Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 451 Distributing Money at the Celebration Party

In the third week of "Dirty Dancing," two movies are opening in America.

The seven major mainstream studios are not participating in this bleak period, and new films in the off-season are always so strange.

One was "Hamburg Heights," which, like Ronald, was independently financed and produced, and then found distribution at Paramount.

This movie is also based on the Vietnam War. Unlike previous films like "Platoon" by Oliver Stone and "Full Metal Cartridge" by Kubrick, it is a story from the perspective of the US military. Moreover, unlike the previous two movies, both North Vietnam attacked and the US military defended. This movie is about the US military attack.

The new reinforcements of the 101st Airborne Division arrived on the battlefield in Vietnam and launched an attack on a high ground. It turns out that the soldiers who are different in race and class are united in the battle. After 11 attacks, Highland 937 was finally captured.

The other is the spy film "Northern Lights" produced and distributed by Britannia. The film stars two of Ronald's old acquaintances, British actor Michael Caine, and Pierce Brosnan.

Brosnan plays a Soviet Union spy who arrives at a U.S. military base in Britain and attempts to detonate a nuclear bomb. The plan is foiled by a British spy played by Michael Caine.

To be fair, both movies are well-made, with smooth stories and hot scenes. But it's a bit out of place in America today.

The movie was made in support of the Vietnam War, and critics said it not only showed the audience scenes of war, but also tried to dictate what the audience should think after seeing these scenes. The other part seems that Britain is the one talking about NATO. The reason why America was not dragged into the failure of the Cold War was entirely due to the power of British spies.

Both films received weekend box office results of more than 3 million, far behind "Dirty Dancing."

Ronald looked at the box office rankings in the "Hollywood Report" and was certainly very happy. The new movies aren't enough of a threat, which is a good thing. A run through Labor Day weekend is a foregone conclusion.

"Pierce Brosnan, Michael Caine." Ronald began writing names on the card. Even though their movies can't compete with our own, we still have to invite them to the party.

The box office performance of "Dirty Dancing" arguably exceeded Ronald's most optimistic estimates. Such a super happy event must make the company's employees feel happy as well, so as to maintain the unity of colleagues.

After discussing it with his agent Niceta, Ronald decided to have a big party to celebrate. This time he will try his best to invite friends from the industry. Employees will have the opportunity to meet celebrities in real life, which is also a disguised welfare package.

Collecting the various guest lists scattered on the bed, Ronald called Little Bud and sent the card to CAA. Richard would hand over to the public relations company in charge of the party to ensure that everyone who should be there came.

On the night of the party, Ronald arrived early at a rented mansion in Beverly Hills. It originally belonged to Samuel Goldwyn, one of the three founders of MGM. It is now occupied by his son, Samuel Godwin Jr.

It is very close to the Hollywood studios, making it convenient for guests to come and go. The previous owner often walked to work at MGM.

Katharine Hepburn and Gary Cooper were frequent visitors here. Two great commanders stayed here. Ronald was able to borrow this mansion to hold the event because CAA president Michael Ovitz came forward and smoothed the relationship.

"Ronald, I'm glad to finally meet you." The owner, Samuel Godwin Jr., came to greet him in person. His living area is on the other side, and what is being rented out today is the paradise where the party was originally held.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Godwin." Ronald stepped forward to shake hands. Young Samuel inherited his father's business, but his business was mediocre and his reputation was not prominent. Just because of my father's relationship, I became the producer of the Oscar ceremony this year.

"Call me Sam. You are very likely to be nominated for an Oscar next year, and I see a lot of reviews saying good things about your new film."

"Ah, that depends on the opinion of the nominating association." Ronald actually knew that it was unlikely that he would be nominated for best director because of "Dirty Dancing." Not to mention the critics, Jews have a problem with themselves. Even in the 1940s and 1950s when musicals were booming, this type of film was not favored by the academy.

"Will you still produce next year's awards show?"

"Yes, I look forward to seeing you next April." The owner, Samuel, who is also sixty years old, said a few words to Ronald before going to the lounge to smoke.

Ronald was led by people from the party company to the main venue, which was a large hall that could hold large-scale dances. The ancient wooden decoration, coupled with the buffet table covered with snow-white tablecloths, shines under the light.

The first people to arrive were unimportant people, including colleagues who were daydreaming about distribution work, the dancers who played supporting roles in "Dirty Dancing", the script writer Eleanor, and the director's assistant Emile Adori. Nuo, sets, props, makeup and other staff.

As soon as Ronald arrived, he naturally became the center of attention, and everyone came up to say hello to Ronald. Some colleagues also remembered that Ronald had promised to receive bonuses if the box office was good, but now looking at Ronald is like looking at a checkbook.

"Dear colleagues who are daydreaming, let me tell you some good news. Before Labor Day, I will fulfill my promise and issue bonuses. You should keep them when you sign for your salary checks. The numbers above will satisfy you."

"Oh yeah!" Daydream's colleagues shouted happily, and some of them were still applauding.

"To Ronald!" After a few seconds, everyone raised their glasses to toast Ronald.

"Here's to Dirty Dancing!" Ronald took a sip of the wine in his glass. He had many people to meet tonight and couldn't drink too much.

Colleagues cannot know each other's wages and bonuses. They will only get these two weeks' wages during the weekend, and only then will they know the amount of bonuses given by Ronald.

But Ronald was confident that everyone would be satisfied when they saw a check that was several times their average monthly salary.

"You all come with me."

Next, Ronald clicked on the backup dancers and entered the small room next to him with Eleanor and Emil.

Ronald motioned to his agent Richard to close the door, and then took a stack of envelopes from him.

"This is yours, this is yours..." According to the names on the envelope, Ronald gave each of the choreographers, screenwriters, director assistants, etc. who participated in the creation of "Dirty Dancing" an envelope.

"Open it and take a look..." Ronald saw them holding the thin envelopes and looking eager to try, so he smiled at them and said.

"Oh...this is too much..." A fat female dancer opened the envelope and couldn't help but screamed when she saw the number on the check. She immediately picked up the envelope and looked at the name on it carefully to make sure it was correct.

"Not much," Ronald laughed, "This is not the regular residual dividends given to you by the Screen Actors Guild, but the dividends I specially paid. 'Dirty Dancing' is an independently produced movie, and we unexpectedly received success.

I think this is all inseparable from your hard work. There is a convention in Hollywood that the salary of the main creator is determined by the performance of his last movie. I think this is not good. Many of you, because you did not get the compensation you deserve for this movie, will go back to take on projects with high returns but low artistic value.

I don’t want to see you wasting your talents like this, so I will use an extra part of the movie income as a dividend to you, so that you can do some things you want to do, write some scripts you want to write, and shoot some The movie I want to make. "

Ronald's eyes flashed over the faces of screenwriter Eleanor and director assistant Emil. As long as they are interested in collaborating with me again, they can submit their own scripts. Ronald is ready to give them a bigger stage and more opportunities.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ronald." The fat female dancer came up and hugged Ronald tightly without letting go.

One of the biggest features of her and other group dancers is that their bodies are not as standard as those of normal dancers. This time Ronald gave such a big check, so that he and his partner would have start-up capital when they own their own dance studio.

"I think you must be very happy, choreographers Kenny Ortega and Miranda Garrison, tell me your dance studio business is very good now." Ronald patted the fat dancer gently on the back , he knew that the other party must be excited.

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I also want to thank you, Ronald. Those photos you took of us on set, proving that we were the cast of Dirty Dancing, I zoomed in on the photo with Patrick Schwytz Put it outside the rented venue, so there are so many students.”

"I'm happy for you..." Ronald patted her, then raised his glass to them and said, "This shows that we can make money in the Hollywood industry!"

"That's great..." Everyone present was very happy, placed the check safely, and filed out. Tonight is a perfect night for them.

"Eleanor," Ronald said to the screenwriter, "this is just the first issue of dividends. We will have a lot of money to make together in the future. If you have any scripts, you can always come to me."

"I don't know, Ronald, I don't know, maybe the money is enough for me to spend." Eleanor's two thick eyebrows kept flying up and down, betraying the owner's excited heart.

"Rest for a while and take your time. You have enough time to think."

"I have a few ideas. I'll talk to you at Daydream then." Emil, who served as an assistant during the filming, had his own plan to direct a movie and made an appointment with Ronald to discuss it.

Everyone got what they deserved, and everyone who walked out was smiling. Ronald was also very happy. Everyone still had to make money together. His company was involved in the publishing business for the first time and needed to build up its good reputation.

"Richard", Ronald finally called his agent Richard Lovett who was about to go out.


Ronald took out the last envelope from his pocket, which he had prepared himself, and quietly handed it to Richard.

"I can't. The agent has rules and can only collect the share stipulated in the contract." Richard refused with a smile. His share of the share will definitely be generous enough after the box office settlement of "Dirty Dancing" is completed.

"This is the share you gave me as an assistant on the set." Ronald handed it over anyway, "I know you spend most of your time on me now, and you deserve it." Richard's The big check won't come until next year when he gets his director's salary, and he's still driving a cheap Toyota car, which should improve a bit.

"Thank you, I don't know what to say..." Richard looked at the number on the check in the envelope. It was more than double his income last year.

"Just thank you. You deserve this." Ronald smiled and hugged Richard's shoulder, "Rick (Nisita), I also paid him for the movie he helped with."

When we arrived at the outer hall, many guests had already arrived.

Ronald is now naturally the focus of any party, and many people he knows and doesn't know gather around him. Some spoke to him, and some nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Ronald happened to be chatting with Pierce Brosnan and Michael Caine, who had just collaborated on a Coke commercial.

"Pierce, I watched your new movie, and let me tell you, should you and Michael switch roles? Watching you play a Soviet Union agent is always a bit confusing."

"Do I just look like an Alliance agent?" Michael Caine still pretended to protest with an East End accent.

"Yeah? You obviously acted more convincingly."


"Where's Diane? Why didn't you see her?" Brosnan thought of Diane, who worked together in advertising.

"She is promoting her new film and has already flown to New York for the premiere."

"It's a pity...seriously, do you think I'm suitable to play a British agent?"

"no doubt……"

"Hi, Patrick..."

After chatting with several guests, Ronald saw "Dirty Dancing" actor Patrick Schwytz and his wife walking into the party hall.

"Hello Ronald," the two hugged each other.

Jennifer Gray's neck is still recovering, and Cynthia Rhodes is on vacation in her hometown. Only Schwytz happened to be in Los Angeles and came to attend the celebration.

"I heard you were posting..." Patrick Schwytz made a motion of twisting paper with his fingers. He had already seen several crew members outside who started dancing happily. After asking them about it, I found out that Ronald was paying out dividends.

"You have to come to my office tomorrow and sign another document. In addition to the movie, your episode is also one of the soundtrack albums, so you still have the record's dividends."

"Congratulations to us..." Patrick Schwytz was very happy. This movie is unlikely to get him much praise from critics, but in addition to the salary of hundreds of thousands, there are still several times that amount of dividends to get. , my wife’s ranch can start to add some facilities. "

"I'm really happy that we can add a stable to our pasture."

"If I were you, not so fast. The overseas box office and video revenue is expected to be very good. You may be able to buy a new racecourse by then."

"This..." Patrick Schwytz couldn't believe that Ronald would share the overseas box office and video revenue with him.

The eyes that looked at Ronald were full of questions, and faint excitement and desire.

"This is our joint creation, and we should share it together." Ronald called a waiter, took two glasses of champagne, and drank it with Schwyz.

"Hahaha..." The two of them laughed wildly and happily. It looked like the laughter of a successful person.

People around him asked what was going on. After getting the answer, they looked at Ronald with envy and the desire to cooperate with him.

Ronald smiled even more happily. This part of the dividend was small money, but the big part still fell into his pocket. As Ronald who owns the production rights, he has the power to decide how to distribute the dividends.

According to legal requirements, Ronald does not actually need to provide these creators with additional income. He is paid entirely based on photo remuneration. If he goes to court, he will win.

But doing so neither conforms to the rules of creation nor is it conducive to collaboration with other artists. On the contrary, it is more beneficial to your business to give 10% of the money you earn to everyone and let your reputation for sharing spread.

"Ronald," Tom Cruise arrived with his wife Mimi Rogers. In addition to "Dirty Dancing" this time, Ronald also invited stars he has worked with before, not only for a party, but also to explore new cooperation opportunities.

"Ah, Tom, Tom..." Ronald hugged him, and Mimi Rogers still looked at Ronald and Cruise chatting with a crooked mouth.

"A few words alone?" Tom Cruise asked Ronald.

"Of course..." Ronald put down his wine glass and went to the small room next to him.

"Honey, wait for me." Mimi Rogers also wanted to come in, but was blocked by Cruise.

"Can you please consider the Rain Man project again? The original director, Barry Levinson, has dropped out again."

"Because of Dustin Hoffman again?"

Ronald heard Niceta talk about the farce on the Rain Man crew two days ago. Dustin Hoffman kept changing the script, which made director Barry Levinson very angry, so he quit the crew because he had other projects.

Tom Cruise shrugged helplessly, indicating that Ronald was right.

"I had the easiest time acting in the projects you directed. So I thought we could work together again."

‘Seriously, Tom, let me ask you a question and you give me your answer truthfully. If your answer meets my requirements, I can consider it. "

"What's the problem?" Seeing Ronald's attitude softening, Tom Cruise immediately became energetic and looked at Ronald with all his attention.

"Did you make this movie to win an Oscar?"


"Think carefully before answering. I want to hear your real answer." Ronald stared at Tom Cruise without speaking.

"Yes, I want to be nominated for an Oscar, I want to win an award." Tom Cruise was moved when he thought about Ronald's kindness in helping him to audition outside the audition room, and the time when he took him to the dentist. Next, I spoke my mind. "

"Very good. It's a good thing to want to win an award, but you have to play the fool. If you play the fool, I can direct it."

"This..." Tom Cruise was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ronald's condition to be this. He thought it was a request for final editing rights or compensation. Before coming, he and Paula Wagner, who was pregnant and inconvenient to move, had discussed how to agree to Ronald's request.

"I can't. Dustin is already guaranteed to sell the movie project. I can't squeeze him out."

"Nonsense! Now your security with the banker is much better than that of Hoffman. As long as you ask to play a fool, he can't compete with you. You can let them choose one of the two."

Bankable is a term used to obtain financing for a film project. No one can predict the box office of a movie. When banking institutions want to invest in projects, they can only look at which star will star in the project. All they know is that movies with stars have a much greater chance of repaying their money. At least theater chains are willing to give screenings to these movies during popular times.

So stars are like mortgages for film projects. With stars, banks are willing to lend money, and theater chains are willing to sign distribution agreements. With these, you can raise money by going back to pre-sell some copies abroad. The seven major studios are also willing to invest part of this project.

Therefore, this ability to guarantee sales is unique to celebrities. In terms of box office, Tom Cruise, who just became the box office champion with "Top Gun", is worth much more to the bank than Hoffman, who became a box office poison after winning the Best Actor.

"I can't", Tom Cruise thought for a while, but still rejected Ronald's proposal. "This project was done by Mr. Ovitz himself. He was the de facto producer of the film, and without him there would be no film.

He insisted that Dustin Hoffman play the role. Paula and I discussed it and decided to play the younger brother. This role might also get him nominated for Best Supporting Actor. "

"Brother, this is very difficult. In the script, the younger brother is the one who leads the plot, and the test of acting skills is greater than that of the mentally retarded older brother. This is a good chance for you to win an award." Ronald also wants to try.

"Now it's not mentally retarded, but autism. Dustin changed the script." Tom Cruise smiled bitterly. I have discussed with Paula and Niceta that this road is not feasible now. I still need the support of CAA and the Seventh National Congress.

"Okay, let's wait and see if there are other opportunities to cooperate." Ronald felt that a good opportunity was missed by Tom, but the reason he said was not to shirk. Ovitz is indeed the two of them at this stage. Unchallengable.

"Then who's directing now?" Ronald and Cruise asked casually as they walked out.

"I haven't found the right candidate yet. I will take on another commercial production." Tom Cruise said later.

"By the way, that movie still lacks a heroine. Do you want Diane to try it out?"

"Huh?" Ronald turned and looked at him.

"You know, I invited her when I was crazy about filming Guaizi. She is yours now, so I think I might as well give it a try. It's an opportunity."

Ronald understood that Cruise wanted to give him a favor, so he nodded, "I'll talk to Diane. What's the name of your movie?"


"Tell Paula to give me the script, no, give it to Diane."

Ronald felt that it was better not to let himself affect Diane's judgment. She was an actor who had ideas about what roles she would take.

However, who would refuse to star alongside the popular Tom Cruise?

"Mimi", Ronald opened the door and saw Mimi Rogers waiting outside. She was very socially gifted. She stood in a position to talk to others and could take care of the door here. She didn't look like someone. Keeping an eye on her husband and other women.


Or men, Mimi Rogers thought, had better take up Cruise's social time and put their own stamp on it.

"Ronald", another acquaintance came over to say hello, "Tom, Mimi..."

None other than "Top Gun" actress Kelly McGillis.

"Kelly", Ronald stepped forward and hugged her, still as touching as before.

A few people chatted about the past filming of Top Gun together. McGillis talked about Cruise's thrilling car ride. Ronald joked that McGillis had startled him by closing the Ferrari door.

"Miss McGillis..."

Several people were chatting and laughing when a woman came over and interrupted them, about to talk to Kelly McGillis.

"Ms. Lansing, I've said it before, I don't want to play that role."

"No, I still think this role is very suitable for you."

Ronald looked up and saw that it was Shirley Lansing, the former president of Twentieth Century Fox who felt sorry for him back then.

Since being fired by the oil tycoon who discriminated against female executives, Shirley Lansing has been working as a producer on her own in the past few years, working in her own small production company. In fact, she is in the same line of business as Ronald. .

"Ms. Lansing," Ronald stretched out his hand to stop her, "I think Kelly has made her thoughts clear. If you don't mind..."

"Ronald", Shirley Lansing looked over and realized it was Ronald.

"Shirley," Ronald said, not to be outdone. This act of calling each other's names is a common way in Hollywood to express "I remember you" provocations and responses.

"Oh, she's been pestering me for a long time." Kelly McGillis finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Shirley Lansing gone.

"You're in demand right now," Ronald said to McGillis with a smile.

"Really? Do you also think I'm popular?" McGillis quietly held Ronald's hand and scratched his palm a few times.


McGillis let out a long breath on the big bed in the Hilton Hotel. The two had discovered at the party that they were still very passionate about each other's body, so after the party, they both went to the best hotel in Beverly Hills.

The two people, who were familiar with each other, were passionate, and their young bodies kept asking for each other, and finally fell on the bed exhausted.

"Why is that Lansing pestering you?" Ronald slowly stroked McGillis' back.

"She said I was the best candidate for this role and that I might be nominated for an Oscar." McGillis happily accepted Ronald's caress.

"However, her project actually requires me as bankable collateral."

"I'm not surprised at all." Ronald leaned over and kissed McGillis' arm.

"Actually, the script was good. It was based on the assault case of Cheryl Araujo."

"Oh? Then why don't you want to act?" Ronald knew this woman. She was the victim of a home invasion case, but in court, the suspect's defense lawyer attacked her for having an inappropriate private life. A woman who was flirting with a strange man in a bar before the crime.

This case was highly controversial in the media at the time, but he was eventually found guilty.

It’s a good subject for women’s movies.

"Hmm..." McGillis accepted Ronald's gentle touch and felt much more at ease.

She turned over, faced Ronald, and looked into his eyes, "If I tell you, can you keep it a secret?"

Seeing the seriousness of her question, Ronald put away his smile and nodded solemnly, "I promise you."

"Actually, I only talked about this matter with the prosecutor of my case and the psychiatrist. I was also the victim of a home invasion case..."

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