Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 446 We want to do better advertising than 0 things

“The Super Bowl ad you did for Pepsi was so successful that Coca-Cola’s new president now talks about your ad every day in their senior management meetings.

"Only those who drink Coca-Cola can pick up girls. This is the essence of the marketing spirit that we at Coca-Cola have persisted for decades. This advertisement should have belonged to us." ’ These were his exact words. So this time, Coca-Cola will invite you to shoot their commercial no matter what. "

Ronald's old friend Darcy Maguire, the creative director of an advertising agency, led a team to visit Ronald and told him why Coca-Cola asked him to direct the commercial.

"I think that's why you recommended me in front of them, right? Coffee? Tea?" Ronald was interviewing Darcy Maguire in his office. This strong woman is now looking more and more like the Madison Street elite.

"Coffee, black," Darcy said to his assistant with a smile, "Actually, my recommendation is redundant. They showed us the commercial from last year's Super Bowl featuring Michael J. Fox and Helen Slater. , in order to get to know the newly moved female neighbor, he even climbed down the fire escape, walked through the traffic, and under the watchful eye of the motorcycle gang, he went through all kinds of hardships to sell Pepsi Diet Coke... Ah, thank you, my black coffee."

Darcy Maguire took the coffee and took a sip, "Ah, I need this. How about it? The people from Coca-Cola said that you have to shoot some more effective advertisements for them. Then they can give it to you willingly. of video tape subsidies.”

"How many?" Ronald was surprised. Isn't it an advertisement?

"No, Coca-Cola spends as much money on advertising every year as Pepsi. They hope to rekindle the public's awareness of the Coca-Cola brand. Last year, in their industry survey with Pepsi, their brand awareness lagged behind Pepsi for the first time. Who is more suitable than you to do this over-the-top thing?

After all, good advertisers learn from others, and smart advertisers plagiarize. It would be even better to find the original artist and let him copy his own work, hahaha..."

"Hahaha, yeah, who else is more suitable than me?" Ronald also smiled. With all the money I earned from shooting commercials for Pepsi, I bought Coca-Cola stocks. I made a lot of money, so I had to give something back to Coca-Cola.

"You agreed?" Darcy Maguire was overjoyed. After all, Ronald is already a big director in Hollywood. This time, "Dirty Dancing" will be distributed by himself and he will make a lot of money. The marketing director of Coca-Cola, who originally proposed the idea, was afraid that Ronald had lost interest in the small project.

"Two questions." Ronald tapped his two fingers together on the table twice.

"Please say,

My ears were perked up. "Maguire took out his notebook and pen very seriously and prepared to record.

"First, you said you want to surpass the effect of Pepsi. This is very difficult to achieve. Either we find an actor more famous than Michael J. Fox, which is almost impossible. No one will be better than him who just finished filming Back to the Future More red.

Or find a more beautiful and well-known female star who has acted in more movies and TV series to play the heroine. In fact, this is also very difficult. Movie stars are generally reluctant to appear in domestic advertisements, which will make their image spread too widely and become stereotyped.

The last way is to increase the difficulty to overcome, making it more difficult for the hero to break through the difficulty, but this requires a more expensive action special effects team.

So, I need financial support from Coca-Cola, and the budget for these ads won't be cheap. "

Ronald smiled as he made his first request.

You said you want to surpass Pepsi-Cola, then come up with a production budget that surpasses Pepsi-Cola, let me have a good time, and then bring some actors along to make some money.

"Of course, no problem. As long as we come up with good ideas, Coca-Cola is happy to pay." Darcy Maguire smiled. For a director like Ronald, money is not an issue. Ronald doesn’t quite know what Coca-Cola is yet.

"Okay, second question. I assume that I have some recommendation and decision-making power to invite celebrities? For example, some female characters?"

"Come on, Ronald. You know, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are enemies. It is impossible for them to let Helen Slater, who has appeared in Pepsi commercials, to appear in Coca-Cola commercials again."

"Uh...it's not her." Ronald touched his nose.

"Ah...that's no problem. Who do you want to use?"

"Diane, Diane Lane, do you think it's okay?" Ronald recommended Diane. She has made several films without much response from the film industry, and she currently has no roles suitable for her. Anyway, she doesn't have any memorable roles right now. She can make some extra money by filming some commercials. Some people are interested in her, which is better than no one.

"Is that the redhead in 'The Kid'? She's very pretty. I think there's no problem in the male version of the ad."

"That's her. What do you mean by the male version?" Ronald smiled and said that he would help Diane if he could.

"Haha, look at this." Darcy Maguire handed over two folders.

"This is our proposal to Coca-Cola. The story of Pepsi-Cola is about a boy who buys Pepsi in order to get the appreciation of girls. We want to make two versions. Not only can boys take risks for girls, but girls can also take risks for boys..."

"Good idea!" Ronald looked at it with a smile.

He knew that Darcy Maguire had been troubled by discrimination in the workplace because of his gender. Now that Coca-Cola has proposed to completely surpass last year's Pepsi advertisement, what better way to surpass it than to shoot one more advertisement in which the characters are gender-switched?

Who says a girl can't risk drinking a can of Coke for the man she likes?

"This was inspired by your 'Dirty Dancing'. I was very happy to see this movie. Hollywood should have more directors like you and make more movies with female protagonists and stories told from a female perspective.

You know, in Hollywood, even the heroines are mostly vases and foils for the hero. This is why I especially like your and James Cameron’s movies. You two particularly like to tell stories from a female perspective. I think such movies should account for half of Hollywood movies in the future. "

"I strongly agree." Ronald looked at the storyboard and smiled broadly. Two pages of advertising, don’t you make double money?

"Okay, I'll report to Coca-Cola right now, and we'll meet again then."

"I have one more question." Ronald said to Maguire who stood up to leave.


"Why can you accept ads from two competitors? Don't you also have to abide by the principle of avoidance?"

"Hahaha, because I know you. Who has the advantage over me to invite you? If I invite Ridley Scott's company, I will have no chance."

"Is that so?" Ronald felt that this flattery was of a high level and he was very happy in his heart, but he knew that this could not be the whole reason.

"Of course, there are other reasons. Pepsi-Cola has left us and found another advertising company. And Coca-Cola found out that I was the creative director who took over Pepsi last year. This is a revenge battle for me and them. "

"Understood, then let's play together again." Ronald made an OK gesture.

"Very good", Darcy Maguire sorted out the documents and happily went to report the good news to Coca-Cola.

Ronald picked up the phone and called Diane:

"Diane, I found a short-term job for you. Are you interested? Be the heroine of Coca-Cola's Super Bowl commercial.

Hmm...ah...yes, it's a similar 60-second commercial with a plot like last year's Pepsi-Cola. Yes, it's almost the same as Helen's scene. "

"Hehe", Diane laughed on the phone, "Thank you for thinking of me. I made pretty good money from the commercials I shot in Japan. But my dad is nagging me again. He asked me not to accept commercials. "

"How about I come and talk to him? This is no longer the past era. Accepting advertisements can also increase your reputation. You see, Michael J. Fox was the number one male star last year. Didn't he also film it?"

"Okay, I told Bert that you recommended it." Diane leaned on the sofa on the other end of the phone, playing with the phone cord in his hand while answering.

"Then do you want to shoot a male version or a female version?" Ronald briefly explained the plots of the two advertisements.

"What do you think?"

"It depends on you. The female version has more scenes, but the risk of stereotypes may be higher. Your appearance is actually more suitable for American women with traditional values. If you ask me, I'd rather shoot the red one in the female version. Girls are good too. A sexy image will help you get new script offers.

Besides, the pay for both versions is the same. "

"I listen to you. Bert must have the same idea anyway."

The two chatted on the phone for a long time before Diane reluctantly put down the phone.

"Ring ring ring ring..." The phone rang again.

"Ronald, they agreed. They agreed to all your requests. I made an appointment with Coca-Cola's marketing director tomorrow. Are you coming to discuss casting with us?" Maguire called Ronald for a long time. Germany's line.

"No problem. Tomorrow we will determine the details and tone of the story, how to surpass Pepsi Cola, and then we can release the audition news. I hope the filming will be completed as soon as possible. You know I am very busy."

"This is what I think. It is difficult to surpass Michael J. Fox in terms of actor popularity and audience favorability. We just need to be consistent with his status.

A more convenient place to make efforts is to increase the difficulty of overcoming difficulties in the plot, so that the audience can remember the advertisement and feel more impressed than last year's advertisement. "

In front of the Coca-Cola team and Darcy Maguire, Ronald talked about the storyboard drawn on the whiteboard.

"Pah, pah, pah..."

When Ronald finished speaking about his idea, Coca-Cola's director took the lead in applauding.

"It's impressive, Director Lee, it's very impressive."

"You are the one who can explain things clearly among all the advertising directors I have dealt with. Many directors are very high-level, but we don't quite understand their ideas. You can make us understand from a business perspective. The money spent on filming was spent on the most useful things, and I applaud you."

"Thank you! Who is the actor?"

"Diane is very suitable for the male version of the advertisement. As for the male version, the male protagonist, and the female version of the heroine, we still hope to have a star with the same popularity as Michael J. Fox to take the role."

"I'm listening with both ears." Ronald was satisfied to hear that the Coca-Cola people agreed with Diane. But it’s almost impossible to be as popular as Michael J. Fox when Back to the Future was released the year it was released. It is impossible for a star like Tom Cruise to agree to shoot an advertisement. Foxx is also a big star trying out for the first time.

"Fox is remembered by the public for its TV series, so this time we are also looking for TV series stars."

It turns out that the TV series is about the same location. Ronald understood. The marketing director of Coca-Cola is a talented person who is proficient in corporate politics. If he cannot hire a star as famous as Fox, he will change the angle and secretly change the standards.

Before Michael J. Fox played "Back to the Future", he was famous for playing the eldest son in the TV series "Ties". Anyway, TV drama stars don't object to filming commercials, so they can still explain the past.

"I don't know who you want to belong to?"

"Blue Moonlight's Bruce Willis."

"Oh, it's him."

Ronald remembered that this comedy star had a somewhat high career path. Fox also acted in sitcoms, and Willis also acted in sitcoms. From this point of view, they were evenly matched.

"Where's the female version of the heroine?"

"This is more troublesome. There is also a lack of female stars in TV series that the audience likes. We tried to contact the heroine of Blue Moonlight, Sybil Shepherd, but she refused."

"Maybe she still wants to be a movie star." Ronald nodded. This vixen who broke up many marriages had the ambition to be a movie star.

"So, we are also open to auditions in Hollywood. Do you have any recommendations here?"

"I'm afraid I can't say I have it." Ronald sighed. The female version needs to perform a lot of action scenes, and she also needs to be very beautiful. There is indeed no one she knows.

"Then let's choose slowly."

Soon, the news spread in Hollywood that Coca-Cola wanted a well-known female star to star in their big advertisement.

Nowadays, the income of female stars in Hollywood is very low, especially compared to the male stars who were raised by Stallone to US$5 million per movie. Their salary gap has been widened by 10 times.

Shooting such an advertisement can cover almost half the salary of a movie, and it is also highly popular. Many female stars who have not yet climbed to the top ignore the convention of movie stars not to shoot advertisements. Under the urging of their agents, Start attacking everywhere.

Ronald's agent also received many calls from the agents of female celebrities who recommended themselves. The news that Ronald would direct this commercial spread quickly in Hollywood, where there are no secrets.

Niceta and Richard blocked everything for him and sent the list to Ronald. If Ronald was interested, further contact would be made.

"I'm actually not interested. This role is not easy to choose. I don't want to delay things." Ronald didn't even look at the list. Female stars who can do dangerous actions and are photogenic are also very rare in Hollywood. On the other hand, you can still see quite a few of them in Xiangjiang.

"Hello..." Ronald said to Richard who came here specially to deliver the list, and then continued to make the overseas call. "

"Sister Jiao? Is Brother Long here? I am Ronaldinho from Hollywood."

"Director Luo, I'm going to call Aaron right away." Sister Jiao on the other side of the phone hurriedly called Jackie Chan who was washing socks, "Aaron, Director Luo from Hollywood has something to do with you. Didn't you say you wanted to talk to me last time? Is he working with Hollywood?”

Jackie Chan has a mysophobia. If her socks are dirty, she must wash them by hand immediately. He washed his hands and then went downstairs with Sister Jiao. "So fast? Ronaldinho really walks the talk, and has the style of our martial arts."

"You're still cool. Go answer the phone. He's a big director in Hollywood, so you have to be polite."

"Know La, hello, Director Luo? What are you looking for for me?"

"Brother Long, I need an action team here. Coca-Cola asked me to shoot a commercial and specified that the scenes should be more exciting than Stallone's. I thought about it, only you can do it!"

"Brother, this is a compliment to me. What I didn't say is, who do you want? I'll send it to you right away."

"Can you recommend it? I want to take a shot of your 'food truck', where it falls from a high altitude onto the awning and then lands smoothly."

"Well, then Corey Yuen (Yuan Kui) is the most suitable. He has been working with me on how to shoot stunts. He knows all the key points of that shot. Besides, among our martial arts practitioners, his English is the best. Hollywood, just take care of him. We are a bunch of uneducated people and are afraid of being bullied."

"When we get to Los Angeles, I will take care of everything, don't worry. Also, I need female stand-ins. Can you help me find two?"

"Can you fight?"

"No, that shot was shot by a female celebrity."

"I really do have you. I'll find the best female martial artist for you."

"Then it's settled. You'll submit your name when the time comes. I'll be responsible for all the expenses here, and I'll give them the highest-end action actor salary in Hollywood."

"That's too polite. They also want to see the world."

"It won't work if you're not tall. How can you make your team look good if you're not tall?"

"a ha ha ha……"

Ronald and Jackie Chan finalized the matter in a few words. They want to break through the level of action like Pepsi-Cola and become the only one in Hollywood. Ronald thought of those desperate stunt people.

It's time for Americans to see what real stunts are like.

"When the fax comes, you can help me arrange the pick-up and accommodation, both of which are the best." Ronald said to Richard.


"Have you chosen the heroine for the escort commercial?"

"Do you have any recommendations?" Ronald looked at Richard.

"No, I spent a long time looking through actor information at CAA with Rick (Nisita) today, and there was nothing suitable. Either he wasn't pretty enough, or he couldn't do the action scenes."

"Okay, if it doesn't work, I'll go ask Cameron. The heroines in his two movies are pretty good, and I don't know if they are willing to be in commercials." Ronald sighed. They are all movie stars, so they are willing. There are really not many people who lower their profile to shoot advertisements.

"Ring, ring, ring," Ronald's phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Ronald."

"Ronald, I remember you said that you owe me once." A husky, sexy voice came from the phone.

Of course Ronald remembered, it was Demi Moore's voice. At that time, she passed on the news that her boyfriend Emilio Estevez wanted to disgrace her, and she also helped Don Simpson pass on the key news of "Top Gun" in the rehabilitation center. Although he had helped her several times, he could not say that he had completely returned the favor.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"I want to audition for the heroine in Coca-Cola's commercial." Demi Moore was glad that she had Ronald's personal phone number and didn't have to ask her agent to pass it on to the agent like other actresses.

"Well, I don't have the final say, but of course I can help you get the audition. But I have to tell you in advance that there are some action scenes in this commercial. Even if there is a stuntman, you have to go in and shoot some scenes yourself."

"I heard that there are two versions of this advertisement. In which version does the heroine have less action?" Demi Moore continued to bargain.

"But the screen time is also very small. I think you are not just doing it for the salary?" Ronald said to himself that I had already promised Diane that role.

"Okay, you're right." Demi Moore thought about it and it was right. Although she also needed the salary, the "Wisdom" filmed by herself and Emilio was a mess, and her daily expenses were big. But the ultimate goal is to focus on the terrifying number of views of Coca-Cola advertisements.

As an actress, don't start pretending to be a star before you become famous. Having this opportunity to look familiar in front of the audience is actually better than making five bad movies.

"Okay, I'll mention your name to them over there."

"Thank you, Ronald." Demi Moore's thoughts faded away, and her voice took on a lazy tone, which made Ronald feel itchy. Demi really understands a man's partner very well.

"Are you still in the same place? I want to see you and thank you in person!" Demi Moore deliberately emphasized the word "thank you."

"You and Emilio?" Ronald didn't want to have an affair with someone who had an official boyfriend.

"Oh, Shxt!" Demi scolded directly over there, "He has screwed me over, and now it's revealed that he has a Latina girlfriend who gave birth to two children for him, making me in front of the media. Like a fool.

These Latinas are really interesting. In their world, it seems that they can have an official white girlfriend, and then add a few informal Latina girlfriends, and think that I will be fine with it. "

"Isn't that because he is no longer of use to you?" Ronald secretly complained, "Demi must have known about this before, but she just pretended not to see it. Now Emilio's self-directed and starred movie has failed. All the bad things have now become crimes.

"He's really gone too far." Of course, Ronald is still on Demi's side. Anyway, Emilio is a bad person, and sinking like this is just a good way to relieve his anger.

"He and I have broken up a long time ago. You must not read newspapers very much. Then I'll come over now." Demi said to Ronald happily.

Ronald has always been known in Hollywood for fair dealings and rewarding women. I have also experienced his love. It would be great to be able to connect with Emilio again after knocking him off.

"Okay, you can come and let me tell you about the scene. The difficulty of shooting this commercial is no less than that of an action movie. Maybe you can become a female action star in the future."

"Oh, Ronald, you're kidding me again," Demi said in an increasingly seductive tone.

Ronald put down the phone and looked at his agent Richard, "It's Demi Moore. She wants a chance to audition." Ronald didn't shy away from his agents about this kind of thing. On the contrary, he had to report it to them.

"I heard it. Demi knows how to measure. I will contact her agent. You have a good night..." Richard smiled and left.


An hour later, a luxury car carrying a fragrant Demi Moore came to Ronald's room.

"You smell good," Ronald opened the door and ushered Demi in. A few years later, Demi's feminine style has become more and more profound. Today she is wearing a professional woman's suit, with long wavy black hair, bright red lipstick, a low-key black and white professional skirt, and black feet. Stockings and high heels.

After taking her hat and hanging it on the coat hook, Ronald also noticed that Demi's black high-heeled shoes had a red sole. When she walked over, a touch of red was exposed on the sole of the shoe, which was very sexy.

"I saw your careful preparation. As an actor who has never read the script, your preparation is very good." Ronald handed over a cup of Coca-Cola.

"This is also part of the audition, right?" Demi walked over squirmingly, picked up the Coke and poured it into her mouth. Coke slowly entered her lips, as if she was very honored to be able to merge with the beauty.

After finishing the drink, Demi Moore placed the cup on the table, leaving a bright red lip mark on it.

"You did it perfectly." Ronald praised sincerely. Demi, a woman full of energy and vitality, drinks Coke like this, which really shows the appeal of Coca-Cola. The bright red jar also echoes the color of Demi’s high heels.

"So, is there anything else you want to teach me?" Demi hugged Ronald with both hands and began to draw circles on his chest.

"No, just keep it like this. I think your acting skills have improved a lot."

"Really?" Demi glanced at Ronald very seductively, "Let me show you how I'm progressing in other areas."

"Oh..." Ronald's whole body was excited. He had indeed made a lot of progress. Just one look in his eyes made people feel refreshed.

He took a deep breath. The smell of Demi, under her active attack, smelled more and more wild, like a center of temptation, waiting for his exploration.

"You smell good too, Ronald."

"Oh", after hearing this, Ronald hugged Demi Moore, "Let us have a little more time to get to know each other again."

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