Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 461 The Skyscraper Plot

Jodie Foster is petite and very smart. During her five years at Yale University, she had excellent grades. She is not the kind of beautiful, brainless, Hollywood female star who knows nothing about common sense as stereotyped by ordinary people.

This time, I finally got Ronald's verbal promise, and I immediately and cleverly proposed to ride on Ronald's business jet back to Los Angeles. These great directors are very busy in their daily lives. If they don't stick close to them, appear next to them and remind them, they may be forgotten soon.

Ronald is not disgusted with this kind of actress who is determined to make progress. It is a good thing to be enterprising. He agreed to Foster's request. Besides, chatting with a smart beauty on the plane is much better than talking about work with two men, Michelle Cannold.

"What are you looking at?"

"This one? 'Nothing lasts forever', police thriller." Ronald's book was still on the chair. He thought it was really wonderful and planned to read it again on his return trip.

"You want to adapt it into a movie? Today's action movies are not like they were in previous years. They are a bit declining." Jodie Foster was very smart and saw Ronald's plan from his schedule.

"It's not confirmed yet, I just think it looks good."

"What attracts you?" Judy leaned over and reached over Ronald's body.

"Tsk..." Ronald sighed. Foster's body is petite, but his figure is not small. Among movie actors, it is very rare to be relatively well-proportioned in real life. Of course, such a figure will look a bit fat in the anamorphic widescreen lens.

"I don't understand why you are so optimistic about this movie. Is it a very old detective story?" After watching it for more than an hour, Foster finished it. When he saw Ronald doing official business, he came over to disturb him.

"You have made a lot of movies, so you should have seen the advantages of adapting it into a script." Ronald asked the flight attendant to pour him a glass of ginger water and started chatting with Foster to relieve his boredom.

"Hmm... because the structure is very good? In the end, the hero turned the tables and defeated the bad guy with a move that was unexpected?"

"Very good, Judy, very good." Ronald took a sip of ginger water, and a breath of air rushed to the top of his head. His thoughts became much clearer. It seems that chatting with a beautiful woman with high IQ can indeed stimulate rational thinking.

In the end, the actor tied the pistol behind his back with tape and killed the kidnapper by surprise. This is indeed a plot that is very suitable for the movie. "Any more?" Ronald smiled to Foster.

"Well, the kidnappers initially claimed that the guerrilla leader wanted to liberate Panama,

The goal is actually the gold in the building, which is also a good MacGuffin move. It can mislead the audience's attention at first, and then reveal the kidnapper's true purpose. "

Foster has been making movies since he was a child and has learned a lot about various movies.

"I have to say, you can be a director in the future, Judy." Ronald had already overestimated Jodie Foster's level, but she didn't expect that she would surprise him.

"How many points will my answer get? Is it an A+?"


"Haha, I shouldn't have missed anything, right?"

"If you are not a producer, there will be no problem." Ronald replied with a smile.

"Where? Tell me, where did I miss it?" Jodie Foster simply stood up and sat next to Ronald, hugged Ronald's arm, and started acting coquettishly.

A smell of perfume came from Judy's body, and Ronald was shaken by her a few times. I don’t know if it’s because business jets have a higher cruising altitude than commercial flights, exceeding 10,000 feet. Ronald looked at the petite Foster's snow-white skin and felt a little dizzy...

"The biggest reason I'm interested is because almost all the scenes in this film are set in a skyscraper, which is very economical to shoot."

"Ah..." Jodie Foster didn't expect Ronald to come up with such a non-artistic reason, and opened her mouth wide.

"Kelly, this is Judy, Judy, Kelly..."

When they arrived in Los Angeles, Ronald first sent Jodie Foster to Kelly McGillis, who was anxiously waiting for the candidate recommended by Ronald.

After introducing the two beauties, Ronald said goodbye and went home.

"You know I want to play District Attorney Murphy. You're here to play the role of the victim, right?"

"No problem. Ronald told me that I am willing to accept any challenge."

The two beauties started chatting at the door, and Ronald watched from the back seat of the car as McGillis opened the door and let Foster in. Foster took the initiative to hold McGillis' hand...

The car turned a corner, and Ronald didn't see what happened next. He had some doubts in his heart, but he quickly put it aside. He still had many things to be busy with.

Early the next morning, Ronald came to Joel Silver's office.

Joel Silver, the producer of "Streets of Rage," rarely showed up early in his luxurious office, waiting for Ronald.

His taste is very tacky, and everything looks like a Wall Street investment bank. Even the front desk and secretaries have tried their best to find a few blondes with good figures, wearing office girl clothes, but they still twist their waists while holding folders. Their appearance betrayed their empty brains and their true intention of making movies.

"How's your screenwriting doing?" Ronald asked when he saw Silver.

"Why are you interested?"

"Indeed, I have watched it several times. It is very suitable for adapting into a movie."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Joel Silver grinned happily after saying "ok" several times.

"So, you agree to join?"

"I want to see the script adapted, Joel. Then I'll decide how much to invest."

"Investment? How much can you offer?" Joel Silver didn't expect that Ronald wanted to invest instead of being a director. But even though Ronald is a successful director and has enough money, can he invest in a production produced by one of the seven major studios?

"I have the Japanese chaebol behind me. As long as the plot satisfies them, I can do whatever they want." Ronald made the conditions.

"You want to change the script?" Joel Silver frowned.

"I only ask for a high-ranking Japanese character who is positive and can lead many Americans."

"That's it?" Joel Silver and Ronald confirmed.

"That's it, but the quality of the script itself must satisfy me. Then I will consider whether to direct it."

"No problem, in short, you will be counted as a share of this big cake." Joel Silver was very happy. The large investments from Japan were all talents!

"Can you put a character like this in the script?"

"Of course, I treat the screenwriter, by the way, his name is Jeb Stewart. I am very relaxed with him. Compared to writing an important supporting role, he will agree. Let the Japanese be the chairman and CEO of the company. How about that? All the Americans in the building are his guys."

"I think Japan has no problem." Ronald thought this arrangement was good.

"Hahaha, didn't they say they wanted to buy New York and Los Angeles? Since they signed the agreement two years ago, the yen has appreciated from 250 to 160. Now there are so many people in Hollywood who want Japanese investment. I didn't expect you and They are also related. Can you tell me which chaebol it is?"

"In short, they are two talkative people in the Japanese entertainment industry, the big guys who control half of the market there."

"There are two more, very good, very good." Joel Silver quickly ordered the female secretary to get some good wine to celebrate.


After opening the champagne, Ronald and Silver toasted to celebrate the agreement of cooperation.

"You said your screenwriter works 16 hours a day. How far is it now?" After taking a sip of champagne, he still cared about the script.

Compared with those senior executives in Qida who have never been engaged in film shooting, Ronald is a producer who truly recognizes the value of the script. Unlike people like Shirley Lansing who talk the talk, he won't invest in a script if he doesn't approve of it.

"I've asked my secretary to call him over. Jeb's first draft has been written, but he is a fledgling screenwriter. We still need to find some script doctors for him to polish."

"He's just starting out. Hasn't he written a movie script before? How can you rest assured?" Ronald was surprised.

“He was doing script revision work for Disney and Paramount, but because there was not enough business, I gave him this opportunity.

Hollywood is full of talent, and I don't know if he can do it. But he behaved professionally and passionately in front of me, and he also needed the money to pay off the mortgage. So I gave him a chance.

I figured it out a long time ago. As producers, we cannot interfere with the creative details of screenwriters and directors. We need to find those geniuses who have passion and fire in their hearts, and then give them full creative freedom.

I don’t interfere with their creative process. I only look at the results. If I’m impressed, I’ll give a green light. If I’m not satisfied, I’ll give a red light. It’s that simple. "

Ronald kept nodding. This producer's concept is very advanced. In fact, you don’t have to worry too much about the creative process and details, just let the final product speak for itself. The scripts are all interconnected, and the details are set with deep meaning. If the producers modify them at will, it will be a bad thing.

If you are not satisfied with the quality, just don’t take the picture, instead of pretending that you know something about it.

"But aren't you afraid that they will go astray?" There is only one thing Ronald doesn't understand. Highly creative artists sometimes add too many of their own ideas, distorting an original idea that has commercial potential. Although the creator may be happy, the end result will not be good.

"I only gave him three constraints. I wanted a Rambo story in an office, it had to be set in a skyscraper, and it also had to have a Christmas plot. He made the rest on his own."

"We also need to add a Japanese boss character."

"We also need to add the role of a Japanese boss." Joel Silver raised his hand and clinked glasses with Ronald again, fully respecting the investors' opinions.

Ronald basically figured out the framework of this successful producer.

Unlike Don Simpson, the producer of "Top Gun" who was abusing drugs and was too emotional to discuss things coherently. Joel Silver actually thinks very logically.

As a producer, what he needs to grasp are several elements that are popular in commercial films, at least those that he thinks the audience will like.

These three restrictions have obviously reduced the production budget a lot, and the story will be liked by the audience within this framework. Who doesn’t want to watch a hormone-soaring action movie about beating bad guys in a building?

Speaking of which, Hollywood has yet to see a Rambo-style action movie set in an office building.

Ronald thought again about the movie he had dreamed about when he went to Cannes. It's a good building, why make a dull movie about a frustrated man committing suicide? How good it is for shooting commercial action movies.


While the two producers were discussing the project, a huge noise came from the road outside the window. The sound was so loud that it seemed like someone had fired a gun or something had hit a rock.

The two walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window of the office and saw a Japanese Toyota car on the opposite side of the road crashing into a fire hydrant on the side of the road. The front part had been smashed in, the driver seemed unconscious, and no one could escape.

"Shxt!, that looks like our writer, Jeb Stewart's car."

Joel Silver suddenly cursed. He recognized the white car here, which looked very much like the one owned by Jeb, the screenwriter he paid to hire.

"Hurry up and call 911, I'll go take a look."

Ronald thought to himself, working 16 hours a day is really not enough. He quickly ran out of the office. He had received first aid training before and hurriedly walked to the front of the car.

The front part of the Toyota Corolla had been smashed in, and the ground was covered with broken pieces of glass and metal.

Ronald took a closer look and saw a man in the driver's seat, his face covered in blood, and a bulging airbag popped out on the steering wheel.

"Jeb? Is that you? Jeb? Are you hurt there? Does it feel wrong there?"

When Ronald saw the screenwriter named Jeb, his eyes were wide open. Except for his broken nose, there seemed to be no blood anywhere else.

But the injured in the car accident couldn't speak, so they could only call out softly.

"I...I'm fine. I was just scared." Jeb Stewart was frightened half to death. He moved his legs, then looked at his abdomen. There were no scars. He unbuckled his seat belt and lowered his head tremblingly. Got the car.

"Be careful." Ronald saw that his legs were weak and supported him.

"Are you, are you Ronald?"

Jeb found that the person supporting him was the idol he admired in the screenwriting circle. He was a lucky screenwriter who had received US$350,000 for his debut work as a young man. His eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe it.

"Don't talk, go sit over there for a while, Joel calls 911, the ambulance will be here soon."

"It's okay. My script is still in the back seat of the car. I'll bring it to you."

After noon, Ronald and Joel Silver arrived at the hospital to visit screenwriter Jeb who had completed his examination here.

The unlucky man's car had been destroyed. Fortunately, the Japanese car-making philosophy allowed him to luckily escape the damage of the car crash.

Before Joel Silver came to the hospital, he had read the first draft of the script that Jeb had written in the past few days. He was very satisfied with the script. The screenwriter, who was inspired by the mortgage, future, and ambition, turned out to be the most creative as he expected.

"The script is very good and we will continue the project. Ronald will also join the project. As a producer, we have discussed that you should add a Japanese character to your script."

"That's no problem..." Jeb was lying on the hospital bed. Fortunately, the tests he had done were covered by the Screenwriters Guild's medical insurance. However, his car was destroyed. Fortunately, he was fine. If this movie can be approved, he would buy one. New cars are still available.

"But..." Jeb recalled the moment before the car crash, and the image of his wife flashed in his mind.

When he came out this morning, he had a quarrel with his wife because of house repairs. Unexpectedly, when the accident happened, all I could think about was how sorry I was for my wife and wanted to ask for her forgiveness. At that time, I was afraid that I would not have a chance.

"Don't worry, I made an agreement with Joel that I will give you a second-hand Toyota to drive first. When you get the official payment for the script and the filming of the movie starts, you can buy a new car."

Ronald knew that these screenwriters were poor and solved his worries in advance.

"No, no, I mean thank you. That's not what I was thinking about just now. When I crashed the car, I had an idea and wanted to add it to the script. Hiss..." Jeb became excited and moved the car that was damaged by the air bag. Nose injuries.

"Slow down, great writer." Ronald smiled. He had also experienced this kind of moment. He thought about the script day and night. Sometimes, an accident would lead to a complete understanding.

"I want to add another plot to the protagonist John Ford. He comes to Los Angeles to make a last effort to reconcile with his wife who is discussing divorce. In this way, the audience will like the protagonist more and worry more about his fate. After rescuing a hostage in a building and killing the kidnapper, will he get along with the wife of the senior vice president who is... um... the CEO of Japanese people?"

"A very good idea, but you should rest first." After listening to this, Ronald felt that such a setting would indeed make the beginning more grab the audience's attention, and also add a soothing emotion to the entire intense and tense plot. Vice line.

How come this protagonist’s name has the same name as America’s most important western film director? Hollywood generally doesn't make fun of an important figure in film history like this.

"I have nothing to do, I can rewrite it right away, hiss..."

Jeb still frowned, his chest was pinched by the seat belt, and it hurt a little.

"Jeb..." Outside the hospital ward, a woman rushed in. It seemed that she was the wife he had argued with in the morning.

"An, why are you here? I'm fine, I just got bumped."

"Mr. Ronald called me to inform me. Just hope you're okay... wu wu... I was scared to death."

Ronald and Joel Silver did not continue to disturb Jeb and his wife. They walked out of Memorial Hospital and agreed that after Jeb's revised version came out, they would jointly show it to Japan and Fox's two investors and publishers.

If Ronald can be the director, he will probably get the green light all the way. Even if he is not the director, Fox and the Japanese will make him responsible for keeping an eye on the director to ensure that the production goes as expected.

After an exciting day, Ronald returned to his apartment and took a hot bath before going to sleep.

The hot water soothed his spirit a lot, and soon a dark and sweet dream came over him.

A gangster wearing a designer suit and a beard, with a ferocious look on his face, but at the same time he spoke politely and with a London accent.

"Hey, isn't this Allen, the leading actor of Broadway's 'Dangerous Liaisons', Alan Rickman?" Ronald was surprised to find that the villain in the dream was actually played by the breathtaking Allen. of.

He really deserves to be an actor in Shakespeare's company, he looks like who he plays.

The gangster set up a family photo on the desk in his office.

His expression changed from surprise to realization, and then became ferocious again. He picked up the gun in his hand, pointed it at a middle-aged actress in her 30s outside and said, "Nice to meet you, Mrs. McClain."

Detective Allen cocked his pistol and fired a shot at the ceiling. The other hostages were frightened and screamed.

"It turns out that the villain's kidnapper leader was played by Allen. You really wouldn't have guessed it if you didn't watch it." Ronald sighed.

The scene fast forwarded for a long time, as if we were on the upper floor of a skyscraper. Alan Rickman was holding a gun in his hand, pointing it at the head of the actress just now, and talking to a person opposite.

When the camera turned, it turned out to be Demi Moore's boyfriend, Bruce Willis.

He was shirtless and covered in blood. His pants were a little torn. He had no shoes on and his feet were bare.

"Hahaha..." Officer McClain, who was pretending to smile, stretched his hands behind his back.

The camera shows a pistol taped to his back.

"Holly! Yippee-Ki-Yay, Motherfxcker"

Bruce Willis yelled something incomprehensible, pulled out his pistol, and shot Alan Rickman and his accomplice once each.

Um? Ronald looked at Bruce Willis who shot the gangster barefoot, and recalled the beginning of his dream when he went to Cannes. Could it be that the plot of going barefoot to relieve the fatigue of the journey was a foreshadowing here?

Could it be that what I was dreaming about at that time was not some artistic film, but this action blockbuster?

So why did he commit suicide in the end?

Alan Rickman was not killed immediately. He dragged Holly, the wife of the protagonist McClain, to the edge of the building. It broke the glass and fell out, but finally grabbed the heroine Holly's wrist.

With a ferocious look on his face, he picked up the pistol in his hand and was about to shoot and drag Holly to death.

Bruce Willis rushed over and tried to untie Allen's hand but failed. At the critical moment, he had an idea and untied the watch from Holly's wrist.


Alan Rickman fell off the building together with his watch. In slow motion, he danced and fell from the top of the building.


Ronald woke up with a scream. It turned out that what he had dreamed about was not jumping off the building, but a reversal of the plot in which the gangster was finally killed.

No wonder I dreamed about this movie again today. The two protagonists are my acquaintances, and I have a new version of the script in hand.

This movie seems to be destined for me!

"Oops," Ronald finally realized and rolled to the ground again.

"Damn it, I have to spend extra money today to buy a California King size bed (20% larger than the regular King size)."

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