film critic Rita Kempley Already given her verdict, this is the best movie of the year and the best gift to a girl, or woman, of the past twenty years."

It's not yet time to lift the ban on film reviews, but female film critics have been unable to restrain their desire to review, and have openly supported Ronald's new film on entertainment programs on several TV stations.

This has nothing to do with Ronald's gift to the New York Film Critics Circle, nor is it because these critics are unhappy with the Jewish people who went out of their way to disparage "Dirty Dancing."

The real reason is simple. These female film critics happened to be about the same age as the heroine Baby Houseman in 1963, when the movie took place. The film evoked their memories of the Kennedy era and their own youth.

Particularly enthusiastic are New York and Washington, D.C., where the progressives of the Donkey Party have always been concentrated. Women’s liberation, the right to their own bodies, and the Roe v. Wade case were all started to be reported by the media in these two places. It became a craze sweeping the country.

Those wonderful memories of my youth led several newspapers such as The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal to recall the magical era of 1963 in their reports.

And New York is a gathering place for working professional women. Many professional women here grew up in the atmosphere of Kennedy's striving for all things, starting the Apollo program, and defeating the alliance in the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Although the commander-in-chief JFK, the idol that many professional women had a crush on when they were young, was assassinated, they still have a lot of nostalgia for that gilded era in their hearts.

Reports in newspapers and TV stations successfully aroused their interest in watching movies. In particular, several female film critics have repeatedly suggested that the plot of this film is the realization of their teenage dreams.

The TV station also conducted a street interview on what movie they are most looking forward to this summer.

Unlike most male viewers who are looking forward to the new version of James Bond, most female viewers expressed their desire to see Patrick Schwytz dance the Mamba with his baby in his arms.

Ronald, who had returned to Los Angeles, also heard about this wave of media reports.

This is a very good phenomenon. Before the movie is released, the media has already spontaneously helped itself with free marketing and publicity.

"Why are most of the people interviewed being mature women? They are the ones who have jobs?" Ronald discovered some unusual phenomena.

Ask Michelle Cannold.

Cannold also returned to Los Angeles with Ronald to prepare for Ronald's subsequent TV interviews and the premiere in Los Angeles. A few people, along with agents Niceta and Richard, were chatting about this unexpected media promotion.

Several men looked at each other, unable to think of an answer to Ronald's question.

"These people are all mature women, but who has never been young? Watching movies is not necessarily a fantasy of things in the future, it may also be a fantasy of things that have not happened in the past."

Dolly Bernstine, one of Cannold's subordinates who had joined him from Weston Pictures, was hired by Ronald Daydream to serve as assistant manager of distribution and production. She looked at the men who were all fussing over their faces and said with a smile.

"Fantasy about things that didn't happen." Ronald repeated, "Well said, a very important discovery."

"You men don't understand. When we were young, we would talk with our besties and friends about who was the most handsome man in the class and which man would be the most fun to date. A man like Schwytz, who is handsome and can dance, is Every woman’s dream man. Just like John F. Kennedy, then the commander-in-chief.”

"But their styles are different, right?" Cannold said.

"A gentle politician and a handsome guy who dances well are all men with overflowing hormones in the eyes of us women."

"Hahaha..." The male managers, who rarely heard the voices of female viewers, laughed.

"We caught up with John F. Kennedy Jr. to get his thoughts on the recent media nostalgia for his father's time."

On TV, the host found young Kennedy outside a high-end office building in Los Angeles and interviewed him on the spot.

"Like father, like son, little JFK is also very handsome." Dolly Bernstine hugged her coffee cup, stared at little JFK on the TV, and praised again.

"What a pity he's a idiot," Ronald said in his mind.

After graduating from Brown University, Kennedy Jr. began to neglect his regular career. His family is one of the top aristocratic families in America, and his uncle is a senior senator from Massachusetts. He developed a career in politics right after graduation and found him a good job in the Urban Renewal and Real Estate Development Department of the New York City Hall.

But after this man took office, many scandals broke out. Colleagues complained that he was late for work, never finished his official documents, and had to ask the civilians who had been robbed of his position to wipe his ass.

In the end, there was no choice but to ask his boss, the head of the city hall, to say that JFK Jr. was just like any young man who graduated from college. He was in a hurry at the beginning and needed to learn on the job.

After that, JFK Jr. began to shift his interest to acting career, and almost became an actor on Broadway. Unfortunately, despite his good face, his acting skills were very poor and he couldn't remember his lines, so he quickly lost the opportunity.

I have wavered between several interests several times, and it is obvious that I am not a civil servant. I cannot take the path of accumulating grassroots experience and praise, and then smoothly enter the political world. His uncle, through connections, got him to work as the vice president of the 42nd Street Development Company, the most visited area in Manhattan. In short, his life was all arranged.

"Ronald, are you about the same age as him?" Assistant Manager Dolly's eyes shifted from Little Kennedy on TV to her boss, Ronald. Both of them are handsome, and both are very successful young men, the diamond kings and queens of America's upper class.

"It seems that we were born in the same year, but I am a commoner and cannot be compared with him."

Ronald smiled and denied that he was not the kind of idiot who relied on his father's influence. He calculated in his mind that the two of them were of the same age, and then asked strangely: "Why didn't he work in New York and come to Los Angeles?"

"I heard that he gave up his public service and corporate management positions in New York and wanted to join the legal profession. I heard that he would join the top law firm in the industry, Manat Phelps-Kant, starting as an intern.

Manat Phelps Kanter, a law firm based in Los Angeles, presumably came for training. "The agent Niceta knew something about him.

The reason why I know so much about JFK is because JFK and his client Ronald have one thing in common. They often date female celebrities in the industry, and every once in a while, they will be mentioned in the entertainment section of the newspaper.

Daryl Hannah, who has played "Mermaid", and New York socialite Christina Hager are JFK's current dates. Both of them were photographed attending high-society parties with him, but He is not in a committed relationship with anyone.

Thinking of this, Niceta glanced at Ronald.

Ronald is watching an interview with Kenny Jr. on TV.

When asked about the social atmosphere when his father was the commander-in-chief, he said that his memory of the White House was very vague. He was just a child at that time. But I am very happy that people today still love their father and have not forgotten him.

The hostess was also middle-aged. It seemed that she had fantasized about Kennedy when she was young. She looked at little Kennedy with a kind of love in her eyes like an aunt looking at her nephew. She continued to ask:

"You have tried to be an actor on Broadway before. Have you ever wanted to make a movie? This 'Dirty Dancing' is the story of your father when he was in the White House. Will you watch it?"

"Well, I've stopped working on dramas for the time being, and I'm about to start working at the law firm of Manat Phelps-Kant. As for the movie, I think I'll go see it..."

Manat Phelps-Kant Law Firm, the last partner’s name Kanter is very familiar.

Ronald thought about it for a moment, wasn't this the same lawyer who came to negotiate with him on behalf of MGM when he was "famous"? His name is Mickey Kanter, he looks a bit like Mickey Mouse and has a pair of charming ears.

Ronald immediately called Lindsay Doerr, a private attorney in New York, to make sure.

"Yes, Mickey's business is doing very well, and he has been promoted to a named partner by the law firm. He is now one of the favorite lawyers of Hollywood studios in Los Angeles, and he has maintained a very good relationship with the top management of the Donkey Party. Because of the relationship, you know, Hollywood in general is still left-leaning."

Lindsay Dole has also reached the status of named partner in the small firm where she works. As the latest person to join the firm, this is an achievement that she can be proud of.

"I don't know if he still remembers me. In fact, my Daydream Company can also contact him for some business in Los Angeles. I am afraid that our company is too small and he will not be interested." Ronald said to Lindsay.

Lawyer Lindsay is his personal lawyer and has always dealt with his personal affairs. Lindsay also feels that he is beyond his reach for his daydream production, whose main business is in Los Angeles. In addition, she is not willing to move to Los Angeles, so she does not have a lawyer who can always consult on the legal matters she daydreams about.

"I have a good relationship with him. How about I help you ask? Their law firm in New York is not small. I don't think he will refuse. You are now the darling of Hollywood."

"Okay, you can help me ask. In short, I only trust you with my personal legal matters. You can also give me some objective and neutral opinions when the time comes."

The friendship between Ronald and Lindsay Dole started in childhood, and the level of trust between the two was extraordinary.

"You are my first customer, and I hope to serve you all the time. I will call him right now." Lindsay Dole also cherishes this business. She has helped Ronald solve many personal problems. The problem is that the two of them have gone beyond the ordinary client-lawyer relationship and are more like friends.

Not long after, Mickey Kanter, a famous lawyer in Los Angeles, called.

"Mr. Kanter, will you agree to represent our Daydream Productions in its legal affairs?"

"Hi, Ronald, of course I am willing," Kanter's voice on the phone was still the same, very sharp, "Just in time, before we officially sign the contract, can I give you some advice?"

"Of course, please say it." Ronald knew that Kanter was not a mysterious person.

"Originally, you didn't let Lindsay call me, so I wanted to find you. The TV station and other media will soon interview you about the former commander-in-chief JFK. You have to be careful to say that this is what Kenny asked me to convey to you. of."

"Are you sure you shouldn't be giving him advice? Why does it sound like he is giving you advice, and then you are passing it on to me?" Ronald was very surprised when he heard this. Why did JFK, an intern, start giving names? The partners gave advice.

"Boy, I'm not kidding you. I'm talking about Kennedy Jr., not John Jr., but his uncle Ted. He has been reelected since he first served as a senator from Massachusetts in 1962.

You don’t need me to remind you of the power of a senior senator, do you? "

"Of course not." Ronald thought of the Japanese Senator Inoue of Hawaii. People who have been in the senatorial position for a long time have deep roots. You don't know who is behind them.

Kanter did not stop and continued to explain to Ronald, "The power of the senator is scary. Why do you think I want this young man to come to the law firm? I recruit 60-80 interns every year, all from Harvard. Why do fresh graduates from Yale want this idiot who is already 27 years old to be an intern every year? He may not be able to pass the BAR bar exam."

"Yeah, that's right." Ronald had a deeper understanding of the energy of these political figures.

What's more, the Kennedy family is one of the most powerful in America. Out of respect for JFK, Ronald asked Kanter what standard answer he had for his evaluation of JFK.

"Can I ask you a question first? What is your partisanship?" Kanter asked on the phone.

"I'm not partisan and I've voted for candidates from both parties."

In addition to following Aunt Karen's request to vote for the current leader of the Elephant Party in the 1984 general election. Ronald also voted for Donkey Party candidates.

Staten Island, where his registered address is located, falls under the jurisdiction of New York City. In last year's mayoral election, his vote went to Ed Cochin, the re-elected mayor of the Donkey Party.

Aunt Karen was very fond of him, especially because he authorized the NYPD to close the bathhouse between men near the leg warmer store that his family kept in Manhattan because he wanted to prevent the spread of HIV. The security near the store has improved a lot.

"That's good. That's easy. You just need to give the standard answer. In addition, I remind you not to reveal your partisanship when answering."

"Although I haven't paid you legal fees yet, can you give me a hint as to what the standard answer is?"

"American people miss JFK very much, the Apollo moon landing program, and the performance of the Alliance Secretary General in the Cuban Missile Crisis..."

"Commander JFK? You know, I'm about the same age as his son. I respect him very much. It was America's best era, just like it is now. The Apollo moon landing program, like the space shuttle now, He and the current commander-in-chief are both the best commander-in-chief in my opinion."

Following the teachings of the new lawyer Mickey Kanter, Ronald gave the standard answer when interviewed by the TV station.

"You look about as handsome as JFK."

Diane, who came to see Ronald, was in the bedroom, holding Ronald in her arms and watching him being interviewed by CBS TV.

"Really? There is no comparison between me and him. He is the prince of America."

"Hehe, many people liked him when they were young, but I don't like New Yorkers like him. I prefer..."

"Just now was an interview with Ronald Lee, the director of Dirty Dancing. This movie has received huge expectations from the audience, and Ronald said the movie will be released in August. If you can't wait, you can also go see the same company Produced by 'Love Is Not For Sale'."

Ronald's attention was drawn to the TV show...

"Love Is Not For Sale" was officially released last weekend. It took in US$4.7 million at the box office in its first weekend, ranking behind "RoboCop", the champion of the new film, and "Jaws 4", which came in third.

No one would have thought that the second place was the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" that Disney re-released in order to occupy the schedule. It is a black and white cartoon from 1937.

This movie, shot by Walt Disney himself, unexpectedly took the second place, with a score of more than 7 million. The film critics' glasses were shattered.

Next up is Stanley Kubrick's "Full Metallic", which grossed $4.7 million from 900 theaters. In fact, this film's single-theater box office is higher than all other box office hits after "RoboCop" Movies are all higher.

Despite all the bad reviews from film critics, "Love Is Not For Sale" still achieved results that were on par with "Full Metal Cartridge". Of course, this was achieved by scheduling the film in 300 more theaters than Kubrick.

Kubrick's Dark America is too dark, and the soldiers in it are portrayed as either lunatics or Shenjingbing. The film has been unable to be filmed and only some anti-war film critics and stars swear to say good things about him.

The popularity of the movie "Love Is Not For Sale" also boosted the sales of old Beatles records, which made Ronald, who spent a lot of money on radio charts but had poor sales of the "Dirty Dancing" soundtrack, envious. .

The film's reputation is very good. Although critics have given it negative reviews, audiences have their own choice criteria. By the second week, the TV station couldn't hold it any longer and interviewed the main creative staff.

The actor, Patrick Dempsey, used the salary he received to buy a sports car. He happily drove around the streets of New York, and he did not forget to show off his beloved sports car during interviews.

"Patrick, this is your first movie. Has it changed your life in any way since it was released? What new challenges have you encountered?"

Like his character Ronald in the movie, Dempsey wears his hair high and gelled so it doesn't get messy when driving a convertible.

"The biggest change, of course, is that many girls now take the initiative to say hello to me. Thanks to my sports car. The biggest challenge, well, is that I don't know how to guess what girls are thinking."

"Hahaha... He looks like that nerd." Diane was in Ronald's arms, looking at Patrick Dempsey with a stupid look on his face.

"This is a rare story in which the male protagonist transforms from an ordinary person to a handsome one, and finally becomes a lover and loyal family member with a heroine with a higher social status. This kind of transformation (Make Out) plot is usually reserved for heroines. . So the actors I found are more authentic."

Ronald explained that Dempsey was actually quite handsome, but he had a nerdy temperament, always said silly things, and had some understanding of the character.

The heroine Amanda Peterson, like the heroine Cindy, is a beauty queen and cheerleader, and she has the attributes of a social queen in high school.

"Although the movie is very popular, there are still some tragic elements in the story. Ronald must pay Cindy to teach him how to become popular in school." TV All, the screen gave the host Interview with Amanda Peterson.

"Indeed, our movie had such a plot at the beginning, but the subsequent development still made Ronald understand that emotional things cannot be bought with money. If Cindy hadn't been for money at the beginning, she might have There was no chance of meeting a boy as good as Ronald. This was just an opportunity for their love story."

Amanda Peterson handled it well and spoke with eloquence. She flipped her blond hair. This question was actually the reason why film critic Roger Ebert gave the movie a negative review. Her counterattack was very clever.

I did not deny this plot, but said that this was the beginning of the story. If not for this, it would be difficult for Cindy, who is at the top of society, to get to know Ronald, who is actually a good boy, but is at the bottom of society because he is a nerd.

"In the end, it was also because of this incident that Cindy met Ronald, such a good boy, and finally found out that he was exactly the person she wanted." Amanda Peterson flipped her blond hair again, calmly It seems that he is not 16 years old, but 26 years old.

Ronald felt that she had the potential to be a star, was not afraid of tough questions, and could link the answers to movie marketing.

"There is another popular question. Socializing in high school is very extreme now. Are you good at socializing, a nerd, and a beauty queen..." The host found another controversial point in the movie.

In fact, this chain of contempt in high school has existed for a long time, but there are not many movies that reflect this bad tendency.

"I understand what you mean. In fact, being a beauty queen in high school is not necessarily a good thing. The competition you face in high school is limited, and being a nerd actually prepares you to compete at a higher level." Amanda Peterson has learned to answer questions.

"Oh, she is only 16 years old and she can be interviewed so smoothly." Diane commented.

"When she was four or five years old, she acted in the movie 'Annie', but she was not the protagonist." Ronald explained that she was a child star who grew up in Hollywood.

Feeling Diane tense in his arms, Ronald realized that he had said something wrong and quickly corrected him, "You were also a child star. When you were 16, you seemed to be more calm than her."

"No, I was 16 years old. Well, I was busy filming 'The Amazing Dirt Band' at that time. I remember I was so nervous when I auditioned for 'The Kid'. They even asked me if I had anyone I liked. I was so nervous. I stuttered a little nervously.”

"Who did you have a crush on at that time? Was it a classmate in high school?" What Ronald actually wanted to say was that when Diane was kidnapped by her mother, she cleverly crashed a car and sent out a distress signal. However, Diane did not mention this past incident. Not even mentioned.

"Well... I won't tell you." Diane turned over and kissed Ronald hard and deeply.

"It's been an exciting experience and I'm so happy that audiences are enjoying the film. I'm grateful to Daydream Pictures for their investment in us and for the quality of their distribution.

Yes, Daydream is a new company, but with their second film, Ronald Lee's much-discussed new one, I wish him success. "

"Huh?" Ronald separated from Diane with difficulty and looked at the TV.

This is an interview with Rush, the director of "Love Is Not For Sale". Saying this is tantamount to putting huge pressure on himself.

Ronald felt a little uncomfortable.

"Can your new movie 'Dirty Dancing' be as popular as 'Love Is Not For Sale'?" Diane looked at Ronald affectionately, raised her head and continued to ask for a kiss.

"It's hard to say whether a movie will be a hit or not. I just do everything I need to do and leave the rest to the audience to decide... um, um..."

The sound of the TV seemed to become smaller, as if separated by a thin film, and Ronald's whole body and mind was immersed in Diane's passionate kiss.

"hold me……"


"How prepared are we?"

The next day, a refreshed Ronald came to the office of Daydream Pictures and continued to stare at "Dirty Dancing", which was about to be released.

"The sales of the record are still not good. I have informed the record company to suspend the next production. It seems that our first record release has probably reached its peak. Fortunately, our cost is not high. There are only two songs in the entire record that need to be re-recorded. , the cost actually does not exceed 200,000 US dollars." Jimmy Renner broke the bad news first.

"Maybe once the movie is released, it will sell more, but that's it for now."

"The ban on film reviews will be lifted on time and they will begin to appear in the film review columns of various newspapers." Dolly Bernstine reported on the film review side of things.

"We have good momentum, just waiting for Patrick Schwytz and Jennifer Gray to come back from vacation. Cynthia Rhodes is already in Los Angeles and ready for TV interviews."

Michelle Cannold said another aspect of publicity matters.

"Bobby Wygant agreed?" Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, Barbie is coming to Los Angeles from Dallas next week. After watching the preview, she liked the movie very much and took the initiative to call us and said she would give us an opportunity for an exclusive interview."

"That's good, that's good." Ronald had originally booked an interview with her, but it was ruined by the delay. Bobbi Wygant's film review TV show was very influential in the southern states and allowed her to say A few good words can attract many more viewers in the south.

"David Letterman has also adjusted the guest arrangement to give the heroine a chance to appear on the show." Dolly Bernstine continued to talk about the arrangements for TV promotion.

"Letterman is my friend and he won't let me down."

Ronald's strongest connection in the television industry is Letterman, and this time he gave the movie a chance to promote. On his late-night show, he often invites female celebrities to wear sexy clothes and make harmless side-line jokes. This is also a requirement for late-night talk shows.

However, many of the movie's viewers also watch his show, which is a very important publicity opportunity.

"But he said there is a condition that he wants you to come with him." Cannold added beside him.

"Okay, I'll review the script with him after I go to New York."

Just when Ronald was about to launch an all-round attack and start the national road show for the announcement, the main creative staff participating in the road show had another accident.

"Jennifer can't be contacted now. I contacted her agent, but he couldn't find her in Northern Ireland on vacation with her boyfriend. I also contacted Jennifer's father, Joel, and he didn't know where his daughter had gone."

The speaker was Emilie Adorino, Ronald's assistant director during the filming of "Dirty Dancing." When he was filming, he made a good impression on Ronald and was familiar with the main creator. Ronald wanted to wait for the success of the two new films to give him some opportunities and focus on training him. At the right time in the future, he would let Emily Adorino also directed the tube himself.

This time he served as Ronald's assistant again and started his marketing journey together.

"What's going on? It's going to start in a few days. You see, Patrick Schwytz has come back from the ranch in the country. Her Jewish boyfriend didn't disappear with her to get married, right?"

After Jennifer Gray's "Dirty Dancing", she didn't succeed in having a fake scene with Patrick Schwytz, who already had a wife, so she found a Jewish boyfriend at the speed of light, who had previously made several blockbuster movies. Hugh Brodick.

His previous films, "Spring Is Not a Reading Day" and "War Games" were all blockbusters, and his deceased father, Brodick Sr., also had extensive connections in the industry. It can be said that the future is bright in Hollywood.

"Found it." Ronald's agent, Richard, hurried over and found Jennifer Gray.

"Where is she? It can't be Monaco, right?" Ronald knew where there were many casinos, and it was normal for male and female friends to go there and lose track of time.

"No, she and Brodick are being policed ​​by the Irish Military Police."

"Ah? What happened to her?"

"I found the agent of Matthew Brodick, who was being investigated by the military police in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, on suspicion of dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol and was involved in a car accident. He is now with the Red Beret Military Police A designated hospital for treatment. Jennifer Gray, a key witness, was also there."

Northern Ireland is similar to some mainland countries. The military police not only manage the conduct of the army, but also assume the responsibility of the police in some rural areas. In Northern Ireland, there are die-hard elements of the Republican Army who are constantly causing trouble. Their military police red berets are very capable. .

"Is Jennifer okay?" Ronald didn't care about the safety of Brodick. What he needed for movie promotion now was his heroine Gray.

"Suffering relatively serious injuries, concussion, amnesia, neck whiplash-like injuries often caused in car accidents, and may be paralyzed." Richard said many terrible symptoms.

"No way." Ronald felt cold, but he didn't want it to become Jennifer Grey's legacy.

"Matthew Brodick is even worse. He has broken legs, broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a concussion. I'm afraid he will have a hard time."

"That's so unlucky. How much did this kid drink?" Ronald not only smiled bitterly, but Brodick was several years younger than Gray. She was a female junior. In order to impress the young lady, she probably needed to show off.

"Even worse than him was the mother and daughter in another car. They were crossing the road when the light was green and were hit for no reason. Both of them died on the spot."

"Shxt!" Ronald heard that there was a murder and knew he was in trouble.

"What is this bastard Brodick accused of?"

"Dangerous driving causing death is British law and if found guilty he would have been jailed for five years."

"Where's Jennifer?"

"Jennifer was fine, but when she was first found by the military police, she said she was arguing with Matthew in the car."

"Shxt!" Ronald was angry. What the hell does this have to do with his actors? That bastard Matthew Brodick must have been drinking.

"Hello, Mr. Kanter?" Ronald had no choice but to call the barrister Mickey Kanter, who had just signed a contract with Daydream.

"Ronald, I heard about your heroine. What do you want me to do?"

Kanter had long understood what Ronald called.

"I just want Jennifer to be okay and clear herself from this unfortunate incident. I don't want the heroine of my new movie to be involved in such a life case. This is not a good thing."

"So, Jennifer Gray is just a victim and suffers collateral damage. She had no knowledge before the accident and had nothing to do with Brodick's reckless driving. She is also a victim."

"That's true. Also, do we now accept the protection of the client's lawyer's privacy agreement?"

"Of course, if you sign an agency agreement with me on behalf of Miss Grey."

"Well, please come here. I'll ask her father, Joel, to sign an agency agreement with you. I will be responsible for part of the expenses."

Mickey Kanter arrived at Daydream Pictures, communicated with the worried Joel Gray on the phone, and signed an agency agreement with Ronald, who was authorized by Joel.

"Okay, you can tell the bad news you want to say." Mickey Kanter looked at Ronald, "What we are talking about now falls within the scope of the attorney-client agreement, and your secrets are safe with me."

Kanter thought Ronald and Gray were having an affair and didn't want others to know about their relationship. Pulling Jennifer Gray out alone in this way and preventing her from sinking with her boyfriend Brodick is the cultivation of a good lover.

"After Jennifer woke up, she told the Northern Ireland military police that she had been arguing with Matthew Brodick before the incident. I do not want the heroine of my new film to be involved in any criminal case."

"God," Mickey Kanter immediately took the phone and called his secretary, "I'm going to Northern Ireland. Book me a ticket to Belfast as soon as possible."

Attorney Kanter then turned to Ronald and said, "You know nothing until I have the news, and to say that to any reporter, you know as much as the public, and they all hope that Gray is safe. Do you understand?"

"Understood", Ronald was satisfied with Mickey Kanter's mobility.

"Besides, you will pay for all the expenses this time."

"Of course, if you need anything, just contact Richard."

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