Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 459 Dirty Dancing is Ronald’s reputation guarantee

"Hi, Ronnie. How was your trip?" Helen Slater drove more than two hours from her mother's home in Long Island to Teterboro Airport, the closest business airport to Manhattan, to pick up Ronald.

"It's very good. The business jet flies to the airport in New Jersey. It's very close to Manhattan, and the noise on the plane is very light. I finished reading the book." Ronald waved the "Nothing Is Forever" in his hand to Helen. Smiling and hugging Helen.

"It would be great if you parked at JFK Kennedy Airport. It's very close to Long Island. It was troublesome for my car to drive here. I almost stalled on the road." Helen wanted to help put Ronald's suitcase into the trunk of her car. , and then drove Ronald to the hotel in person.

"Business jets are parked at commercial airports, and the parking fees are too expensive," Ronald said to himself, "I am not your father Gerald. I have the backing of PBS to pay for it."

"Miss Slater, I have arranged a pick-up car for Ronald. You can give me the car key and I will have someone drive it back to your home or hotel tomorrow." Little Bud, who came on the same plane as Ronald, He said to Helen with a smile. He took Helen's car keys, put them in an envelope and sealed them.

"Oh, Bud, you have helped me a lot. I have been worried about what if the car stalls on the way back." Helen became happy.

A black Lincoln stopped in front of several people. A driver got out of the car and helped Ronald put his luggage.

"You go back to Staten Island for a few days, and we'll take you with us when we go back." Ronald smiled and waved to Little Bud, and got into the Lincoln luxury car with Helen.

"Bye...little Bud" Helen was friendly to everyone.

"You come back this time..."

"Have you been recently..."

The two people in the back seat of the car spoke to each other at the same time.

"You speak first……"

"You speak first……"

Ronald held Helen's hand and smiled, "I came back this time to work on the video tape factory and to look for the next project. In addition, I also have a small task to help choose the heroine for Paramount's new film.

"Why? Do you want to direct?"

"No, they said that the female characters I photographed have unique characteristics and they just trusted my vision."

Ronald talked about the selection of the heroine for "The Robbery of Pear Blossoms".

"This role sounds interesting," Helen Slater said after hearing that it was a film advocating for women's rights.

"The script is in my briefcase," Ronald smiled and took out the script and handed it to Helen.

"What have you been busy with in New York lately?"

"Well, Helen (Hunter) and I are busy with drama club affairs, and the film project still needs more time. Hey... this is a... victim. One, two, three, four... ninety."

Helen turned on the reading light in the back seat and eagerly read the script, but she soon lost interest.

There are a total of more than a dozen scenes of flashbacks and memories of the crime scene in the script. This movie is aiming for an R rating, mainly for these scenes. If you shoot them all, it will take five minutes.

Helen is not averse to appropriately exposed scenes, but such a heavy-tasting performance is a psychological difficulty for any actress.

"If you direct it, I can still act, but..."

"Why?" Ronald was quite happy to hear Helen say this. Not to mention Helen's acting skills, it is actually not able to support the role in this movie. Moreover, even if Director Ronald lets her play with McGillis, it would be too...

"You are a director who treats actors very well. We actresses will not worry about being cheated by the director and being edited in a mess."

Ronald and Helen looked at each other and smiled.

What she said is not uncommon in Hollywood. Many directors coaxed actresses into shooting explosive scenes, such as Phoebe Cates, the "fast-paced" actress Ronald had worked with before.

In her debut film, the director and producer were coerced and coerced by the director and producer, who tricked her into acting in many scenes that "wouldn't be edited into the finished film". In the end, they were all edited into the final copy, making it look like an X-rated film. .

As for the nudity scenes in Ronald's "Fast Pace", Phoebe was allowed to make her own choices, and the final scenes were not excessively showy, and were all within the scope of the plot. After the performance, Phoebe Cates received praise from film critics and audiences, and finally won the leading role in two of Spielberg's films.

So shooting nude scenes is something that actresses have to face on a daily basis in Hollywood. At this time, having a director she can trust is one of the biggest reasons for the actress to agree to star.

Lincoln drove into the Essex Hotel adjacent to Central Park in Manhattan. It was specially selected by Ronald's agent. It was a very old hotel with many business people and few entertainment reporters.

Ronald and Helen entered the hotel. The front desk professionally checked Ronald in under a pseudonym. A concierge in a tuxedo style took them to the top-floor suite with their luggage.

"Well, how are you preparing for your new movie? Are there any difficulties?" Ronald hugged Helen and kissed her as soon as he walked in. Helen has been trying to produce her own films recently and has not accepted any new scripts.

"I have tried it myself and realized that it is really difficult to attract investment in movies. I admire you even more. It seems that everyone is rushing to make movies with you."

Helen put her hands around Ronald's neck. During the contacts with several investors arranged by her father Gerald, they all hinted or made it clear that if Helen could get Ronald into the game, money would not be a problem.

"But I want to handle all the issues before and after a movie myself, so I don't want you to help me on this matter."

After all, with a father who is very well-connected in the TV station, it is not impossible for Helen to achieve the feat of producing her own film. But without Ronald's intervention, she still has to have a lot of discussions and negotiations with investors, and their level of trust in a slightly famous female star is limited.

"If, I mean if, you need any help, don't forget to call me." Ronald knew that Helen Slater had her own opinions on the movie. Reality taught her.

"I won't forget it," Helen smiled and kissed Ronald, it felt really good.

"By the way, do you think Helen (Hunter) has any hope of getting this role? She doesn't have much acting right now?"

After a happy reunion, the two of them relieved some of their lovesickness. Helen suddenly remembered the heroine of the movie "The Robbery of Pear Blossoms" and began to think about her best friend.

"Of course, but I'm worried..." Ronald rubbed Helen's blond hair. Helen's views just now were indeed very representative. Any actress with a promising acting career would be reluctant to take on such a role.

"Let me ask her, when are you free?"

"I have to go to the video tape factory tomorrow morning to deal with the video tape production contract for my movie. Well, the day after tomorrow. If she is interested, let's talk."

"Okay, how about we go see Broadway tomorrow night?"

"Okay, what's the new drama?"

"There are a lot of good things to see, just listen to me." Helen is very familiar with the new Broadway plays. She is very familiar with the actors on the theater stage. The actors' troupe she is busy with also often goes to watch Shakespeare. Performances by leading theater companies such as the company.

"I will obey your arrangements..." Ronald's hands began to wander around Helen's waist again.

"You're so great..." After this time, Helen relaxed wholeheartedly. Ronald was still as obsessed with her body as before. The two of them did not feel emotionally distant because of the separation. They still needed each other so much when they met. .

"Which actor do you want to meet this time?" Lying in Ronald's arms, confirming their feelings for each other again, Helen was no longer so careful and directly asked the question she wanted to ask.

"Rosanna Arquette, who has acted in movies with Madonna before. There is also someone named Kristen Davis..."

"Is it Rosanna?" Helen smiled.

"What, you know him?"

"Her mother is Jewish. I know her and her sister well. Do you want me to call you?"

"That's fine. I asked Richard to make an appointment with them. If you can chat with me in private, we might be able to tell the truth."

“Okay,” Helen got up from the bed and dialed Rosanna Arquette’s phone, “Hello, Rosanna, this is Helen.

I heard you're going to audition for the lead role in Paramount's new movie? Who did I hear that from? Hee hee, isn't it Ronald? He wanted to meet you for a chat, and I happened to mention our relationship.

He...he is right next to me, do you want..."

"Hello, Rosanna, this is Ronald." Ronald picked up the phone receiver handed over by Helen, "Okay, we will meet and chat when the time comes, and we can talk about whatever we have in mind." "

"Do you know this Kristen Davis too?" Ronald looked at Helen.

"The name is familiar, maybe he's a newcomer to the troupe? Let me ask for you."

"Okay, I'm going to bed first. I have to go to the video recorder factory tomorrow."

"Very good, Michelle, our video tapes have started production, packaging and printing, and I am very satisfied with the quality of the video tapes."

Early the next morning, Ronald drove to the video tape factory in New Jersey very early. His distribution manager, Michelle Cannold, was already waiting for him at the factory. This used to be the video tape production base of Weston Pictures, where he worked. Recently, Weston has entered the theater market, which has freed up a lot of production capacity in this factory.

"For our profit this time, acquiring this medium-sized video tape factory is not a problem. For video tapes, the most important cost control is not to stop the production line. If we can achieve full production, the cost will be okay. Down more than 15%.”

"In this case, we need a lot of video sources, and we also need to know which movies sell better in video rental stores." Ronald had the idea of ​​owning his own factory, but the success of his "Dirty Dancing" was a one-time success. , what film sources will you rely on to maintain full capacity in the future?

The video tape market is expanding year by year, and now the annual sales of video recorders worldwide have exceeded 10 million units. Following this, the videotape industry also began to grow rapidly. America's production companies, now in the video business, are sprouting like sprouting corn.

In such a market where many people are pouring into it, being able to get some good-selling film sources may be a shortcut to success.

"I think we can look for film sources from about three aspects." Michelle Cannold's main business in Weston is actually making films for direct-to-video release. Compared with theatrical films, he is more interested in them. A piece of business is actually more familiar.

"One source is that Daydream shoots his own films specifically for the video market. They are not released in theaters, so we can use some low-cost equipment and scripts. As long as the genre is right, they can sell well."

Ronald nodded. He had also watched it in the video rental store these days. Many viewers came because they actually wanted to kill time with family and friends on the weekends, so horror films and comedies sold well, regardless of their quality.

"The second source is some Cult movies with fans. These fans like movies with a narrow audience, but they are very loyal. As long as the video tape can be published, they will spontaneously follow them."

"Like The Rocky Horror Show?" Ronald recalled the scene-within-a-scene during the filming of "Famous." Indeed, a cult classic that can be watched repeatedly for several years at a midnight movie does not require much publicity, and fans will buy it on their own.

"It's like The Rocky Horror Picture Show," said Michel Cannold, who was familiar with the film and had seen it in the cinema. "The third source is some of the Sleeping Beauty movies that did well at the box office. At that time, many viewers had not seen the original version due to schedule and promotion. Now you can see it in video stores. It is very cost-effective to spend three dollars to catch up or review it. of."

"Very good, you make a plan, and after our Dirty Dancing video goes on sale, we will start preparing this business line."

Michelle Cannold smiled and agreed. He still had some old connections in Weston, and now he was buying an idle production line in Weston at the right price. As long as he can find suitable film sources, this will become a solid source of profit and power for him in Daydream Pictures.

Cannold went to prepare for a big fight with confidence, while Ronald took the car back to Manhattan.

Agent Richard arrived here early and contacted Kristen Davis to talk to Ronald about the "Pear Blossom Robbery".

"Director Ronald, can I ask, will you direct this movie?"

Kristen Davis is an actress in her early 20s with no real film experience. However, she is a graduate of Rutgers University. After reading part of the script, Ronald thought her background analysis of the heroine was quite good.

In addition, her appearance is very good, suitable for film and television shooting. For the movie "The Robbery of Pear Blossoms", it would also be a good choice if new actors are cast.

"No, I'm just helping Paramount talk to you. You know, this protagonist needs a special actor, and we have encountered some difficulties. If you like."

"I'm afraid not. If you were the director, I think any actress would jump on the chariot without hesitation. But..."

"Okay, I know what you mean. Good luck."

Kristin Davis comes from a privileged family, and her stepfather is a university professor. Moreover, during the chat, Ronald also learned that after graduating from college, she had her own yoga studio in New York and earned a good income, which was not comparable to that of ordinary actors who graduated from high school and worked part-time as waitresses in restaurants.

The same goes for another candidate, Rosanna Arquette, who was unwilling to take on such a role if Ronald wasn't a director.

"Dirty Dancing" was Ronald's word-of-mouth guarantee with all the Hollywood actresses.

For such a small production, there are a hundred reasons for female actors to perform revealing scenes to attract the audience.

But the "Dirty Dancing" stars, Jennifer Gray and Cynthia Rhodes, were well protected by Ronald. There are only beautiful love scenes and no out-of-the-ordinary sex scenes. Now both of them have seen their net worth rise, and they are constantly getting film appointments.

Hollywood actresses feel that the two have won the lottery. Such a movie not only presents a beautiful plot that audiences love to watch, creates characters, and gains fans, but it also does not have those revealing scenes.

The audience that loves to watch are all housewives and working girls. There are not many middle-aged male viewers who go to the movies specifically for the exposed scenes of actresses.

There are also rumors about Ronald's dividends to the actors and staff. In such a matter of gaining both fame and fortune, actresses are willing to give money and help others.

But if Ronald wasn’t the director and he wasn’t the producer, hey, aren’t there enough repetitive stories like this in Hollywood? I was tricked into taking some revealing scenes, which was pretty good. It’s not like there aren’t many actresses who have lost both their lives and their wealth.

"Sorry, Kelly. I talked to both of them, but they were unwilling. In the past two days, I also met with an actress named Helen Hunt. It is said that she also has certain acting skills. She is from the Actors Theater Company on Broadway here in New York. people.

Well, don't be too discouraged, everything will turn around. "

Ronald called Kelly McGillis to update him on the progress of contacting the actress candidate. The other person's disappointment on the phone was still palpable, but Ronald was unwilling to direct this kind of movie, and McGillis understood.

"Helen", the Lincoln car drove to Central Park near Helen's father's home, where Ronald and Helen Slater made an appointment to go to Broadway to watch a new play staged by the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Next to Helen Slater is her best friend Helen Hunt.

"You guys talk first." The place where Slater met was a cafe, and she asked Ronald and Hunter to discuss the movie first.

"How's it going?" Within ten minutes of chatting, Ronald came over and took Slater away. They were rushing to the famous Music Box Theater at the junction of Broadway and Forty-fifth Street.

"It's the same old thing," Ronald was already discouraged. I'm afraid no sane actress would agree to this kind of movie plot.

"Let's go to the theater first."

Helen Slater couldn't say she was sorry that Ronald had not come to an agreement with Hunter. Seeing that Ronald looked a little frustrated, he quickly introduced a new play she had chosen.

"Wait a moment, the gift I arranged should arrive." Ronald grabbed Helen Slater and smiled at Hunter, who was watching the theater together.

"What gift? Is it for me?" Slater smiled happily. Today is not an anniversary, and Ronald can still think of giving a gift.

"Richard", Ronald saw a BMW car driving over, and the person getting out of the car was his agent Richard, and he quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"The keys and documents are in the box in front of the passenger seat."

"Thank you," Ronald patted the other person's shoulder and thanked him for the arrangements he made for him.

"Oh, is this your gift?" Hunter walked up, walked around the red BMW, and looked at Slater with a change in his eyes.

"Yes, Helen went to pick me up at the airport yesterday. The car almost broke down on the highway. I think for safety's sake, I should get a new car." Ronald took Helen Slater's hand and handed the key to her. Her, let her get into the driver's seat.


As soon as Helen started the engine, the engine roared softly and steadily. Then Helen gently shifted into gear, and the car started smoothly.

"Very good, the documents and insurance are all here. Just go and go through the formalities." Ronald opened the drawer in front of the passenger seat and checked that all the documents were complete.

"Sit tight." Helen stepped on the accelerator, and the car started to speed quickly.

"Oh, be careful." Ronald was startled by the pressure coming from the backrest.

"Hahaha, I'm a New York girl, we all drive like this." Helen turned the steering wheel happily. In New York, where everyone competes for traffic lights and parking spaces, having such a German imported car is indeed an advantage.

"Here we are." Helen slammed on the brakes, and the car just approached the precious parking space on Broadway.

"Look, this is the play." The three got out of the car, and Slater pointed to the large poster at the entrance of the theater and said to Ronald.

Above I saw one man and three women, four stills wearing ancient aristocratic costumes and wigs.

"What's this about?" Ronald didn't expect that Helen took him to watch a classical drama.

"This is written by the playwright Christopher Hampton, adapted from a 1782 play, The Kingdom. After it was performed in London's West End, it was widely praised and won the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Play. This time it comes to Broadway. They are all the original cast members." Helen knows the details of the drama very well.

Ronald heard that it was a Chinese drama, and he was a little disapproving. The Laoguo movies he saw did not have any good drama traditions. Not to mention post-modern dramas like those in Cannes, it would be embarrassing if you feel drowsy while watching them.

"What's the plot?" he asked quickly.

"It's about a Don Juan-like playboy, Count Valmont, who, under the arrangement of the Marquise de Meteuil, went to seduce the fiancée of Count Bastide, the lover who abandoned her, and ruined her reputation to avenge the feud with him. Married lovers.”

"Huh? It sounds good. It fits the three unities of drama." When Ronald heard that it was a plot of conspiracy and polyamorous love, he was so worried that he looked bored.

"By the way, what's the name of this show?"

"Les Liaisons Dangereuses," Helen said in French.

"What?" Ronald felt that his knowledge level was challenged again.

"It means dangerous relationship." Helen reacted and quickly explained in English.

"Let's go in, the show will start soon."

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