Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 115 Walking on Water

"So Jane Fonda is really coming to CAA this morning to discuss the script with me?"

"Of course, Ronnie."

This is the third time the same conversation has occurred between Ronald and his agent Richard. He asked Ronald when he picked him up from the hotel, he asked in Richard's car, and when he got to CAA's elevator, Ronald asked again.

With the double Oscar winner coming soon, Ronald still feels like it's all a dream. How come Jane Fonda has just written the second independently created script. Is he really talented, or lucky.

All these messy thoughts aside, Ronald was in CAA, the front secretary was saying hello, Rick Nisita hugged him in a light suit, Paula Wagner was beautiful today, but Ronald didn't Care, there is only one thought in my head, will Jane Fonda come?

If Ovitz lied to him, or didn't talk to Jane Fonda, he wouldn't turn against him, so he would forgive him gently, and then ask him to sell his script harder, except "my brother's Protecting People", I also have a book "Intersection", which is also very selling point.

Ovitz might be ashamed of the bullshit he blew yesterday. No, the word "shame" doesn't exist in the dictionaries of these agents, and they boasted in front of a newcomer yesterday. You have to get to the point of lying and put a little pressure on them.

But you can't blame it too much, and let the president of a brokerage company not come to the stage. The proportion must be carefully grasped. Ronald secretly thought about the lines and Ovitz's reaction in his mind.

Nisita pushed open the door. There were three people sitting in the executive meeting room yesterday. Ovitz, the official CAA president on the left, smiled and asked a man and a woman on the opposite side, "So I can treat this as your participation in the show. Promise, Jane?"

"Of course I can, and I promise to play."

Ronald moved his gaze and spoke to a middle-aged beauty with huge gold earrings on both ears, and her hair casually combed into a bun at the back of her head. Wearing a brown vertical striped shirt on the upper body and a khaki skirt on the lower body, it is Jane Fonda after the second title of the heroine of "Return of Glory".

"Can you walk on water like Jesus?" Ronald blurted out, looking back at Ovitz.

The crowd froze for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Ovitz laughed especially happily, stood up and said to Jane Fonda, "Jane, this is the writer of the script, Ronald Lee. I'm sure you've been friends for a long time."

Jane has already recognized Ronald as the doomed Luo who supported her in the TV interviews.

He was also interviewed by a TV station and asked what he thought of Ronald's comments on the deer hunter. The competition for the Oscars was very fierce that year, and this unsolicited audience evaluation gave him some extra help to win the post.

So Jane Fonda took the initiative to stand up and hug Ronald. "Ronnie, it's great to meet you. It seems you're not just critical, but creative."

Although she is in her early 40s, Jane Fonda's figure is still amazing. Ronald and Jane greeted twice, and then greeted her producer Bruce Gilbert.

The 40-year-old white actress can still maintain this figure and temperament, which is maintained by a lot of exercise and a moderate diet. No wonder her ex-husband Vadim gave up Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot and other European beauties for her, and was willing to come to America to marry her.

"So, tell me, how did you come up with the idea of ​​writing such a Vietnam War script?" Jane Fonda took Ronald's hand and sat him beside her, looking at Ronald with beautiful eyes , asks questions that people cannot refuse to answer.

This is the charm of a star. It can make people feel good in an instant. Whether on the screen or off the screen, the audience will always think that the star is their friend. With this kind of Chrisma star, you can control the emotions of the audience and make them allegiance and dedication.

Ronald took a deep breath and replied, "You actually inspired me, Jane. My aunt was a Vietnam War widow, and she saw your return and she said to me, Ronnie, you have to write a book. The script of the Vietnam War, let Jane Fonda play a happy ending, and live happily after falling in love with the Vietnam War veteran."

"Hahaha, she is really a very cute woman and has a good eye." Jane Fonda laughed, "So you heard the details of your Vietnam War stories from your uncle's former comrades in arms? "

"Yes, I interviewed about 50 Vietnam veterans, and their wives." Ronald reached for his briefcase, took out a large interview book, and handed it to Jane Fonda.

"This is my interview record. In fact, they have a lot of real stories, but sometimes they have to invite them for a drink before they tell the truth, otherwise they will always use some urban legends to fool children."

Jane Fonda took Ronald's interview book and flipped through it a few times. It was filled with various shorthand notations, as well as the edited version of the typewriter that was added later. Then he quietly winked at his companion Bruce Gilbert and handed the notebook back to Ronald.

"I can see that you have done a lot of preparation work, and I wonder why you know a lot of slang among Vietnam veterans at your age, such as the nicknames they call various weapons. I went to Vietnam and heard some, and you Written perfectly."

"Yes, they are generally reluctant to give too many details of the battle, but they are very loyal to their weapons, giving them various nicknames, such as calling The M16A4 The Musket (The Musket), The M60 machine gun is called The Pig..."

Ronald and Jane Fonda hit it off and had a good conversation. The two talked about "my brother's protector" and talked about a lot of creative ideas and discussions about the characters.

Time passed quickly in the conversation between the two, Michael Ovitz tapped his watch, "Jane, Ronnie, as your agent, I have to remind you that you have to sign a letter of intent for cooperation, with this letter of intent , we can ask the eight studios for quotations.”

Jane Fonda sat up straight and nodded, "I will sign, as long as you meet one of my conditions."

When saying this, Jane Fonda looked at Ronald.

Ovitz didn't expect this to happen, and was busy joking to adjust the atmosphere, "What are the conditions? I hope not to embarrass Ronald too much."

"I want Ronnie to change the protagonist of the script to me, the platoon leader to be a female Vietnam War officer, and to change the title accordingly to 'Her Brother's Keeper'"

Ronald was taken aback by the thunder. Is this the legendary Hollywood star forcing the screenwriter to change the script? Disregarding the logic of the story, character development, just to have more screen time and more shots, forcing the character's character to adapt to his star image, instead of adapting to the character's character as an actor?

But Jane Fonda doesn't seem to have such a bad reputation?

Her roles in "Krut," "Homecoming," and even the earliest exploitative film, "Barbara in Space," were all different characters, and Jane Fonda played them brilliantly.

Her social image is mainly due to her many anti-war and peace actions with her current husband Tom Hayden, including going to Vietnam to engage in peace actions, and was scolded as Hanoi Jane. It has nothing to do with the screen image.

But at the end of the day, it's superfluous to say anything.

Ronald hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "During the Vietnam War, did the Mi Army have female officers?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Jane Fonda was amused, "Got you!"

"I thought you could write such a mature script, and other aspects are also very mature. Now it seems that you are a real Hollywood rookie."

"It turned out to be a joke." Ronald said in his heart, wiping his sweat secretly.

"Ronnie, come to my party tonight. I'll introduce you to some young Hollywood guys."

"Jane's parties are known in Hollywood for their craziness and stardom," Ovitz chimed in.

"That's all in the past. Now my family's party is mainly a conversation between some creative geniuses. Are you here, Ronnie." Jane Fonda invited.

"Of course, I'm very honored."

"This is the address of my house. Let your agent bring you here at night." Jane Fonda got up, signed the letter of intent for cooperation, and handed it to Ovitz.

"Then I'll wait for your good news, Michael?"

"Of course, I won't let you down." Ovitz and Jane Fonda hugged goodbye.

"I'll drive you to Jane's house in the evening." Ovitz said to Ronald, then turned around and called Ronald's agent Rick Nisita, "Rick, come with you too."

After speaking, he nodded to everyone and returned to his office.

"How is it? Are you very happy, Ronald?" Rick Nisita had the opportunity to go to the party at Jane Fonda's house, which was a good social opportunity. He came over and held Ronald's shoulder and asked him happily.

"I feel like I'm walking on water, and my legs can't even step on the ground." Ronald hadn't recovered from one surprise after another.

"Hahaha, you'll get used to it, this is Hollywood. You can go from nobody to a big guy overnight."


"Jane, so Ronald is really the writer of the script?" producer Bruce Gilbert asked partner Jane Fonda in the car on the way back.

"There is no doubt that it is him. His interviews and ideas are very detailed. If it was someone else's script, he would not know the details of the nickname of the firearm."

"But with such a script, can the audience accept you? After all, you have appeared as an anti-war character before. In order to please most of the audience, you risk destroying your anti-war character."

"So I can't play a female officer like you think. I have to play a role that is far away from the war, the family is hurt by the war, and finally falls in love with a retired officer who deeply reflects on his war behavior."

"But you have already won the Oscar for best actress twice, and it will be a Vietnam War-themed movie in the short term. The possibility of the judges awarding you three times is very small."

"Yes, that's why I need to get a big guaranteed contract. I want to be an example of equal pay for men and women in Hollywood, Bruce."

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